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  1. We need more people like you in the world, BoyBakery. The sub has texted me a couple times about tomorrow, he's giddy as a schoolgirl. Wanted to know if he had my permission to lick my shaft and tongue my peehole a bit before surrendering his mouth to become my pleasure tool and urinal? I said just for a minute is OK, but not too much teasing bullshit... He's coming here to be a human vacuum tool and fluid disposal unit, not to give me foreplay. Got my porn clips all picked out for the session. I watch gay and bi porn, but all I want to watch when I've done these piss-sucking sessions is vids of college-age blonde girls sucking cock and eating cum. Hell, I'm a bi guy, guess that's how I'm wired. Found out I have the place to myself all this coming week so we may get to do the scene more than once, if we're both into what happens tomorrow...
  2. Doing a scene Sunday night when I have the house to myself… This is something that feels so decadent to me. Have done this a couple times before, but not for years. Have a subby guy I met online coming over to suckle me while I drink beers, vape a little Delta 8 and watch straight porn. My little cocksucker is going to kneel under my desk in my basement office, in front of my chair, while I enjoy some porn vids on my large PC monitors. We both want this to last a while. My cock can provide delicious fluids for his nourishment while he pleasures me… I ooze pre-cum but that’s not all I’m talking about. I’ll be drinking beers and I do not want to have to get up, bladder will get full and I have the ability to piss with a hard-on… This guy assures me he is an experience oral sub, he will take anything I have to give into his eager, sucking, closed mouth, won’t spill a drop of the frequent spurts of man-water. He will enjoy giving service with this kind of ongoing liquid rewards until I finally feed him a protein dessert… I can’t wait to lean back in my chair, hot girls sucking dick on my big monitor screen, cold beer in my hand, bladder full to bursting… Thrusting my hips up to push my cock deeper into his mouth and let out a forceful jet of piss while he moans and drinks. Sunday cannot get here fast enough.
  3. Let me know if this is worth continuing or too weird. Don’t recall ever seeing fantasy or sci fi stuff on here so I’m not sure how people will take it. Actual breeding in this first part is straight MF but obviously this is a very bi MMF scene, and this part has a detailed gooey cum-eating payoff for MM fans near the end. If I continue the story MM breeding is going to be a big factor, as is hinted at the end.----thanks---THE FOLLOWING IS ENTIRELY FICTION---pounderman666 Pt. 1 My name is Gef. I grew up on a wyvern ranch in the shimmering plains, which meant that I didn't get to see many other humans very often. So I guess it makes sense that our elven slave-maiden, Chially, and I were very close. I was eighteen, and she was two years older than me, but she still felt like a little sister to me: childlike, skinny, delicate, with her porcelain skin and shimmery platinum hair, huge golden eyes… and, of course, those perky pointed ears of hers. She may have been tiny and feminine, but she was still technically a slave, and worked very hard. We ALL worked hard—that is, myself, my stepfather Tagus, and Chially. We had to do our best to keep the ranch going. My Mother, Gods bless her, had been taken from us in an unfortunate accident involving one of our wyverns two years prior. We had the creatures’ wings clipped at a young age, of course, and the barbs on their tails snipped… But their teeth were another matter. My mother had gotten too friendly with one, had come up to him while he was unmuzzled and feeding and… well… it wasn’t something I liked to think much about. At least the end had been very quick, for her. When my mother had been alive, I hadn’t gotten along very well with my gruff stepfather, Tagus. Maybe it was some natural rivalry or something, maybe I’d resented him for not being my real dad, who’d been killed by the Summer Fever five years before. Sometimes, I thought he resented me for being slender, freckled and short like my mother, while he was a glowering Westerman with a thick, hairy build and skin reddened from the western desert sun. But when mother died, we seemed to find some common bond and peace. We were two men, left to fend for ourselves and run a ranch in a dusty waste of an outland… We needed each other, and grudgingly came to respect each other, at least. We didn't see other people much, and even when we did there wasn't really much to talk about with them. I mean, unless they were fascinated by domesticated wyvern habits, or something … # It was early autumn, and the weather was as lovely as it could get on the plains. Heavy orange moons at night, and the scent of spices on the wind… Approaching time for the final Harvest Rite. I'd never been to the Rite. I’d heard young people from miles around would gather to meet, dance, drink gourd-liquors… And engage in the giggling whispers and fumbling clutches of courtship. “A man could find a wife there,” Tagus told me. “That’s how I got my first wife, anyway, long before your momma. At a Harvest night way back west.” “Wouldn’t her folks have to approve of a union?” I asked him. “Well…” my stepfather nodded, a smile spreading across his thickly bearded face. “As per tradition, yes. But if her male suitor has already, well, sampled her charms on the night of the Rite… With the Fertility blessings in the air, there’s an excellent chance he’d get her with child, and then…” “Then her parents couldn’t refuse an offer for her?” I said. He nodded. “We could surely use a strong female around here to bear children and run the house. Don’t matter if she doesn’t come with a dowry.” When he said “strong female,” there was only one local girl I could imagine. Jesikka. She lived in a village almost twenty miles away, but she was just my age and would certainly be going to the Harvest Rite. With her long, red-brown hair, sun-freckled skin, and thick, powerful legs and jutting posterior… She was strong breeding stock, all right. And feisty. But really pretty. I was fetching meal-bags from her father’s mill in town when I met her on the street. I admired her figure, her loose cotton dress clinging to the bold curves of her strong body. Tagus had told me: “Ask her to allow you to escort her to the Rite… If she says yes, her womanhood is almost yours already.” So I strolled up to ask her, and all of a sudden my mouth was all numb and slow from nerves. It was the Gods-damndest thing! She was so cute, and she looked at me with one auburn eyebrow raised and a half-smile on her face. Finally I stammered "H-harvest… R-r-rite… me you… g-go… uhh?" She laughed and then got this strange look on her face. She looked me up and down, as if I was an animal for sale at the livestock auction… Finally, after what seemed like forever, she said she'd go to the Harvest Rite with me--but only if I rode my finest stallion into town to pick her up. Of course, I readily agreed, smiling nervously. She walked up to me, achingly close, her full lips almost touching my own and said: "I'll be waiting for you, stud." And then I felt her soft, girlish hand brush the front of my trousers. I gulped as she did this. I got the implication, all right. We had three stud wyverns on the ranch, and stud horses, stud bulls… Strong breeding males, all. The only problem was that I’d never actually “mated” with a girl, myself. All I knew was how to pump a load of seed from my own cock… Which I did quite often, having no other form of release, save to squirt my “man-milk” in the grass behind the barn, where I imagined it fertilized the weeds. I was nervous, but I decided there was one person I could trust to ask: Tagus. I’d heard him and my mother making some screaming, sexual commotions from their bedroom when she’d been alive, lustful cries almost as powerful as the sounds of wyvern matings; and Tagus alluded to having wide experiences with the fairer sex, from before he met my mother. Yes, Tagus should be able to give me some realistic advice on how to pleasure—and possibly breed—a female. He was working on curing a basketful of newly-shed wyvern scales. He paused about halfway into my tale about asking Jesikka to the Harvest Rite, and how she'd called me a “stud,” and I even told him she'd touched my aching trouser serpent--or at least my trousers right there where my needy organ was. He sighed and said, “I’m sorry, Gef, if I’ve been neglecting your education in certain matters. I may not be your true father, but there’s a few lessons you deserve… And quite need, right now, apparently. I owe you that much.” “Besides,” he continued, “sometimes teaching can be fun, too. But I’ll need a pussy for demonstrating on …” He grinned and a strange, hungry look came across his face as his eyes scanned over me. Something odd and far away. I shivered, not knowing why. ‘“Of course… I mean…“ he continued. “We’ll need a female. Soooo … Well … Where's Chially?" # Tagus led the way across the ranch property and I followed… I knew he was heading towards the cow-barn, where Chially was working. (We had a stables and a wyvern barn too—which was stone and iron, almost a little fortress—but the cow-barn was a traditional wooden structure. We used cows for milk, and sometimes to feed to the wyverns.) Tagus walked with long, purposeful strides—from his body language I could tell he was in “serious business” mode. And yet he still had a wry smile on his face… “This is something we should have done a while ago, actually,” Tagus said. “Your momma was always soft on Chially, treating her like a daughter… And I didn’t want to upset your momma. But, now that she’s gone, it’s up to us men to make sure that this ranch survives. Chially is my—our—property and we need to take advantage of… and use that property… any way we can to benefit us.” “Use?” I asked him. Though I thought I might know what he was hinting at… “You need… education, and practice, for your Harvest Rite and your pretty Jesikka. Out west my kinfolks were more free with things and sometimes… We young men had other ways. But there’s some things frowned upon here.” I’d heard rumors that Westermen laid with men as well as women, and it was not counted against them in their homeland. Our local priestesses were known to discourage such things, though. “But what you do have here are elven slaves, especially slave girls. Good for fucking, the temple is fine with that. And we could use more help around here. Now, it will take a few years for them to mature, but half-elves grow much faster than humans…” “Aren’t half-elf slaves illegal?” I asked. He shrugged. “The King outlawed the commercial breeding and selling of them. But, umm, private owners… using their own seed on their own slaves… That happens quite frequently, and people turn a blind eye. They’re not like human females, either. I’ve heard they can carry the offspring of several males at a time.” I tried to imagine tiny, innocent-looking little Chially with her belly swollen and taut with a couple babies growing inside… The image should have really been troubling. But I found myself intrigued—and excited. We entered the high, shady barn and both of us immediately looked up to the hay-loft, where Chially was pitching hay down for the cows. The iron pitchfork she used was taller than her, but little, petite Chially—like most elves, I guess—was very strong for her size. She had always been a great help around the ranch. I could see the crack of her tight little girlish butt peeking out from the waist of her too-tight trousers whenever she bent down to pitch some hay. Tagus had put some truly provocative ideas in my head… Because I now badly wanted to squeeze and pinch that pale little elven ass. She’s like a sister to you!, a guilty voice in my head said. But Tagus had said we ought to use her… I nervously licked my dry lips in anticipation of what was going to happen. Tagus was already on the ladder to the hay-loft, almost flying up it, taking the rungs two at a time. I followed. Before I had even gotten up there, though, Tagus had taken off his shirt and was tugging off his trousers over his hairy, well-muscled butt. I’d never seen him so impatient for anything before… “Elf wench!” he barked. Chially looked up with her big golden eyes, a subservient little smile on her face. “Yes, Master?” she answered in a voice childlike, yet pleasant. “Put down your pitchfork, take off all your clothes, and lie back on that hay bale. Gef and myself have decided time’s come to breed your little pussy-cunt.” “Of course, Master,” she replied. Ever so agile, she skimmed her clothes off in a moment, revealing her pale, compact--yet distinctly feminine--body. Her breasts were small, but firm, the tiny nipples bright pink in color in contrast to her alabaster skin. My gaze travelled down her smooth, pale tummy to the juncture of her slim legs. There, a light, feathery tuft of silver-white pubic hair did nothing to hide the pink, plump lips her girlish pussy. Tagus was looming over her, looking down at her sternly, his teeth bared like a predator moving in for the kill. Chially’s girlish body, now unveiled, was delicious, yes… But something made me turn my attention to my stepfather’s looming masculine bulk for a moment. A trail of dark, curling man-hair ran from his chest to bisect his iron-hard stomach, past his belly button, and then … down below … There, it blended into a thick patch of dark pubic hair. His balls were large and heavy and dangled low in their sacs, as it weighted with bullish seed. But above them—the cock—WOW. I had to blink for a second before I could really take it in. It was frightening, seeing that animal organ on a mere mortal man. It had to be about ten inches long … but the length wasn’t the scariest part. It was just so WIDE. Almost as wide as Chially’s wrist … It was wider across than vertically, giving it this slightly ugly, squashed appearance. The skin of the penis was a dun-brown color, slightly darker than the skin on the rest of his body; while the head of the cock was bulbous and swollen and purple, like an angry plumb. The whole shaft was covered in a web of dark veins. Horsecock, I thought. Stallion cock. It did remind me of an animal’s cock. Huge, ugly, not a handsome organ by any means … But a champion breeder. I felt my own smaller organ jerk with arousal in my trousers. My big, gruff stepfather looked kinda funny, though, with his pants off and that giant, reddened cock “saluting” her. There was clear goop dripping like heavy tears from Tagus’s big, bulbous cockhead… He must be really horned up, I realized. My own trousers were getting kinda tight, my cock wanting to breathe. I skimmed my clothes off quickly. My own cock isn’t as thick as Tagus’s, but it’s thin and long and kinda curves up a little. I hoped Chially would like it. “Ok, elf cunt,” Tagus barked. “We’re gonna open your tight pussy up and make some babies. Gef and I gonna breed your sweet little womb. You understand?” “Yes, Master,” Chially responded sweetly, still smiling. With her slim little legs spread, she looked up at Tagus expectantly. Tagus knelt down in front of Chially and motioned me forward so that I could see better. His rough, scarred hands cupped the elf’s tiny breasts, his thumbs pressing down the little pink nipples