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Everything posted by bigdick4you

  1. I'm a total top and only go for total bottom slutty types...
  2. Couldn't agree with u more jridge... It's great to have casual sex but once in a while u ran into that special one that u know just means more... Pig or not we all have feelings and want to be loved... Embrace those feelings...
  3. Guys... Ur BF or husband probably does the same to u... Maybe not while ur asleep but maybe he says he will be home later for whatever reason or work out of town for the weekend... Remember:what goes around comes around... If u wanna play outside ur relationship... Be honest about it... It's not as exciting I know... But its worth it if u deep down love and respect ur BF...
  4. Of course it's normal... It has happened to me few times... The annoying thing is that when it happens to me, I tend to concentrate on that person and loose interest in other guys... Sometimes I have a few months romance then... It always ends as most people r afraid to fall in love... At the moment I am in love again... And I still go on hook up sites... But when they approach me to hook up... I say I can't... Go figure... And normally I'm quite the pig! Guess I'm ready for something more than just sex... And so r u probably... It's all fun and games, but it gets a bit lonely sometimes going from one guy to another... Can leave u feel pretty empty... No, I love when there is that special connection... To curl up in each others arms and fall asleep together... That for me is even better than sex... Ideally I would like to have the security of a BF who lets u play around with others when u feel up for it...
  5. Think I'm somewhere between 7-8 judging by the response I get...but for me it's more about right attitude... Don't go for very pretty guys anyway. The average looking ones r the best fucks!
  6. i have had the pleasure of having sex with guys who used their cunt muscles to milk my dick...just would like that more bottom guys knew how to use this technique...it sends me right over the edge! a good bottom can be very powerful as he has me coming back for more over and over...there are holes out there that are addictive... i just need to breed them on regular basis and then there are holes out there that make no impression at all...
  7. u found someone who fullfills u emotionally and physically... thats the best of both worlds! dont question it... but embrace it...i would give anything in the world to fid that special someone...
  8. interesting subject... my longterm partner ended almost two years ago our longterm relationship after he found out i had been having an affair an sleeping around with other guys. the first year, i just wanted to fuck as many guys as possible and be single... but after a while after fucking guy after guy and organizing sex partys i started to look for something more... suddenly i had this urge to wake up next to someone and cuddle up on couch and having conversations and plan a future with someone... had few romances via BBRT, but they always broke up with me... it was all fine for a while... but when they found out i was falling for them... they broke up with me...at the moment recovering from a few months romance. from one moment to the other he stopped emailing me... when i asked him about it... he just said he didnt want to be touch with me anymore... maybe in the future... he said. needless to say im still devastated about it...at the moment i still hook up via sex websites, but i want to have that special connection with someone... i have a good job, have a good big dick and am good in bed(so i have been told).friends tell me im fun to be around and am very loving and caring...when i c that the last guy i was seeing puts up a quick connect add , i feel so sad and empty...
  9. i started out as a bottom... then moved on to versatile... and now for the last 14 years have been a top... with exception of 2guys... the exception being... i was in luv with them and they wanted my ass badly. i find giving my ass to a guy the ultimate gift...
  10. i ignore people who have all of ask me on their profiles... the only acceptable one is that of status as it only concerns the people i hook up with...its not true that it is just a hook up site... have had few romances with guys and some others became really good friend... but mostly its for uncomplicated sex of course...
  11. met this guy 2months ago , sex is great and we always spend the night together afterwards and there is a lot of cuddling... i told him that i was really falling for him after few sex meets and he told me he needed more time as he had, had bad break up not too long ago. 2 weeks back he told me it was unfair for him to lead me on as my feelings for him were stronger than his for me... he told me we could only remain fuckbuddies and good friends... i felt devastated, but i agreed as i knew this was the only way to keep seeing him...the truth is that im very much in love with him and hope that one day he will see in me more than FB. the problem is that i have now trouble sleeping with other guys and before i was such a pig... i still am of course and i enjoy breeding other hot guys, but after the sex i always start thinking of him and feeling lonely and kind of sad...should i keep him as a FB or maybe stop having sex with him, so i can get over him...
  12. Although I'm not a body fascist and have fucked guys of many sizes, I must say I prefer smaller bottoms who are weight proportioned as well. A not-so-tall bottom is just easier to manoeuvre. LOL.
  13. i actually like bbrt a lot. i have met some great fucks, made few friends and even had a few romances...of course there r some flakes out there, but it is all part of the game... what i normally find is that if the deal isnt sealed within 5 emails or less it is not gonna happen... sometimes im also on bbrt for the social aspect of it as i know many people and i end up chatting about all kinds of stuff. im very direct... if someone contacts me and im not into anything i tell them so... but im very happy with bbrt.
