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Everything posted by Belfast-Bottom

  1. INCREDIBLY hot and well written story!! The HOTTEST story I have read in ages! I really hope there are many more chapters to come! Dom doctors are HOT!! On a side note, some actual medical experiences: 1, A male nurse at my local GUM clinic used to enjoy wanking me after he had completed the tests - really. 2, I used to be very friendly with a woman who was married to a gynaecologist. There were stacks of porn in open view in their bedroom. He took a posting to Africa because the prostitutes there cost less than a dollar. That guy really loved his work! 3, The gay English film maker Derek Jarman wrote in his autobiography that one of the male nurses at his local GUM clinic used to suck him off after each batch of tests. The nurse protected himself with an antibiotic shot afterwards.
  2. Well said Deepanalnut: "Pulling out is a waste. I always let my bottom know that if we start, I'm not pulling out. Balls deep, you stretched to your limit and my cock pulsing and unloading the contents of my scrotum inside your colon is the only way to cum."
  3. I think gay men are less racist than the wider society. Being part of what in many areas can be a tiny minority, means that we are forced to congregate in the same bars and clubs. Perhaps there are bars for gay Asians somewhere in the U.K. but I haven't heard of any. The U.K. used to be quite rigidly stratified along class lines but it was long noticed that this was much less marked in the gay community. For many years Northern Ireland had clubs and pubs whose clientele was almost exclusively Protestant or R.C. The gay community ( out of necessity ) was integrated. People often find "difference" attractive and exciting. Look at the number of groups on this site for fans of black men and Asians. My Anglo-Celtic ancestry means that my skin is almost milk white. Perhaps for that reason, I have always found men with more colour than me attractive. Racial sexual preferences are like age preferences, body shape preferences, or degree of hairyness. It's a sexual preference - not racism. I am not saying that there are NO gay racists, just fewer among us than there are in the wider society.
  4. The status of the Top is irrelevant to me. I just want his cock and cum - no questions asked.
  5. Thanks for that information Tony. Medieval Islam was much more tolerant of homosexuality than the Muslim countries of today and at least one Muslim ruler kept a male harem. There is evidence for same sex unions in the early Christian church too.
  6. There used to be a BB focussed video upload site that I know rawTOP posted some videos on. I can't remember the site name and it may have closed, but you could message rawTOP and ask him.
  7. Toxiclover really knows how to pound a hole! His vids are incredibly hot! His natural, unforced, verbal really intensifies the scene! Do I detect a southern accent?
  8. Which nights/times are best for BB at The Hoist?
  9. Makers of fetish wear in Europe often incorporate a white stripe in the item of clothing. Most people read this to signal bareback, but not everyone knows so it's not fool proof. Yellow is used in a similar way for piss enthusiasts and red for fisters - but again not everone knows.
  10. Looking on the positive side, many bottoms dream of a Top who can fuck for hours. At least he's not a premature ejaculator.
  11. Toxiclover has probably the HOTTEST bareback blog on the net! His exploits read like professionally written porn, while the photos and video clips provide proof of authenticity. I LOVE his "Men of BBRT" blog too! Thanks for posting!
  12. I know that unless there is a designated photographer, taking pics can distract attention from the main focus ( the fucking ), but pics or even better VIDEO of these events would be HOT!
  13. As a fan of mature and circumcised men, this is a problem I've encountered too. Several middle aged circed men have posted on this site, saying that a blow job does nothing for them and they can't come that way. As the exposed head of a circed cock ages it becomes more leathery and less sensitive. I've seen many clips on Xtube where a BB Top is fucking a guy and needs to pull out to wank himself to orgasm. I think age also reduces the cock's sensitivity and Viagra is said to have a numbing effect on the cock too. I understand your disappointment. I get a sense of achievement when the Top cums. Don't blame yourself. It is almost certainly down to the guy's age. Enjoy the guy as he is.
  14. AMAZING photo!!
  15. To avoid misunderstanding: I was replying to sportsfan's post.
  16. I agree. Years of experience have taught me that guys who don't have photos or stats are almost always flakes. They are just on the sites to wank. They have ZERO interest in meeting.
  17. I can't add jpegs to albums either. I've had that little spiral spinning for nine minutes now. I use internet explorer but I clear my cache regularly.
  18. I'm fine with Tops calling me whatever they like. It can really intensify the session.
  19. Interesting and fun post TheBreeder :-) I haven't read any of Shirley Jackson's books, but her novel "The Haunting Of Hill House" was adapted for cinema in 1963 as "The Haunting" - one of my favourite films! Richard Johnson as pipe smoking Dr. Markway was one of my dream daddies as a child and yes, I'd still do him! Perhaps we should start a BreedingZone book club?
  20. The cock shaft idea sounds HOT! Bear in mind that tattoo and piercing placings will cause people to make assumptions about whether you Top or bottom. It's the LEFT nipple and LEFT side for Tops.
  21. Loadr is a great name for it!
  22. I agree with Tony's point. I also think that submission and dominance are central to most people's sexuality. Animals mount each other. Human beings are descended from lizards - literally. As a student, I had a summer job in a factory full of blue collar hetero men. When discussing an attractive woman, some of their most frequent remarks were "boy, I would do her some damage", "she'd be walking funny for months" - you get the picture. Males/Tops get to penetrate, pound and plant their seed in a bottom. It can be an ego rush. On those occasions when I fuck a guy, I can sense my power. Frequent phrases on this site about "marking" a bottom and "owning" a hole, display that mindset. I think there is an undercurrent of S/M ( even mild violence ) in most people's sexuality. As the U.K. becomes less strait laced sexually there has been a rapid growth in the HETERO BDSM scene. "Disturbing" urges which had been repressed for years are increasingly being spoken about and acted upon. Some people like to think sex should be pink and fluffy. It can also be very dark and spiky!
  23. He looks a bit like Ned Flanders. Perhaps he has just dropped his kids off at the church for choir practice? Yes, he could fuck me :-D
  24. How does it go? Oh yeah... "raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens" that's it! ;-)
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