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  • Gender
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    Colorado, USA
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    Straight Pleasure Dom top that likes to breed women and transwomen. Have topped men as part of couples play, but it's not really my thing.
  • Porn Experience
    Been in a few private movies.
  • Looking For
    Ciswomen and transwomen for bare fucking. Fellow devotees of straight bareback sex, especially bareback for money, for discussion and information sharing.

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  1. ⚠️- Long Comment with Tangents Given the relative ease of an orchiectomy, I’ve always questioned the commitment of trans women who don’t have this done. Sperm can be frozen if you might want kids, HRT dosage can be much lower if it’s not being asked to fight testicles pumping out testosterone, and since I have zero interest in being fucked*, any role that testosterone might have in producing an erection is just helping along a relatively unappealing party trick. To me, a trans woman’s cock is just a large clit. I find balls to be an incongruous addition that add no value and takes away from my visual and tactile enjoyment of a trans woman’s body. I don’t care about penis removal, except as a peripheral curiosity, since the only interaction with a trans woman’s cock I’m willing to have is oral/touch and, even then, only for her pleasure anyway.** But I totally understand that the penile and scrotum skin and tissue is useful and important for good SRS outcomes, so I’d never suggest a trans woman with any interest in SRS have either removed. That said, given my worldview, a trans woman with a micropenis and without balls, is about as (and maybe more) interesting as (than) one with a completed SRS, since the actual surgically constructed cunts I’ve tried have been lackluster, most not as good as their asses and only one as good as OEM vag.*** So count this as a “+1” for team orchiectomy and a neutral for team penectomy. * Early experiences and experimentation had as a result of being exceptionally open minded helped me realize I’m sexually attracted to the feminine form, regardless of whether that form has a cunt or a cock, whereas I’m sexually repulsed by the masculinity, regardless of genitalia. ** FWIW, I’m a Pleasure Dom in D/s play. My pleasure is derived from causing, controlling, and denying my sub’s pleasure. *** I’ve been asked why I’m fascinated by and interested in trans women at all, since I’m 100% top and not into dudes. Truth is, back when I was younger, decades ago, trans women took the desperate fat girl stereotype to the next level. Through my 20s and 30s, I never once met a bottom or switch trans woman that, once they knew I was cool with their anatomy, wasn’t absolutely DTF and grateful to be fucked. The downside to greater trans awareness and acceptance is that trans women have been able to become more selective. 🙄
  2. 12 for me. Classic “nocturnal emission” thing where I woke up with my dick hanging out of my PJs and stuck to the sheet. First time on purpose was 13, rubbing on a pillow, looking at the lingerie in the Sears catalog. 🙄
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