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Posts posted by ScorpionFF

  1. As it has been almost 3 months since I published the most recent chapter, here are some EXCERPTS from the last 3 chapters (Parts 34 through to 36), where 3 new characters have just come into the story; Friedrich, Igor, and their Doctor; Doctor Stanis! 💀

    EXCERPT from Part 34;

    ... I was awoken to a vehicle driving in. I looked out of my window, and watched this black van with blacked out windows park up. And out from the drivers side came a figure in an all white uniform. He went to the back of the van with Usher and Sir joining him. They all seemed to be quite a while back there and I couldn't see everything that was happening. Then this all in white uniform figure was directing his hand gestures towards the main front door to the mansion, and in to my view came Sir & Usher pushing these two very weak and frail looking men in wheelchairs. They were wearing hospital gowns, just like I saw in my dreams. And now I know why I was unable to make out their facial features in my dreams, well, firstly they were quite a long way off, plus, they were also wearing oxygen masks.

    - So you must be Charlie!

    I looked up and got a fright. This stranger who just walked into my room was very much sinister looking. He really did unnerve me. He was the man from downstairs in the all white uniform. He was wearing white trousers, and a white jacket, with white shirt, black tie, and white shoes. His hair was thin, jet black, and brushed back. His eyes were a very dark brown that they almost looked black, and there seemed to be no life behind them. His face was a pale white, with his cheeks sunken in. He really was frightening me. I froze, and was unable to respond.

    - I am Doctor Stanis, and am here to sort out what I have been told is a Gono infection, and, give you an examination. I'd like you to sit on the edge of your bed for me so I can take a look.

    EXCERPT from Part 35;

    Either side to the entrance to the 'Medical Chamber' were the two very sick and frail looking men that had just arrived, wearing their hospital gowns, ID around their wrists, oxygen masks, whilst sitting in their wheelchairs. One of them looked to have unusual eyes. He didn't seem to be focusing. 

    - Bring him in will you please Larry, and place him on the central steel examination table. Then wheel in my two patients, and place them in a corner each. Not the back wall, the door wall. Then leave.

    - At your service, Doctor.

    I had for the first time heard Sir's name!

    EXCERPT from Part 36;

    He placed his hands on my distended abdomen, and just stared at me, looking deeply into my eyes, boring into my soul.

    - It is soon time for your Master's virulent DNA to be drained from your cunt. And time also, for you to receive some brand new DNA. Speaking of which, how rude of me. I haven't introduced you to our two new guests. Charlie, this is Friedrich. He has several strains of HIV, one that is completely med resistant, and two strains of Hep C, hence his yellow appearance. He has AIDS!

    Friedrich had a nice thick bushy mustache which had always been a huge turn on for me. And then he looked over to the other guy, whose eyes looked odd.

    - And this is Igor. You may have noticed Igor's eyes are not what they are supposed to be. He has late stage syphilis, and is now almost blind. He too has multiple strains of HIV, which have also progressed to AIDS! Between these two 'sick fucks', they have a combined viral load of 71 million. They are EXCEPTIONALLY infectious! 

    He took the two syringes of blood, that had just come from the two dying German studs, and injected it into a saline bag, hanging on an IV pole, again, to the side of the central examination table. My cannula was opened, in went the tubing from the saline bag, IV tubing clamp opened, and now, slowly in came my bag of very special fluids.


    Part 37 and M☢️RE coming up ~ Charlie, the Demon obsessed boy's adventures continue .... 👺🐺💉☢️💦

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  2. On 10/2/2019 at 4:31 AM, S6AT6A6N said:

    Also, I realise that having been offline for almost 3 months, this story has been left on the shelf, with Charlie in mid examination ... Kind of me I guess to allow him all that extra time to keep hold onto his precious Golden locks 😈 ... 👦

    With that in mind, if you wish for this story to continue, show your eagerness with an 'upvote' or 'like', so I know if it is worth carrying on or not.

