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Posts posted by ScorpionFF

  1. Part 8;

    My boyfriend climbed into the piss pool and sat on ledge, so we could see/hear each other.

    - You were meant to wait for me on the Dancefloor. What happened? You have been missing for hours!
    - Sorry. The Man you left me with took me away and used me for a while.
    - BUT, he said he had not seen you all night when I asked him. C'mon, I think it is time we went home. And when we get home I am going to take that ridiculous virginity of yours, and give you what it is that you so desperately desire.

    By now I was sat upright, in the piss pool. I stuck the first part of 3 of my fingers in my cunt, brought them to my nose, and took in the smell of my Masters mutated DNA.

    - Sorry. But my virginity has been taken, by Sir, whose poz cum I now have in my cunt.
    - Who the hell is Sir?

    Sir tapped my boyfriend on his shoulder.

    - I am SIR!
    - But, wha', I mean, you have been deceiving me since the moment we met. What game do you think you are playing at?
    - I have just been following my Masters simple orders. 🐐 And my friend, this is no game! You see, my Master is now his Master as well, and he is at home eagerly awaiting the arrival of his new boy, and, it is my responsibility in transporting him there in a timely manner. We are leaving NOW! You will go to your locker, fetch your boys belongings, and meet us at my locker, which is locker number 9.

    Sir gave the nod, and in a flash the Skinhead picked me up in his arms, and followed Sir to his locker. Once there I was stripped from the now piss drenched knee length red socks, and red rubber gloves. Some piss had collected inside the gloves, and one at a time Sir tipped the contents into my mouth, making me drink every last drop. He also removed my leash. The only think now on my body, was the locked chain around my neck, which symbolized that my boyfriend owned me. I sat on the floor whilst waiting for Sir and the Skinhead to get all their stuff from the lockers, and my boyfriend to come.

    My boyfriend came, and I got into my loose tee, trackies, and trainers. He just watched me, not saying a word. The atmosphere was tense! Sir scooped me up and carried me all the way to the club entrance, with the Skinhead and my boyfriend both following. We all walked to Sir's car which happened to be only 3 cars down from the car I arrived in. As the 3 of us got into Sir's car (myself in the passengers seat) my boyfriend ran to his. Sir put on Opera music, and loudly, for the LONG drive.

    We had been driving for ages when the passenger in the back piped up, and having to shout ...

    - Hey mate, are we nearly there yet? We have been driving for 90 bloody minutes, 30 of which we've been in the middle of nowhere.

    Sir turned the Opera music down.

    - Almost there my friend. --- I do believe your boyfriend has followed us. I knew he would. That might just go in our Master's favour! He has made so many foolish errors tonight regarding his boy. Will he make a final one, in your name? *tut tut tut*

    We drove for another 30 minutes, and arrived at these huge electronic cast iron gates, which were also guarded by 4 Guard Dogs. The gates slowly opened, and both cars drove in. It was then another few minutes down a windy bumpy lane, and here we were, at MY NEW Master's house! It was HUGE. There was the front door to the house which was bang in the middle, then 2 large windows either side of the main door, plus, 4 stories high. There must have been about 36 rooms, at a guess. It was also rather eerie, as, every window was pitch black, no lights were on. Except on the top floor at the end to the right, the windows were open, and the room was lit up with a fizzling fire red glow.

    I became transfixed with this brightly lit room, and suddenly I was having to catch my breath. There was also this strange sensation inside my cunt. Like something was gently prodding the entire length of it. Repetitively!

    Sir led us all to the front door. I say 'door'. There was no actual door, just another big cast iron gate. Sir got out the large key, in, turn, click. He opened the gate which creaked on it's hinges, and in we all went. Addressing my boyfriend and the Skinhead, Sir said whilst nodding to a corner room;

    - I need to prepare for Master. Will you please wait in there. I will collect you when I am ready.

    Sir then took me down to the basement which was FREEEEEZING. Again, I was ordered to strip naked. He then got a pair of electric hair trimmers, and proceeded to trim my body hair all over. All I used to do at home was shave my cunt hole, and trim my pubes so they were just tidy.

    From the neck down he was trimming everything down to it's root, including arm and leg hair. I was relieved he was leaving my thick golden curly locks on my head. My pride and joy.

    Once done he ordered me into this huge shower area that could easily fit a couple dozen people. It was basic grey breeze block brick work with a granite type flooring. The water went on. I screamed as it hit my skin as it was only tepid. Sir got naked himself, and joined me. Goodness, I wanted him to FUCK my cunt. I planted my hands against the cold bricks, stuck my ass out and pleaded;

    - PLEASE Sir, FUCK me.
    - Not this time boy. We have work to do. And you have kept your Master waiting long enough.
    - Sorry Sir.

    He got a razor and proceeded to make smooth what the electronic clippers could not manage. He shaved every last piece of hair off of me from the neck down. I was now HAIRLESS! We dried ourselves, and then Sir started to rub Almond oil all over me which eventually covered me EVERYWHERE from the neck down.

    He took two pairs of these black silk trousers that were low cut waist, and there was one button where a top button would be, just for fine detail purposes. It was a cream coloured button, with a Black Goat Heads emblem. He put a pair on himself, and the other pair he would be taking upstairs.

    And now came for my attire. He dressed me in a knee length transparent chiffon night shirt, which had these Black Goat emblem buttons all the way down. He then took a step back --->

    - Oh YES. Master is going to LOVE you! 👺🐐

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  2. Part 7;

    Sir stood about 1 metre away from and with his back to our sling

    - Hey. I literally left the dance-floor for no more than 5 minutes. I came back, BOTH of you were gone. What the HELL happened?
    - Oh, I assumed you two became reunited. Several seconds after you left for your piss, he followed you. And that is why I got here 20 minutes ago, at 1.55am, ready for your show where you were going to take your boyfriend's virginity, and knock him up.

    - Well, I haven't seen him since I left him with you.
    - Oh, neither have I.
    - You haven't seen him that entire time?
    - No. Well, I plan to stay in this area until at least 3.15am. Why don't you come back in 1 hour. If he passes by during that time, I shall keep him here and keep him out of trouble, until you come back.
    - You'll be in this same spot?
    - Possibly. If not I most likely will be in the piss pool area opposite. Just over there.
    - Thanks you for your help. I'll be back here in 1 hour then.
    - See ya.

    There seemed to be quite a pause where I couldn't hear any voices I was familiar with, and I wasn't being touched either. All I could sense was muffled voices in the background, and tribal sounds being played out over the speaker system. Then, after a while I felt the cloak slowly uncovering me. BUT, when it got to my neck, it stopped, so my face remained covered. I didn't feel anything enter me, but I immediately felt the hot poker sensation sliding right through my cunt all the way to what again felt like my stomach, and that burning. My cunt was burning that little bit more again than the last time. And so was I. I started to feel really hot and sweaty with a pair of large hands rubbing over my wet torso. I knew they were Sir's, and I knew he was inside me again. Only this time it didn't feel like a mere fuck. It felt like a ritual, and I was about to get well and truly stung. (IF I truly wanted it, that is). Sir started to speak once again. His voice still distorted, but now it was much deeper again. I don't know how I was doing it, but, I was just managing to decipher what he was saying.

    - Well, your boyfriend was just way too easy. I cannot wait to see his face when he realizes that it won't be his DNA that will be controlling you. Fuck yeah. You ready for your first ever load sprayed in your cunt, pig?
    - Yes Sir
    - It's highly toxic! You do realize if I cum inside you, you will have no choice but to come with me to meet your new Master tonight to transfer from the mutated strain I am about to give to you, to the original virulent strain in it's most potent pure form. A lot will be expected of you before you would receive his ultimate DNA. If you truly accept your chosen fate, you will now say clearly, 'Hail Master. I accept you completely, and without question. Take me now', OR, you can say, 'No. I walk away'.

