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Everything posted by littlepup888

  1. moving to cali asap to live with my bf and his husband. this is like..... a dream come true.

    1. backpackguy


      Congrats littlepup...living w/bf and his husband? Tell us more, lots more!! And, welcome to California...where are you all going to live? The gay scene in LA, San Diego and SF is hot!!!

    2. WolfinSheepsClothing


      Hope it is all you want it to be. just don't loose being yourself.

  2. have a bf now. getting off drugs. things are looking up !

  3. i want to move to UK. or ireland

  4. he grabbed onto my the front of my thighs and pushed into me. instinctively i tried to pull away and reached back with one hand to push him away. it was like trying to move a safe alone. he simply kept pulling me back onto him while telling me to relax my ass. i tried. i really did, but for some reason with me, it always hurts at first. if a guy takes it out all the way, then puts it back in, it usually works better for me. i told him this and amazingly he did. i rested my chest against the bed, i was already breathing heavy. my hole was already throbbing. his head is huge. "get up boy" he said (or something like that) and i pushed myself up and he pushed himself in. all the way. he kept moaning "yeah, fuck yeah boy, fuck yeah" until i felt his balls against mine. blessedly, once he was all the way in, he just held it there. i could feel him twitching inside me. "fuck youre tight boy" "you love that big cock dont you" i couldnt talk. i could just.. pant and moan. he started fucking me, and .... ive never had it like i had it with him. i still cant come up with words. it hurt. but it felt amazing. i could feel his fingers digging into my thighs as he held me in a death grip. everytime hed sink into me, id try to relax my butt and to make it go easier, but as soon as he started to pull out, i would reflexively tighten up on him. he fucked me till i thought i couldnt take it anymore, then i felt his chest against my back as he laid down on top of me. im little. there was no way i could support both of us, so i collapsed onto the bed, taking him with me, and he really started to fuck me. his arms wraped around under me and locked me in place and of their own volition my knees bent and my feet came up off the bed. he was grunting in my ear and i knew, being utterly overloaded that i was gonna lose it soon. finally he slammed into me as far as he could go. i could feel him throbbing inside me. the noise that that motion pushed out of me ...was frankly embarrasing. i squeaked like a surprised mouse. he laid on top of me for a while, and for a wonder i felt his hand just gently stroking my side. it was the first time he had ever really been gentle with me. i couldnt help but notice that his cock, still firmly inside me, hadnt lost an ounce of its hardness. "mmmmmmm" he moaned in my ear and pushed himself off me. i could feel the sweat on his chest through his shirt he hadnt even taken off yet. he pulled out of me, and it felt like someone pulled the plug on me. he got real quiet and i started to get nervous again. i looked behind me and he was kneeling straddling me again. he asked me if i was ok and i told him yeah. he asked me if i was sure, and i told him yeah again. his hand moved and i felt his finger at my hole again. he touched it and i winced. he ran his finger down to my balls and it was then i became aware of the wetness. he held his finger up and it was red. its embarrasing, if i go a couple days it seems like without having sex, when i DO have sex i almost always bleed a little. i didnt know how to tell him this. he asked me i wanted him to stop. i did want him to stop. i was sore. but something held my tongue. i couldnt just say the word. it wouldnt come out. he told me to roll over. this is my fave way to get fucked. i rolled over and without further ado, he grabbed my ankles and lifted them up in the air. i could feel the cold air on my hole. he leaned forward and i felt his cock push against me. "look at me" he told me in that tone that both scares and excites me. i normally keep my eyes closed when im doing it. it helps with the whole me not cumming thing. he wouldnt let me. he sank back into me and i cried out again and instantly put my hands on his thighs to try and control his depth. i had no leverage however as he was holding onto my ankles and was much stronger than me. everytime i tried to close my eyes, he would snap at me to open them and look at him. he took my hole to places it have never been. he was amazing. he would fuck me so hard. he would push my knees to my chest and just ...rail on me and as soon as i knew i was gonna shoot, he would stop, pull out till just the head was in and just hold me there. i was almost crying. he knew what he was doing. the whole time he had this grin/smirk on his face and the most intense look in his eyes. it was one of the hardest things ive ever had to do, maintaining eye contact with him.