    For now, I am off to bed to sleep. Goodnight my fellow dirTy BZ fuckers! 😛 

    Formerly known as DaddysHand 😴

    SO, '13' people seem to want this story to continue. 13, unlucky for some, lucky for Charlie 🐷 ... And potentially also lucky for his foolish boyfriend Richard 🐺🌕

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  3. 11 hours ago, TTFN said:

    Like your new name. Very apt given your story, maybe you have first hand knowledge.

    Glad you were able to get "that word" in without sarah palin sticking her nose in.

    Thanks for the chuckle @TTFN, re; 'S.Palin sticking her nose in'. That did make me laugh 😛 

    I was going to show my appreciation with a p☢️sitive vote, but used my small allowance for the day.

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  4. Also, I realise that having been offline for almost 3 months, this story has been left on the shelf, with Charlie in mid examination ... Kind of me I guess to allow him all that extra time to keep hold onto his precious Golden locks 😈 ... 👦

    With that in mind, if you wish for this story to continue, show your eagerness with an 'upvote' or 'like', so I know if it is worth carrying on or not.

    For now, I am off to bed to sleep. Goodnight my fellow dirTy BZ fuckers! 😛 

    Formerly known as DaddysHand 😴

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  5. If I were to keep my choice to my side of the pond, then, it would have to be the sweet-slut that has said, word for word; 

    'definitely looking to get knocked up.

    Having his; 'cunt lips massaged and rubbed', makes him WET, by all accounts.👅When we do meet, I will be USING his flesh in ways that satisfy me.' And in the process, give him what he is looking for! 😈☣️

    • Like 2
  6. You're a naughty little rule breaker, aren't you ;) Having read them, my favourite rule has to be; 'Bottoms may not refuse a top but must allow himself to be fucked or felt up by him.'

    The irony of the 'It's Amsterdam you know' comment I found very amusing, all things considered. Ha.

    I have not been to Club Church for years. GREAT venue! ~ Have had a lot of GREAT FUN @ (z)onderbroek on a Friday night. I do love the concept of 'Meat Market', (white/red hoods, etc). Maybe I'll get to attend the next one in September, and if you are about, chuck my seed in your sexy cunt. 😈

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  7. A boy's redundant dick should ALWAYS be flaccid. In and out of play! He can easily achieve this if he fully understands that his ONLY sexual organ is his cunt. His focus should be 100% on SERVING his Top(s), fulfilling all desires and needs.

    Personally, one of my desires and needs, is to pump INSIDE my DNA, with absolutely no pulling out. The way nature intended!

    It is completely about mindset and attitude, thus a boy should also completely submit his mind, not just his body. His redundant dick should also be LOCKED in chastity.

    By completely redirecting his mindset a boy can physically derive pleasure from his prostate instead (I have a curved Daddy-Dick for that particular spot), which is much more pleasurable for him which in turn is much more pleasurable for me, as hearing his intense screams of euphoria are a HUGE turn-on!

    • Like 3
  8. Part 36;

    I was increasingly becoming hysterical, wriggling the lower parts to all 4 limbs, and heavily sobbing. My EVIL perverse captor could not have me making such a spectacle of myself, thus, the hair clippers were switched off, placed on one of the small stainless steel tables to the side of the central examination table I was lying on, and off he went, shortly returning with a syringe full of a drug that would relax me, and paralyse me from the neck down. He opened the cannula, attached the syringe, and wh00000sh, 💉 in went the clear fluid.

    Very soon I felt super calm, very much detached in fact, and all I could move were my lips, and eyes. 😑

    He stood at the end of the examination table, cunt end, standing over me, and stared at me with his dark brown almost black eyes, sunken pale cheeks, and slicked back jet black hair. He proceeded to undress, taking off his white medical jacket, then his tie, and then his shirt. As I was now detached I couldn't react to what I saw on his chest. His torso was as pale as his face, and bang right in the centre of his chest he had a tattoo of what was drawn around my navel the other day;

    A reversed pentagram with three upside down red nines nestled in-between the top two points! He placed his hands on my distended abdomen, and just stared at me, looking deeply into my eyes, boring into my soul.