    I was actually being given a choice here. Or was I? Maybe it wasn't too late. I could not accept, and become infected by my boyfriend as originally planned all along. I was conflicted! I knew that to make the correct choice, I had to be true to myself! The only image I had in my head now, was that of my lovely boyfriend. And all I could feel physically was my cunt being filled with dirty, dark and demonic filth, and that left me feeling fulfilled and truly satisfied.

    - Take my cloak away from his face, and remove the hanker-chief you put in his mouth. 

    Suddenly I could see again. I looked up at Sir, and once again, he looked like an angry Demon. I must be full on hallucinating. Surely!? His face was a glowing fireball red 👺, and the Scorpions on his pecs seemed like they were dancing. Also, I could see that either side of me were several Dicks masturbating over me. But they looked like the Dicks of Monsters. They looked ugly. BUT, I wanted to feel their hot seed soak me all over. I guess I had my answer.

    - Hail Master. I accept you completely, and without question. Take me now ☠️🐐

    With my obedient declaration Sir stopped fucking me. He pulled out, and just stared down at me. The Men either side of me continued stroking their Dicks. I knew what Sir was about to do. He was going to fill me with his dirty toxic seed, and that is all it took for me to start shooting my own load as I lay there restrained. The most intense orgasm of my life and no one was touching me, not even myself. I would usually cum in a moderate amount, but now, I was erupting buckets; All over my chin, chest, and belly. I was squirting such an insane amount of cum that it was running down the sides of my torso. And, it went on and on. My body suddenly went limp, and I passed out.

    The next thing my brain was perceiving, is Sir was scooping up my neg load and FFisting it into my cunt, and using the remainder to lube up his bloodied shaft.

    Instead of holding onto the sling chains he this time grabbed the sides of my torso with what were now ICE COLD hands, and he slammed back into my cunt, fucking me with a deep rooted aggression. He still looked like a Demon, and his eyes had glazed over and were now black, and empty. Was I dreaming? Had I regained consciousness? Everything had now become blurred.

    Out of the blue he began to speak a language that did not sound as though it was from this world. He began to talk faster and faster, and as he did, his hate fucking would also increase in it's severity. 

    THEN, everything abruptly stopped. The strange talking. The hate fucking. Sir was completely still, and expressionless with his dead black eyes. Shortly after everything ground to a halt, Sir began grunting rhythmically, each grunt several seconds apart. He was cumming, and my cunt felt like it was being loaded with cooling molten lava with each and every grunt, and it now felt like it was almost on fire.

    With each ejaculating grunt the Scorpions on his pecs would flick their tails and squirt their venom high into the air. 🦂🦂 As I watched their poison rain down on me, the several guys either side of the sling almost in unison commenced ejaculating all over me, with each splash of cum that was drenching me, making my skin feeling very hot.

    The next time I was properly aware, I was lying on my back in the piss pool in about an inch in depth at least, of warm piss. There were others like me with men stood over them, using them as nothing more than a human urinal. And then my boyfriend's voice suddenly appeared. but I couldn't see him with the crowd.

    - Darling, where have you been all this time? I have been worried about you.

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  3. Part 6;

    I instinctively reached both arms up to grab hold of the sling chains as I fell, from feeling like me, to, falling into an abyss where I was fast becoming detached. I could feel who I was deep within me, but right now I felt like I was on the set of a film, I could see everyone, but they couldn't see me. It was very weird. I watched Sir move out of my focus. He seemed to vanish in a blurry flash more than actually move. I then felt a pair of hands behind me pull me back so I was laying properly in the sling. It was Sir. He restrained my wrists whilst the skinhead restrained my ankles.

    Sir came to between my legs, lifted his cloak, and threw it over his shoulders, so it hung from his neck, draping down his back. I couldn't see his face because of the Gas Mask, but the way his Leather Harness shaped into his shoulders and hairy pecs perfectly and the way he was holding the chains with his big hands with a firm grip, combined with my intoxication made me begin to 'high pitch grunt' with each breath out. However, my breathing rate was slowly increasing, and as it did, so did the frequencies of my 'high pitch grunts'.

    I was perving over his broad and hairy muscular physique, when suddenly I could not see them properly anymore. All I could see was his bulging veins across his chest, and the length of his arms. And it seemed like something was moving and wriggling inside of them. I was then brought back to the situation as I heard Sir's voice repeat itself over and over. First of all it was very faint, and then it got louder. As it got louder I could hear what he was saying, only just. His voice was now slightly distorted.

    - Oi, pig, you still want that virulent mutated strain of our Masters DNA?
    - Strain of what ..... Sir?
    - HIV, pig!
    - FUUUHcK ... Yes Sir.

    I instantly recognized the sensation of his fingernails clawing inside my ass as he fingered me. But, instead of the pain I felt earlier with his scratching, each scratch made my nerves flick like when you try to unsuccessfully light a lighter (lots of tiny little sparks, which eventually burn your thumb). I don't know how long he'd been fingering my ass, but all of a sudden I really felt my ass stretch open wide which made my already regular panting turn into full on very fast panting. My high pitched grunts were turning into demonic shrieks of ecstasy. I guess the crazy noise I was making had attracted a crowd as I saw lots of bodies mill around my sling. I didn't look up to see their faces as I was transfixed on Sir, who was giving my ass a good working over.

    - OMG Sir, is that 3 fingers right upto your knuckles you have inside my ass? I feel really stretched. BUT, I feel I want more. I NEED MORE!
    - No pig. I am about 2" past my wrist. AND, our Master prefers it if you refer to your ass as your cunt. Because, that is what you have from now on. A cunt. Understood!?
    - Yes. PLEASE fuck my cunt Sir. PLEEEEEAAAASE ...

    He stood completely upright again, and started fucking me. Much like when he briefly fucked me earlier it felt like a hot rod poking my stomach, and my cunt began to burn.

    However, this time the poker felt hotter, and the burning felt more intense. It was much more pleasurable this time too. I looked up to the Gas Mask, then my eyes were drawn to his Scorpion tattoos that were on each of his large pecs. Their legs and tails were now beginning to slightly move. 🦂 I don't know why, but this served to turn me on even more. Then, I heard his voice BOOM ...

    - EVERYBODY MOVE OUT OF THE WAY. I need a clear view in case of enemy approaching. 

    As I looked around, the crowd around us had turned away. But, instead of walking off, they seemed to scuttle off, fleeing to other parts of this part of the venue. Sir continued to fuck me. Again, I do not know for how long. My perception of time was lost. Then suddenly, Sir tore off his Gas Mask.

    At first when I saw his face, he looked like an angry Demon. 👺 But then, as he spoke to the skinhead, he looked like himself again.

    - Fuck. Take over from me will you. We need to cause a diversion.

    The skinhead who was beginning to skull fuck me at the lockers stood over me, holding his truncheon in one hand, and batting the palm of his opposite hand. Then, he started to hate fuck me with it. I was panting super fast and shrieking extremely loudly.

    - Stick ALL of it inside my cunt!!

    He reached behind to the left pocket of his bleachers, and pulled out a large red paisley hanker-chief, scrunched it up, and stuffed it in my mouth.

    - SHUT up faggot! The only noise I want to hear is the various bodily fluids squelch inside and around your nasty cunt as we USE you how the HELL we want!
    - I thought I was right in thinking you would be of great use to us. Good work with quietening him down.

    Sir put his Dick back in his Leather Jockstrap. It was looking very red and wet. He then placed his Gas Mask on my chest, then very carefully arranged his cloak covering me up until I was out of sight. The skinhead continued to hate fuck my cunt, and then ....

    ... I heard my boyfriends voice!

    Would he discover me, and infect me like we had originally planned during the past few weeks. He had to find me right now, because I could tell Sir was very close to ejaculating our Masters mutated DNA into my hungry cunt. I couldn't help but sense that, if that happened, I would be receiving the actual original strain.

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  4. Part 5;

    Sir withdrew his Dick. The Dick that just took my virginity! My ass felt sore, and wet.

    - TURN around, and KNEEL before me, pig.

    I did as I was told. I couldn't see his strong hairy legs. Nor his toxic Dick that just had me, and I was longing to see it. His cloak covered him entirely, neck down.

