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About Olliejohn

  • Birthday 02/28/1984

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Video games, reading, writing stories, sex bareback, sportswear, uniforms, etc
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    Personal home made
  • Looking For
    Bareback fun, friends, and role play. Looking for people who help with my fantasy forced fucked.

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  1. Depends ... 


    STraighT Up.jpg

    Do It Together.jpg

    Ernie geTs The poinT.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fistulike666


      need to get to know someone a bit first

    3. Olliejohn


      Ok. How come


    4. huis_rat


      yes , i need it ....................

  2. Does anyone blood slam 


  3. Thanks for the follow Ollie xx:*xx

    1. Fistulike666


      Hi Ollie ... I'm doing well thanks m8. Hows you?

    2. Olliejohn


      Your welcome. I'm ok thanks.


  4. If I have sex with the same guy who give me HIV nothing changes does it?

    1. arseboy


      What would change? If he's hadvsex with other people and caught something he could pass that on, but the same applies if you've caught something new....

    2. Olliejohn


      I meant with my cd4 and VL

  5. Fun with someone in uk

  6. Where is his place located?
  7. Who want to fuck me.

  8. Anyone in Wales or Bristol that wants some fun, help me with lowing my cd4 count

  9. I have hep c. If I miss my meds after four weeks, how low will my cd4 count be.

  10. I take my meds for four days then I miss the other days. I forget. It's been three weeks now. How long before they stop working?

    1. arseboy


      You might want to get some info from http://www.aidsmap.com/resources both Basics and Booklets section and they are really good resources for now and the future

    2. arseboy


      You might want to get some info from http://www.aidsmap.com/resources both Basics and Booklets section and they are really good resources for now and the future

  11. How long does it take to get aids if I don't take my meds

    1. 12340


      16months off meds here and full blown

    2. Poz2play


      Pozpiglet , by next spring I should be at your stage. Not on meds but taking poz loads. Can't wait to be full blown .

    3. arseboy
  12. Need more poz cum. Stopped my meds.

  13. I been taking my meds on and off for a month. Is it to soon for it to stop working

  14. Looking for fun with other HIV guys. Cardiff/Bristol areas.

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