    - It is soon time for your Master's virulent DNA to be drained from your cunt. And time also, for you to receive some brand new DNA. Speaking of which, how rude of me. I've not introduced you to our two new guests. Charlie, this is Friedrich. He has several strains of HIV, one that is completely med resistant, and two strains of Hep C, hence his yellow appearance. He has AIDS!

    Friedrich had a nice thick bushy mustache which had always been a huge turn on for me. And then he looked over to the other guy, whose eyes looked odd.

    - And this is Igor. You may have noticed Igor's eyes are not what they are supposed to be. He has late stage syphilis, and is now almost blind. He too has multiple strains of HIV, which have also progressed to AIDS! Between these two 'sick fucks', they have a combined viral load of 71 million. They are EXCEPTIONALLY infectious! 

    He didn't tell me but I could see they were both also heavily dripping thick yellow pus from their Death-sticks! Now topless, he set about extracting around half a litre of blood from each of them, direct from their cannula to a blood bag, ready for storage. However, before he done that, he also took a syringe full of blood from each, placing them on one of the small stainless steel tables to the side of my examination table.

    As he was bending over by Igor, large green fins in a flash flared out from his spine, from neck to sacrum. Again, I could not react due to my drugged up detachment, but I could clearly now see, he was no ordinary Doctor. He was also most definitely a Demon! 👹

    I could also hear this Doctor-Demon speaking and laughing with Igor and Friedrich in German, with my name being mentioned a few times. Their faces looked deathly-gaunt! 💀💀

    As their heavily tainted blood trickled out, slowly filling the blood bags, his attention refocused onto me. He collected 4 x 1.5 litre steel buckets that had a hole on the side near the bottom where a rubber catheter was attached, so, whatever was in the bucket could slowly drip out into wherever it was meant to go. For now each catheter had a closed clip so whatever substance were to be in the bucket, it would not leak out until the clip was opened.

    He sat on a stool by my Goat-Hoof plugged cunt, put one of the buckets underneath my cunt, then, *UNPLUG*, and *Wh0000000oooooosSh*, 💦💦 my Master's Deep-Green, oily, musky, diseased Demon-DNA gushed out, with Doctor Stanis catching the first release, without spilling a single drop. The first bucket filled up pretty quickly, and he nimbly swapped the full bucket for an empty one, catching MORE rotten Demon-filth. The second bucket filled pretty quickly too. Onto the third one, he started to massage my distended abdomen, as to drive my Master's cum out my abdomen-cunt. 

    Once all 4 buckets were full, he put 3 of them on his laboratory work top, and the fourth he hung it up on one of the IV poles, both being adjacent to the central examination table, that I was paralysed and restrained on! 😈

    He took the two syringes of blood, that had just come from the two dying German studs, and injected it into a saline bag, hanging on the other IV pole. My cannula was opened, in went the tubing from the saline bag, tubing clamp opened, and now, slowly in came my bag of very special fluids. ☢️☢️☢️

    He now came to my head, and spent some time running his fingers through my thick Golden curly locks of my wonderful hair. 👦

    Examination to be continued;

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  9. On 7/7/2019 at 3:11 AM, TTFN said:

    I am sure that the good doctor will have other devious uses for that cannula. Set Charlie up for a transfussion from his other patients.

    I am sure we have not heard the last of Richard.

    I may have missed giving you a vote a time or two DaddysHand, I was out of votes. Stupid having a limit on them.

    Yes @TTFN, a tad daft to have a limit on votes. I think one is limited to about 9 or so a day. That's me just getting started. Ha. Already I have used my quota for today. Argh. Maybe extending the limit could be a good idea.

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  10. 3 hours ago, DannyBoyCMH said:

    Not sure if this qualifies as a fetish, but mine would be mpreg.

    I genuinely would LOVE to make a male pregnant. It must stem I suppose from my innate male nature to need to carry on my genes. Would explain why I have a very strong attraction towards Female to Male Transgender.

    If it were anatomically possible, I'd LOVE to make you pregnant @DannyBoyCMH 😛 

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  11. Part 35; 

    I had been left alone for about half an hour when Sir came into my room, picked me up, and commenced the descent in carrying me down the steep, creaking old wooden staircase.

