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Everything posted by MuscledHorse

  1. Lie so many other things, rightly or wrongly, the idea of self-worth and being a bottom has been fetishized, though in reality, much of that relationship is vastly overstated. Yes, there are some self-loathing males who view themselves as worthless--to the point they want their genitals permanently caged as if they are a Southern Baptist and feminized by being forced to wear women's panties and stockings. Most bottoms, however, are in it for the Pleasure. I am a life long lover of being a bottom pig. I have solid self esteem, no problem stripping down in front of other guys or sexually engaging with them as the top. taking a guy's load has nothing to with value or self esteem for me. Rather, it is the sacred act of one male sharing his warm essence, his Elixir of Life with me purely for sport and Pleasure. I enjoy the taste of his nut juice and savor it like fine wine before I swallow it, or I savor the knowledge that his DNA is sprayed all over my fuck guts and his DNA is absorbing and becoming part of me. Unlike too many males--gay and str8--I can engage in sex play without the shame and guilt that's drilled into us from almost the moment we are born. So, for me being a bottom and taking loads is purley about the Pleasure of feeling another male's erect penis in me and him unloading his baby batter in my fuck guts.
  2. That's the way to do it brother! I plan my vacations around sex opportunities in destination cities and sex events happening where I'm traveling. Ensures I experience heavy sexual use all year.
  3. All of these events have website s you can get the latest on event dates an activities for that year Pig Week: starts the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend (late November) and runs for 10 full days in Fort Lauderdale FL Fist Fest: held in April, July and October at a sex resort in Augusta GA (a couple hours outside Atlanta) CLAW: in Cleveland OH in early April IML: in Chicago IL over Memorial Day weekend in late May Palm Springs Leather Pride: In Palm Springs CA at the end of October Folsom Street fair. San Francisco CA end of September (it's dirty cousin, Dore Alley is in late July) MAL: Washington DC in mid-January GayDays Orlando (June). Orlando FL beginning of June
  4. Pig Week is top, no question. After that i'd have to say Fist Fest or MAL if you're not fist pig like me.
  5. if you're a Fist Pig like me, Fist Fest (3 are held each year in Augusta GA at a sex resort). is a must (and yes my slutty ass goes to all three) Pig Week: 10 days of sex parties that give new meaning to sexual marathon. Between the daily parties and the private ones my husband arranged or got us invited to, my hole took almost two weeks to finally close up. CLAW: kink and fetish event with piles of sex and lots of education and kink skills workshops (i do several of these) IML: last time i went I never made it out of the host hotel. My legs spent most of their time in the ar. Highlight was the closing party at House of Blues and being up in one of the viewing boxes bent over on the railing and watching the dancers below as two guys took turns fisting my blown out ass Palm Springs Leather Pride: If you stay at a sex resort like CCBC you never want for use any waking moment Folsom Street fair. My penis and ass got lots of exposure and piles of use between the event itself and the parties before and after. I was so used by the end of a CumUnion party the last guy--partner #33 of the event--couldn't feel my rectum walls I was so gaped by that point. So he stuck his hand in me alongside his penis and jerked off inside me. MAL: if you can take January in DC you will now want for sexual use at this piggy event. GayDays Orlando (June). Get super heavy use at that event every time I go. I lived in Orlando when it started and get plenty then. It's a sex well I keep coming back to and am never disappointed. wow! looking at this list I know why my partner counts are so high. Got to love promiscuous living
  6. if you've got the $$$ my husband and I just got the FuckYeah! machine. It is amazing. I may never leave the house again...just hookup my huge bad-dragon and twisted beast toys, popper up and work to outlast the machine.
  7. Night person here, which is great given my appetite for sex and group use settings since that's when guys are most sexually active.
  8. It means another male's nut load is being spilled in the lucky bottom's ass. HIV status is immaterial to the breeding process.
  9. i've spent NYE into New Year's with my legs in the air in a a group use setting most years. Some have been parties I was invited too--weekend long if NYE was on a Fri, Sat, or Sun--while others have been spent at sex resorts or sex clubs or bathhouses. The last few years my husband has arranged the parties we go to so all I have to so is show up strip down and be a good service bottom taking cocks and fists until the guys are satisfied.
  10. I gave myself over to Lust at young age and my life has been happy and heathy as a result--plus being a gym rat helps. I wear the sigil of Asmodeus, demon of sexual Lust around my neck and have Lust themed tattoos on my body. Living with my legs spread is my ideal experience around other males.
  11. Another thing that I think has hurt the CumUnion brand has been overexposure. Here in Atlanta we have the Atlanta Dominion BDSM-kink party, which only occurs four times a year. I once asked why it was only four times a year and not every month and I was told that when it went to every month, attendance dropped significantly. In the less-is-more approach, the turnouts for the event are large because they are only held four times a year. In some places, CumUnion not only occurs monthly but multiple times in a month between several locations, essentially diluting the event because there's always one happening.
  12. you are a sex pig after my own heart...though i occasionally top with my extra fat cock, I am a huge high use bottom pig here that lives for that level of indulgence and use.
