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Everything posted by Belfast-Bottom

  1. They help to relax my anal muscles and take bigger cocks for longer. They disinhibit me too and bring out my inner pig! I don't need to use them though and I'm happy to let the Top decide.
  2. As a submissive bottom I say Yes SIR! to most things a Top demands.
  3. I'm pretty sure the New York guy referred to is Jonah Falcon. A google search will bring up pics. He doesn't look 13.5inches to me, but then people often exaggerate. My guess is that Chad Douglas and John Holmes were bigger. I believe the largest medically confirmed erect penis was 13.5 inches on an African.
  4. The handy thing about a sporran is that there is enough room to store lube and poppers. I think I'll buy a leather sporran if I ever buy a kilt. I'm less keen on the fur sporrans and leather is kinda fetishy.
  5. I enjoyed the story and the Scottish accent is HOT! I'd have some of McGreggor's friends at the castle wearing Highland dress, or perhaps Ted is forced to wear just a kilt and sporran with a permanently lubed arse for easy access! Well hung Scotsmen are ALWAYS a turn on!
  6. I think PAs are hot! I don't have one, but I LOVE Tops who have them!
  7. I never get bored sucking cock. But then I don't so much suck cock as WORSHIP it! I love the taste of cum! As long as I get a load in my mouth or arse I'm happy! As a submissive bottom, I ALWAYS let the TOP decide which of my holes he wants to cum in.
  8. Well written as usual! I enjoy the flashes of humour. The only sex education I had from my parents ( aside from the cabbage patch and stork stories ) was a children's book on how baby chickens hatched from eggs. With hindsight I realize the purpose of the book, but there was no mention of copulation or how the eggs became fertile. Roosters didn't feature. It left me with a lingering desire to keep a few chickens if I ever had the land, but I've never had it. Once I heard the truth about sexual intercourse, aged eight, from a friend, I was disbelieving and disgusted. I spent years hoping that scientists would come up with a pill or injection to produce pregnancy and cut out all that "dirty business". I've since discovered that "dirty business" can be fun - with men at least!
  9. O'Raw is an old Irish surname. Roddy O'Raw, Peter O'Raw, Dick O'Raw, Spike O'Raw.
  10. Spike Harlem, Spike Uptown
  11. Rod Harlem, Rod Uptown
  12. Avoid the pills like the plague. They are a straightforward con. If there were any scientific studies that proved they worked, they would link to them. Also the pills would be available to doctors - if they worked. Instead they use the standard scam technique of posting ecstatic reviews from "satisfied customers". There are various medically approved ways to lengthen and fatten the penis surgically. Cutting the suspensory ligament ( behind your pubic bush ) allows the penis to hang lower and appear longer. There are various sub dermal ( under the skin ) bulking agents that can make your cock fatter. One way is to inject fat cells taken from your "love handles". Silicon can be injected under the skin. There is also a kind of bulking mesh that can be placed under the skin. These surgical methods are not risk free and are expensive. If I were you, I'd join a web group of vacuum pumpers and buy a high quality pump. I'm not saying that vacuum pumps will make your penis bigger, but they will expand it to it's natural maximum extent. They might stretch it with regular use. I'm not a medical professional, so please read more on the subject.
  13. Many of pigbottom's suggestions made me LOL! I believe RawTop is living in Harlem now? A simple combination would be Harlem as a surname and a euphemism for penis as the first name. Peter Harlem and Dick Harlem spring to mind. To U.K. viewers at least, "Peter Harlem" is less obviously sexual than "Dick Harlem" but I expect most people would get the connection eventually. I believe that Harlem is regarded as "uptown" in Manhattan, so Uptown could be used as a surname - Peter Uptown, Dick Uptown...