    - Where are we going Sir
    - The Doctor wants to examine you now, pig
    - But, where?
    - You'll find out very shortly.

    Down we went, top floor to third floor, to second floor, to first floor, then we reached the ground floor. Sir continued to carry me, now along the grand hallway to the entrance of the staircase to the basement, and, down we went. He carried me through the shower area, and straight to the entrance of the 'Medical Chamber'.

    The electronic doors had been opened via the secret electronic code that only Doctor Stanis knew; Code; SA66TA6N 

    Either side to the entrance to the 'Medical Chamber' were the two very sick and frail looking men that had just arrived, wearing their hospital gowns, ID around their wrists, oxygen masks, whilst sitting in their wheelchairs. One of them looked to have unusual eyes. He didn't seem to be focusing. 

    - Bring him in will you please Larry, and place him on the central steel examination table. Then wheel in my two other patients, and place them in a corner each. Not the back wall, the door wall. Then leave.
    - At your service, Doctor Stanis.

    I had for the first time heard Sir's name! The Doctor was busy on some insane futuristic looking computer when Sir brought myself and the two other patients in. He would speak with the computer that was called 'NATAS', which would respond in my Dark-Lord's voice with confirming said action/request. The scary Doctor gave his first request --->

    - NATAS. Close and Lock Medical Chamber Doors.

    SLAM! The computer responded;

    - Doors to Medical Chamber LOCKED.

    The room was HUGE! The Doctor's two other patients were sat in front of me, about 15 metres away from me in their respective corners. As the examination table I was lying on was central, the space behind me was just as long to the wall as it was in front of me.

    - Charlie, put your ankles in the stirrups, and wrists in the arm rests.
    - Oh ... oh ... okay.

    I began to tremble. Here I was, 'LOCKED' in this futuristic Medical Chamber, with two very sick patients. I wonder what they had, and how close to death they were. Also, here I was with a Doctor who was actually coming across as an EVIL sadistic scientist. Suddenly I wanted to go home to be with my boyfriend Richard.

    - NATAS. Lock in ankles to stirrups and Lock in wrists to arm rests.  

    *CLICK* ... *CLICK* !! The computer responded;

    - Ankles and wrists 'Restrained & LOCKED'.

    Doctor Stanis picked up a pair of hair clippers, walked over to me, and switched them on, and began to laugh in a disturbing and sinister manner;

    - Time for a number '0' haircut Charlie!

    NO, not my pride and joy. I panicked and started to feverishly wriggle my forearms and lower legs, trying to escape, screaming hysterically;

    - NOOOOOOO. Please DON'T. Not my hair. PLEASE don't cut my hair. Let me go. I don't want to be in this room anymore. Let me go. Please NOOOOOOOOOOO ...

    He ignored my pleas, continuing his sinister and disturbing laugh.

    Would Charlie's thick curly luscious Golden locks live to fight another day? 😈

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  12. On 2/15/2019 at 6:02 PM, southox said:

    This is one of my favourites. I love the way you can see the pool of cum deep inside the bottom, then the top adds his and it runs down inside to join the rest...


    h🔥T video! 

    So there is a way to film an internal cum shot with the pleasure of seeing the top shoot his seed inside his bottoms soft velvet cunt.

    GREAT to see previous cum deposits sitting there too, absorbing nice and slow. 😈 I for one would love to see a video exactly like this, with around 100 guys shooting their muck in his inviting gaping fuck-hole, where it would get to the point that the next guy would have to finger back in the OverflOw ~ Fuck YEAH! 🐷

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  13. Part 34;

    Once my punk was done with using and humiliating me he left for a few floors down to the East wing, to his soon to be permanent living quarters, to sleep, now that he had gotten what he wanted. I had been used tonight by multiple beings / entities, and they had all left me; SOILED!

    I had all kinds of bodily fluids on me and INSIDE me; Spit. Demon-Cum. Piss. And here I was, flying high on tina, NEEDING more use and abuse, with no one to help me. I spent some more time rolling about in and rubbing my Master's filthy, oily fuck fluid all over my body. I also found myself laying on my back, gripping tightly onto the back of my thighs as to spread my legs as wide as I could, and kept repeating over and over;

    - I irrevocably give my soul to you for eternity, my Dark-Lord.