    - Is this what you are looking for, pig?

    He pulled back his cloak to reveal his huge hairy pecs, a set of 8 pack abs, AND ... His bloodied Dick that was still fully erect, pointing straight upwards, sporting a SPIKED PA at the end. That is what that sharp thing is that I was feeling. His PA was tinted wet red, which also trickled down his shaft. He moved sideways then turned so he was stood sideways to me, and in front of me walked the guy who arrived a short while ago who had said earlier; 

    'Virgin? Not by the end of the night he won't be.' 

    He was a tall, broad, yet very slim skinhead, who was sporting 26 hole Black Grinders with red laces, bleachers, and red rubber braces. He had a septum piercing and a huge bio-hazard tattoo below his chest. I couldn't believe it, two toxic Dicks in front of me, my virginity in tatters, quite literally, and I wasn't with my boyfriend. The skinhead started to laugh arrogantly, then spat in my face multiple times. His Dick was already hanging out of his top buttoned up bleachers. It was short, yet very thick, and it looked to be semi erect.

    - Oh fucking hell, what do we have here hey. A virgin faggot boy craving highly charged toxic seed. You should not be denied that privilege. Now open that mouth wide, that's it, keep it wide open ...

    He put his Dick in my mouth.

    - Now close your lips over my shaft, and don't move a single muscle. You are now gonna make me HARD, faggot.

    He put his hands against the lockers, and slowly slid his Dick in, and out, in and out. I stayed completely still, as instructed. It did not take long for his Dick to grow. He was very thick. Now I have sucked a lot of Dick in my time, but this was really stretching my jaw. He went in to my mouth balls deep, and very slightly rocked his hips so his shaft stayed in place, which I could feel getting longer and now was beginning to touch the back of my throat. I started to gag, then choke, OK, now I was really choking.

    He pulled out, with my drool spilling all down my chest. He spat in my face again, slapping it hard ...

    - Want to play with the big p☢️z boys do you eh, faggot. I am so gonna pound that filthy throat of yours.

    He slapped both sides of my face hard, shoved his thick and fully grown Dick in my mouth, grabbed behind my head, and started to pound at me like he had just trod in some dirt. No sooner had he got going, Sir piped up ...

    - Hey, stop. We need to move along. Staying in the same spot for too long is not a good idea with that stupid boyfriend of his on the loose. I want you to join us too. I think you could become very useful.
    - Fuck yeah, sure. This little faggot could well be a lot of fun, for a little while, at least.
    - Pig, I want you to get up, get behind Sir, put your arms around his torso, bow your head so it is halfway down Sir's back. And you, keep very close behind me and the pig.

    Sir opened up his locker, threw in his Muir, and took out a Gas Mask. He put it on, locked up, and off we went, with me now totally naked, stripped of my rubber outfit, wearing nothing but what Sir was now making me wear; The knee length red socks, and elbow length rubber gloves. After a short walk we got to where I was being led to. It was one of the sling areas next to the piss pool, where my boyfriend, now ex Master showed me a little earlier, pointing out where he was going to infect me. My virginity had been taken, but,it wasn't too late to infect me with HIS strain. But, he'd need to find me very quickly, and time was running out!

    Sir told me to stand up straight. He turned around to face me, and we were both now sideways to an empty sling. Fuck, he looked h🔥T in his cloak and Gas Mask. I really felt like I was being dragged to some Dark force. A force that I could not resist. Time to prepare you for our Master, who eagerly awaits your arrival! ☠️🐐

    He motioned his head towards the sling;

    - Get in, pig.

    As I perched my ass on the edge of the sling I suddenly began to feel super relaxed, and becoming detached from my surroundings, and myself. The Ketamine was kicking in, and there did not seem to be a single thing now standing in the way of the inevitable.

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  5. Part 4;

    I downed my K infused drink. Sir took the empty glass, placed it in his locker, and locked up. He then started to show me his finger nails. They were long, and had been sharpened to a fine point.

    - You like my nails, boy?
    - They look very sharp Sir.
    - Stand up and put your arms against my locker, and arch that bubble ass out.
    - Yes Sir

    I heard him spit, then felt the back of two of his fingers slide over and over my hole.

    - SPREAD your legs, boy,
    - Yes Sir.

    I did as I was told. Soon I felt the points to two of his fingernails scratch at my hole in a quick motion. It was a little painful, but, it was also pleasurable.

    - So, your boyfriend tells me you want to become a poz pig.
    - Yes Sir. I have craved it for years. I NEED it, N☢️W.

    No sooner had I uttered those words he shoved his two fingers inside my ass. I let out a loud grunt from his sheer force, which turned into frequent grunts of pain as he jabbed roughly in and out, making sure he was digging into my inner ass flesh.

    - Just as well boy, because your new Master has AIDS. And, he will be in your veins very soon. 🐐☠️

    Those very words made my already tight asshole twitch, and clamp down on his fingers even tighter, which only served to intensify the pleasure and pain I was already experiencing, and enjoying. Someone who had just arrived to the club walked past to get to their locker. They obviously had read what my boyfriend had written down the centre of my back as I heard;

    - Virgin? Not by the end of the night he won't be.
    - You are correct there. And I have from a reliable source, his boyfriend no less, who was going to take this pigs virginity tonight in front of a crowd, that as of right now he is in-fact still a virgin. Want to watch me take it instead, from him, right now?
    - Ordinarily I would quite happily just say yes, but the fact you are sporting two such beautiful Scorpion tattoos, I say; Fuck yeah. Sting the neg cunt! 🦂

    The man that I had been instructed to address as Sir, withdrew his fingers. I then heard him unzip his Leather Jockstrap, and position the tip of his Dick on my hole, and I felt something sharp at the same time. He pushed, and pushed, then pop, half of his cock head was inside. I guess now I was literally seconds away from losing my virginity. Would my boyfriend come around the corner to find me in time to take me away to take it for himself?

    As I thought about my boyfriend finding me so we could orchestrate our original plan, Sir gripped onto my waist very firmly, and plunged his Dick, RAW, deep inside my ass.

    I gasped, then held that gasp in as I truly began the journey to my new life. Without a pause Sir was fucking me aggressively, and my gasp that I was holding fell out with a combination of repetitive grunts and whimpers. My stomach felt like it was being poked by a hot rod, and my ass was now burning. Plus, I felt this sharp sensation each time he slid in, and slid out. My grunts and whimpers soon were just whimpers as I struggled with the pain, even though I was really very much enjoying getting fucked. For the first time!!

    Continuing to pound my ass, Sir brought his stubbly face to my neck/ear ...

    - Not a virgin anymore, are we, you fucking filthy pig. Our Master has given me an extremely virulent strain of the bug that you crave, and before I take you to him, you are gonna get the mutated version, very soon, deep inside your guts. Want to change your mind about getting infected, pig?
    - It took all I could within to be able to get out an audible ... 'No'.
    - Sorry, I didn't hear THAT!
    - I NEED to get infected, Sir.
    - Good pig. Because, you have been chosen to receive a very unique gift. Now, we had better get you away from here before your very foolish boyfriend finds us.

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  6. Part 3;

    Two weeks had gone by, and tonight was the night of the big party in our city, and I had kept my end of the bargain by not cumming, and that had completely refocused my sexual energy solely on my hole. I thoroughly douched and put on my outfit of; rubber jockstrap, rubber harness, with a thick chain and padlock tight around my neck, letting party goers know I was owned. My boyfriend attached a leash to the chain. He then wrote down my spine in washable marker pen the word 'V I R G I N'. I threw on some old baggy clothes, and we hopped in the car, with my beautiful Man driving us to the venue. Since we met we have never been short of anything to say to one another, however, the entire half hour drive we were silent, and there was a very strange feeling in the car. We parked up and submitted our queue jump tickets so not a minute of the night ahead wasted.

    I put my over clothes in a locker. My Man was in his full Leather Gear. He took me by my leash and paraded me around the entire building, showing off his neg virgin that he was now fully intending to corrupt. We went to one of the bars where he got a lemonade and a large vodka and coke for his boy. He led me to the dance-floor where he stood there slowly sipping his drink, whilst I got to my love of dancing, wiggling my cute little round ass in my new rubber jockstrap.