  13. SOLD! Feeling he air flow on and around my gaped rectum is always a high. Now for a loose fist pig like me, what one would I want to start with?
  14. I can take a small/medium hand with no warm up, just lube up and slide in. A large hand can get in under 60 seconds. XL pays are fatter and take longer to get in but they are in me in under five minutes. As for toys, my starting toy is currently the large Svein the buck from Bad Dragon, which is 8.5 inches (21.6 cm) around at the top of the shaft and 10.75 (27 cm) inches circumference at the lower shaft, with a 12 inch (30.5 cm) length. I can lube that up, shoot some lube into my ass gash and sit right down on it, which I do most mornings. Such as satisfying way to start a day. I am getting the XL version for Christmas so I can start stretch training my hole to go even wider and deeper until that can be my starting toy.
  15. If you are new to fisting or taking larger than regular penis stuff through your anus and into the rectum, you are going to need some relaxing anal and rectal muscle massage to get things relaxed and get receptive to the hand. A good relaxing environment is a must to get you in the "I can take this" headspace--much of fisting is also mental. Most guys play what I call the thub thub club music which can be really distracting when you're trying to relax. One of the guys with whom I have done depth training on my manCunt, always plays the kind of mellow music you'd hear at your massage therapy appointment. And it really works in getting you to relax. Even as loose as I am--a guy with a small or medium hand can lube up and slide right in, a large hand can get in within sixty seconds--there's still training I am doing to be able to take more, so the principles of advanced play training are no different from the principles of beginning training.
  16. It sure is. That area is sooo super sensitive on me and I start pissing myself uncontrollably as a guy's hand begins to play with it and stretch it more to get the hand through it. I'm not there yet with the hand (right at the crest of the thumb knuckle on a small-medium hand) but the toys seem to slide through pretty easily. I cannot wait til that area finally stretched and gives out like the rest of my rectum and anus have so i can sink easily to the elbow and start training to go beyond: goal is the shoulder so I can feel a male's armpit hair against my giant anus.
  17. happy to share. DM me on what other platforms you are on like Telegram of Discord so I can send you pics of my slack ass. I also do porn so there is my X account JaredEriksonXXX. I wear whatever type diaper I am given. I am preparing my body for the 10 days of Pig Week that starts Nov 24th. Goal is to be sloppy and open for at least a week after i get back. End goal is to be so stretched out, loose and prolapsed I need them 24-7. I hose out nearly everyday so i haven't taken a "normal shit" in a very very long time. Maybe it's time to stop for a few days and see how much function I have left, if any.
  18. That's how i try to keep my hole. I am so loose that I can take a fist in my slack ass in under 60 seconds. And still want to get looser...but that's the FistPig life...
  19. You're not going to find a date worthy guy on the hookup apps. They will be found in other places. I met my other half at an event called Furry Weekend Atlanta. Our meeting was totally by chance because we knew some of the same people in League of Atlanta pups. I was a few weeks from moving to Atlanta and he wound up being one of the guys who came up to TN to help me move, and afterwards, we started hanging out. By the time we decided to call it boyfriends about 3 months later, every guy who knew us said "it's about time you two figured it out." We've been together ever since. We both work hard and play hard. We reject sexual monogamy as a basis for a meaningful relationship and he is genuinely my best friend. We have things and interests we do and pursue separately and we have things we do and pursue together. He is not the "romantic" type (waving crucifix at Hallmark Channel) while I enjoy the cuddly-kissy stuff, which he indulges sometimes. our ideal relationship is going to be with the guy who turns out to be our best friend and cheerleader and you, theirs. Hookup apps are not the places to meet. See what kinds of events your community has (pups, leather, gaymers, etc.) as those are the places where you're likely to meet guys you can actually socialize with, who will be more than just a hookup.
  20. Doubtful. the number of guys I've encountered who will fist me or watch me get fisted and then plunge their erection into my gaped hole is amazing to me. So many guys get off on fucking an ass that is so open they barely feel the rectum walls. A few are turned off by this level of loose and are very outspoken about it, but most get into it, some even put their hand back in and masturbate their penis to orgasm inside me.
  21. HGH grows your hands and jaw and feet more than anything else once your growth plates have sealed. Big hands have zero to do with cock size but for us fist pigs they mean we are going to get stretched and filled to the max when they grease up they paws.
  22. I have totally inserted my plugs a few times. The sensations are awesome. All my toys save for one have big bases on them (bad-Dragon and Twisted Beast) and can't be fully inserted
  23. Of the choices, I have to say I was born a bottom. Yea, I was masturbating at a very young age, but i saw penis and new what wanted to do with it . I wanted to taste it. i wanted to feel it in me. First time I had a penis in me, I was hooked. Even though i have a sizable penis that gets milked daily, my ass is always wanting to be filled with cocks and toys and hands.
  24. Thanks for the info. My slack ass ill be seeking out paws to fill and stretch me good. I have Berlin on my list but i will add Amsterdam as well
  25. I want to do that with fisting as well as breeding. THAT is my idea of a European vacation. Nothing but daily sexual use by multiple guys in group use settings.
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