    BUT, he wasn't about, so, for now my soul was still mine. I don't know how, but at some point I drifted off to sleep, on my now slippery bedroom floor. All things considered it is not surprising that it was not a deep sleep, but enough to see more of my jumbled up dreams / nightmares. My dreams were frequently flitting between snuggling on the couch with my recently departed boyfriend Richard, and being here at the mansion being spit roasted by two EVIL entities, who were part Human, part Demon, and part Werewolf.

    But to that part of my jumbled dreams where I was being spit roasted, my beautiful Golden thick curly locks had been shaved off. I didn't like that, as in reality my hair is my thing. I am very proud of it! Yet again I saw in my dreams the Doctor arriving with two sick and frail looking men in wheelchairs with faces I could not make out. Why did this image keep coming to me in my subconscious? My sleep was also very broken as I was frequently waking up, only to drop back off again shortly after.

    Just before I woke up properly for the final time, I was dreaming that Sir had set up a table and chair by my bedroom window with a huge sumptuous breakfast with his delicious chilled homemade Elder-flower drink. I was eventually woken by Sir who was doing something in my room, walking back and forth to the window, making quite a bit of noise. He was only doing what I had just seen him doing in my dreams. What was going on with my brain!?

    - C'mon pig. It's 8am. The Doctor will be here to see you in 4 hours. You should eat. Keep your strength up.

    He was correct. I must eat. And, I was again super ravenous. He picked me up off of the floor, and put me in the chair, where I was faced with my very own mini banquet. I eagerly tucked in, whilst I enjoyed seeing the clear blue sky outside, and the sun rising. Usher was already out and about sorting out some of the overgrown bushes with some makeshift tools. I loved watching him in action doing his passions of his work. After I finished replenishing my nutrient stores I very soon dozed off in my chair. I guess not only was I very hungry, I was pretty sleep deprived too. THEN ...

    ... I was awoken to a vehicle driving in. I looked out of my window, and watched this black van with blacked out windows park up. And out from the drivers side came a figure in an all white uniform. He went to the back of the van with Usher and Sir joining him. They all seemed to be quite a while back there and I couldn't see everything that was happening. Then this all in white uniform figure was directing his hand gestures towards the main front door to the mansion, and in to my view came Sir & Usher pushing these two very weak and frail looking men in wheelchairs. They were wearing hospital gowns, just like I saw in my dreams. And now I know why I was unable to make out their facial features in my dreams. Firstly they were quite a long way off, plus, they were also wearing oxygen masks.

    I suddenly became aware again off the tingling of the deep scratch mark across my navel that the D-E-V-I-L 👺 had caused. I looked down at it, and could still see these weird things wriggling inside the wound 🐍🐍. I suddenly became engrossed in this wound, losing my awareness to my surroundings, and where I was. What were they? Their movements seemed to be enhanced due to my belly being so heavily distended. I simply stared and stared, in a complete trance.

    - So you must be Charlie!

    I looked up and got quite a fright. This stranger who just walked into my room was very much sinister looking. He really did unnerve me. He was the man from downstairs in the all white uniform. He was wearing white trousers, and a white jacket, with white shirt, black tie, and white shoes. His hair was thin, jet black, and brushed back. His eyes were a very dark brown that they almost looked black, and there seemed to be no life behind them. His face was a pale white, with his cheeks sunken in. He really was frightening me. I froze, and was unable to respond.

    - I am Doctor Stanis, and am here to sort out what I have been told is a Gono infection, and, give you an examination. I'd like you to sit on the edge of your bed for me so I can take a look.
    - I cannot move very well. My abdomen is heavily distended.
    - I see. Well, I am sure you can manage it. I want to see how you move.