    Every time I turned around facing a particular direction, this broad hunk was stood several metres away from us, with something black draped over his arm, and wearing a Leather outfit consisting of a Muir, harness, Jockstrap, and army boots. When I say hunk, he was obviously seriously into bodybuilding, just my type. But, he wasn't the typical smooth, he was very hairy. He was the kind of guy I fantasized about taking my virginity, and knocking me up in the process.

    I turned away from him again and gyrated my ass in his direction. Instead of turning back to face him, I just kept on dancing and gyrating. Naughty I know with my new love stood right by me, but, I was so drawn to him, and, I could not stop myself. I then heard someone strike up a conversation with my new boyfriend. 

    - Very cute boy you have there mate.
    - Thank you. Like your Scorpion tattoos by the way.
    - Cheers. So, is he really a virgin, as is advertised.
    - Indeed he is.
    - Neg then, naturally. I'd love to sting him.
    - We recently got together and he badly wants to be stung. He has craved it for a few years now, so, I shall be stinging him tonight in front of an audience. You should watch.

    I turned around to see who the other guy was, and I couldn't believe it, it was the hunk. I immediately looked down to the dance-floor, unable to make proper contact. To which he lifted my chin, and made me look at him. He stared deep into my eyes. His look unnerved me, yet, I was intoxicated at the same time.

    - Yeah, I think I should be in very close proximity the moment he gets stung.
    - I hope to start action around 2am at the sling area next to the piss pool area.

    My Master then tugged on my leash ...

    - Come on boy, your Master needs a piss.
    - Yes Master.
    - Hey, I do think it is a big shame you are taking such a brilliant dancer away from his natural habitat of the dance-floor. You go for your piss, and I'll look after your virgin for you.

    My Master hesitated ...

    - OK. But don't move from this spot. I'll literally be just a few minutes.
    - OK boss, we'll be here, waiting.

    This hunk watched my boyfriend until he was out of sight. Then the night took a complete 360 degree angle turn, and this guy took the black garment over his arm and attached it around his neck. It was a floor length cloak! So now his entire hairy bulky body was out of sight. He then grabbed hold of my leash, yanked hard, and started walking off, leaving me no option to follow.

    - But my Master said we had to wait here. (I motioned towards where we were stood)
    - First of all that was very foolish of him to leave you unattended, and secondly, you have a brand new Master now!

    He frog marched me to his locker, and ordered me to strip naked. I put my drink in his locker so I could undress, not that there was much to come off. He then made me put on knee length socks, and elbow length rubber gloves, both a bright red colour, ordered me to my knees, and handed me my drink. He then added some clear liquid.

    - Thank you Master. What was that?
    - Firstly, I gave you a small amount of Ketamine, and secondly, I am not your new Master. You will however address me as Sir.
    - Sorry Sir. But I thought you said I have a brand new Master now.
    - You do indeed. He in some way is right in front of you, but, it isn't me. I shall be driving you to him in a little while ☠️ Now drink up.
    - Yes Sir.

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  7. Part 2;

    As we spooned we chatted for a while, and then I felt his Dick grow again. I spat on my hand, reached behind and lubed up my Ass, grabbed his Dick, and positioned it at my virgin hole, and pushed back.

    - PLEASE Fuck me. I really NEED you inside me!
    - No, we need to discuss this further, let's go to sleep.

    He pulled his beautiful Dick away from my eager virgin neg hole, and we went to sleep.

    After a few more weeks of dining at one another's homes, and plenty of his delicious toxic cum sprayed down my throat we officially became boyfriends. I was in Heaven. Almost.

    For a few more weeks after we officially became an item we came to a head with the whole 'bare fucking' situation.

    - Darling, are you really sure you want to convert?

    A question he must have asked me a million times by now.

    - Yes honey, I am completely sure. It is something as you know already that I have given much though for a few years now.
    - Yes, I know. The thing is, there is something I haven't told you, that being, I love sex parties, and am a total exhibitionist, and, don't you think it would be HOT if we had a bunch of guys watch me take your virginity?
    - Fuck YES! You would bareback me, right?

    He didn't utter a sound. He got up from the couch where we were both cuddling, and left the room. He came back holding something I am very fond of. He now ordered me to strip, and kneel down.

    - Hands behind your back. So, you want Master to infect you do you boy?

    I had woken the beast! We always referred to each other as Master & boy during play, as he was deeply into kink. I looked upto him and meekly replied;

    - Yes please Master. Make me your p☢️z rubber pig.

    He spat on my face, whilst slapping it, and proceeded to put the spider-gag onto me, and without hesitation began to aggressively face fuck me.

    - You want Master to knock you up, then, you will have an audience pig! We will go to the fetish party in a few weeks where I will give you what you crave. But, you are not allowed to cum between now and then, understood pig!?

    I couldn't reply as his cock head forced it's way to the back of my throat.

    - I said; understood pig!? Fuck, if you don't have the decency to answer your Master when you are spoken to, then, you do NOT deserve his cum down your throat.

    He whipped the spider-gag off of me, told me to keep my mouth firmly shut, spat on and slapped my face some more, then proceeded to wank over my face. My lover did not take long to squirt his thick toxic load. He used his still erect Dick as some kind of decorating wand to smear his toxic filth further across my face. My hole twitched at the thought of having my Man's toxic cum inside me in a few weeks, and that he has just called me 'pig'. He hadn't done that until now. I felt honoured!

    - Master, I need to go for a wee, please may I go?
    - Go on, you filthy pig

    I hurried off to the bathroom and inspected my face. GREAT, he hadn't smeared it thinly, and there was enough cum to scoop up with my fingers. I lay on our bathroom mat, and started to finger his precious DNA inside of me. Still an anal virgin, yet, p☢️z cum inside my ass. I felt exhilarated!

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  8. Part 1;

    I met my boyfriend on a dating app. I was on it because that is what I wanted to find. He was of a short lean build, and 17 years my senior. My preference physically is that of someone who is a serious weightlifter. But in the game of finding love, concessions do have to be made.

    I was 21, and I was an anal sex virgin. Yes, I had sucked plenty of Dick, been rimmed, fingered, and kissed, but, that was it. 

    I was saving my virginity for someone who would convert me. Yes, for a few years now I had been craving to become poz, and during that time I had read many forums, and know I was not alone in my quest. However, I didn't want it to be with some random. I wanted it to be from someone I know, and would have in my life in whatever capacity, boyfriend, friend, fuck buddy, whoever. I craved to have whoever would do the deed be part of my physical life, not just course through my veins.

    We had our first date in an old fashioned way, in a restaurant, and we really got on. We spoke about literally everything except sex. I knew he was a top, and vice versa. We had two dates like this, and we took our third one to his place. Still dining, but much more intimately.

    During our meal which he lovingly prepared and cooked (and it was delicious), he suddenly switched the conversation to a topic we had not remotely covered;

    - Do you use condoms when getting fucked?
    - Well, the thing is, er ...
    - Yes?
    - I'm a virgin!
    - Seriously?
    - Yes. I've been saving myself. I have done lots of other stuff, just never had a Dick in my Ass.

    He cleared his throat ...

    - OK. So of course you will be HIV negative. I hope this doesn't change anything between us, but, I am HIV+, and I do much prefer to fuck BARE!

    I liked where this was going, especially as we were heavily heading towards the direction of becoming romantically involved.

    - Are you on medication then?
    - Er, well, the thing is, I know I became positive 3 years ago, and was diagnosed 2 years ago.I do have a VL that hovers around between 90k to 155k. But have a healthy CD4 count, and feel fine, so, I haven't started medication yet.

    FUCK, this was Music to my ears. I couldn't respond verbally, as I got lost in his beautiful eyes. He had me. Or did he?