before he took them between his fingers, twisting and tweaking them. Chially made a soft little “ummm” sound. “Breasts on a girl—elf or human--are more than just udders,” Tagus explained. “You can play with ‘em to get the female hot and ready for breeding.” Tagus bent down and took one of the delicate little nipples into his mouth. Chially smiled and squirmed a little at the sensation. He suckled there for a little bit, working the teat like a hungry newborn babe… I wanted to be the one sucking on those sweat teats. And at the time, I felt my own flush little man-nipples tingle in an unexpected sympathy. And then he bent lower, his lips gliding down, his mouth trailing down over her belly… His tongue dipped into her narrow belly-button before he slid his face down between her slim thighs. Soon, he was kissing and licking the pink lips of her womanhood. She giggled at first, as if his tongue was tickling her. In a few moments, though, she let out a surprised “Ooooh,” and her eyelids kinda fluttered. “Now this is where we’re gonna stick our cocks, of course,” Tagus said, nodded towards Chially’s exposed pussy. “But you gotta make sure she’s good and wet first. It’s better for breeding, and only polite. Only a sadist or rapist fucks a dry cunt… That’d hurt her, and we don’t want that, right?” I anxiously nodded my understanding. From what I could see, Chially looked pretty wet already. The little slit of tender coral-colored flesh between her plump pussy lips was glistening and damp. Tagus now stuck his tongue inside this slit and lashed it up and down. “Umm!” he exclaimed. “Sweet as a summer melon! Damn, I never knew elf could taste so good.” Then, he used his thumb and forefinger to spread the cunt lips apart. At the top of her gash was a bright pink, fleshy hood… And underneath it, a tiny pink nubbin like a little flower bud. “Now this here’s the clitty,” he instructed me. “When you’re dealing with a woman, this is the most sensitive part. It can bring her lots of pleasure… But you gotta be gentle, it’s delicate.” Tagus stuck his tongue out and swiped it around the nubbin before circling in to finally lick the little clitty itself. Chially’s eyelids started to flutter again. Her hips arched, she knotted her little hands in Tagus’s hair and ground her crotch into his face. After a moment, she pulled back… Her cute little face scrunched up in worry. “Master,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry, I had no permission to do that!” Tagus just laughed. He pulled his face up, and there was clear girl-juice on his lips and dripping from his beard. “Relax, wench,” he told Chially. “I take no offense. You’re just helpin’ me to show Gef how to get a gal juicy.” He turned to me, grinning. “We got a real responsive one here, Gef. I’d be lying if I told you all ladies are as easy to get heated up as this little elven cunt. But we’re gonna have a lot of fun with our Chially, I reckon… Look at that pussy now.” So I did. Her womanhood seemed even pinker than before, the lips swollen and the insides shading to a ripened red color. The little clitty was sticking out proud. A trickle of Chially’s clear lubrication ran down out of the slit, dripping down over her pink little asshole. “Let’s see how open you are, then,” Tagus said to her. “You have to be wet enough.” He stuck one of his meaty fingers up between her pussy lips and into the dripping opening. “Tight,” he said. “But she’s so wet, I think we’ll—Whoa!” he exclaimed, his eyes going wide. He probed and pressed his finger in again, wriggled it slowly a bit. “Well,” he continued. “I should have guessed. Chially, you’ve never had a man’s prick in you, have you?” “No, Master,” she answered, shaking her head. “Ah,” he said. “I thought with working around the ranch, it might’ve ripped somehow or another, even if she’d never lain with any man. But no… It’s still in there.” “What is?” I asked. “Her maidenhead,” he explained. “It’s just a little seal of flesh, really. Noble maidens put a lot of worth on it, but it’s just a trifling thing, to be honest. But Chially’s has to be rended. And there’s only one quick and decent way to do it: a hard, strong prick.” He bent down over the elf girl, grabbed her skim, pale legs, and spread them wide. Then, he eased on top of her and held her legs to his muscular, hairy chest so that she was kind of bent under him… With her little pink pussy completely exposed and vulnerable to his thick, wide cock, now poised only inches from her nether lips. “There’s no point in being gentle, wench” he told her. “The quicker this is done, the better. Might sting a bit, though.” Tagus’s thick, angry-looking prick with its big mushroom head was poised at the entrance to Chially’s little cunt… Like a fleshy battering ram about to rip her maidenhood asunder. I felt a little frightened on her behalf. For the first time, I was having serious second thoughts about this whole idea. But Tagus wasn’t going to give anyone time to reconsider. He used his hand to wiggle his cock, getting the thick head nestled good and well between the lips of Chially’s slit… And then, with a loud grunt and a powerful thrust of his steely buttocks that left them dimpled from the exertion— He speared her on his manhood. One instant, his hot, throbbing “serpent” had been pulsing in the open air outside of her. The next—it was buried fully in Chially’s little belly. Her maidenhead had been ripped away in a flash. Her golden eyes went wide; she trembled and bit her lip. “Ughh,” she moaned. “Owwww…” “If she’s a virgin,” Tagus explained, “It’s gonna hurt at first. Usually does, girl-pussy virgin or boy pussy…” I wasn’t sure I’d heard him right. Perhaps he was mixing up his words, too lost in lust. Girl-pussy virgin or boy? So it hurt for a male to fuck a girl’s pussy the first time, just like a girl’s first time hurt? Or did he mean some males had pussies? Maybe out west? No, makes no sense… I figured I’d work up the courage to ask him later when he was less distracted and more apt to talk straight. Heck, maybe he was talking straight and I was so horned up and anxious I was hearing things wrong myself… “Now, I’ll just hold it in for a little bit, let her get accustomed…”Tagus continued. “I’m hoping it won’t take long. Elves are more resilient than humans, so…” Chially nodded. “Yes, Master. Please forgive my weakness. I am now ready for your breeding.” “They’re nice and submissive, too,” Tagus chuckled. “Are you really all right, Chially?” I asked her. “Yes,” she said. “No hurt anymore, just… oooh… so full.” Tagus slid out slowly; I moved over to one side so that I could get a better view of their coupling. His thick cock, wet with her juices, kept sliding out slowly. Her soft pussy lips clung to his cock on the outstroke until, with a little plop, the ridge around the head of it could be seen just outside of those lips. The, he slid it in again, this time very slowly. “Ooooh!” Chially moaned “Ummm!” Tagus exclaimed, as if savoring the delicious sensation. “Gods of west and east, that nice. Never been inside a girl-hole so hot and tight. Your momma’s lucky I never knew Chially felt so good to be inside while she was alive… Your momma had a real cock-snapper on her, Gef, but nothing compared to this elf cunt!” He pulled out and drove in again, pushing in deep until his hairy balls were nestled in the smooth, pale crack of the elf girl’s ass. He pulled out—drove in—out—in— Going faster, building up a rhythm that was punctuated by the fleshy KLOP-KLOP-KLOP of his fucking. Chially was making a mewling noise like a kitten in heat, squirming underneath him. I could barely see her under his big, tan, sweaty body. It was incredibly exciting to watch… But I felt a little pang of jealousy in my stomach. As I watched Tagus covering my little Chially with his big, powerful, hairy body… As I got a glimpse of her face, mouth agape, eyes slitted in bliss at the mating he was giving her… My eyes darting back and forth between both of them… What strange sensation was in churning in my gut and making my cock ache? I want to be on top of her instead of him, obviously. I’ve admired her gentle beauty for ages. Impatience, pure and simple; I want to fuck her NOW. I took a deep breath and told myself to hold on to my instincts, that I would be in that breeding saddle soon enough. My own cock jerked involuntarily, and I was leaking clear gunk myself now… Man was I horned up. In a good way that made me warm and tingling all over, like being on a high hill just before a summer thundershower. But maybe, I told myself, I wouldn’t have to wait long. After a minute, Tagus was already panting hard, and had a pained look on his face like he was losing control. If he’d been waiting since my mother’ed passed for relief, no wonder he now looked like he was about to drop a gallon’s worth of seed-milk from those heavy bull-balls of his! He was really gasping now, like he'd been sprinting to chase a rogue wyvern. “Now, when you’ve taken a female to wife… uhh… you’ll want please her well. Make sure she cums once, twice… whew… or more… huh… before you seed her womb. That’s only… uhh… considerate. But, when you’re out for pure…oof… breeding, best not to hold back… Need to let the seed flow… ummm… naturally. Chially’s basically a prettier form of livestock, so…” Tagus started to really slam his cock into Chially, shaking her tiny body each time he plowed in deep. I heard her hissing little pants, and his rhythmic grunts… It almost was like two animals going at it. But Chially was much prettier than some cow or sow, I had to admit. And I’d never watched a bull in rut as intently as I did Tagus as he covered her, I had to admit. “When you’re getting…ughh… close,” Tagus advised. “Gotta go in deep.” His hands were under her little ass now, cupping her cheeks as he drove into her, as if he was trying to hold her pussy as tightly onto his plunging cock as it would go. And still he rutted into her little pink cunt, faster and faster… His powerful ass driving his cock into a raging blur. “UGGGH!” Tagus shouted. “Demons’ balls, I can’t hold back anymore! You ready for the seedin’, wench?” “Yes, Master!” Chially cried out. “Uh, Uh…” "YESSSSSS!" Tagus roared as her answer made his dick swell. “Fuck! Gef, watch me!” He commanded me. “UGGGH! I’m holding it inside her real deep and… SHIT! HERE IT COMES!” Tagus powerful legs were spread a little so that I could see his wide cock buried up to the hairy balls in Chailly’s little hole. I swear I saw those huge balls tighten, then his ass clenched once, twice, three times… And each time he let out a low moan. I watched, fascinated… Because I knew that each time his butt clenched up, he was spewing another bolt of thick seed into Chially’s womb. Into her. Gods yes, of course. And that was one of the most exciting things I could imagine… The MOST exciting thing would be MY cock shooting MY seed in there. I could hardly wait. Four, five, six times Tagus’s ass clenched. Near the end he pulled out a little, and I thought I saw the tube on the bottom of his plundering manhood swell as one final gush of male fluid was pumped into Chially’s receptive body. “So much, so hot, Master,” Chially cooed, smiling. Tagus was sagging over the elf girl now, panting like he'd run hard for an hour. “Gods, Gef,” he sighed. “She may lack experience, but that little hole of hers is… Well…” He pushed himself up and into his knees, slowly dragging his spent cock out of Chially’s oozing pussy. I watched it sliding out like a fleshy serpent until it relinquished the hole with an audible “plop.” His cock was mostly erect, coated with a creamy glaze of their combined fluids. He massaged the underside of the shaft and another drop of pearly cream ran from his cock-slit to stretch in a gooey rope to the floorboards. Meanwhile, I could see a little droplet of white fluid running from the bottom of Chially’s cunt, dripping down towards her little pink rosette of an asshole. “Damn,” Tagus gasped. “I hadn’t shot off in ages. My balls were ready to burst. And yet barely a trickle’s leaking out of her.” He looked intently at Chially. “Did your womb suck up all the rest of that seed, slave?” Chially nodded, smiling serenely. “Yes, Master. To make the babies.” Tagus laughed. “Never underestimate an elf! I got a good feeling about this breeding, all right.” He turned to me. “What you waiting for, Gef? I got her primed for ya. Plow away. Don’t worry about lasting long, these balls of mine are still heavy, I’ll be eager to jump in for one or a few more.” He moaned under his breath, still stroking his big cock very slowly, as if just enjoying the tension of the moment. “Huh?” I had to shake my head to clear it. I was transfixed on Chially’s well-used pussy, and I couldn’t help stare as one more drop of Tagus’ s heavy seed ran down towards her ass. Tagus moved aside, and Chially was smiling up at me, her legs spread wide, and her pink, moist, just-fucked gash beckoning to me. My own cock was so hard it was almost standing up straight, practically touching my belly! And yet, it was important that I ask her something, first. “Do you want ME to breed you, Chially?” I asked, looking into her golden eyes for… something. I wasn’t sure what. She smiled broadly. “Of course, Gef,” she purred. “I mean, Master Gef. Please… Seed me.” Gods! This meant so much to me… And made the process even hotter for me, if that was possible. That smile she had on her face now… The smile of my best friend and foster sibling, who I’d grown up with, horsed around with, bonded with. My dear little Chially. And she wanted me to FUCK her and BREED her. She really wanted it! “Never keep an elf wench in heat waiting,” Tagus said from behind me. He shoved my lower back… And I fell forward, practically on top of Chially. I caught myself, but my rigid, throbbing cock slapped her tight little belly. I was frozen for a second. I felt the soft skin of Chially’s girlish midriff on my cockhead… While something warm and hot and sticky slapped my left ass-cheek from behind, and I realized it was Tagus’ s still erect manhood. “Uhh…?” I jerked in surprise, and the feeling of Tagus’s spongy cockhead on my behind was quickly gone. Poked me by accident, I thought, and almost sighed. From relief, of course. “Gef!” my stepfather sighed. “Do I gotta put it in for ya? What the Hells, might as well.” I guess Tagus thought I needed some more help, because, before I even knew what was happening, he had reached out with one rough-skinned hand and grabbed my cock… His hand was so big that my aching balls were actually supported in his palm while his fingers wrapped around my shaft to guide it home… Positioning it at the slick entrance to Chially’s womanhood. As he did so-- I shifted forward just a little… And my cock slid forward and up into her belly, burying itself inside her girlish hole before I’d even been able to react. Her pussy felt wonderful. Wet, hot, soft… yet tight, muscular, gripping my cock. I felt her insides kinda twitch and grab onto my prick hard for a second. I jerked in surprise, and Chially laughed… Like she’d meant to do that. “Don’t just lay there, Gef,” Tagus scolded me. “Start moving in and out. Give her a proper fuck and seed her soon as you feel the sap rising in your loins. It’s your first time and pounding a pussy that tight, no one expects you to last long.” So I eased my hips up, pulling my cock slowly out… and then slowly sank back in, allowing myself to