    Goodness. He wasn't even going to help me. I had to somehow lower myself from my chair to the floor, crawl to the side of my bed, and haul myself up. And aside from the pendant around my neck of a reverse pentagram, with a symbol within of my Master's Master, the D-E-V-I-L 👺, I was completely naked. As I crawled along I could tell he was perving over me. I sat on the edge of my bed, and he pulled my foreskin back;

    - Oh yes, that is a very nasty infection. We'll get that sorted out for you.

    He cleaned the back of my hand with an alcohol swab, and, IN went a cannula. I wondered why he was doing that if I was only going to be having one shot to clear the infection. I dare not question him. He injected a syringe of medication to clear the Gono infection, and coldly walked out of my room.

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  14. There are a few of my readers of this story that are very kind with their appreciation by giving 'up votes / likes'. That in itself I very much greatly appreciate, and indeed does spur me on to CREATE more depraved filth 😈 So, if you like what you read and want to keep this story going, then, give to get! 🐷

    Stay piGGy ~ DaddysHand 🧔


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  15. 48 minutes ago, takingdeepanal said:

    When is the hair going to be removed? Hard to tattoo ownership if there is no bare skin - and I'd want my whole body to be available as a canvas to show my devotion to our Dark Lord. 

    @takingdeepanal ... Are you referring to Charlie's beautiful Golden thick curly locks? They are going to become one of a few focal poinTs VERY soon! :o 

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  16. Part 33;

    I don't know where my Goat-Beast was getting his 10's of litres of his Demon-Seed from, but, it just kept on flowing, as he pumped out two large 💦 SQUIRTS 💦 each minute for the next full hour. I did not envy who was going to have to clean his mess up, as it was now flowing over most of my wooden bedroom floor. But, there comes a time when even the horniest of Beasts need to rest, and with one last LARGE 💦 SQUIRT he transformed into his 🦇 form, and flew out the window, leaving me there, soiled, off of my head on tina, with a belly FULL of his diseased rotten filth!

    - Why don't you take a handful of chilled Beers and spend some time with Charlie. I believe our Master has left him for the evening, and I have some household stuff to be getting on with.
    - Yeah, sure, why not.

    My sexy skinhead punk wanted to look his part for me, so, went to his room first. He had been given the First floor to the East wing. He hurriedly put on his 26 hole Black Grinder Boots with red laces, again wearing nothing else but them, naked and booted 😈, went back down to the ground floor to fetch himself several chilled Beers, and made his way to the mansions newest piGGy.

    Just like I was on the marble plinth the other day I found myself rolling around in and rubbing all over me a foul smelling, Deep-Green, grotesque, extremely t☣️xic, thick and oily, revolting load of filthy Demon-Seed. I felt like such a nasTy pig. It felt so liberating to embrace the piGGy within. Not only was I rolling around in it and rubbing it all over myself, I also found myself like any self respecting nasTy pig SHOULD, on all 4's slurping up the foul bitter oily fluid.

    I was actually 'oinking' as I thoroughly enjoyed my special Demon Cocktail. In walked my stud-punk;

    - Oh look at you. Look at you. Covered in VILE cum of the Master to this grand place. Slurping it up off of your bedroom floor, and oinking whilst you do it too. What a fucking nasTy PIG you are Charlie!

    He sat in the Green Chesterfield armchair that was in a corner of my large bedroom, and relaxed, continuing to drink Beer, and smoke Weed, whilst watching me roll around, rub myself, and oink oink oinking all the while. 👦🐷 After a while he summoned me to kneel on all 4's in front of him, with my body parallel to his chair. As I was unable to walk properly at the moment I crawled to him. And that was me for a while USED as his very own personal foot-stool. He started to spank my cute smooth and pale bubble ASS cheeks ...

    - Go on Charlie. Oink for your punk.
    - Oink Oink Oink Oink
    - Good little piGGY. And again.
    - Oink Oink Oink Oink 
    - YEEEEEEAAH, you are a filThy pig alright. And again.
    - Oink Oink Oink Oink
    - FUCK YEEEEEEAAH. If you weren't plugged now, I'd be sticking my t☣️xic Death-stick up your nasTy pig-cunT. I guess we'll have to think of other things to do.

    He continued to spank both my ASS cheeks until they went from their usual pale white colour, to a deep red.