    - How comes you are smiling? You seem to be more than happy to hear what I have just told you!?
    - OK, the thing is this. I have been saving myself as I am a bug chaser, and I want whomever converts me to have a permanent position in my life.
    - I see. Well, as you know we really like each other, however, we need to discuss this properly.

    We chatted a bit more about it, then organically we spoke about other things too, which we of course found very easy with one another.

    I stayed over, and we had some FUN which culminated in him shooting his wonderful toxic seed down my throat. We went to bed, where we spooned, which felt magical with a guy I really really liked.

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  9. Part 22;

    I quickly got behind Mike, and knelt down, fixing my gaze onto his exposed cunt, which was very clear to see due to wastage of his ASS. He was cumming alright, as with each grunt his perineum wickedly twitched. Fuck YES!! 

    My own nasty Dick in a toxic heartbeat became rock solid, leaping towards the ceiling. I stroked very very slowly as I imagined with each pulsating throb to the thick root of this twisted fuckers AIDS Dick ejaculating it's highly charged death seed, with nowhere to go but to coat the inside of the boys velvety yet inflamed bleeding rectum! 

    Even though everyone else had just shot their filthy fuck fluid inside my pups loose and swollen converting fuck vessel they were all STILL hard, and stroking! Mike fell on top of the neg twink, and with the exception of some movement due to a raspy cough that had now ensued, Mike lay motionless! We all just stared for a good several minutes, stroking. What a Beautiful sight! Vibrant life had just welcomed a destructive force, in the hope of a permanent setting. Mike suddenly looked up and at Lee, gave his signature sick and twisted smirk. He drew breath ...

    - Go on Lee. You know what this piece of neg boy-meat deserves now. don't ya?
    - Some well earned parTy to go with his play?
    - Fuck yeah!

    Lee went to the case of magic tricks, took the necessary required paraphernalia, and attached a tourniquet on the newly bred boy's arm. Then they both did something none of us were expecting. Mike withdrew, and his wonderful thick veiny AIDS weapon was still fully erect, pointing upwards, with its natural strong curve. Lee took a scalpel he was holding, and made a small incision into one of Mikes beautiful bulging veins. Blood infected with all kinds of toxic filth trickled down his shaft, and Lee wasted no time in swirling the needle around in the blood as it trickled down the stick of death. He pressed the dirTy needle on a vein, and slammed Mike's brand new pig with a hit of tina.

    He soon began to writhe. pant and perspire in the sling he was cuffed in on all four corners. Mike took out the toothbrush from his satchel, and dabbed it on the the blood on his legendary fuck weapon, inserted it into the poz pig in the makings wet, and increasingly battered cunt, and massaged the brush, slow, yet firm.

    - Fucking Hell Master, PLEASE give it to me.
    - Give you what Pig?
    - Your AIDS, PLEASE ... MASTER

    After he uttered those words he stuck his tongue out, keeping it out, and kept opening and closing his jaw so his tongue kept hitting his top front teeth, and made begging whimpering noises, as his eyes started to express complete vacant submissive expression. Mike laughed arrogantly ...

    - That is exactly what I am in the middle of doing pig. You are completely MINE now, you do understand that?

    He reacted intensifying his current expression with an increase in pitch in his whimpers, and nodding. Leaving the toothbrush in, Mike re-inserted his open wounded AIDS Fuck beast and began fucking again, with a good steady rhythm. Fuck, this sick AIDS Demon was still erect and able to Fuck. He held onto the rattling chains, throwing his head into the air, letting out an almighty evil cackle. This was met with loud cheers from the crowd and various statements ...

    - Yeah, fuck your toxic waste into his neg cunt.
    - YeeeaaaahhH, give him your AIDS Man.

    After a few minutes Mike withdrew, and ordered Doctor Lee to un-cuff the pig in training and kneel him before his new AIDS Master. Once in p☢️zition Mike took off Dan's anti-retro necklace and put it over and around the base of his Death-Shaft, so it dangled underneath his balls.

    - I do believe you have now finally earned that right pig of drinking your AIDS Master's pus straight from the tap. Now lick my nasTy Dick clean, cunt, *Mike barked*

    The pig in waiting got straight to what had been requested of him, licking up pus, a mixture of neg and very high viral poz cum, his own cunt juice, and M☢️RE! Once his Master Dick had got a good cleaning, he took hold of the back of his new pigs head, and slowly skull-fucked his throat, looking down with his yellow gaunt face, and his raspy chesty cough ☠️ now echoing around the room.

    - Lee, fetch the Urinal Mask would you mate, and put it on my new pig
    - Sure

    Once the Urinal Mask was on, Mike instructed his pig to climb into the tin bath that already had a good amount of piss in it, kneel, and not to get out unless told. He done as he was ordered, and knelt in the golden salty piss, toothbrush hanging out of his cunt ...

    - Right Good Men, no one is to cum inside my new pig tonight, however you are all encouraged to piss into his Urinal Mask. In two nights time, at 9pm, five more toxic studs courtesy of our host Alan here will be coming for phase two to the proceedings. I hope you will be able to attend, because that is when I will give up my piss pigs cunt for all to USE how they WANT.


    I have some further firm ideas for this story. All creative input from my fellow BZ pigs more than welcome ??

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  10. 1 hour ago, ronnie4u said:

    Oh Fuck Yes !  the thought gives me a erection - love to see - party favors - sling - bondage - multi loads - forcing 10 or 12 Poz loads up inside him - bleeding cunt hole - any sites showing it ?   :)

    @ronnie4u ... I wouldn't imagine such a piece of fiction has happened in real life. Your imagination can keep you worked up ?

  11. Part 21:

    My new boy who so far only had the neg cum of my son up his cunt knelt in front of the sling. He continued down his chosen craved path of destiny. Mike went over and stood with his back to him, so his wasted ass and stuck out anus were right in the boy's face. He removed his Leather waistcoat to reveal even more of his skinny frame, and a tattoo on the centre of his back that said 'Demon'. By the 'D' was a biohazard symbol, and by the 'n' was a scorpion. From his cammo satchel he took out one of his Gonorrhoea droppers, and squirted a few dropper loads of pus just inside the rim to his AIDS cunt, only inside enough for it to slowly leak out.

    - What does my tattoo say boy?
    - It says 'Demon', Master.
    - Now worship me, pig. Show me your loyalty. Show me you are ready for me to possess you for the rest of your life.

    The neg twink grabbed hold of Mikes thighs, and got stuck right into rimming and eating up the leaking pus, also rubbing his lips and nose in deep into Mikes exposed AIDS cunt flesh, giving him a very sticky face, to go with his already piss drenched body. The third guy fucking my converting pup had for a few minutes now increased his fucking to a full on nasty aggressive hate fuck, slamming in hard, using my pup like a slab of worthless poz fuck meat, and he was now starting to let out a climatic roar.

    - Oh fuck yeah, take my strain you fucking nasty whore

    Through his rubber mask Mike showed his appreciation for my own sweaty converting pup being used as a toxic cum dump;

    - YEAH, go on, recharge that loose converting cunt with your toxic DNA mate. Go on, recharge that poz hole <-----> That's it boy, worship me, eat that pus out of my AIDS cunt.

    Mike was now groaning with pleasure as guy number 3 dumped his filthy load up my pup. It wasn't much time before both guys spit roasting him switched positions and unmedicated poz Dick No.4 was sliding it's way in to take what it wanted and give what it had to kindly offer. Mike suddenly turned around, facing the pus gobbling neg twink.

    - I guess you will be wanting to drink my pus straight from the tap
    - Yes please Master

    He went to put his mouth around Mikes bio-hazardous toxic vein throbbing diseased shaft of death.

    - Ah ah ah ah ah, not so fast Boy. You want the real draught stuff straight from the tap, you are gonna have to fucking earn it.
    - Yes Master. I will serve you until you feel I have earned what I crave, your delicious pus juice, and all your charged loads, Master.
    - Lee, get this sweet neg pig in the sling, restrain both wrists and ankles, then set the electro machine up on that stool by the sling, and get sounding him again. 