really enjoy the wet friction this time. She was so wet and hot, so damn juiced up inside! I realized that some of that wetness was from Tagus’s seed, my own smaller cock now soaking in his essence as well Chially’s… And the thought made my cock jerk inside her. “Oooh,” Chially sighed. “Master Gef, your cock’s rubbing the very top of my pus—Oh!” she moaned. As I withdrew and slid it in again, I leaned down and whispered, “I’m sorry, Chially. I know my cock’s shaped a little funny and curves up like that.” “Noooo…” she sighed. “Gef… I mean Master… It feels kinda good.” She leaned her head up and I felt her fluttering lips kissing my neck, and she whispered: “I need you to go faster, though.” So I pulled out and slid into her sheath again, burying it deep. Out and in, pull and thrust… Building up a quickening rhythm with my hips. I’d never done this before, but my body seemed to know the routine. I guess maybe I had a little bit of the stud instinct in me, after all… Just another male animal needing a good rut, mastering the female under me. She wasn’t moaning loudly or rolling her head like she had been with Tagus, but our mating was of a gentler kind and I was quite enjoying it. The air was filled with the SLAP-SLAP-SLAP of sweaty flesh-on-flesh as we became fully absorbed in our mating. Finally, I was focused soley on this task of mating and breeding with her. Almost solely… I ignored a wet, fleshy sound in the background that echoed the same rhythm as our fucking, a fainter slap-slap-slap and a series of deep masculine moans. Then, a creak of boards, shifting weight, weight settling down close and the heat of another body near our faces… All of a sudden, Chially’s slender legs clamped around my butt; her little hands were on my back, her nails digging in like she was a cat in heat. “It’s time, Gef,” she cooed in a reassuring voice, stroking my hair. “Let it go in me.” Her familiar voice urging me on drove me to pound her harder and faster, as her pussy began to spasm, pulsing around my cock. It was as if I was being milked by merciless silken hands… Her sheath squeezed and stroked my plunging prick, as if trying to knead it into submission. “Eeee!” Chially exclaimed, her pussy clenching so hard that it almost squeezed me out completely on one outstroke. Now crazed with lust, I just grunted and drove my cock home again with a brutal thrust… Intent on showing this spasming cunt who was Master! My hips were working so fast now, my cock working furiously in her pussy, as if I were a mating machine… And yet, as Chially’s spasms of pleasure finally died down… As her warm, soft sheath relaxed around my aching shaft… I still hadn’t shot my seed. Oh, I NEEDED to shoot, that was for sure. My cock was throbbing with the need for release. My balls were so tight they hurt; they felt like they were being crushed in an ogre’s fist. It was funny; I’d been so horned up to begin with… But now, for some reason I didn’t want this to end; even though it was starting to get painful from the incredible pressure of the seed which had built up inside my body. Why was I holding back? I guess I just want this mating with Chially to last forever, like I couldn’t believe that it would ever happen again. But I felt like something was missing. Some final step… Why? The fleshy SLAP-SLAP-SLAP continued nearby. I turned my head to look when Chially grabbed my chin. Panting slightly, she’d now descended from her own climax. Now, she gazed deeply into my eyes again. She stroked my hair, then leaned up and kissed me hard, her little pink tongue darting into my mouth. Moved to my ear, whispered: “Want seed?” “I’m trying,” I told her, thinking she was telling me to seed her, which I wanted to but… The SLAP-SLAP-SLAPPING came from barely a foot to my left. Now, both Chially and I turned our heads to looks and saw Tagus kneeling there, working his big angry cock-shaft with both hands, a snarling expression on his face. The reddened eye of the weeping slit in the head of it was pointed at both of our young faces. Chially’s slim hands held my head in place to face my stepfather’s pulsing stallion cock. “Seed,” she purred, opening her mouth wide and wriggling her tongue playfully. “Heavens and Hells, Gef!” Tagus growled. “Sorry but it’s been too damn long. Going blow again. A Westerman don’t spill his seed… Fuck,” he gritted his teeth and bit his lip. “Don’t spill his seed on the ground, as a… matter of honor. I’m gonna hafta cum… uh… fill her mouth or… Shit, son, just get out of the way in your momma’s name!” She knew. Chially may have been “just a slave girl” but she had known what I’d been feeling all night, that my love and lust for her were only half of what had excited me from the beginning. “Gef want some seed?” she asked, and giggled girlishly. “Yes,” I gasped. “Yes, I do Gods damn it.” It felt like a floodgate had burst inside of me. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK… GEF… SON… CAN’T… GAAAAARGH!” Tagus sounded like he was in agony, trying to hold back. Yet still, he scooted closer, until his aching cockhead was inches from our mouths. Chially and I had heads turned, our young faces cheek-to-cheek as I was still on top of her, and my cock was still inside her pussy, throbbing. Our mouths were both open to receive the copious meal we knew Tagus was about to feed us. What I now knew I hungered for to complete tonight’s little mating ritual. Still, my stepfather fought against himself, renewing his efforts, clamping one hand down firmly at the base of his cock. “TOLD MOMMA… YOU WERE LOVELY… YOUNG MAN… FUCK!!!!! SHE MADE ME PROMISE… NOT LIKE WESTERMAN… WAYS… NOT TOUCH YOU…” “Always wanted you,” I confessed. “Want to taste you now. Please.” “Let it go…” Chially cooed to him, wriggling her little tongue out again. “Hungry.” Tagus leaned in just a little bit closer. The angry slit in his knobby cock-head was inches away. I did more than wriggle my tongue. I extended it and licked the very tip of his cock, and probed into the forbidden slit, tasting nectar sweet and musky. That did it. Tagus roared and shook. “GRRRRRAAAGHH! SONNN!” He called me son, I thought. My mother had fed me milk as an infant, and now as a young man I was about to be fed another creamy meal from a nurturing body: one to strengthen me for manhood and growth and new learning… To share with the girl who was as close as a sister to me. His fist closed around his cock-shaft right under the glans. He cocked it backed and pumped forward-- His pelvis jerked forward, the tube on the underside of that brutally wide cock suddenly swelled— “EAT!” he howled in furious ecstasy as his first ejaculation came. Time seemed to stop. I wanted to hear that violently loving, orgasmic command of his forever. EAT. Offering the milk of his loins to us. Such a strong provider, my mother had been wise to select him. I actually heard the first thick bolt of cum splootch as it exploded from his piss-slit and shot through the air towards my waiting mouth. I ached for my first taste… But alas, it went a little high of the mark, missing my mouth and hitting Chially just under her right eye beside her pert nose. It splatted there and formed a thick, jelly-like glob of tempting Tagus-seed. This heavy clot of steaming man-seed immediately began to run down her elven face, towards her delicate mouth. I knew she would share. I doubted she would scold me if decided to try and slurp the glob of stepfather-essence from her fair face. But an instant later— Tagus jerked his rough fist on his cock again. “EAT!!!” he roared once more. The tube on the underside of his shaft swelled, his cock-slit flared… SPLURRRTCH! A long jet of seed shot out as Tagus shook like a priest possessed. It was as if the first volley had been but a clearing of the valves… This second shot flowed in a stream that seemed to go on and on, as if he was pissing a torrent of white seed. This time, his aim was true, and the creamy torrent landed on my tongue and filled my mouth. It was hot and salty and thick… Milk of manhood… The taste and smell of Tagus’s essence filling my world for a moment. Right then, I knew I would never really have my fill. I felt myself about to cough and, not wanting to ruin the moment or seem ungrateful, I swallowed loudly. I could feel his some of his cream coating my throat, even as his offering of warm man-milk slid down to my stomach to be digested and nurture me. SPLOOSSH! “FEED!” Tagus grunted. I heard Chially gurgle and realized she’d swallowed the next lance of cum. “SUCK!” Tagus roared. I was unprepared for what happened next. Still in the throes of orgasm, Tagus grabbed my head and crudely jammed my mouth over his cock-head. I couldn’t get the whole thing in my mouth, and I almost choked, but I was instantly grateful when the spongy, musky invader of his manhood unleased another spurt of his cream directing into my mouth. It was thick and forceful enough that I felt a slight burning in one nostril and knew some must be running out of my nose. The taste-smell of it would be with me for days. But I swallowed most of it and suckled for more, probing that slit with my tongue. “SUCKLE! EAT! FUCK!” Tagus growled and panted. “Such a wonderful meal,” I heard Chially coo from somewhere far away, my eyes closed, focusing on the sensations of cock and cum being fed to me. I opened my eyes. Chially was stroking and kneading Tagus’s shaft, reaching down to caress his balls. I saw his balls contract and another gush of seed flowed into my mouth. It was less forceful this time, perhaps slightly thinner and sweeter than the earlier bursts. But still delicious. “Ohhhh,” Tagus sighed. “Don’t anyone say I don’t know how to give the kids a good meal. Squeeze my balls again, girl. Still a little milk in there for my boy, here.” Chially dutifully squeezed each of his testicles in turn and Tagus gasped and sighed. “Wooh! Drink it down. Damn.” The last batch of his essence was thin, but still warm and sweet, like a nurturing tea. I had scarcely swallowed it when Tagus pulled his cock from my mouth. Chially turned to me, smiling, and kissed me deeply. The sensation of her soft mouth, tongue tickling my teeth, mixed with the overwhelming taste of Tagus over all… I sucked on her tongue and kissed her back fiercely. My cock was still aching and hard and inside of her, as it had been the entire time. I didn’t know right now if still I wanted or needed to be the Master or the dominant male animal… But my cock was plunging again into her now unbearably tight pussy. She pulled back and stroked my sweat-soaked forehead. “It’s ok, Gef,” she said. “Just let it go.” I suddenly felt rough hands on my ass, squeezing it, then pushing me hard into her. “Let go for her,” Tagus’s gruff voice whispered in my ear. He then squeezed my balls gently. “We gotta finish the lesson, after all.” “URGGGGH!” I grunted. My balls contracted in Tagus’s grip. Tagus chuckled. “Plow deep and hold deep, son.” My hips thrust down violently, jabbing my cock into Chially’s vulnerable sheath… “Yessssssss…” Chially hissed. I put my hands under her butt just as Tagus had done, feeling those tight globes in my grip, squeezing them hard. “AGGGGGHH!” I bellowed, thrusting down with all my strength, spearing her deep. Pushing in as deep as I could go, as Tagus had instructed… and holding my cock in there, holding it steady. It seemed like every muscle in my body clenched at once. I could actually feel my cock-head kissing the spongy opening to Chially’s womb, aimed perfectly to fill her. A fiery pressure filled my cock, as if molten iron was filling it… I could feel the first blast of steaming seed rushing up my cock, the life-fluid leaving my body… And entering Chially’s womb. I shuddered and mumbled something incoherent. “Fill me,” Chially whispered underneath me. I was already as deep inside her as I could possibly go, but she arched her hips up to meet me just the same. Her actions violently milked the second spurt of seed from my cock. “UGGH!” I grunted. “GODS!” I swore as the second blast of cum pulsed through my cock. My entire body was now locked in the pleasurable spasms of the seeding. The third gush exploded from my body and spurted into Chially, followed by a fourth, a fifth, sixth… I felt light-headed now. I was shaking and moaning and mumbling. I’m sure if I’d seen myself in that moment, I’d have thought I looked like an idiot. “That was wonderful,” I told Chially. “Don’t know why… So hard to get there…” Tagus had stood and moved a short distance away. I heard him laugh and sigh. “Gef, you just needed to have some simple needs met, to get where you wanted to go.” “Yeah, there are some… uhhh… special things I need, apparently,” I said, feeling a little embarrassed. “Things we all need,” Chially said. I kissed her, and she smiled dreamily, still under me. “We’re going to have some interesting breeding lessons, son,” Tagus promised. I perked up. “Really? But I thought trying to breed Chially was the limit of…” Tagus shook his head and walked over to a nearby window. I watched and admired his strong back as he stood, naked, and took what seemed like a minutes-long piss through the window into the yard below. “That would be the limit of what your local custom allows. Your mother wanted me to respect that. But you’re of adult age and your blessed mother is gone. We need to keep this secret and hushed up for now but…” He turned and gave me a feral, hungry grin. “Maybe it’s time to teach these easterners what Westermen know about breeding and pleasure and bonding.” “Gef will be an expert by the time of the Harvest Rite!” Chially exclaimed. Tagus chuckled. “Hells, we haven’t but just gotten started. If we’re doing this the Westerman way… Don’t you think a person ought to know what it’s like to be bred himself before he goes breeding seriously the wifely and marriaging way?” “That sounds like it makes sense,” I said, and Chially nodded. ‘I’m going to be out riding doing errands the next few days,” Tagus said. “When I get back… my balls are going to be aching and I’ll have some good lessons planned. Chially, I’m going need your help with breeding my handsome stepson.” I had a thousand questions I wanted to ask him about that, but Chially distracted me when she kissed me deeply again… and we laughed as Tagus’s drying cum made our lips stick together. TO BE CONTINUED…