    - Right, now I want you to be on your knees in front of the fireplace just like you were earlier with your Master.

    Again, I walked on all 4's like a 4 legged creature. A de-humanised, red ASSED, cum covered, cum filled, nasTy pig! He got up and walked over to where I was kneeling, and ordered that I open my mouth wide, and keep it open until otherwise instructed. He took one last large swig of his Beer, and his fat toxic Dick entered my mouth. He placed his hands either side of my head, closed his eyes and mouth, then began to make strange noises from his throat as I could tell he was deep in concentration. And THEN ...

    ... SPLASH. His first lot of HOT PISS hit the back of my throat. 

    - CLOSE your mouth pig.

    My mouth soon filled up with his Golden salty fluid, and I like a natural got into a steady rhythm of swallowing as his piss gushed out ... **GULP -- GULP -- GULP -- GULP -- GULP -- GULP -- GULP -- GULP** Then I kinda fell out of rhythm a bit. I think probably because he was pissing faster than I could swallow, and I started to choke, and splutter. Taking his fat wet Dick out from my mouth he continued to piss all over my face, and body. Like earlier with my Master I leaned back placing my fists on the floor behind my torso, letting my punk's piss flow all over me. He felt GREAT! And THEN came the spitting in my mouth, on my face, and slapping my face hard.

    - You nasTy pig. I know you crave to become p☣️z, and I can guarantee, you are going to get exactly what you want. And M☢️RE! You are an absolute fucking nasTy whore!

    I could not do or say anything except look up at him and smile in strong agreement as I received more of his Golden Piss, spit, and hard slaps. 💦👋

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  17. Part 32;

    Three sets of footsteps left my room, leaving just my Master and I. 🐐👦 He walked over to the window, staring out, to watch the two vehicles leave. Several minutes went by, and finally two engines started up, and I heard the cars drive away. My past was at last leaving me to get on with the here and now.

    The Beast turned around, looking at me with his horned Goat-Beast head still in flames, and his eyes still excited in their molten-lava state. I wanted to go to him, but I was fixed to the spot, as once again my abdomen was so heavily distended with his delicious t☣️xic Demon non human DNA filth, which always affected my walking and balance. Naturally, he took control, and slowly walked over until he was standing right in front of me, with his torso of thick Beast hair nestling on my young smooth D-E-V-I-L 👺scratched distended belly. 

    I grabbed hold of his hips for balance, and slowly lowered myself until I was on my knees. I looked up at my Beast, feeling his thick slippery EEL Dick bang against my torso, throbbing in it's excitement for it's nasTy pig that knelt before it. 🐷 And without looking away for a second from his excited molten-lava eyes, I took his Demon Dick in my hands (I certainly needed to use both), and again stuck my tongue inside his 1" wide Gono pus dripping infected inflamed urethra, eagerly flicking my tongue in and out, very happily lapping up his filthy stinking discharge. 

    His musky smelling Demon-Dick was increasing it's frequency and intensity with its twitching, and pulsating. I could most definitely feel it becoming more engorged. I thought to myself, he must be getting more and more excited, and I thought correctly as he cocked his horned head in flames to the ceiling, and commenced in letting out a constant stream of deafening demonic roars, one after another after another, with his broad hard chest of thickly layered dark demon hair opening itself out wide, and his just as hairy arms extending out at a 90 degree angle, with his claws flaring out. And THEN, with my tongue still buried deeply inside his Gono inflamed urethra ...

    💦 SQUIRT 💦 ... He let out a dose of his diseased, Deep-Green, bitter tasting cum. And with my tongue positioned the way it was my mouth was instantly flooded with his wonderful Demon-Seed, some of it hitting the back of my throat with no choice but to swallow, and lots of it also overflowing from my mouth, over my chin, and onto my chest and my cum filled distended belly. Sir and Usher had been gone for about 15 minutes now, and during that time my horny Master was SQUIRTING out a dose of his beautiful delicious DNA around 4 times per minute, every minute!! FIFTEEN litres of HIS cum, especially for me, his cock-hungry, cum-loving nasTy slutTy boy. 💦💦 👦💦💦

    My entire body was now heavily drenched, including my long thick Golden curly hair which was now darkened, sodden, and clinging to my forehead. As well as my body being drenched from head to toe, I found myself now also kneeling in a HUGE oily slick puddle of my Master's dirTy t☣️xic muck. I felt like a true pig in its natural environment, and, I had never felt happier. 

