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SuccessfulChaser last won the day on December 17 2016

SuccessfulChaser had the most liked content!

About SuccessfulChaser

  • Birthday 04/01/1900

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Gender Fluid
  • Location
    north carolina
  • Interests
    kinky sex, getting topped by POZ dudes,
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Intentionally POZZED in 2015. Intentionally castrated in 2016. Verified superinfection with both HIV1 and HIV2. Thrilled to be a knocked up eunuch. No meds and willingly share via points
  • Looking For
    Love getting fucked. Have a policy of any cock, any cum any time.....the only limits are YOURS.

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  1. Not afraid to say it....but I am thankful that I am a POZ faggot......living an authentic queer life.   Have some post turkey POZ cock lined up....gonna be a great holiday.  I hope y'all enjoy the day as well.


    1. funpiggy


      have a good day lucky man. ;)

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