  4. Moderator's Note: Fiction about sex workers is allowed. Stories about prostitution in real life is a problem. There is a whole thread in Tips & Tricks that explains what is and what is not allowable regarding sex work. I will post a link below. So, there I was, sitting in the coffee shop, writing porn on my laptop, when this twenty-something couple came in. A skinhead dude and a little hipster girl. Ok, he wasn’t really a skinhead. He had a close-shaved head and ice blue eyes behind aluminum wire-frame glasses, and that slightly mean, Germanic look that a lot of the local skinheads do indeed have. He had tats on his arms, but they were the New Zealand aboriginal patterns that the kids call “tribal”—no swastikas or “SS” symbols or anything like that. That was fine by me; I don’t like bigots or racists, and truthfully I wouldn’t have anything to do with one in any capacity. Despite the autumn chill, all he wore was a short-sleeved brown Abercrombie logo T-shirt and a pair of orange basketball shorts with blue stripes down the sides. Skinny, young, fit, taller than most in the category but still … a real twink, you bet. Athlete? Runner, swimmer, maybe? Not a lot of obvious muscle on him, but his whole body looked, lean, taut. Girlfriend was cute too. (Yeah, I like girls too, and fuck them on occasion. Usually in the ass. I LOVE fucking ass.) She was a petite little blonde with a ponytail, black pleated skirt with ripped white stockings underneath, pink “Hello Kitty” T-shirt under her black sweater-jacket, crystal unicorn earrings, and chunky hipster glasses—like she was trying WAY too hard to be ironic, I thought. I assumed she was a nerdy little wallflower, smart but submissive, and “skinhead” boyfriend probably took control in the relationship. My assumption was, of course, hilariously wrong. So there I was, bald, bearded, tattooed, late-forties bisexual top guy, sitting in the local mom & pop coffee shop with my crappy old HP laptop, sipping overly-sugared vanilla coffee and writing internet porn stories about fucking and breeding the asses of submissive twinks. How ironic, I thought, that this “skinhead” should come in and give me inspiration. Indeed, he was bending over a table laden with newspapers, his shorts--though loose in general—pulling tight on his ass. It didn’t see any lines through the thin material. He could have been wearing a jock, or a thong, but my guess was he was going “commando” under there. His ass, from what I could see, looked delicious. A tiny, tight little ass, small enough that I might almost fit each cheek in one hand. Almost a girly ass. A “bubble butt” it was not. But that was OK with me. I LOVED tiny & tight. On his long, tall, lean body, it looked perfect. It had been too damn long since I’d had some ass. Over two long weeks, since, while on the road for work, I’d met up with a graduate student at an elite Ohio college through Craigslist. That one had been another little hipster with American Apparel clothes and a carefully tended goatee … Who’d yelped like a little girl and called me “daddy” as my stabbing cock fed two loads of hot fertile man cum into his incredibly tight pussy-ass. It had been a great time, but over two weeks was TOO long. I needed to breed some more ass NOW. I was probably getting too damn discrete and polite in my middle-age, especially since there were thousands of college kids out there with kinky cravings for older cock, I knew. Male or female, I ought to have been spearing somebody’s young sphincter right now, I thought … not just sitting there writing about past conquests. “Skinhead” went up to the counter with his little blonde girlfriend and they ordered some hot beverages from the barista. Meanwhile, I was plonking away on my laptop keyboard, writing as fictionalized version of a gangbang of a nineteen-year-old Latino dude that I’d been privileged to take part in in Iowa that past winter. I could still visualize and even smell the endless torrents of cum running from his well-used ass after thirty or so of us older tops had bred him well in my friend’s basement … I guess was so hung up on getting some detail or other of that fondly-remembered breeding right, staring at the screen of my laptop, that I failed to notice my “skinhead” twink peeking over my shoulder. What word on my screen had attracted his attention? Gangbang? Breed? Fuckload, maybe? Doesn’t really matter … he HAD noticed. “Shit,” I heard him say, kinda startling me. His voice was more husky than I would have expected for a skinny twenty-something kid. I looked over my shoulder and saw him staring open-mouthed at my laptop screen. He had full lips, despite the angularity of his noise and cheekbones; kissable lips, some might say, though I usually wasn’t a very romantic guy. “Oh Christ,” he whispered, “are you ‘Big Daddy Dawg’?” Now, I felt something sink a little deep inside me. I should have lied, but noooo … I wasn’t the infamous “BigDaddyDawg.” BigDaddyDawg was a prolific and very popular author of internet gay porn, a middle-aged bear who wrote tons of stories about his conquests of college-age twink asses. He and I certainly shared similar interests, but his stories were much more popular than mine. Also, he was “pure” gay, fucking only males, while I enjoyed violating the occasional tight female ass as well when it came my way. So why was this cute, shaven-headed hipster dude asking if I was a high-profile male-male online smut creator? I mean, I’d seen him arm-in-arm with the little blonde … But then, it wouldn’t be the first time. I knew that sexuality was a spectrum, much as the more “puritan” straight and gay authorities would hate to admit it. He could be a fellow bi guy, I thought. Or maybe the kid was just in the closet, but anyway … “Nah,” I said, wanting to kick myself for my honesty. “I’m not ‘BigDaddyDawg.’” “Oh,” he said. He cleared his throat and continued, “But your story looks hot, man.” “Thanks,” I said. Now, like I said, I must have been getting slow in my old age. I should have sensed a needy ass-pussy greedy for cock right away. I should have said something clever to let him know I wanted that tight little twink butt. I guess it was the girlfriend that confused me … Even as he stood there, she came over, holding their coffees, whispered something to him. He left and went to small table in the corner with her, where they sipped their drinks. I kept writing, occasionally looking up. The young couple was talking quietly, I saw them holding hands across the table while they drank their coffees … But I could swear “skinhead” boy kept looking my way, then turning back to his girlfriend, embarrassed. After a few minutes, blonde girlfriend got up and threw away her disposable coffee cup. She blew a little kiss to skinhead boy, then headed out the door. She left with a jingle of the little bell on the coffee shop door. I watched her make her way jauntily across the street towards the “Happy Druid,” the Wiccan/New Age shop on the other side. “Skinhead” was now sitting, alone, at the table he had formerly shared with girlfriend, nursing the dregs of his java. And stealing little glances at me like a shy little schoolgirl. Hmmmm. I wasn’t that old and rusty that I wasn’t picking up some signals there … Well … girlfriend was gone shopping, my own apartment was just down the block … The time had come for bold and decisive action. I closed my laptop, got up and walked over to “skinhead.” He looked up at me with a nervous smile. How cute. “You want to go somewhere and fuck?” I asked him. “Umm … I … umm … wha .. what did you …” he stammered. “I want to fuck your ass,” I said softly. He smiled again. “Ok, well … Ummm … You have cash?” Now it was my turn to get a little nervous. “Excuse me?” I asked. “Cash,” he said again. “Umm … for gas money. It’ll be a deal, umm, right? Cheap.” Was this kid some kind of hustler? He didn’t look or act the part. And he’d been out selling his ass with his girlfriend hanging around? It didn’t make sense. Shit. Despite my tats and bald, sometimes frightening appearance, I’m a pretty straight-laced guy with a respectable corporate job. Aside from the occasional speeding ticket, I’ve never broken the law. And I NEVER pay for sex. I sure wanted this kid’s little pussy-ass, but “cheap” or not, I don’t participate in prostitution activities, and I prefer to have my young sluts begging for my dick … Not begging me for pay. “No deal,” I said. “I’ll pay you in cum. That’s it.” He bit his lip, thinking. “Ohhh … Okay. Well, I … we can try that. I just need to talk to Bethany, okay? She’s my girlfriend.” He pointed out the window towards the shop across the street. Something was still up here, I sensed it … But I also sensed that he really did want to get fucked. So, after leaving a small tip on my table, I tucked my laptop under my arm and followed his pert little ass across the street to the “Happy Druid.” “Umm … wait here a sec,” he told me, entering the shop. # So, I was standing outside the shop, pretending to look at statues of satyrs and faeries and pentagram-shaped incense burners , while “skinhead” went inside to have a word with his little blonde girlfriend. She was browsing near the back of the store. I saw him approach her, talk to her, she nodded back and I imagined the conversation was going something like: “Oh, hey, Bethany, I wanted to check out that record store down the block, pick me up some new vinyl. You can stay here. I’ll be back in fifteen, cool?” Certainly he was NOT going to tell her: “Hey, babe, I’m going off with this dude and going to get me a nice big daddy-cock shoved up my guts until I scream. ‘Kay?” But then, I was actually pretty stunned to see him nod towards me—then actually POINT to where I was standing. Girlfriend Bethany turned towards me too, taking a good long look. Now I was getting curious. Did she want to get in on the scene, too? I imagined two tight little young asses lined up side by side on my bed, and the idea was very appealing … But there was something odd in her eyes behind those chunky glasses. Kind of mischievous, and kind of arrogant … Suddenly, she grabbed “skinhead’s” neck and kissed him full on the lips. They were going at it for a few seconds, and I figured from their mouth movements that they must be doing some serious tongue fucking. I could see the old hippy woman who ran the shop giving them a curious smile from behind the counter. Then, suddenly, blondie broke off the kiss, grabbed boyfriend’s hand, and lead him out towards the door. When they got outside, he just stood there looking slightly lost. She took off her glasses and quickly swapped them out for a pair of dark sunglasses from inside her jacket. Then, she stared at me, tilting her head this way and that, as if sizing me up. Now, I wasn’t sure what their game was. I might want to play, I thought, but I’m not going to stand around forever … “So what’s the plan, here?” I asked the couple. Bethany smiled wide, laughing a bit to herself as if she was about to deliver the punchline to the funniest joke ever. Meanwhile, skinhead boyfriend shuffled his feet again, nervous and excited. “Twenty dollars,” she said. “Excuse me?” I asked. “Twenty dollars,” she repeated. She was trying really hard to act the part of some kind of cold-ass bitch--and almost pulling it off, too. Bending forward, I whispered: “What for?” She nodded towards “skinhead.” “For his PUSSY, of course,” she says bluntly. “You want it, don’t you, stud?” Now, as I said, I’ve never paid for sex. I wasn’t really up to date on the current market values, but I didn’t think that a prime, tight, early-twenties twink ass would go that cheap. Just like I didn’t really think little “Bethany” was a hardened pimp-ette, though she was obviously enjoying playing the role. This was obviously a fantasy scene that they wanted to play out “for reals.” Probably a fantasy they both shared to some extent, given her investment in playing the bitch pimp part, and his own nervous horniness. A young couple sharing their wildest dreams together … It was almost touching. I felt a tingle and a jerk in my dick as it started crawling to life and I knew I had to take advantage of this. OK. For once, I’d agree to “pay” for sex, knowing this was the scene they wanted. “All right,” I told her. “Twenty in cash, and not a fucking penny more. Your whore’s pussy better be worth it.” “Gawd,” I heard “skinhead” boy moan. Something I’d said had really excited him and primed his little ass-pussy for me, I was sure. Was it that I was buying it, or just that he now knew for sure that I was going to fuck it? I pulled out my wallet removed a crisp twenty dollar bill, fresh from the ATM only an hour before, and carefully handed it to girlfriend. She took it, rolled it up, and placed it carefully inside her jacket. “You have a place?” girlfriend asked. I nodded. “C’mon.” My apartment was on the fourth floor of a 1910’s brownstone just down the street. I led the way and my kinky, quirky couple followed closely behind me. We reached the lobby and headed up the steps. My skinhead was jogging ahead, took a few of the steps two at a time, he was that excited. Meanwhile, girlfriend—“Bethany”—followed with even steps a few feet behind me. I glanced back and she still had her sunglasses on, her mouth set in a slight smile. She DID look like a little saleswoman—about to visit a client to pitch Avon, timeshares, Lord knows what … Maybe not a pimp, but she had that business look. My apartment is nothing to write about, a clean, functional bachelor pad, mostly. I didn’t give them time to look around, just stopped for a moment to place my laptop on my desk—and then led them directly to my bedroom. My bedroom was simply, sparsely furnished--you might even say spartan. The nightstand, dresser and wardrobe were all of black-painted wood, and I had a single leather-upholstered chair in the corner. My bed, with black cotton sheets, sat in the middle of the polished hardwood floor. I jokingly called it my “ghetto bed.” The mattress was actually of good quality, nice and firm, but under the box springs, all I had was a simple, steel bedframe. No headboard, no decoration. It was low to the floor, which I preferred-- For whatever reason, I liked sleeping low to the ground. But, even better, the bed was just the perfect height for bending a tight-assed little slut over with his feet on the floor, so that I could fuck his tight little hole while standing up myself—my favorite position. I waved them into the bedroom and then closed the door behind us. I was eager, sure … But girlfriend wasn’t wasting ANY time … “Take off your clothes, you fucking CUNT!” she ordered skinhead boy. “Show him the pussy he paid for!” “Cold-ass bitch” was right … It was amusing to heat the cutting meanness in her very feminine voice. He stripped quickly. His T-shirt, shorts and socks, shoes were soon in a little pile on the floor. No underwear—I’d been right about the commando thing. I got a chance to study his nude body. He was lean, pale, and pretty for a man. Almost hairless, save for some brown hairs on his lower legs, and a sparse brown bush from amidst which his six inch cock stood erect, dripping a glob of precum. His smooth, hairless chest was highlighted by nipples which, while small and manly in shape, were pale pink, like a girl’s. Overall, a pretty, porcelain-skinned pussyboy. Only the dark tribal tattoos on his arms, and the little spiral one around his navel, contrasted with the rest … And the contrast was pretty damn hot. “Where do you want him?” asked girlfriend. “You want him to suck you first?” Now, I enjoy a good blowjob as much as the next guy. Hell, I enjoy a good facefuck even more … And I was willing to bet he’d be up for that. But it had been too damn long. I didn’t want to fool around with appetizers; I wanted my main course. I wanted to see his little ass, and then I wanted to fuck it. “No,” I told her. “I want to fuck now. I need him to stand here and bend over the bed. You can sit there.” I waved her towards the leather chair in the corner, on the other side of the bed. She nodded, and took a seat there. Skinhead boy eagerly assumed the position, ass raised high and head down. I grabbed one of the pillows from the bed and tossed it to him. “You may need to bite on this,” I said. He took the pillow and placed it under his head, turning his head sideways so that he could rest it there. Then, I examined the ass which was presented for my inspection. The shape of it was the same as I’d glimpsed through his shorts, tight, compact, girlish … He even had little white hairs on it like a girl has on her ass. I slowly spread the cheeks and the pussy-hole that greeted me looked tender and delightful. The pucker was pink, not brown, tiny, inviting. I don’t rim, but even to meet, it looked good enough to eat. But I wasn’t going to eat it—I was going to fuck it. I quickly shed my own clothes. Opening my nightstand, I pulled out a tube of Astroglide, squeezed some along the length of my achingly erect eight inch cock, and then rubbed it around the shaft and to lube it. I used an extra dollop on the fat head of my tool. “You going to use a condom?” girlfriend asked. “No,” I told her bluntly. For a second, I was worried that this might be a problem— But she just nodded, as if she completely understood. “You gonna pull out, then?” she asked. “I mean, before you shoot your cum?” “No, “ I said again. “Oh my … god,” I heard skinhead boy gasp, his voice slightly muffled by his position and the pillow. And girlfriend just smiled at both me and her boyfriend, giving us this kind of sinister grin. Only then did I realize I had given them the absolute RIGHT answer as far as they were concerned. This little male slut definitely wanted to be BRED bareback, and his little lady supported the decision! Well, how could I disappoint them, then? I squeezed some Astroglide onto my index finger, and slowly rubbed it around his pink hole. He started rotating his hips and thrusting back at me, obviously delighted at my touch. I out another glob of the lube on my finger, and slowly inserted it into him. God, he was tight. My finger glided into the warm passage easily enough, but it was snug. Still, slut assholes can expand easily … I little more lube, and I was ready. I was more than ready, my big cock was dripping pre-cum and hard as an iron pipe—I was feeling the need to breed. Slowly, I held one of pert little ass-cheeks in one hand, while with the other I guided my throbbing dick to his puckered pink hole. I leaned forward with a soft grunt, applied steady pressure, and that young ass flowered open for me … Immediately, I could feel the ring of his asshole spasming around my thick intruder, nibbling almost like a toothless mouth at the mushroom head of my dick. Skinhead boy shook and whimpered, burying his face in the pillow. He was obviously having a bit of pain. Now, I like to take control and ride and possess young asses, but I’m not into causing pain. I was actually a little surprised—I hadn’t expected him to be THIS tight, so … inexperienced? “Has he been fucked before?” I asked the girlfriend. She had been leaning forward in the chair, as if to better observe of the process of my violating her boyfriend’s ass. “Yeah,” she said. “Well,” she clarified, “with toys. I have an eight-inch vibrator.” Toys? Jesus. Fucking girly sex toys. That’s it? So he was, basically, a virgin at being a pussy for real man-cock? “Vibrator ain’t as thick as me,” I said. “Oh,” she said, as if not knowing what to say. “He’s gonna hurt for a little,” I told her. “But he’ll get used to it. It’s his first time with a real cock, so I’ll be gentle … for now.” My cock isn’t the longest I’ve ever seen. Though eight inches is quite nice … But it’s thick. And thickest at the head--the red, throbbing, angry bulb that was now trying to gain entry to his very tight pleasure-hole. I held my cock there for a minute, applying even pressure before I started to push in … very slowly. Blonde girlfriend leaned forward during the process and, surprising me, showed a little tenderness towards her slut boyfriend. She stroked his shaved head and “shushed” him like a little kid. “It’s all right,” she purred. “Be a good little bitch and relax for the nice man so that he can fuck your cunt.” He grimaced a little after my mushroom head finally popped through his tight ass-pussy ring. His sphincter was still spasming, but the contractions were slowing and less intense as his body relaxed to accept the entry of my manhood. But the feeling for me was still incredible. How could I describe it? A fist of silk? Very slowly squeezing my cockhead … Pulsing … I never quite remembered just HOW good a tight young ass could feel until I got my cock into one after going without for a while. Damn, was he soft and tight and HOT. When he got used to it, I slowly proceeded in my journey up his tight little chute until I was buried, balls deep. My heavy scrotum hung in the crack of that tight little butt, and I was in heaven. My big daddy cock was sheathed in one of the tightest holes I’d had the pleasure of experiencing in a long damn time. Hell, it felt TOO good. I had to pause there so I wouldn't cum yet. I could feel his heartbeat pulsing on my dick, and I knew I would not last long if I started pumping his hole right away. It had indeed been too damn long and I had a huge load built up. I could already feel the heaviness in my balls and the liquid pressure of the boiling cum in them looking to escape. But I wanted time to enjoy this before I seeded this boy-pussy with my gushing sperm. I used an old trick I had learned many years ago. I squeezed the muscles that controlled the valves in my cock … Like I was trying to stop a piss mid-stream—using the same muscles as that, anyway. I did this several times, until the feeling of urgency faded and my splooge wasn’t threatening to overflow. Of course, clenching those muscles ALSO had the effect of making my cock twitch and jerk in the tight sheathe of skinhead’s ass. He moaned, and I thought I felt his passage clench down on me in response. Hot damn. I grabbed his nearly-hairless asscheeks, then slapped the right one hard, leaving a mark. He jumped and slid off my cock an inch or two … I grabbed his hips and fed it back in. And I started to fuck him. A shallow fuck at first … I was grinding my cock deep. Just grinding my hips up and down, making him feel ever single inch of my big daddy cock and letting him know that he truly was my bitch. He started moaning: “Umm … umm …ummm.” Now, I realized I hadn’t heard anything from the girlfriend, Bethany, for a minute or two. At the same time, I smelled kind of a musky, sweet tang in the room that seemed familiar. It had been a month or two since my last female ass-taking, but she’d juiced like hell from her pussy during the whole fuck … The smell was almost the same … I looked up and saw that blonde girlfriend, Bethany, had her precious little pleated skirt pulled up, her pink thong pulled aside, and was frantically fingering her cunt. Her pussy was glistening with creamy juice, and her big pink clit was sticking out from between her chubby cunt lips, almost like a tiny little dick. A few drops of her natural lube were glistening in the curls of her neatly-trimmed blonde pubes. It was pretty damn hot. Oh, I wasn’t about to give up skinhead’s tight clenching virgin ass for that wet female cunt just now … But it was a stimulating sight. Maybe she DID want some of what boyfriend was getting? There was room on my bed to bend over another young whore, tight asses side by side, I’d done it before … I leered at her and nodded, offering my stud services. Looking up from her pussy-play, she just chuckled and gave me a smirk that said, “Silly man, that’s not how this works.” Then, her eyes went back to boyfriend’s ass where my cock was pounding it. Ah well, I’d thought I’d make the offer, anyway … But wait … An idea occurred to me, an obvious suggestion, but hot … my little skinhead was biting a pillow as I fucked him. If girlfriend wanted to play co-dom along with me, shouldn’t he be doing something MORE for her? Putting his mouth to BETTER use? “Why don’t you scoot that chair up to the edge of the bed,” I told her. “Put your ass on the bed and his face in your lap. I can’t use both ends of him at once, so you might as well, right?” Her face lit up like a kid on Christmas at the suggestion. In seconds, she yanked off her shoes, skirt and thong, dragged the chair closer to the bed with a screech across my poor hardwood floor, and had his face in her womanhood. “Eat my pussy, bitch!” she demanded, grabbing his shaved head with both hands and thrusting her hips up onto his mouth, bucking rough against him. I had to admire her style. “Mmmph,” came from skinhead boy’s mouth, followed by very loud, wet, and somewhat desperate slurping noises. Poor kid, she was fucking overflowing with girl sauce, I only hoped he could breathe OK … Once girlfriend was in position to use his mouth, I decided to start my own fucking in earnest. No more Mr. Nice top. I slid almost all the way out of that tender pink hole of his—and then slammed it into him as hard as I could. He jerked forward into girlfriend’s pussy with a startled “Mmmmphhh!” Over and over I slammed into him, each time I moved faster and harder. He kept grunting with each thrust into his virgin ass—but I thought he was enjoying it. It may have been because he started bucking his hips back to meet my thrusts, as if his hole was hungry for more … I kept pounding away, harder and faster. He was taking it all now, his silken sheath swallowing my sword at every plunge. I felt my big balls bounce in the crack of his ass as I bottomed out on every stroke, my ball-sack actually brushing against his. Then, on the outstroke, his pink ring was pulled out a bit along with my cock … Before I thrust forward and pushed it all in again. Tight, soft, hot, intense … I had the reached the nirvana of ass-fuck heaven, pleasure radiating from my cock-shaft to every nerve in my body. I knew it wouldn’t last forever. There was an urgency in my loins, and I expected we would all need to cum soon. We were all panting and breathing harder now. I was starting to sweat a little despite myself. No one was talking; there were moans and gasps, but the only other sounds in the room were the slosh-slurp-slurp of skinhead orally servicing Bethany’s overflowing girl-pussy, and the fwap-fwap-fwap of my thighs on his tight little ass as I fucked his male cunt. Blondie Bethany, the “cold-ass bitch” wanna-be pimpette, lost it first. “Fuhhhh …” I heard her squeal. “Fuh … fuh ..FUUUUCK!” I looked up and saw her cute little face scrunched up behind her sunglasses, her glossy lips curling back over her white little teeth. She grabbed skinhead’s shaved head with both hands and dug her nails into his scalp-flesh, pulling his face tightly to her cunt. Then, she started to spasm and shake, arched her back … And her stockinged thighs clamped around his head as she came. “Mother … ummm … EAT ME … ooohhh! … MOTHER … FUCKER … SISSY … CUNT …” she chanted as she rode out her climax. I was too close, and I couldn’t resist in joining the chain reaction girlfriend had started. I leaned forward, dripping sweat onto my bitch-boy’s back. The head of my cock was burning for release, and I could feel my balls now, painfully tight and throbbing with pressure, my own asshole twitching as the sap started to rise deep inside me--my body readying itself for the most primal male act of SEEDING a cunt. Thrust … I felt the urgent tingling in my cock, the seed rising … THRUST … The valves inside my body were opening, prostate gland ready to deliver fluid to flush my fertile sperm deep into his ass. THRUST … I felt the flow of cum rising, the pressure boiling over— The point of no return had been crossed-- I made sure that my cock was buried as deep in his ass as I could possibly get it, and I held his hips in a vise-grip: prime breeding position. With a grunt, I held on tight … as my body began seeding his. I started pumping a heavy load deep inside--holding completely still--so nothing was moving except the sperm pumping out of my dick. Every straining bolt of seed that that left my body and shot into his made me shudder with pleasure. Spurt after powerful spurt of my hot daddy semen coated the walls of his insides, filling him with my lust and injecting my DNA deep inside his male slut pussy. “FUCK!” I bellowed, my self-control lost as the spasms of my orgasm took control of body, every muscle and nerve primed only to pump fertile seed into the young male pussy I was breeding. “TAKE IT, BITCH!” I shouted. “HAVE MY FUCKING BABIES, YOU PUSSY FUCKING CUNT!” My prick swelled and I held it inside deep, as waves of cum pulsed up my shaft. I growled. Pulling his head up from girlfriend’s lap, he yelled out now: “YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!” As if this was the fulfillment of his life’s dream … Hot semen gushed into his hole, up deep inside him, practically up into his belly. I started moving again, trying to fuck out the rest of the load and prolong my pleasure. My cock receded and then pushed back in deep, disgorging more molten spunk into his pussy-ass. My hips pistoned and his ass came back to meet me, desperate to get every drop of manseed up his boy-cunt. My orgasm seemed to last for an eternity—but all good things must end. As I came down from my climax, panting, I rested with my weight on top of him, still impaling him, my cock slowly oozing dribs and drabs of heavy semen into his guts. A minute later, I pushed myself up and slowly eased out, my fat cockhead popping out of his sphincter with an audible PLOP. With my cum dripping in a long streamer from his pink—and now presumably very tender—asshole, he got up on his knees, then grabbed his own little cock with his right hand and jerked it frantically. In only a few seconds, he was moaning “FUCK …” He started shaking, tensed up, and his cock shot a spurt of very thick, almost pudding-like cum onto the sheets. Several more heavy globs followed, his skinny form shaking as involuntary muscles pumped out the sperm from deep inside him. Thick and gluey, it made a little pool on the sheet. Hell, I couldn’t get pissed at him for that. The wash and fold service I used had to be well accustomed to seeing cum stains on my linens by now, I knew. Man, his load was THICK, though. That was true bottom cum, the result of a vigorous internal prostrate massage by my big tool. Momentarily exhausted, he slumped forward onto the bed, lying on his side. He was panting and red-faced--but grinning like a maniac. His face was covered with a thick and wet glaze of his girlfriend’s fluids, his chin practically dripping with her cunt juice. Girlfriend herself reclining back in the chair, already pulling her thong back on. “Was that cunt worth twenty bucks?” she asked me. I nodded and smiled broadly. “Best pussy for the money.” # I won’t bore you with the rest of the incidental details. Suffice it to say, once the little fuck-scene was finished, both of them—girlfriend included—seemed a little shy and wanted to get going. I gave them my business card, and told them I might be interested in buying some cheap ass-pussy again. Girlfriend took the card, but she explained that they lived on the other side of the state, and were just passing through and had been trying to sell his pussy for “gas money.” In other words, they hadn’t wanted to try acting out this scene in their hometown, where people might recognize them. Once they left, I felt a familiar twinge in my cock, and realized I could easily go again. With the first, desperate load now purged, I could now give some hot young ass-pussy a nice LONG and brutal fuck. I decided to get my car and head towards a nearby college town. Skinhead’s girlfriend had inspired me--maybe I’d seek out a female coed ass this time. Or an MF couple … But that’s a whole ‘nother story, as they say.