  5. ok... well ill give it my best. ok, so he grabbed me under my armpits and pulled up to my feet. i cant explain to you how intense this guy is. he just like stood there holding onto me staring at me. then he turned me around and pushed me forward so i fell onto the bed. before i could move i felt his goatee in my crack. he buried his face down there and ... well he just went to town. is it just me or can you really tell when a guy REALLY likes doing that? he really liked doing it. i was in heaven. i dont know how long he was down there, i could barely keep myself from shooting, but finally i felt the bed shift as he got up and i heard his belt buckle jingle and his pants hit the floor. this time when he got back on the bed he was on top of me. he layed down on top of me and i could feel his cock against my ass. this... is just something that sends me into overdrive. he wasnt even close to being inside me and i was already moaning and whimpering and squirming under him. i could hear him, just barely, kinda chuckling in my ear. he kinda half rolled off me and i felt his finger push into me. i wasnt ready for it and i jumped, but he was still mostly on top of me, and his other arm was holding me, and i had no where to go. he wasnt gentle with his finger, and to be honest, i got kinda nervous. i didnt even know his name, and just from the way he had handled me already i knew that this was someone who took what he wanted. i dont remember exactly what i said, but it was along the lines of "could we maybe no 'do it', could i just go down on him" he didnt answer me, silence, so i twisted around so i could look at him. he was kneeling over my hips with two fingers inside me and the look on his face.... was confused annoyance. his eyebrows were knit together. i said something about not feeling well, could we do it next time. he simply told me to get on my hands and knees. i did and he grabbed my hips and started pushing into me. i cried out and flattened myself down on the bed. he pulled me back up by my hips. and told me to "fucking relax". he got off the bed and i heard him digging around in a bag or something. i had laid back down with my chest to the bed and he told me to get back up. i heard the sound of liquid being squeezed out of a tube and i took a breath. he was gonna use lube thank god. he made me stay up on my hands and knees while he lubed his dick up with one hand and rubbed my butt with his other. he told me i had a pretty ass, while i was thankful for the complement i was still nervous, and was nervously waiting for him to lube my hole. he didnt.
  6. we had sex twice today, once before school, and once after. i was late to school cause he wouldnt stop. lol. should i just broad stroke this rest? sorry. i dont know if people want details or like... what . sorry.
  7. i posted about this ealier, sorry if im annoying..but.. .my mind has calmed down a little from tonight and i wanted to write about it. i talked to him and asked him if he was cool with me telling you guys and he said no problem. also, .. im still kinda frazzled. and im a shitty writer. so, sorry. so, i still had my ad up on craigslist i guess and i got a response to it from a guy who was in town on business. i guess i got confused, hes not here for a job, i dont know. ... to be honest, this guy is so freaking hot that .. i could barely hear him. anyway. he messaged me asking me to come to his hotel room. i dont drive, but his hotel was not too far of a walk. i asked him for pics, but he wouldnt send any. i really wanted to get out of my house before my mom came home ...so i said ok and headed over. honestly..... i thought i had the wrong room when he opened the door. i was stunned, legit. i stood there just.... blinking.... until he kinda grinned at me and told me to get in. i was instantly insanely nervous around him. you guys on here have been really nice to me, and say nice things to me, but i still have a really hard time with this whole "people actually finding me attractive" thing, and this guy is/was like totally out of my league. i tried to talk to him, you know, saying "hi, hows it going? shitty weather huh?" type stuff but he just told me to shut up and get naked. which i did. he ran his hands all over me, they were rough, but i loved it. i was already hard and leaking before he even took a shoe off. he said something to me... something like "youre young huh?" and before i could formulate a response he asked me "you like getting fucked?" i could only nod my head. the part of my brain that connected thoughts with words had disintegrated. "like big dicks, kid?" again, i could only nod. i looked him in the eye, and i have to be honest... he had/has a sort of scary intensity. he put one hand on my shoulder with his fingers stroking the back of my neck. couldnt breathe. he told me to get on my knees with a smile on his face and i did. he unzipped his pants and fished his dick out. it was perfect. not HUGE....but big. and just.... awesome. he clearly liked my head. he kept moaning and was surprised i guess that i could t ake it all. i buried my nose in his pubes and i felt it forcing my throat wider. he smelled great, he tasted great. once he realized i can take it in my throat without much problem usually he started holding onto the back of my head, just cramming it down me and then pulling me off and doing it again. i was holding onto his thighs for and i could feel my own dick drooling on the carpet. he was drooling a lot too, but it all went into my mouth. damn it. i have to go. im sorry. ill finish this as soon as i can.
  8. i just hooked up with the sexiest man ive ever had sex with. i had to tell you guys. .. i cant explain it. theres something animal about him. something primal. i think im gonna have bruises ... like all over me. im kinda terrified how into him i am. im still shaking. he said he was just here visiting, he was here for a job interview but he wasnt interested, but after he dropped me off he said that i might make him change his mind. not entirely sure what that means, but i have a few ideas. he was so ...forceful. im sorry. i probably shouldnt even post this. i cant.. write words. my mind is just blown right now. im sorry.
  9. i want to be an escort.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Toxicwanted


      Good whore must be free and no refuse

    3. ChargedLoadLover


      You must be able to keep your dick hard with a condom on.