  14. On the Dickens theme... he really had a character called Dick Swiveller in The Old Curiousity Shop. The main difference between British and U.S. teeth is that we don't believe in orhodontics unless it's REALLY necessary. As for the Falklands war... I'm fairly sure we won that one ;-)
  15. I'm genuinely happy to take a load in whichever hole the TOP prefers. I ALWAYS let the TOP decide. I really enjoy the taste of cum, so I enjoy an oral load.
  16. Aw... who said romance is dead? Sweet story.
  17. I've been having sex since the mid 80s when douching wasn't even on the radar of most guys in Europe. Tops put up with a little mud ( as they had for thousands of years ). It was Tops who washed their bits after a fuck. Bottoms only bothered if there was some outer "mess" that a tissue couldn't tackle, or they were expecting to be rimmed. None of the great homos of history had clean butts to fuck, as douche/enemas just weren't around. I agree that the increasing availability of video porn from the 80s onwards created a climate where gay bottoms wanted to be like the guys on film. Video directors didn't want shit apearing in their films - so douching became the industry standard. It has become the expected standard in the wider gay community now. I always douche before a fuck unless the Top makes it clear he doesn't want me to, but it can take up to an hour and perhaps as many as five rinses ( on a difficult day ). I'm glad that some Tops appreciate the effort involved and understand why bottoms can't always hook up in 15 minutes.
  18. I grew up in a community where sex was so dirty/sinful it couldn't be talked about ( literally ). Even words like "pregnant" and "making love" were seen as dirty. There were cases of married couples being sent to the doctor for an explanation of what "married life" meant as recently as the 1960s - perhaps even later, because no one had ever told them and they were too "well brought up" to ask. Many girls knew nothing about periods until they had one. Some thought they were dying. It would take me a long time to recount my childhood experiences with guilt and shame, but I have no doubt where the blame lies - RELIGION! Sexual guilt and shame are the Judaeo-Christian inheritance. Older cultures in Europe and Asia celebrated sexuality as a joyful and spiritual thing. While there were taboos and prejudices ( women rarely had the same freedom as men and passive homosexuals were less well regarded than active ones ) there was a casual acceptance ( even promotion ) of bisexuality. I really do wish Pharaoh's army had managed to wipe out the retreating Israelites. No Moses, no Jesus, no Mohammed, no sexual sin.
  19. Neb is the Scots word for nose, but it is common in Ulster and seems to be used in northern England too. Pennsylvania/Pittsburgh was heavily settled by Ulster Scots ( the Scotch-Irish ), so I guess that's how it entered the local dialect. I can't think of British terms for a small penis, but using the childhood names such as "winkle" or "weewee" might convey the right attitude. "Tiddler" would work too - if the intention is to humiliate.
  20. It's an easy mistake to make. A guy who I was arranging a date with texted someone else who has the same first name as me. Luckily he phoned my landline to find out why I hadn't replied, so the date went ahead. Another mistake to be wary of is when exchanging adult emails with internet contacts. People occasionally give someone else's email address for "fun" or make a genuine typo in their address. You risk sending "obscene" photos to a stranger or minor. If I'm going to swap my photos with someone I always send my face pics first and then my adult shots if I get a reply from the address I sent the head shots to. Alternatively you can always have the guy email you with "adult pics please" as the subject. That way you can't be accused of sending unsolicited adult pics.
  21. I think Southern and Western U.S. accents are HOT!! Most of us have cowboy fantasies. At the risk of offending some people, I find New York, New Jersey and Boston accents unappealing. The U.K. is riddled with all sorts of accent prejudice - both regional and class based, so I know what you are describing. To Breeder: you can whoop and holler at me any time! On a deadly serious note, why not post advance notice of your cam sessions to this site? I'm sure you have fans here who would love to sneak a peek/stroke along.
  22. HAPPY MILLIONTH HIT BREEDER!! Thanks for the HOT pix too! You can make your way through my back alley ANY time!
  23. "reward appropriately" mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! :-)
  24. That's a real shame! He is a wonderfully sexy guy! I wish him much happiness.
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