  5. -The Company Men- Jack popped off the top to his third beer and looked into the neck of the bottle. He took a deep breath, wishing the picnic would go ahead and end. The company he ran held an annual picnic for its employees at a fairly secluded park. There was a covered area with lines of picnic tables filled with catered barbecue. Jack had skipped the food in order to get a couple of beers from a large cooler. Last year, Jack’s wife Had attended the event with him. This year he went stag. He wondered if it was for better or worse. One thing was certain, he wasn't getting any. Since his divorce, he’d found it difficult to connect with people. After nearly twenty years of marriage, getting out and dating again seemed impossible. Jack let his eyes wonder as he tipped the beer bottle back and poured the nectar down his throat. He liked the way the lip of the bottle tickled the salt and pepper stubble on his chin. His gaze landed on someone who was bent over in the middle of a line of people. Apparently, some of the younger associated at the company had organized a flag-football game. Christ, she’s got a great ass, Jack thought. He looked at the plump filling in the back of the individual’s jeans and wondered what he’d feel like between those tight ass cheeks. Jack felt a tickle in his groin. The person tossed the football up and it landed in a teammate’s hand. The owner of the buns stood up and Jack felt himself begin to blush. Oh my God, Jack thought to himself, it’s Alex. As the young guy turned to help the man holding the football brush past. Jack admired the twenty-three-year-old’s face. He had a bright complexion with cold blue eyes. His blonde hair was swept back from his face, but pieces of it had fallen and brushed against his forehead. There was something about Alex that intrigued Jack. Jack didn't know much about the young man. All he knew was that he worked as a mail clerk. Every time Jack had gone to the mailroom, he’d caught other employees picking on Alex for being pretty. ‘Damn boy! You’re prettier than my wife!’ He recalled one of his friends joking. Alex was a good sport with it all, never seeming to care. There were some rumors, he’d heard. Jack didn't condone gossip, but with an office of his size it was inevitable. Apparently, Alex had a talent for sucking cock and did so liberally. He'd heard of men walking in on Alex in the men’s room with a guest or two in the stall with him. Jack discarded these rumors as nonsense, but as he looked at his cute smile on the field, he couldn’t help but detect a bit of mischief in the young man’s expression. “Jack! My man!” A voice called from behind. “Bob! Good to see you my friend,” Jack said attempting a smile. “Beautiful day today,” Bob said as he grabbed a beer. “Yes. It’s a fine one,” Jack said as he turned to get a second look at Alex bending over. “Have you been working out?” Bob asked as he pointed the mouth of his beer to Jack’s belly. “No. Not at all. Without Mary’s cooking, I just find myself skipping meals,” Jack said and gave his gut a few light pats with his open hand. “Oh right. She was a chef right?” Bob asked of Jack’s ex wife. “Yeah.” “Sorry to bring it up. Come with me, this caterer knows a thing or two. Let's get a plate,” Bob insisted. Jack followed Bob and waited in line for food with a disposable paper plate. He liked Bob, he was nice enough and he was pleased to have someone distract him. Bob stood in front of Jack in the queue and talked shop. Jack pretended to listen but he couldn’t stop thinking about Alex’s cute backside. He wanted to cup it in his hands and give it a squeeze. Jack turned and put an ear of corn on the plate and he replaced the tongs in the aluminum contained. He looked up to see Alex speaking to Bob. He tried to tune into to their quiet conversation but couldn't hear what they said. Alex leaned into Bob’s ear and whispered something that seemed to elicit a positive reaction from Bob. Alex turned to Jack after he was done sharing his secret with Bob. Jack swallowed tension deep into his throat. He froze. Alex winked at him and then ran off. “Who was that?” Jack pretended ignorance as he asked Bob. “Alex! You know from the mailroom? C’mon everybody knows Alex,” Bob said with a tinge of sarcasm in his voice. “Right! Of course. Alex…” Jack finished with the line and sat next to Bob with a bunch of other top-tier men from his company. They made small talk with one another. The spoke about quarterly earnings, new hires, the park, and of course more about the weather. Jack danced in and out of the conversation. Honestly, he wished he were talking to Alex rather than these boring older professionals. Maybe he'd hear something new from a younger employee. Bored and not really eating anything Jack stood from the picnic table. “I’m grabbing a beer. Anyone need anything?” Jack took the mens’ requests and then returned to cooler once more. He scanned the tables and tried to locate Alex. Where’d that boy go? He thought. As he popped the tops of a few beers he looked over the field and of all the people sitting in the sun, there was no Alex to be found. Jack took a deep breath and sighed. He was getting a bit tipsy, but he figured it was a good thing. At least the day would go by a little quicker. He returned to the table with his buddies and they were all leaned in speaking to one another. What is it with all this secrecy? Jack approached slowly and when he realized he once again couldn’t make anything out, he cleared his throat to let himself be known. The men shot up from over the flat surface of the table. “Jack, your back! Thanks for the beer, man,” Fred said nervously. “No problem, bud,” Jack said, trying to keep his brow from furrowing. Jack dealt the beers out and returned to his seat on the picnic bench. Sweat from the blasts bottle in his hand slid down and landed coolly on his inner thigh. It sent electric chills into his spine. He moved his hand slowly down and wiped the cold droplet from the fine hairs of his leg. He looked down to inspect and he noticed something peculiar. Jack cocked his head the left as he appraised Fred’s lap. His bulge seemed somewhat exaggerated. I’ve had too much to drink, Jack thought. Jack hadn't. As he continued to stare he realized the outline of Fred's cock snaking down into the left leg of his shorts. Jack could make out the outline of Fred’s head. Jack raised his eyes slowly up Fred’s fit torso and realized his nipples appeared to be hard, poking out into the fabric of his white, polo shirt. Jack let his eyes meet Fred’s. Fred had taking notice, but didn’t seem to care. In fact, to Jack, it seemed like he’d appreciated the attention. “Who feels like a hike?” Bob asked the group. “I do,” Fred said not turning his eyes from Jack’s. After disposing their plates and grabbing fresh drinks, the men crossed the field and hit a hiking trail. Bob led the posse up and away from the rest of the company’s employees below. Jack loved to hike and of all the years he’d been coming to this place he’d never done it. His ex wife didn’t really care for nature and always insisted he’d stay with her. At least I’m getting to do what I want for a change, Jack assured himself. He took a deep sniff of the piney air. Birds chirped overhead and pine needles and fine branches crunched beneath his feet. Jack was at the back of the pack, which was by choice. Fred walked just in front of him. Fred’s olive green shorts hugged his backside in all the right places. Jack found himself excited as Fred climbed some carved stairs in front of him. He let himself linger for a moment so that his face was at the level of Fred’s backside. Jack licked his lips. I love nature, Jack thought to himself and then grinned. “So, Bob,” Jack called ahead to the group’s leader. “Yeah bud?” “I’ve never been hiking out here. Where does it lead?” “You’ll see. It’s a surprise!” Bob said. The group then joined in with Bob and laughed. Fred turned around and gave Jack an eager look. Jack felt turned off at first by the inclusiveness of the group. He felt like an outsider. The proverbial rookie. Then, he felt a sort of shared excitement among the men and decided to roll with it. Whatever happens, happens. The incline of the trail began to level off. Through the branches ahead, Jack began to make out something, a weathered roof of an old house or barn. A strange noise began to pervade his ears. It was incongruous to the natural sound of the wind through the leaves or critters scurrying around. At first, Jack thought the sound was a cat. But, as he neared he thought it might be a woman. A slight slapping sound began to register. The men approached a clearing, Jack could now see the remains of a dilapidated barn. The men in front of him parted. The three stood to his right and two to just left of the trail. Jack scanned their faces trying to make sense of what was happening. “Uhhhhh. Oh! Uhhhh. Uhhhhh. Yeah,” a voice trailed off. Jack walked past the men that watched him approach. A man was fucking someone. He looked as the man’s thighs tensed and relaxed. His shorts lay in a pile at his ankles and his knees appeared to buckle. Jack watched as the man’s ass cheeks squeezed and relaxed as he pumped himself forward. With each thrust, the one receiving him moaned and his legs raised and fell in the air. Jack continued his approach and looked to the face of the man who was standing. His face was drenched with sweat and beet red. Howard? Jack thought, recognizing man. It was his married, straight coworker. Howard looked to Jack but ignored him in his bliss as he continued to fuck. Jack swallowed. He let his eyes fall and watched Howard’s cock disappear in between another man’s legs. He continued to pan his gaze up a young man’s body. His cock lay soft against his abs near his belly button. His build was slender and slight. Freckles speckled his flat, hairless chest. His bright pink nipples were the size of nickels. Jack raised his head and looked at the face on top of the long neck. It was Alex. Alex looked to Jack and grinned. He ran his fingers through his now messy blonde hair with both hands and then let them cradle the back of his head. Jack felt confused, but excited. His cock was growing firm in his briefs, but he hesitated touching it. Alex let his head turn to Jack. He lay where his face was at the height of Jack’s waisted who stood just a couple of feet away. Alex gestured for Jack to approach. Jack felt as if his feet were stuck in dried cement. He took a deep breath and let his dick dictate terms. He stepped forward. Alex reached out with his right hand and gave Jack’s bulge a healthy grab. Shivers coursed through Jack’s body. It had been so long since he’d been touched in such an intimate way. He moaned slightly and let his head fall back and finally land on his shoulder. Jack saw white, maybe the sun had shone in his eyes. Jack couldn't be sure. He was lost in the moment and in the ecstasy. A noise from behind him brought him back to reality. He shook the daze from his face and looked back to the buddies he had followed on the trail. The men were smiling, cat-calling and cheering for him. A smile broke on Jack’s face as he realized his coworkers not only approved, but encouraged him to continue. “That-a-boy Jack!” Bob called. “Get your dick out!” Fred instructed. “Feels good, right? We’re gonna breed this cum-hungry boy,” Howard said as he pounded his cock into Alex. The group walked toward the three men and circled themselves around them. It felt to Jack that this was truly going to be a team effort. Alex continued to grope Jack and then pulled Fred towards him by his belt loop. “Yeah!” Fred said. Fred reached over Alex and grabbed Jack’s zipper. Jack, was shocked at first, but went with it. Alex licked his lips in anticipation. Fred simultaneously liberated his own prick. Alex grabbed Jack’s fat, throbbing cock and gave his shafts a few tugs. With his left hand, Alex grabbed Fred’s and jerked him off a bit. Jack’s breath deepened. Fred raised his open hand in the air over Alex and held it out for a high-five. Jack smiled through his pleasure and gave Alex a hard slap against his hand. Warmth washed over the head of Jack’s cock as Alex took Jack in his mouth. He kissed and licked and tickled Jack’s tip. Fred waited for his turn patiently as Jack melted. All of the sudden, Jack felt a tight suction around his shaft. He looked down and saw Alex begin to wince. Alex couldn’t help but smile and his lips opened wide, releasing Jack’s rock-hard member. “You about to cum in me?” Alex said as he leaned up and looked to Howard, the man plowing his hole. “Alex, I’m about to explode in you. I’m gonna fill you with my seed,” Howard said through punctuated breaths and violent thrusts. Jack watched Alex smile even wide. Bob took hold of Jack by his upper arm and led him away from Alex’s face. The men gathered around Howard and waited for him to blow. “C’mon Howard! C’mon buddy,” a voice cheered. Howard, happy with the audience, began to really put on a show. He pulled his shoe through his pants, fully liberating his left leg. He raised his foot and placed it next to Alex's plump ass on the stump the young man lay on. Jack liked the way the man’s balls bounced off of Alex’s butt and then back against his own. They mad a wet, smacking sound. His nuts looked full and as big as plumbs. Jack lights stroked himself as he also took interest in Howard’s tight hole, that winked as his ass parted with each pull out of Alex. The muscles in the man’s ass bounced and flexed. Jack bit the tip of his tongue. “That’s my man! Howard you fuck him right!” “Fuck him hard Howard! Show him what you’ve got!” Bob said deeply. Alex grabbed his own ass cheeks, one in each hand and spread them, allowing Howard to punch deeper and deeper inside him. He moaned and hummed and his eyes looked eager, ready to take Howard’s jizz. Sweat dripped down Howard’s lower back and fell to the pine straw beneath him. He grunted and picked up speed. “Yeah.” “Give it to him Howard,” Fred said as he gave Howard’s balls a gentle squeeze. “Uhh. Ahhhhh. Oh my fucking God,” Howard began. Fred dropped Howard’s balls and the group looked on ready to witness Howard explode. Jack watched as Howard’s scrotum tightened, taut over his balls. He’s gonna blow, Jack thought as he watched. “Yes, fuck me. Give me that load,” Alex encouraged the man he felt engorging inside him. Jack couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched his friend, Bob get on his knees to get a better view. Bob had his hand down his pants and was clearly enjoying what he saw. “I’m gonna cum,” Howard managed. “That’s it Howard, yeah!” Jack watched as the veins in Howard’s shaft grew large and hard and his cock flex and relax as it filled its host with white, creamy jizz. Howard’s body seized and shivered into the back of Alex’s thighs. Jack leaned back on his heels to get a better look at Alex’s face. Alex was smiling wide. He loved it. Jack felt good for the young