    Once set up, Lee lubed the sounding rod with more toxic pus, stood to the side of the sling, and got to work on slow, deep, intense sounding, during which time Mike just stood there for ages stroking his evil diseased fuck weapon, and then, he stood directly in front of the neg twink, and was wiping his pus ridden toxic cock head on the defenseless yet eager cunt hole. Wiping it over and over, eventually inserting the tip to his AIDS fuck piston, and just held that position, staying rock hard. THEN, SUDDENLY, he removed his rubber hood!! 

    4 of us were now stood around the sling with Mike & Lee, and there were a few gasps of shock when Mike's yellow gaunt face was now for all to see. He looked at us, smirking, laughing in a demonic manner. Then in a split second his laugh and smile suddenly dropped, and his eyes became dark, cold, and soulless, He took his empty dark expression to the boys sweet innocent expression, slid in balls deep, and he snarled in a voice that was no longer his;

    - What is it you want, faggot?
    - PLEASE fuck me Master. Infect me with your P☢️z DNA. Make me YOURS. PLEASE.

    Mike withdrew his dangerous death shaft and stood there, staring expressionless at the neg boy. His face remaining empty he took the leads from the electro machine and attached one to the boys balls, then the other to the sounding rod that Lee was using on the boy. He taped the lead to the rod so it was firm in place, left Lee to gently wank the boy, then, it was play time. Mikes face lit up once again as he turned the dials, sending electric signals into the boys Dick, and through his entire being.

    - OMG Master, fuck, MORE, give me MORE

    The boy's depraved Master needed no encouragement, and flitted between turning the dials up and down, up and down. Even though Mike had not planted his demon poison yet, he already owned the neg pig! All 6 of us now were around the sling stroking our nasty toxic pieces of fuck meat as we watched Lee & The Master do their nasTy beautiful work. 

    - Fuck Master, please, MORE, give me MORE.

    The electro dial was turned right up one last time and the sounding rod shot out as the boy shot a huge big creamy load over his belly. Mike scooped up some of the sweet neg juice and fingered it inside the boys neg cunt. Scooping up more he then lubed his own death shaft and slid back in, balls deep again, and this time there was no delay in a steady rhythm of fucking.

    - This is it boy, no turning back now. It's time to accept my legacy.
    - Fuck YES Master. Knock me up. Possess me.
    - You nasTy pig!

    He looked up at us bunch of toxic perverts, sling chains rattling, his yellow gaunt face giving his depraved twisted smirk as we all cheered him on, encouraging him to charge the boy up with his deadly seed. His smirk turned into a very dark sinister evil cackle as his eyes once again emptied of all human life force.

    His laughing stopped, his face was dark and empty with an evil stare, and his fucking ground to a halt. He took his gaze from us to the boy, and withdrew his diseased weapon, keeping the leaking pus head inside, then slammed in hard deep inside the boys neg cunt. He repeated this several times, until on his last impale of his death stick, he stopped, his lower jaw extended out baring his yellow-brown teeth, and then came rhythmic grunting, each grunt a few seconds apart. Was he now cumming?

    If so, should he pull out? ?☢️☠️?

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  12. Part 20;

    Keeping his hands clasped behind his back, he turned, and stepped onto the rubber mattress and positioned himself over the tin bath, hands against the wall, stepping back and arching his back out so his plugged cunt was exposed. He was ready to accept his new life, it seemed. Mike walked over to his new conversion project, took out the butt plug that was holding in my son's neg cum, and without warning plunged his death shaft in balls deep. My new boy let out a grunt as the force thrust his body forward with his hands against the wall stopping any real forward movement. We all stroked our toxic death sticks as we watched a multiple infected AIDS Dick corrupt and stretch sweet and juicy neg cunt flesh. After a while Mike barked;

    - Oi, you, converting pig, walk as you are on all 4s to the side of this tin bath, facing the wall, and I better had find your tongue still stuck out.

    Pup obeyed his orders and took his position. Mike stopped fucking, and from his army satchel took out a speculum which he used to slowly open up the new neg boy. He began to whimper as he could no longer tolerate how far he was getting stretched.

    - I think it's time you cute boys exchanged your accessories.

    He took the Spider-Gag off of the neg twink, put the bloodied toothbrush in his satchel, then put the gag onto my converting pup, stroking the side of his sweating face as he did so.

    - Good boy for keeping my pus on your tongue, now put your tongue in your mouth, and keep your mouth wide open. Fuck yeah, look at that conversion sweat dripping down. What a nasTy poz pig you are. Well I don't think these will be of any use to you anymore;

    And with that closing statement Mike removed Dan's anti-retroviral necklace and put it around the neg twinks neck.

    - If at any point you want to leave this party, you will swallow one of these pills as a signal you want to leave. Understood?
    - I understand. But I am completely ready to convert tonight, and completely willing for you to take total possession of me. Make me yours, Master.

    Until now, the other 4 unmedicated tops aside from Mike & Lee had only been observing, when now one of them broke the physical silence and knelt behind my pup, sliding a thick rock solid infectious poz Dick into his loose wet`gaping cunt. Immediate fast fucking heard groans of delight from my converting boy, and nasty poz talk from the fucker, not to mention the sounds of ass cheeks being slapped and full on major squelching of loose battered FFisted cunt. Then another stood in front of him and skull fucked his face through the Spider-Gag. Mike now turned his attention back to the speculum and widened it further.

    - Ouch, Master, please, that's too much, I'm being stretched too much.

    His cries of of protest were ignored as Mike held onto the neg twinks waist, slid in his beautiful thick highly charged diseased fuck weapon, and stood there, motionless. Dan & I, Doctor Lee, and the other two high viral poz studs watched on, stroking, as my pup got spit roasted, and wondering what next was going to happen to my new boy. We didn't have to wait long as Mike arched back and began to roar like a demon in flames, in pain, and it soon became apparent as to why, as his piss gushed out of the neg twinks cunt, and down his legs into the tin bath. The good old Gonnorhoea razor blade piss! As he roared and his piss flowed the guy fucking my pup grunted and unloaded his toxic cum inside the loose battered converting fuck hole. He pulled out and swapped positions with the current skull fucker. Unprotected poz Dick number two penetrated my pup as he was now skull fucked by the guy that had just recharged him. A brand new poz pig off of his face on tina, unable to get enough of being the true cum slut that he truly is. And just to think, only the other month he was neg, with a girlfriend! ;)

    Mike finished his piss, lay his bony frame on top of my healthy looking boy, and slowly rocked his pelvis. As I stroked I could only imagine his Gonnorhoea leaking out, being massaged deep into my new boys juicy neg cunt flesh. He pulled out out looked in our direction;

    - Piss inside his cunt, all of you. But no fucking. His first poz load will be from his AIDS Master. And Alan, fetch us a jug please.

    Mike had such authority, you didn't question anything, you just did. I went away, and came back with a jug. By the time I had returned the second guy had unloaded his toxic seed up my pup, and both guys who had now fucked him were stood in front of him, his Spider-Gag was now removed, and he was being barked at to clean up their messy slimy shafts, which saw him licking, his face get slapped with 2 prime pieces of fuck-meat, and more deep-throating. As they were getting cleaned up one of my other high viral loaded guests who had just pissed up my new boy went over and entered my pups loose sloppy fuck hole, who was now just a mere converting cum-dump!

    The neg twink had now 7 lots of piss pissed up his neg cunt, most of which had of course now run down his legs and he was now standing in it. Mike opened the speculum a few more notches resulting in more ignored pleas for it to be loosened.

    - Go on Alan, give him your good Golden stuff.

    As I pissed inside him, a fourth guest now joined pup and commenced skull fucking his throat, as guy number three continued pounding his wrecked fuck-hole. And this guy had real stamina, fucking with aggressive force, causing pup to grunt with each hard thrust forward, only for his grunts to be forced back down with toxic Dick hitting the back of his throat. After I took my piss, Mike released the speculum, ordered the neg twink to stand up straight, turn around and keep his hands behind his back. Mike repeatedly scooped up piss from the tin bath in the jug, and poured it over pups head, drenching him from head to toe, in warm salty piss.