    4. Tuffenuf


      You'd be very popular! And make a lot of dough too. :-p

  10. i got fucked like...an hour ago and im still moaning it was so hard. everytime i move, i can feel it.

  11. i have a kinda gross question...i seem to bleed everytime i take a cock...is this normal? how do i make it stop?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. littlepup888


      ok. thank you! can you recommend something/

    3. piercedslut


      Pjur and swiss navy are the best ones I've used :)

    4. barehole4use


      when you bleed your body is telling you something is wrong, go see a doctor about it

  12. i just had sex with some guy i only sent 1 email to. i dont even know his name :/

    1. dadecounty


      hysterical!!!!!! this made my day

  13. just watched a video where when the top had cum inside he rubbed the back of the boys legs for a little while. ...that is my favorite thing in the world.!!!!

  14. i want to move to england and be someones boy.

  15. thanks guys! <3
  16. i had sex with a guy who emailed me from my ad on craigslist today. he picked me up from school and took me back to my place where he fucked me really quick before my mom and brothers came home. he was really cute, hes a young dad, he has a wife and kid and i dont know, it made it even sexier to me. i still feel him inside me. its so sexy to me to be cooking dinner talking to my brothers like nothing happened and feeling wet still. im weird. lol
  17. omg. i just got fucked by this young married dad i met on cl. its still inside me. he was so sexy and horny omg

  18. i had sex with this guy today right after school, hes so sexy. he is a young married dad with a great cock. i found him on craigslist and i know its bad, but we exchanged like only 2 emails before he came over and fucked me. his cum is still inside me.
  19. this site is great :) love to meet or just chat with some sexy guys. :) ooo question, i posted a story, how do i know if i got approved or not?

  20. is it ok if i post here? i just joined tonight, my friend said i should, that this site is cool. so far i agree!! im not much of a writer, so im just gonna make this quick, if thats ok? i had sex tonight with one of my ...friends.. hes never topped me before, hes always just made me suck him, which is fine! hes my age and has a nice dick, we go to school together. normally when we "hang out" (thats what he calls it, he will message me to "hang out", but he doesnt want to hang out, he wants me to go down on him) he comes over and picks me up and he drives around in his truck while i suck on him, or we go down the road a little ways to this place where he can park. those are the times i know he wants me to take a long time sucking on him. we never talk during. he hardly even makes any noise, until hes close. most of the time hes playing on his cell phone while i do it. anyway, so tonight he asked me to "hang out" and i said ok. he picked me up a few minutes later and i got in his truck and he started driving in a different direction. im gonna be honest and say that i was a little nervous, but i just went with it. we drove to the green mountain mall, the parking lot was empty cause ... around here everything closes at like...9. so he motions for me to take it out and start going down on him and i do. i really like his cock. its like 7 or so, but hes uncut, not something many guys are here. i figured he wanted me to take a long time, so i just layed across the seat and put my face in his lap. i blew him for probably 10 minutes, ive gotten really good at telling when hes close so i would back off. he said something to me, and i dont know, i guess i was so surprised to hear him that my ears didnt work, so i said "huh" "i wanna fuck you" "um... ok" he told me to just stay where i was pretty much and he got out of his truck. he opened up the door on my side and i felt his fingers slip under my sweat pants and he pulled them down to my knees. my butt got cold (it is vermont in the winter) he got in and closed the door. i felt him settle down on top of me and he asked me if ive ever been fucked before.. i told him i had, and he didnt say anything, i couldnt tell if he was disappointed, or not, but i felt him poking around down there. i dont know if i can describe this properly. there are certain things... that when they are done to me, i have some sort of involuntary reaction. one of them is when i feel a penis touching my butthole. even if im not horny (which isnt very often) when i feel that, i get insanely horny. i heard him spit and then i felt his fingers find my hole and slip inside for a second. he put his cock up against my hole and all my worries, all my nervousness went away and i just relaxed and laid there, trying to adjust myself to his body to make him more comfy. he pushed inside me, and it stung a little then settled his weight down on me. he started fucking me and if felt great. his mouth was right next to my ear, and i could hear the little moans he was making and his heavy breathing right in my ear (another thing that sends my body into orbit) he didnt last long but i dont mind. he just let out a little "uhh" and i could feel his cum going into me. we laid there like that for a couple minutes. i could feel his cock shrinking inside me. i could feel the teeth from his zipper and his belt buckle dicking into the backsof my legs. he eventually pulled himself off me and out of me and got out of the truck. while he was walking back over i pulled my pants back up and buckled my self back in. i happened to look out the window and i could see him adjusting himself in his pants and he never looked sexier to me. anyway, he got in, and brought me home. as i was getting out he said "cya, thanks" and i was so surprised that all i could come out with was "oh, no problem" lame i know. wow. sorry, that wasnt very quick.
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