man. He let his eyes appraise the man’s face further. He was devastatingly handsome, with a firm jaw and gentle nose. His eyes were large and bright. As Howard finished inside Alex, the other men cheered and patted his shoulders. Howard slid his long dick from Alex’s hole. Jack watched as the boy’s gaping cunt made a perfect ‘O’ shape. Alex clenched his hole a couple of times until a bit of cum began to dribble out. Careful to not lose a drop, Alex raked the wetness up his crack and dutifully pushed the cum back inside himself. “Who’s next?” Alex asked playfully, his legs still held wide in the air. Fred volunteered. Jack wished he had waited just a moment longer as he wanted to simply just stare at the boy’s absolutely beautiful butt. Fred unbuttoned his green shorts and slid them over his own nice backside. He spit down on his cock. He leaned forward and spit a couple of thick wads on Alex’s hole. He painted the saliva around Alex’s anus, as if the tip of his cock were a paintbrush. Satisfied that the boy was properly lubed, Fred rammed his dick deep inside Alex. Alex yelped. Fred held his hips still for a moment and looked around the group with a coy smile on his face. “You guys ready for me to do this?” Fred asked. “Yeah!” A resounding cheer from the men approved. Fred worked his hips in a circular motion. He was a bit more fit than Howard. Jack could see the muscles in his lower back popping and stretching. Alex seemed pleased with Fred’s technique. He took hold of Fred’s shirt and pulled it toward his chest. Fred’s hips bounced off of Alex’s buns as if they were made from rubber. Fred paid more attention to Alex’s cock than Howard had and groped the young man until he grew slightly hard. Jack really liked the short, blonde tuft of hair his shaft rested on. Alex was a beautiful boy. Someone grabbed Jack’s right ass cheek and gave it a friendly grip. Jack turned and saw it was Bob. “You enjoying this?” Bob asked Jack, still cupping Jack’s ass in his hand. “Sure…” Jack said looking into Bob’s glassy eyes. “I can tell,” Bob said and pointed a finger at Jack’s hard eight inches. “I think I’m going to go after Fred,” Bob said. “Nice,” Jack said. Bob continued to massage Jack’s ass as they watched Fred and Alex. Jack wanted to jerk off a bit, but was afraid to touch himself. It had been so long, he was afraid he would blow. Hell, if a warm breeze were to pass, I’d probably cum. “That’s my man, Fred! Fuck that boy-pussy!” Bob said and took a sip from his beer before passing it to Jack. Jack took a sip, careful to not lose sight of Fred. Fred was really going at it. Giving everything he had. His abs flexed and tensed hard as stones. Alex writhed on the stump as his legs were tossed back over and over again. “Oh… Oh…” Fred began to moan, his pitch rising higher with each plow. “Yeah! You cum all in that boy. Give him what he wants!” A man said. “Oh… Oh…” Fred continued. Fred stepped away from Alex, pulling himself out from the warm hole. He palmed his cock and gave it some hearty jerking. The men cheered him on. “You ready for me?” Fred asked Alex. “You better cum in me,” Alex demanded. Just as Fred was about to spray his load, he buried his cock back into Alex. He slumped over the boy as he worked his hips, filling Alex’s insides with a warm shower of thick man-juice. Fred cursed inaudibly, under his breath as he finished his orgasm. Alex bit his lower lip and looked into Fred’s pleased face. “Thanks Fred,” Alex said, followed by a wink. Fred pulled his wet rod out of Alex and pointed to it with both hands. The group cheered the man on and gave him high-fives as he stepped away from Alex. Alex held the back of his knees with both hands and waited patiently. Jack looked down at his prick and saw it was leaking precum onto the ground beneath him. A pretty, clear string of it looked like morning dew on a leaf. Fred approached him. “You enjoy the show?” Fred asked Jack. “Very much,” Jack replied. Fred took Jack’s cock by its base and pointed it up toward his mouth. Keeping eye contact with Jack, Fred cleaned the precum from the tip of Jack’s cock with his tongue. It tasted deliciously sweet. Jack’s heart raced and thudded against the ribs in his chest. Fred dropped Jack’s cock. “Yummy,” Fred said as he pulled his shorts up and turned back to Alex. Bob had taken his shirt and shorts off. All he wore were his boots. He dropped to his knees and began to tongue Alex’s wet, slimy cunt. He moaned and hummed into the boy’s butt as he licked him. Alex purred as Bob plunged his tongue in and out of him. The salty loads of fuckers past, flavoring the experience. Alex was drenched in sweat. He rubbed the wetness over his thin torso with his hands, paying attention to his nipples and his neck. Fred clapped at the sight. “Rim that ass,” Fred added. Bob was a stout man, but as he stood up from the ground, his belly seemed to flatten. His cock looked like a beer can, thick and fat. “You think you’re ready for me?” Bob asked Alex. “Yeah, screw me.” “You think he’s ready for me guys?” Bob turned to the group and asked. The men all cheered for Bob to continue. Jack watched Alex’s face as Bob entered him his eyes rolled back into his skull. He could see the skin of Alex’s hole stretch to accommodate the man’s sizable girth. Alex pinched his nipples, seemingly turned on by the pain. Jack watched as Bob’s hips swung back and forth. He never thought he’d see this, his friend of over a decade fucking anyone, much less another man. “Put your back into it Bob!” Someone suggested. Bob laughed to himself and began to more aggressively plow the boy. His back slid to and fro on the flannel blanket he laid on. His ass bounced and jiggled as Bob did indeed put his back into it. The small crowd cheered him on. Bob leaned forward over Alex and put his arms underneath Alex’s shoulders. He lifted Alex up off of the stump. Alex quickly wrapped his thin legs around Bob’s waist. Alex bounced up and down off of Bob’s groin. The group went wild. The two men looked each other in the face. Alex’s face looked pleased with the change of position. Alex’s entire body seemed like a rag doll as Bob began to thrust and plunge harder and deeper. Sweat covered the two men. Their bodies made a slippery slapping sound as they collided into one another. “Oh fuck!” Bob exhaled. He put the boy’s back onto the stump and pressed him into it by the shoulders. Holding him down hard, Bob silently unloaded. His body shivered in delight as he came. The crowd steered him on. “That’s right Bob!” Alex moaned in between deep, strained breaths. After Bob pulled his thick meat from Alex, his hole looked destroyed. Alex rubbed his boy-pussy’s lips and delighted in the hot, wet mess. He lowered his legs and rested them for a minute while he caught his breath. A couple of the guys were jerking off as the waited for the next person to step up and take the plunge. After a beat, Alex sat up on the stump and looked around. “Who’s next? I want more,” Alex declared. “Jack,” someone said under their breath, then another, “Jack,” then more people joined in until it was a unanimous chant, “Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack! Jack!” Jack grinned and looked around. He felt that he should step forward. The men encouraged him with pats on the back and gentle shoves for him to get moving. His eyes met Alex’s crystal blue dazzlers. Alex grinned to Jack. Jack held an expression on his face that seemed to ask ‘Is that okay?’ “I’ve wanted you for a while,” Alex said. Jack bit his lower lip to contain his smile. “I know just how I want you to,” Alex continued. Alex slid off of the stump and leaned forward over the stump. His body looked soaked in a sweat sheen that seemed to shimmer in the late-day sun. With his pecs firmly on the stump, he spread his pale legs apart. He reached back with spread fingers and parted the cheeks of his ass for Jack. Jack felt a robust rush of desire course through his entire body. He grabbed the you man’s tiny waist with his big hands. He thought they could almost wrap around him entirely. “Mmm-hmmm,” Alex encouraged him to continue. The men behind him were still chanting his name. Jack grabbed the base of dick with his thumb and index finger and aimed it at the boy’s cherry hole. He pressed forward with his hips and ass until hot smoothness covered his entire body. The warmth radiated from his prick out. Fireworks exploded in his brain. Alex moaned and arched his back low. Jack pulled back and then slammed forward. Alex’s hair bounced with each punch Jack delivered into him. Someone was caressing his chest, Alex didn’t know who it was nor did he care. He was in ecstasy. The boy’s hole felt tight around him, like a clenched fist. Alex leaned back, putting pressure on Jack to drive himself even deeper inside the boy’s sweaty cunt. His body shuddered as he continued to fuck hard slaps into Alex. Alex groaned and moaned in delight. Their bodies rhythm synced and they both held on for a wild ride until Jack’s pent-up load was released. Jack felt as if he was out of control his hips and thighs tensed and pressed and got exactly what they yearned for, sweet release. Jack grunted with each thrust until finally his nuts grew hard and his sack shriveled over them. Cum exploded like a bomb into Alex’s ass. Filling it with a thick mess. Alex had never experienced anything like it. Jack continued to slam his battering ram into Alex. There was so much cum, it began to squirt out of Alex’s cunt and slide from it down Jack’s balls and onto the ground. With each plunge, more cum came. Alex held his mouth open wide, unable to breath. Jack pounded and pounded causing cum to squirt out all over the earth beneath the two men. Applause broke out from behind Jack. He slowly regained consciousness and relief washed over his entire body. Alex collapsed on the stump. Jack pulled his cock from him slowly. A stream of jizz slid down Alex’s leg. The cheers, claps and raucous applause continued. But, Jack heard Alex say something softly. “Come back,” Alex said to him. Jack bent forward to hear what the young beauty had to say. His thighs pressed against the back of Alex’s hairless buns. He could feel Alex breathing deeply beneath him, each heave reminded him of the good fuck he’d delivered. “That was fucking amazing Jack,” Alex said. “Thanks?” “I’ve wanted you to fuck me ever since I saw you—that first day in the mailroom,” Alex admitted. Jack grinned, boyishly. He didn’t know exactly how to take it. Before he could figure it out, Alex planted a hot kiss on his mouth. His lips tasted salty and felt like soft rose petals against his stubble. Jack, without his mind’s permission, kissed the boy back. The skin of his face felt great against his cheek. Jack held his face as he continued to tongue the boy’s supple pout. He felt himself grow hard again and pressed it into Alex. He could feel Alex smile into his kiss. He wondered if round two would be even better. The crowd behind the two men seemed to think so...
  6. My last anal load was way too long ago (this summer). I met a hot 50-something latino daddy on Craigslist, he told me he had a thick 7'1/2" inches and no where to put it, he was sipping wine by the poolside as his husband was out of town. Apparently, the dude really loves chubby bottoms, and he'd been craving some bouncy ass. I don't bottom very often, and I'm more used to young twenty-something Latinos who want me to play their mid-40s daddy than slightly older guys who want me to open my hole for them. So I was a little nervous when I drove out to his place in the country... not a mansion but very nice, with a pool and a huge deck. He was wearing a robe and indeed sipping some wine on the deck when I got there. He was darker-skinned and pretty handsome, no facial hair, but I could see the soft gray-black hair on his chest peeking out through his robe. We drank and chatted a bit, and he came out directly and said he needed to fuck and he thought I was cute. Unfortunately, my dreams of fucking in or around the pool were dashed, as the fence surrounding it was way too low, and there were several other houses close by as well as the street. So he escorted me up to his bedroom, where there was a nice king-sized bed. I wasn't sure what to expect; he was soft-spoken and not an obvious dom type, and I had warned him it'd been ages since I'd been fucked. So I guess I kind of assumed he'd be gentle. He felt me up through my clothes, pinching my nipples, then undoing my belt. he had my pants and underwear down before I knew it, and he asked me to get up on the bed, which I did, still wearing my t-shirt. Then, I heard his robe drop, and his hands were on my hips, his spongy cockhead jabbing my asscheek. "Can you come up a little?" he asked. "Sure, Why don't I out two pillows under my belly?" I suggested. "Ok, great," he said. I positioned myself while he left the room for a moment. He returned with a tube of lube (it might have been KY) with which he'd already polished up his cock. At that moment, it looked angry and enormous, brown sheath with a red head peaking out... I thought probably uncircumcised, but I wasn't sure. His thumb primed my tight hole with lube, and then he was on top of me, pushing in... He barely made a sound but I was shaking and panting. I was really being stretched and it hurt. There was pleasure from the pressure, yes, but my ass was just too tight, maybe? I literally bit the pillow.... and it did help. His next tactic was to plow in deep and hold it there, then out and in again brutally. My whole body was jerking with every jab. I realized that this was something I'd rarely experienced: primal, animal sex, rough and fast and vigorous. Hi balls slapped against my ass, and his only sounds were slight grunts while I was still panting and moaning and whimpering. And after a minute... despite the burning pain... the fucking began to feel really good. He plowed on, grunting, drops of his sweat landing on me. His hands latched onto my hips as he rode me. Somehow, i knew he wasn't going to bother to ask where I wanted him to cum. And it didn't matter to me... This was the kind of fucking I'd craved for years, I wanted his sperm deep inside me. So I was shocked when he suddenly pulled out, and there was a hot jet of fluid against my asshole. An instant later, he was driving himself in again, jerking on top of me as he filled me deep. I realized that he had pulled out to shoot the first blast on my asshole, just like in so many bareback creampie porn films. But he had pushed that cum back inside me with his dick, and pumped the rest deep into my guts. I stroked myself a few times and shot a nice load on the bed. He was shy after he pulled out of me, asked if I enjoyed it, and said I had a nice ass. My ass was sore for days afterwards, but it was a pleasant reminder. Sadly, his house was for sale when I had visited for our hook-up, and he's since moved. Too bad... I would be eager to bottom again for a guy like that.
