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Everything posted by KindaBasic

  1. I’d love to drop mine in that fine ass when I’m in the city
  2. I’m not familiar with the Workman’s Lunch. Is this an ongoing thing?
  3. Nice! Where on LI are you? Do you host?
  4. I usually go late afternoon/early evening. Might need to stay in town late some Friday.
  5. Some guys are just clueless jackasses. It doesn’t matter what you do, they don’t get it.
  6. Don’t over think it. Just have fun.
  7. Had so much fun on it. It was one of the best hookup sites for Long Island.
  8. To be honest, I don’t got the patience anymore for so-called “straight” guys, especially the married ones. Sure, there are always the exception, but generally too much hassle.
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