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Everything posted by newbboy84

  1. I just found out I need to be banded and have been SCOURING the internet for gay mens opinions on this vs actual surgery. This is the most concise and informative paragraph I have seen. THANK YOU
  2. Rick the tist has a really great free file called “Fag Hypnosis” that I love. Its exactly how I like to be treated. [think before following links] https://rickthetist.com/files.html
  3. I checked there and didnt see it. but the blog barely loads on my computer for some reason. I used to have it saved on xtube too, but that disappeared long before it was gone from bareback bastards. Too bad, its such a good one. I am sure its in the ether and I just cant find the right tags, but I will keep trying
  4. Hey pigs, There used to be a video from Bareback sauna slut (Josh), that was also on bareback bastards that has since been removed that I have been desperately trying to find since. It is a video where the guy uses a toothbrush in Josh's ass before he breeds him while asking him if he wants "aids." Anyone have this video, or know where it can be found? I may have something worthy of trade if thats what it takes.
  5. Any Satanic Tops into phone?

  6. I don't know... In my darkest internet holes I have stumbled on tumblrs that would lead me to believe differently. I certainly presume/hope you are more right than not. But I am not confident
  7. Its something I used to sort of understand it in our community, fetishes come in all shapes. Now things being how they are, I am baffled... Its almost stomach turning. But, I guess in line with a poz fetish being somewhat self destructive, objectifying nazis is also self destructive. We would have marched into camps along side anyone who wasn't Aryan... And would again.
  8. Literally this.
  9. I have been trying to find men in NYC. Its a tough thing to find
  10. My absolute favorite.
  11. I have been looking for one too
  12. Just saw this article. This is a sad development. Tumblr was the best! You write any fitly thing you wanted and the word tumblr into google and there would be tons of results. The end of an era. https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/3/18123752/tumblr-adult-content-porn-ban-date-explicit-changes-why-safe-mode?fbclid=IwAR0fi2aUv9-dkqXQ7dfrHcUc3GmsOGUCmU4OPp7Jvu9xP6eziL-D5XmHCF0
  13. I use both
  14. my two go to tumblrs. I wish there were more videos out there. https://darkangel1820.tumblr.com/archive https://jopsatansgay.tumblr.com
  15. Your profile is fucking hot. Wish you were in NYC

  16. Not to be a total nerd: Edjaculate is also a noun noun iˈjakyo͝olət/ 1. semen that has been ejected from the body.
  17. I can't remember if you are allowed to post from pornhub or not. But look up the butterfly project there. Its my new favorite.
  18. Mysteriousskin NYC bb bttm with an open mind
  19. WORD TO THIS!!!!!! As someone who started seeking out older men at age 13 and found plenty of willing participants, I have spent years in therapy undoing a lot of the mixed wiring it caused. And I was a willing participant who thought I was in charge of my desire. But as I have become and adult I have reconcile a lot of feelings I didn't know I had about it all until much much older. Fantasies are all fine and well, but developing brains should be protected against things they don't understand they are doing to themselves. An unpopular opinion on a site like this, I know. But its the truth. I wish with all my might I could go talk to myself back then. What I was seeking wasn't what I ended up with.
  20. Same. If you liked that, get ready. You wont stop thinking about it. I have become obsessed.
  21. Fuck this story is perfect
  22. If there are any tops in NYC into this hit me up
  23. If you are ever in NYC I am your bttm. I love to get roughed up, bruised and choked by a verbal abusive top
  24. Fuck yeah, I would let that beast take me away any day.
  25. This scene from Sick Fucks gets me every time. Any other vids like this? Amateur would be even better, but anything with this kind of verbal. Love hearing them say they are gonna kill him and obtain his soul etc... When you buy the scene, by the way, its a little longer and more depraved. And that tops face as he unloads... there need to be more scenes like this. http://elfinion3.tumblr.com/post/160902349186/demon-breed-ave-satanas-sick-fucks-6-2667m
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