  7. My last load was with my casual play buddy, T., today. We were watching bi and straight porn as we enjoy doing, and sucking and stroking each other. He wanted to suck me off and have me blow my load on his face; he knows I shoot some pretty thick loads. He was down on his knees, stroking himself as he sucked me. Unfortunately, we have been playing at this point for about 2 hours and, even though T. has excellent control... I was in a zone where it was going to take a few more minutes to come, and he couldn't wait. "Shit man!" he yells out. "I can't help it... I'm cumming!" Knowing there was little time, and not wanting the load wasted, I told him: "Cum on me!" He stood up just in time, as his cock twitched and gob after gob of thick cum flowed out to land on my cock, balls and pubes as he grunted through his orgasm. I had heard of guys who liked having their cocks cum on, but I'd never had that happen before. It was kind of hot, though. I licked the head of his cock clean while I stroked myself, using his slick, warm load as lube. In a few seconds I grunted, and my own sperm load jetted out to join with his. It was a tremendous orgasm. I fell back onto the couch... and laughed when I felt his tickling tongue licking and slurping up our combined juices from my crotch. Not sure if I have a kink for that now, but this one time it was surprising and fun;)
  8. I sat at the bar with my girlfriend, Lucy, sipping an IPA. Behind us, an indie rock band thrashed out the last song of its set while the crowd cheered drunkenly. Lucy leaned back against the wooden counter watching them, swirling the half-melted dregs of her whiskey. In the dim light of the bar, her pale skin glowed milky white. Her long red hair was twisted back in a messy bun, and several strands hung in her face. She flicked them back absently before glancing at me, a smile curling her lips. “Quit staring at me,” she shouted over the music. “I can’t help it,” I shouted back. “You’re the most beautiful girl in here.” She punched me lightly on the shoulder, her freckled cheeks flushing pink, before turning back to the band. The song ended in a clatter of drums and bass, and applause filled the small space as the band took a bow, then headed off stage. “Well, aren’t you just a pretty little thing.” I turned to see a large, muscular man bending over my girlfriend, tucking a strand of her red hair behind her ear. Arousal stirred in me at the sight of his bulging biceps, but I shook it away. “Hey,” I said, touching his shoulder. “That’s my girlfriend.” “Look at this,” he said, his gaze swinging between us before he glanced over his shoulder. “Two pretty little things.” Another buff man came to join him, and they stood side by side, surveying me and my girlfriend. “Aren’t you just a sight for sore eyes,” the second man said. A predatory grin curled his lips, and he stuck out his hand. “I’m Mark,” he said, shaking my hand with a firm grip, and nodded at the other guy. “That’s Jack.” “Neal,” I said, “And this is Lucy.” Mark leaned close to me, heat emanating off his muscular body. “Could we buy you two a couple drinks?” I licked my lips, glancing at Lucy. She was gazing up at Jack with something akin to amazement. She caught me looking and, blushing, shrugged. “Sure,” I said. “Why not?” A couple drinks later, they came back to our place, their muscular bulk filling our small apartment like two bulls in a china shop. “You guys have never done this before,” Mark said, leaning against the kitchen counter as I poured four glasses of wine. It wasn’t a question. “No,” I said softly. “I mean, we’ve talked about it, but I didn’t think—we didn’t think anything would ever happen.” He grinned, another predatory smile. “You’ll like it,” he said. “I can tell.” He helped me carry the wine into the living room, where Jack was siting next to Lucy. His arm rested casually over the back of the couch, but his fingers were tracing circles across her upper arm, making her flush. She accepted the glass of wine and drank it quickly. When she set the empty glass on the coffee table, her eyes met mine, questioning. I nodded, and an excited grin curled her lips. “Enough drinks,” Jack said suddenly, standing up. “I’m ready for the main course.” He bent and picked up Lucy, throwing her over his shoulder. She shrieked with laughter, beating her fists on his back as he carried her into the bedroom. “Come on,” Mark said, shooting me a wink. “I want to watch them.” I walked nervously to the bedroom after them, where Jack was peeling off Lucy’s blue dress. She flopped back onto the mattress breathlessly, wearing only her bra and panties. With a growl, he climbed on top of her, kissing his way up her stomach to her throat, then captured her lips with his. I watched them silently, frozen in the doorway, a mixture of envy and arousal flooding through me. Arms wrapped around my waist from behind, and I jumped, turning to face Mark. He cupped my face in his big hands, brushing one thumb over my lips. “Relax,” he said, then dipped his head to kiss me. His lips brushed mine lightly at first, just a whisper of skin on skin, then returned with more force. He kissed me firmly, insistently, his tongue sliding into my mouth as his hands caught the hem of my shirt. Pulling away for a breath, he pulled my button-up shirt over my head, dropping it on the floor behind him, then kissed me again. I had never kissed a man before, and his lips were firmer than I was expecting, less pliant than Lucy’s. At the same time, he was more aggressive, and I felt my cock stiffen as he ran his hands down my bare back, pulling me against him. I wrapped my arms tentatively around him, feeling his muscular back flex through his thin t-shirt, then slid my hands down to his waist. He broke away from me, breathing hard. “Strip,” he commanded. Wordlessly, I kicked off my shoes and, with trembling fingers, unbuttoned my pants, pushing them over my narrow hips with my boxers. At the same time, he peeled off his t-shirt in one swift motion, then dropped his jeans. He wasn’t wearing any underwear, and his long, thick cock sprang free, bobbing between his muscular thighs. I stared at it, my heart pounding, and unconsciously licked my lips. He caught my gaze and laughed. “Get on your knees,” he said, a hungry smile curling his lips. My breath caught in my throat, and before I could second guess myself, I sank to my knees at his feet. His cock pulsed before my face, throbbing and already dripping pre-cum. Biting my lip nervously, I looked at his cock with trepidation. Would that even fit in my mouth? I rose on my knees and kissed it tentatively, my lips brushing the hot skin. Slick pre-cum beaded at the tip, and I licked it off, tasting the sweet, salty evidence of his arousal. Much to my surprise, it tasted good, and I circled my tongue around the swollen head, then ran it down the veined sides. With a low groan, I licked up the throbbing shaft, feeling blood pulsing through the upraised veins, then wrapped my lips around the swollen head and swirled my tongue around it in circles. Opening my mouth wide, I sucked the tip of his thick cock between my lips, caressing the underside with my tongue, then bobbed my head up and down. Only half of the thick shaft disappeared into my mouth before the tip bumped against the back of my throat. I coughed and gripped the bottom half of his cock in one hand, jerking him as I bobbed my head up and down. His hands tangled in my short hair, guiding my movements, and I moaned deep in my throat, sucking on his cock as he groaned with pleasure. As he thrust into my mouth, the head of his cock pushed against the back of my throat. Rising onto my knees, I relaxed my throat, easing his shaft down my esophagus. “Good boy,” he growled. “Just like that.” Holding my breath, I thrust his cock deep into my throat over and over again, making tears stream from my eyes. My hard cock pulsed, pleasure rolling through me as I choked on his cock, and I reached down to stroke my stiff erection. Wrapping my fingers around my throbbing dick, I whimpered around Mark’s cock, feeling a climax fast approaching. With my free hand, I dug my fingers into his thighs, swallowing as much of his length as I could, my throat constricting around his shaft. “You’ve got a real good cocksucker for a boyfriend,” Mark said to Lucy, twisting his fingers in my hair. Jack grunted, and I could hear sloppy, wet sounds coming from his direction. “His girlfriend is pretty fucking talented too.” His words sent another stab of pleasure through me, and I redoubled my efforts, sliding Mark’s cock in and out of my mouth. At the same time, I gripped my dick, jerking it quickly. “Ah fuck, Neal, you’re going to make me cum.” Mark dragged me off his cock and pulled my hair back, forcing me to look up at him. “You having fun, lover boy?” I nodded, licking my lips, my cock aching with desire. “You want me to fuck you?” I looked over at my girlfriend, Jack’s hands buried in her hair as he fucked her mouth with rough strokes. I turned back to Mark, taking in his muscular chest, the stubble on his cheeks, the creases in the corner of his eyes as he studied me with intensity. I nodded again, my mouth dry. A slow, hungry smile curled his lips. He took my hand and helped me to my feet. “Get on the bed,” he said, his eyes gleaming with desire. I obeyed, crossing the room to lay beside my girlfriend as she sucked another man’s cock. Jack pulled his cock out of her mouth with a wet pop, and she moaned softly, her cheeks flushed. Turning her head, she opened her eyes, catching my gaze. A breathless, giddy smile curled her lips, and my heart swelled with affection and desire. At the same time, Mark slid one hand up my leg and spread my thighs, his touch sending fire racing through my veins. My body tight with anticipation and lust, I moaned as his fingers traced a line up my inner thigh, stroking light circles around the sensitive skin of my ball sack, before wrapping his hand around my shaft. Using the pad of his thumb, he smeared a bead of pre-cum over the head of my cock, my arousal slick and wet on his fingers. “Oh god,” I said softly, pleasure spiking through me. Beside us, Jack slid two fingers into Lucy’s dripping pussy, stroking her clit with his thumb. She moaned helplessly, her hips rising to meet his touch, and the sight sent desire spiking through me, making my cock jerk in Mark’s hand. He released my shaft, a taunting smile on his face. His fingers lightly stroked the lines of my hips again, tickling the swell of my testicles, and teased up the sides of my veined shaft. At his touch, my cock pulsed and jumped, desperate for more. “Are you close?” he asked. Although his fingertips were barely grazing my skin, the sensation sent fire through my veins, and I nodded, unable to take my eyes off his muscular body. I just needed him to touch me a tiny bit more to send me over the edge. As if reading my thoughts, he circled the tip of my dick with his fingers, using the pre-cum to slick the surface. It was almost enough—I felt my orgasm swell, balls tightening, muscles spasming—and he jerked his hand away, leaving me trembling on the precipice. “Not yet, lover boy,” he said, smiling cruelly. “I’m going to fuck you first.” Mark grabbed my legs and dragged my hips to the edge of the bed, pushing my knees against my chest. Between my thighs, my neglected cock was hard and throbbing, pre-cum dripping out and onto my stomach. . Without missing a beat, Jack caught both of Lucy’s legs, spreading her legs wide, and exposed her open pussy and the tight, puckered hole of her ass. Standing side by side, he and Mark looked like a wall of pure muscle, and their cocks were both enormous. As I watched, Jack thrust into my girlfriend’s pussy, making her cry out in pleasure, her eyes squeezed shut. Gripping his shaft, Mark lined the swollen, mushroom head of his cock up against my virgin asshole and slid it back and forth, pressing the tip against my hole as I moaned. “You ready for this, handsome?” he taunted playfully. “God, please,” I begged, “I want to feel you inside me.” He pushed forward with slow, steady pressure, the head of his cock pressing against my puckered hole painfully before the tight ring of muscles relaxed, letting him in. I groaned, feeling my sphincter stretched wide, as he slid into my ass inch by inch. “You like that?” he grunted “You like feeling my cock up your ass?” “Fuck,” I whimpered, “it feels so good. I can’t take it.” “You’ll take it,” he promised, and with a final thrust, his hips met mine, his balls resting against my ass. “God,” I moaned, feeling my ass ripple and clench around him. Mark held still, letting me adjust to his girth, before starting to thrust in tiny motions. “Think that’s pretty sexy, don’t you,” Jack asked Lucy, rubbing two fingers over her slippery clit. I turned my head and saw her staring at me, her mouth panting open. “Yeah,” she breathed. “That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” “Good,” he said, pulling out of her wet pussy, “because it’s about to be your turn.” He pressed the huge, mushroom head of his thick cock against her asshole and began pushing. Already well lubed with her slick pussy juices, he slid inside her easily, the long shaft disappearing inch by inch into her petite ass. With two rough fingers, he rubbed her stiff, swollen clit, flicking the nub back and forth. She arched up against him, inadvertently pushing him deeper inside her, and moaned with pleasure. “Oh my god,” she whimpered, her eyes opening wide as she looked at me, “it’s so big. I can’t believe it’s so big and it’s inside my ass.” Reaching across the mattress, I found her hand and squeezed it. She smiled at me, her eyes filled with desire and love, then cried out again. “Oh fuck,” she wailed. “Oh my god, it’s so big!” As she groaned with pleasure, Mark began fucking me faster, his long cock sliding in and out of my ass with piercing strokes, plunging deep inside me with every thrust. I clenched her hand and watched Jack, his face contorting as he fucked my girlfriend’s ass beside me. She moaned, arching her back as he pounded into her, fucking her tight ass. “Yeah,” Jack growled, “you like getting fucked with your boyfriend? You like being a pair of holes for us?” “Oh god, yes,” she moaned, the words garbled as she writhed against him. “You know,” he said casually, “I think I want a piece of your boyfriend’s ass too.” He slid his thick cock out of her ass with a pop, nudging Mark. “Hey, I’ll trade you.” Mark grinned, pulling out of me, and they switched places. Jack spit on my flexing asshole, rubbing the saliva around with two rough fingers, then thrust his cock into my ass, sheathing himself inside me with one swift motion. I arched my back, moaning in pleasure, as he pounded into me, filling my ass with his thick cock meat. Lucy watched with wide eyes, her eyes glazed with lust, as I shuddered around Jack’s cock. Spreading her pale thighs, Mark lined the rounded tip of his massive cock with her tight asshole and pushed inside her. She moaned, arching her back as he filled her, his cock disappearing inch by inch into her ass. Grasping her narrow hips, he spread her rounded cheeks, her asshole stretching obscenely around his dick. “I think I’m gonna breed you,” he growled, flicking her clit with two fingers. “Think I’m gonna fill you up with my seed and breed you. You and your sweet little boyfriend. I want to see your skinny little tummies all fat with our babies.” “What do you think about that, pretty boy?” Jack asked, his fingers digging into my hips as he fucked my ass. “God yes,” I panted, my cock throbbing painfully between my legs. “Where do you want me to cum?” Mark demanded, burying his cock deep inside my girlfriend. “C-cum in my pussy,” Lucy wailed. “Breed me, make me your little slut!” “Ah, fuck,” he grunted. He pulled out of her ass as the first jet of cum sprayed out across her flat belly, then buried his cock deep in her pussy, unloading the rest of his cum inside her, filling her womb with his frothy cream. She screamed in pleasure, bucking against him wildly, her legs shaking as she came hard. At the same time, Jack wrapped his hand around my dick, stroking me firmly as he pounded my ass, sawing his thick dick in and out of me. “Oh fuck,” I whimpered, pleasure peaking in every cell of my body. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming!” My voice rose in a wail as my orgasm crested, making me shudder and arch against Jack’s cock, forcing it deeper into my ass. My clenching muscles brought him right up to the edge and he gripped my hips tightly. “What about you, pretty boy? Where do you want me to cum?” he growled. “Please,” I choked out, still wracked with spasms. “Come inside me. I want to feel your cum filling me up.” Clutching my waist, he buried his cock deep inside me as he stiffened, his sperm pumping into my tight ass. With a groan, he pulled out, and a last jet of cum splashed against my gaping asshole, the thick rope of cream smearing across my tender skin. His huge cock was still half hard, glistening in the light as he flopped beside me, panting for breath. With a shuddering groan, Mark pulled out of Lucy’s pussy with a grunt, wiping his slick cock on her pale ass. Lucy sagged beside me, still trembling uncontrollably, as he collapsed on her other side. Lifting my head, I could see the milky cream of his cum dripping out of her pulsing pussy, and an exhausted smile crossed my face. I looked at my girlfriend, her pale cheeks still flushed with lust, and felt closer to her than ever before. She met my eyes, and, rolling onto her side, gave me a tender kiss. Mark wrapped one arm around her waist, his hand resting on my hip, and Jack took it, their fingers interlacing. I felt Jack roll to spoon me, his muscular warmth pressed against my back, and the four of us drifted to sleep in contented exhaustion.
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