    - You enjoying being drenched in your sins Boy?
    - Yes Master
    - Good Boy. Now go and kneel in front of the sling, facing away from it.

    Is it time the neg twink swallowed one of the pills and left the parTy, or should he continue with his deep darkest desires?

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  13. Part 19;

    Mike walked in and over to the cage, circling, dragging his long fingernails across the metal, causing it to rattle which only served to enhance his Demon sounds filling the room from my speakers. My 5 other guests were completely captivated. Dan was simply lying in the sling, smiling, smoking some Weed. He slowly went over to where Dan and I had been sitting earlier, sat down, and barked;

    - Bring me those 2 caged pigs; NOW.

    I unlocked the cage, and led them via their leashes as they walked on all 4s to what could potentially change them for the rest of their lives for one of them. Mike barked and snarled;

    - STAND up. And your hands behind your back. Alan, turn the light up please.

    This was my home, and I was the Master of the converting pup, however, Mike was truly the Alpha Master of all present. He delved into his army satchel and took out a steel sounding rod. He looked towards the direction of Lee.

    - Do your stuff my Friend.

    Lee took hold of the rod, Mike sat back with his hands behind his head and grunted as Lee sounded his infected urethra. His grunts were a mixture of sounding pleasure, and inflammation pain. After a few minutes of sounding Mike, Lee turned to the boys, and alternated between sounding all three of them, passing on Mike's thick yellow discharge to where it should be. My converting pup groaned in ecstasy, repeatedly exclaiming he felt like he was going to cum. The neg twink could only whimper through his Spider-Gag, still with the tooth brush poking out at the side. This went on for a good while as we all watched on.

    Returning to his satchel of Goodies, Mike took out a small brown dropper bottle and handed it to Lee. Without any prompting he unscrewed the top, and drew up a dropper full of a yellow looking fluid, and inserted the dropper into  the neg twinks urethra. Mike spoke as my 4 other guests and myself were continued our inability to look away for a second;

    - If any of you are wondering what is in the dropper, it is a collection from the past week of my nasty Dick pus. I have collected it daily for several months now, making sure I always have enough to give out to those in need. Go on Lee, squirt my boys up his worthless fag-piss-slit. 

    I had to hand it to the pair of them. They knew each other alright. And they had clearly worked together like this before, knowing exactly what they were doing! What a team! Lee squeezed the rubber tip, in went Mike's nasty pus, and now the new boy was now incubating his first infection of the evening. His innocent body was there for the taking, and Mike was going to take, and GIVE exactly what he wanted. 

    He stood up in front of my converting pup;

    - You want some of my pus too do you boy?
    - Yes please Sir ... * Mike slapped his face hard *
    - Do I look like a Sir to you. I am the AIDS Master. Get on your knees, open your mouth wide, stick your tongue out, and keep it stuck out unless I say so, you cunt
    - Sorry Master. I hope you deem me worthy of your delicious pus 

    He fell to his knees, and with beads of conversion sweat continuing to run down his face he opened his mouth wide, stuck his tongue out as instructed, looked up, and waited with eager obedience. Mike milked his perineum, and we all watched on as his thick yellow pus dropped onto the sweaty pups tongue and got smeared onto his chin.

    - Go on Lee mate, it's his turn to get a dose of my pus squirted up inside his pointless piss-slit. 

    As Lee got to more pus squirting, Mike turned his attention back to the neg twink

    - 'Alan, give this cute neg boy his phone' .... 'Boy, Get your text message test results from yesterday and give me your phone to see for myself'

    He did as he was told. Mike read out the list of negative results; Gonorrhoea, HIV, Hep C, and Syphilis. He then got Doctor Lee to place the tin bath on my rubbered Mattress.

    - If you are ready little Faggot for all these results to all turn to positive, you will confirm your acceptance by stepping onto the rubber mattress, stand either side of the tin bath, place your hands against the wall, step back until you are at arms length from the wall, then push out that cute bubble cunt of yours. If you are not ready you will climb back into the cage.

    What would the neg twink decide -- Was he really ready? You think he should climb back into the cage?

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  14. Part 18;

    I opened the door, and there stood Mike. Police Boots, Leather waistcoat, his army satchel, and now wearing his Rubber Hood. The Hood had perforated holes where the eyes would be, enough to be able to see out of, BUT, not enough to see into. He was an image of death. He looked fucking hoT! ☠️☢️

    He had also now put on a Cock-ring, and his evil toxic weapon of destruction, which I had never seen erect before, stood almost completely upright, at a 20 degree angle, curved, thick, veins bulging, a few obvious lesions, with his nasty Gonorrhoea infection leaking down his dangerous shaft of death. He stepped past the door frame, and just stood there, in silence. What would unfold?

    Would he be recharging my converting pup as originally intended? Or, would this turn into a fully fledged no holes barred conversion party for the neg twink? What would you like to see happen?

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  15. Part 17;

    I let go of the brush, leaving it wedged in between his gum and cheek, and stood back, admiring the view. Despite his tears, I knew he was enjoying the assault on his neg cunt due to pre cum leaking from his raging erection. I grabbed my Lager, sat, and watched as my son fuck him. His jack-hammer fucking from earlier was now slower and more steady, as he also enjoyed his Lager. I watched on for several minutes before striking up a conversation.

    - Who was the bird you were fucking in the pub bogs son?
    - Steve's Mrs, Dad.
    - Not Anna?
    - Yeah.
    - But you were his Best Man at their wedding. He'd go ape if he found out.
    - I know. But, according to one of the lads, he is fucking around with one of the barmaids at the new pub in town. 

    I glanced at my watch ... 10.40pm!

    - Son, the Faggot you are fucking was due to be on neg lock-down 10 minutes ago. Time to give him what you got.
    - With pleasure, Dad.

    He put down his Lager, and recommenced his jack-hammer fucking, and within a few minutes unloaded his sweet thick load (he always cums a lot). Once spent he withdrew his pink slime covered shaft, got up, and smeared the sweet pink slime all over my new boy's face. Once he had made that cute face a wonderful sticky sight he gave the boy a hard slap, and grabbed hold of his chin pulling it up for eye contact, spat in his face, and laughed arrogantly ...

    - Sure was FUN breeding you, you nasty Faggot, whilst I still could before you become infected very soon.

    As my son dressed to leave I plugged the new neg twinks cunt, collared and leashed him. He left to go back to the pub, and I led the boy out, still with the toothbrush wedged in his mouth, and took him to the playroom, leading him onto the mattress so he came face to face with my converting pup. He looked on as pup continued to drip with conversion sweat, his face looking very tired, yet in the throws of his tina high as he moaned very loudly, Dan continuing to FFist him. I yanked on my new boy's lead so he had no choice but to look up at me. I gave him a sinister stare.

    - Welcome to imminent DANGER boy. Your new life starts tonight ... OK, take a break from the FFisting Dan, the converting pup is going in the cage. 

    I walked both pup and the new neg boy via their leashes, and in they went, with the cage firmly locked. Dan put the tin bath next to the cage upside down, and sat on it, lit up a cigar, and faced the two boys, smoking, whilst staring at them with a dark sinister stare as he also slowly stroked his Dick using his hot toxic pus as natural lube. I went back onto the laptop to see if there were anymore direct emails from guys who I requested more information from. Yes, another 5 horny unmedicated poz tops, all with high viral loads ranging between 857k to 2.3 million! I arranged for that lot to come in two evenings time.

    Between 11.15pm and 11.30pm all 5 of the 6 remaining high viral toxic fuckers arrived to dump their loads up my converting pup. Well, my guests were in for an extra sweet neg treat! A couple of the guys brought cases of Beer, whilst another guy, a Muscle bound Latin stud, Lee, a Doctor, brought something to give the evening a 'stiffer' edge. With AIDS Mike yet to arrive, the 5 new arrivals stripped completely naked and all washed down a Cialis courtesy of the Doctor in the house ?

