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Everything posted by spunxter

  1. Great story! I like the "alternate perspective" feature, too.
  2. Maybe because I'm too self-conscious.
  3. I wonder if "Nifty" would start a Poz section.
  4. I always got turned off by the fact safe-sex movies always edited to make it seem like they were barebacking anyway; they didn't demonstrate people putting on condoms which I think would have been important (at least in one scene) if they were trying to encourage people to use them. So why watch simulated barebacking when you can watch the real thing. I think I missed some good fuck opportunities because of the awkwardness of it. It always felt better without it, too! HDK, and TIM made me very happy.
  5. OMG, I was so rockhard reading this story, and without Viagra. Thanks!
  6. Left us hangin' in the sling.
  7. I think rawtop has a bloglist around here somewhere.
  8. ???I'd think the chase would be more exciting because once you get pozzed, what's next?
  9. Your cock is very pretty. I am a grower myself, I think I like that; it's fun to surprise people, but I prefer bottoming anyway.
  10. Actually, if nothing else, I wish I was uncircumcised
  11. I like how thick my cock is, but I think if it were between 20-22cm then it'd be perfect!
  12. Great story, AND I learned a new word today: dunny. This site is so educational. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Former man of the cloth? "... for what you are about to receive you should be truly thankful ..." That's the line that got me even more excited.
  14. 'Fag Hag', for me, connotes an image of an insecure (although almost always really smart/quick-witted.), usually heavy-set woman, with glasses who always complains she can never find a man; and while always seeming to watch your back, was: 1. Trying to convert you to her team, or 2. The cock-blocker when you are trying to chat-up "Mr Right [Now]". While physical appearance, and level of intelligence may vary from hag to hag, the insecurity, need to convert, and cock-blockage are always part of the persona, thus, they are not a dying breed.
  15. Making out makes me hard, too!
  16. Well, in the same vain, you could do HIV negative, and add the vertical line later, should that ever come to pass.
  17. awesome story; great ending!
  18. I'm in agreement with Maik; I liked the story until the last sentence. Just my humble opinion. (Plus this would be my first post.)
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