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Everything posted by ConversionPiglet

  1. Oh my gosh, is Squirt even existing? I am amazed; thought that died off like gay.com did. 😩
  2. Good evening FireDragon1970; welcome and hope you enjoy this site and much as we do.
  3. The owner of bugshare past away years ago and with a few months thereafter the website ceased to exist.
  4. This article is two years old; what other proof do you have that will support your claim that backpage may soon cease to exist?
  5. There is sound, plenty of rock hard cock dripping sounds LOL
  6. Happy Birthday stud.  Fuck love you and give your hot hole a nice charged up gift, but darn the snow.  LOL


    1. Cuntboyfury


      Fuck you and your downvote🖕🏽

  7. Local landfill is a good option.
  8. Question: without posting somewhere to see what your rating is, is there anywhere were we on can go to see what our rating is currently?
  9. [think before following links] https://www.myvidster.com/video/81442339/Massive_cumshot This video is hot; sexy young man and a massive load (only hope its poz and being shared with other pigs)
  10. This is my opinion and only mine, but personally I wouldn't watch a video with you in it due to those tattoo'ed eyes on your chest. Yes you are attractive but those tattoos are distracting and just plan nasty.
  11. I'm immune to hepatitis B, so yes you will never get that strain of hepatitis A if that virus doesn't mutate at some point in the future.
  12. BreedMeInVegas: EXCELLENT posting and exactly how I feel here in Western Wisconsin. Thanks for your post and know brother you are not alone.
  13. Immediate buzz kill in any conversation; addressing oneself in a female tense.
  14. I"m sorry, either I have been living under one hell of a rock for the last few years and finally came out to the news that nearly half of the U.S. Constitution was vacated by President Trump or you sir clearly have no clue what you just said. Someone please post a news article that I can read that reports about the U.S. Constitution being vacated (set aside) by the current administration as Pozlover1 mentioned. If this is actually real, then I will riot in the streets, scream from the roof tops, bring out my hunting rifles and join my brothers and sisters in retaking America from a corrupt and all to powerful government.
  15. Sweet....gets my hole lubed up for a lot of action here in the middle of "no man's land". Bring it on pigs...Republican here. OINK
  16. ...and this thread went political in the first reply thread. Everyone please stop with the hate speech toward the "enter name of President here." Regardless if you voted or didn't or who you voted for was elected or not...we all are American's and need to rally behind the President in office today. Screaming, whining, complaining, and throwing a five-year-old hissy fit only allows the enemy of foreign states an opportunity to highlight and fan discord among us. Our enemies know that they have a slim chance to win a physical war against us, but a psychological war is within their reach and are winning today. They are faning discord among us today with false news, re-posting non-news stories that if they occurred during past Presidential term would have received zero attention, and creating division against the two political parties at an alarming rate. Personally I ask everyone to keep political comments to yourself or in the appropriate political thread area within this general discussion area. Thanks.
  17. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/aids-top-breeds-willing-bottom-for-toxic-sperm-sharing-40832501 Fucking awesome video!
  18. Safety Director/HR representative that I co-own of a trucking company in the upper midwest region of the U.S.
  19. Been there and accidently did it; and yes, I had the FBI visit me too. Thankfully I didn't have anything on my computer minus the search history and clear evidence that I reset my computer immediately afterwards to factory settling mode (wipes out everything). I agree, the dark web is "interesting to say the least" but not worth the pain or embarrassment of explaining to everyone later why law enforcement was visiting and taking away electronic devices from your home. Best stop thinking about it now and save it to your imagination which no one can seize or arrest you for.
  20. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/standing-shed-jerk-long-version-37969931 OMG!!! I so want to be at his feet ready to submit to this AIDS Master. Hope he is on this site and notices that this one pig is in love with him.
  21. Here is my second cents worth. You sound normal; just relax and stop worrying about right or wrong with your life. Enjoy the here and now and live your life as today will be your last day. Like others mentioned before, sexual desires and identity is fluid with one day liking one thing and tomorrow enjoying something else. Just relax and be happy with yourself and enjoying the moment and let life unfold before you and don't worry about what others think or preceived about you; and welcome to the family. Your among friends here.
  22. A CD4 count that high is usually an indication of a current or just ending infection. The body makes a lot of white blood cells (WBCs) to fight off the invading infection; so were you sick recently? (cold, flu, seasonal allergies, just to name a few?)
  23. SERIOUSLY? Read the thread and the pin has been posted already.
  24. These rooms are bad; the zoom room contains 10 digits, not nine.
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