    With some of my favourite trance beats mixing in with the fire glow red light which I had set to almost full brightness, the boys locked up, and my guests milling around, chatting, laughing, and increasing in frequency circling the cage the atmosphere was gradually becoming more intense. And then, at 12.15am, my entry phone buzzed. He was here ?

    I opened the door, and there stood Mike. On a stick, and sports clothes that were clearly hanging off of his skeleton thin frame. He looked at me with his yellow gaunt face and sunken eyes. Yet, he had an energy about him. He still had work to do in this life. I took his little case for him and we both went into the kitchen. He immediately handed me a cooler bag which had two jars of his super toxic AIDS cum, surrounded by ice. They immediately went straight into the freezer.

    - Do you have a large Vodka going Alan. It helps me with my pain.
    - Yeah, sure.

    I gave him his drink which he necked down in one go. We chatted for quite a while. I got him upto speed about the journey so far with the converting pup, the new twink and his journey from yesterday until now, my friend Dan, the set up of the play room, and the 5 other toxic tops that arrived about a short while ago.

    - Need a Cialis Mike? There is a guy upstairs, a Doctor, giving them out.
    - My Friend Lee. He was at mine earlier and gave me some then.
    - You know Lee? How did you know he is here?
    - Yeah, known him for a few years now. We spoke about both attending tonight.

    He laughed.

    He suddenly stood up, and stripped naked. Fuck. The Man was extremely thin. And his death shaft was literally dripping with toxic Gonnorhoea pus onto my kitchen floor. He caught me examining what I was seeing. Our eyes met, and he gave me a knowing depraved and sinister smirk. He opened his case and got redressed. He put on Police Boots which he had customised. In bold red lettering one boot had 'AIDS' whilst the other had 'Master' written on it. He put on his Leather waistcoat. Over his shoulder and wearing it to the side he had a small cammo army satchel with a cross bones and skull on it. And out came his Rubber Hood.

    - Right, time to pass on my legacy

    I followed Mike up the stairs, where he hauled himself up using the banister. His scrawny hand with long sharp fingernails gripped tightly. as his ass cheeks that had completely wasted away left his anus prominently sticking out, right in my face. I carried his small hold luggage sized case up for him, which he instructed me to take into the playroom, have it unzipped, but closed. He followed me to the playroom door. He handed me an MP3 player with a connector;

    - Plug that into your computer and play it. Once it is playing, come and get me.

    I went into the playroom. Dan was resting in the sling. The 5 highly viral toxic tops stood around chatting, laughing, all with super hard pointing to the ceiling erections. I stopped the trance beats, and put on Mikes music. I say music, it was more of sounds. Biaurial tribal beats that had the sounds of demons and hell. The atmosphere immediately changed from horny excitement from my 5 visitors towards the 2 caged boys, to that of a dark, cold and dangerous force present. I dimmed the Fire-Glow red lighting, and went to the playroom door.

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  16. Part 16;

    - OI, I told you, deep breaths in and out if you have cramping.
    - No, Sir. It's ..... it's not that ..... it's ..... I've been disowned.

    I held his hand. 

    - It's OK Boy. As of tonight, you have a brand new family. One you will be part of forever. I promise.

    He smiled through his sobbing, and clenched my hand tightly. Once all the enema solution was in, I made him hold it inside for 10 minutes. As he released into the toilet, his eyes rolled into the back of his head;

    - OMG Sir, that felt so fucking amazing coming out. 
    - Good, because you are going to do another one.

    I repeated a second enema on him, and sat him on the toilet for the second evacuation. As he released, my Son walked into the bathroom.

    - Hey Dad
    - Hey son. How was the pub?
    - Great. Fucked this sexy bird with big knockers in the bogs. I would have cum inside her, but saving my load for the neg twink you were telling me about. I guess this is the pathetic little FAGGOT!?

    - Sure is. Still neg, but not for long. Get up boy, wipe your soon to be poz cunt dry, and get on all 4's
    - Yes Sir

    My son pulled his trackies down ...

    - Suck my cunt juice covered Dick. NOW!

    He held the new twink's head, and slowly rocked his hips. I watched on as his Dick slid in, and out, in a slow grinding motion. I got a toothbrush, and jabbed it in the boy's tight hairless hole, and without hesitation brushed his cunt walls with long hard firm strokes. He yelped continuously which turned on my son to the point of fucking the boy's face harder, and faster which inevitably saw forced deep-throating. He started choking, and through his whimpering he spluttered drool all over the floor.

    - Please Sir, stop, you are really hurting my ass. What are you doing back there?
    - It's not your ass anymore. From now on it is your cunt, boy. *I continued 'prepping' him for his new future. And with each jab he yelped*

    My son stood back, getting aroused at the boy being at my mercy, and wanked with his trackies around his ankles. Through his tears he begged me to stop.

    - Please STOP Sir.
    - Stop what boy?
    - Hurting my ass.

    His error in naming his anatomy incorrectly caused my demon within to rise and increase the intensity to my toothbrush jabs. I then snarled at him ...

    - You want me to stop, then you had better learn quick that it is your cunt that I am hurting, not your ass, boy
    - Sorry Sir. Can you please stop hurting my cunt.

    I got up and stood in front of him, slapping his face.

    - See, all you had to do was ask properly ... Son, continue what I was doing, I'll be back in a bit.
    - Of course. Can you get me a Lager please, Dad?
    - Will do.

    We smiled, and I left for the play room. Upon opening the door, I saw that Dan had taken my converting pup out of the sling, got him on the rubbered up mattress, with his forearms and face lying in the piss from where he had pissed himself earlier, and was ordering him to open up his fucking cunt, calling him a nasty poz pig, as he punch fisted the fuck out of him. Pup groaned and grunted with piggy tina delight as his cunt was being completely wrecked.

    - Hey Alan mate. Gave your converting pup another hit of tina, and now his cunt is nicely slowly blooming out, how it should.

    Dan stood up and stepped back, letting me take a closer inspection, Pup was fucking gaping. Seeing that wondrous sight got me rock solid, and I knelt before him and slid in. He felt warm and wet, yet my Dick was barely touching the sides of his cunt. I leaned on top of his back, wrapped my arms around him, and fucked him slowly. I whispered into his ear;

    - Hey pup, your fresh poz cunt keeps on feeling better and better as you continue your training. I can feel your body is still burning up as my Dirty DN☢️ continues to corrupt your very existence.
    - Thank you for pozzing me Master. It would be an honour to become your live in slave. I need you to recharge me Master. Please. PLEEASE.
    - I can't pup. We've a new neg twink in the building. Gotta go.

    I withdrew, slapped his ASS, picked up what I came for, got a few Lagers from the kitchen, and headed back to the bathroom. I opened the door, and there was my son, jabbing the toothbrush into the boy's neg cunt. He was still yelping, and pleading ...

    - Please stop. My cunt is hurting.

    I grabbed his chin, spat on his face, slapped him, and shoved my toxic Dick in his gob to shut the fucker up!

    - My son is prepping you for the best night of your life, and all you can do is complain, and whinge. So you know, I've just had my diseased fuck weapon inside a boy I knocked up last month who is in the play room and now, in the throws of growing my highly charged virus inside his sexy body. C'mon, taste that fresh DNA boy. Fucking lick it up you PIG!

    I strapped to his head a 'Spider-Gag', forcing his mouth WIDE open, and prompted my son to give me the toothbrush which was now covered in the boy's cunt blood. No sooner had he given me the brush, he plunged his Bare Dick into the boy's tight cunt and immediately commenced jack-hammer fucking. The boy grabbed hold of my legs, looked up at me, his whimpering sobs told me he was being opened up very nicely. As he was getting a good pounding I forced the brush between the tight gap between his gums and cheeks, and brushed all 4 quadrants, speaking to him as I did so.

    - You know, it never ceases to amaze me that there seems to always be a healthy supply of sexy neg twinks just like yourself, eager to be charged up by virile poz venom, paving the way for their wonderful future as fully fledged nasty poz sex pigs. Look at you. You have put yourself here, on all 4's on my bathroom floor, with my son fucking your bleeding cunt.

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