  14. ur saying things that make lot of sense... i know that he likes monogamous relationships but that he thinks that all men cheat and they do... i told him that i dont really cheat as im always upfront about fucking with others and expect same. i know that like me, he does not do drugs or have any special type of kink except being horny all the time and being bred by guys. he does 1-1 with others as well, but sometimes he likes being tagteamed by small group and i would luv to join... im quite verbal and call him a whore while fucking him and he always says jokingly that its not a very nice thing to say. one day i was fucking him and i told him that it felt like he had cum in there and how hot it was... he got kind of offended and said that he had no cum in him but that it was from douching and lube. but other top mates of mine always joke with me as during sexpartys i say to them that a bottom has cum up his hole and they say he doesnt... they say its ur fantasy... and of bcourse i do know that bottom sluts have cum up their hole as mates of mine have just come inside... he knows i arrange sexpartys and gangbangs with other bottoms, but he wants our time to be quality time... im defenitely not talking about it all the time, but i know that over time i like introducing other people into our bedroom...but if he is not ready i will always respect that as im quite crazy about him...
  15. so? u bred his lover and pissed on him at his house? he or others have probably done exact same thing or worse with ur lovers... men r all pigs... thats why its stupid to be jealous...or trying to behind peoples back do something with their lovers...
  16. dear deaner, thanx for ur response. he will tell me details briefly... i have tried to whore him out and he know i luv fucking a cummy arse... but he says he wouldnt be comfortable about it...my gut feeling is that he is happy with our 1-1 and he is afraid of loosing if we envolve more guys into it... we normally always spend the night together after sex all curled up...maybe indeed he is afraid that i would then think less of him, which is nonsense as i met him on sex website and not looking for virgin.com...its actually not that important as i do enjoy our 1-1 together... he also knows that i have done group sessions in the past whoring out bottoms... but like yesterday he was tagteamed by 2guys and i find that idea extremely hot. couldnt help myself and actually had a wank about it!
  17. I have been fucking with this FB of mine for few months now. The sex is great and we cuddle up afterwards. I even normally spend the night holding his cute little body. I'm kind of in love with him, but he tells me he needs time as he is still recuperating from the break up with his ex who he still kind of loves. When we are not playing together he sometimes likes to have tops tag team and gangfuck him. Being the pig that I am, I told him that I would like to be involved in those sessions and would find it hot seeing other tops breed him and me joining the fun of course. After all, I love a cum-filled hole. His response was that he wouldn't be comfortable doing that with me and prefers our sessions to be one-on-one. I have insisted few times and still same answer. Any idea what I should think about this?
  18. because a lot men are hypocrites. i should know as i was one of them! i always used to criticise guys who had sex with tons of people. while i would be unfaithful to my BF and lie about it. since we split up, i went totally the opposite direction! i try to be honest to everyone but be the biggest slut ever! i know that lots of men who are on websites like gaydar have in their profile that they play safe only, while i know out of personal experience that they take raw dick like a champ! its the same thing that some gay couples show the outside world that they are in a perfect monogamous relationship, while in fact they are cumdumps taking dick left and right...
  19. finding the right BF is never easy! you would be surprised with how many guys who doBB and are big sluts are deep down looking for a more meaningful rlationship. we all put on this act but if right guy comes along we all melt... but like i said, you dont have to change your ways! just be a slut for guys and cum when the urge rises and then go back home and curl up on the couch with your BF. as long as you are honest about the all thing to yourself and your BF its not a problem. but unfort. i meet many guys who are in relationships and their BF have no idea what slut they really are! i must admit that this kind of turns me on as i then think: this slut is a worthless piece of shit and only worth fucking. i get extra verbal then and tell them that they are just good to be bred and receive loads. in the meantime i feel sorry for BF...
  20. you can have both. a LTR and be a total slut with others. the only thing is you need to find a partner who thinks like you! its perfectly normal to have a BF with who you can be yourself and enjoy the things in life and have sex partners who are just that:they are there when you want sex. hate it when people are dishonest to their partners and let them believe they are monogamous when in fact they are screwing others. simplify your life. always be honest to your BF and embrace being a slut!
  21. thanx rawtop. it just feels so weird... plus im afraid of loosing him all together if he finds out how i really feel...
  22. i play a lot with a friend of mine who is like me 100% top. we always breed bottoms whenever we play together. in the beginning we didnt even kiss or touch each other, but since a while we have started to make out together while we fuck bottom boys. since a short time ago i noticed that i started to have feelings for him. we enjoy each others company and laugh a lot together. now i start to miss him when he is not around... is this normal? anibody with experience or views on this matter? i hope it will go away and that i see him again as a FB.
  23. i cant go 1 day without cumming. i will jerk off at least several times a day. when im in bangkok where i live at least 10days each month, i dont do anything as i dont like asians or blacks for that matter. as a top im always looking for ass when i get back to europe or US. i get then into breeeding frenzy and breed then a couple of guys per day! but its very addictive, the more holes i breed, the more i want! other top friends of me just laugh as they know what a horny fucker i am! i always go for the manly slutty verbal bottom guys.
  24. ownmyfuckhle,you have the right attitude! we tops should have a choice of bottoms to breed. i luv seeing bottom sluts making out together and really working to get the tops load.if there are two bottoms, i normally end up seeding both of them,so nobody gets jealous!
  25. hungry hole you are one of the very few who enjoys working with another bottom. i breed bottoms sometimes with a mate of mine and it is totally hot to see two bottoms make out while they are getting fucked by us!
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