    As I continued to lap up my Master's Gono pus between his 💦 SQUIRT's 💦 of cum in my mouth and over my body, I heard our car pull up. Singular. My boyfriend was gone. GOOD! Another 15 minutes passed by before Usher & Sir returned to my room, during which time my Master and I kept up a decent rhythm of our current play;

    Gono slurping. Deafening Demonic roars. 👹 Demon cum SQUIRTS 💦 ... They only returned very briefly where Sir informed our Master that Doctor Stanis would arriving tomorrow at midday to treat my active Gono infection, and as a new patient giving me a general examination.

    - C'mon Usher, we'll come back a little later. My Master is obviously heavily involved with playing one on one with his new boy.

    They both went to the dining room on the ground floor, lit a whole load of candles, and kicked back, relaxing, chatting, whilst drinking Beer, and smoking Weed. They took the opportunity to now bond to a deeper level. Usher said he'd probably go in about 3 days or so, as originally planned, to sort out stuff his end, so he could make the transition to move here properly. Sir began to divulge his own journey here with our Master. He came here much like me, but eventually had no choice but to lose his soul to the Dark-Lord. Those who do lose their soul are no longer living humans, and depending on an array of factors will determine what they will become in their new immortal state. 

    Meanwhile, upstairs, I let go of my Master's EEL Dick, and leaned back sweating and panting placing my fists on the ground behind me, as I needed a quick breather. The Beast didn't though, and continued to SQUIRT his h🔥T Demon cum over my chest and belly. I smiled up at him;

    - Oh Fuck YEAH. Defile me my Master. Treat me like the fucking filThy whore that I am. I L☢️VE being your dirTy sluT Master. 🐖👦🐖

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  18. Part 31;

    - 'L'
    - Hail Master. Yes Master.
    - Take the red rubber hood off of MY Charlie.
    - Yes Master.

    Sir came over and removed the hood, so, I could see and also my long Golden locks were for all to see, especially for my boyfriend, who could see all the sweet features of his boy that he was losing because of one foolish error on his part. 

    So there they all stood; Sir, my boyfriend Richard, and Usher. My face for now was transfixed solely on my boyfriends face so he could see my expressions as I embraced and enjoyed my new life of Darkness. It was time for him to see once and for all and to accept both of our paths in life were now very different. 

    As my Master continued to mercilessly fuck me I simply had a super focused stare with my face repetitively contorting as it smiled, expressing a deep piGGy lust for Dick, Cum, and a VERY strong DESIRE to submit to a depraved, filthy, diseased ridden life of pure Evil-Darkness. 👺 And not once did I avert my gaze from my boyfriend's eyes.

    My pure soul was raging in the flames of H🔥LL, and he had to see it for himself.

    It was quite a show being put on, with the 5 other bats now on my window sill enjoying watching the latest developments unfold. No one said a word for the next hour (except for me) as my Master who was now fucking me ferociously, ploughed my now CONSTANTLY flopped out hungry-pig-cunt. As for me being the only talker, I during this hour BEGGED the Beast on 20 occasions to 💦 SQUIRT 💦 his oily Demon-cum deep inside, and, he DID. With each squirt of his cum my tummy became more and more distended just like the other evening. And again, it was physically hurting and uncomfortable, BUT I was now at the same time really proudly holding my Master's filthy virulent venom. 

    - 'L', the Goat-Hoof Butt plug is on his bed over there, bring it over, and when I withdraw, I want you to plug him.
    - Hail Master. Yes Master.

    Once he withdrew and I was plugged, my Master moved away from me and stood by the window. Time to test my boyfriend, who after a several minute pause of everyone stood still in silence walked over to me, and knelt before me, looking up and over my D-E-V-I-L scratched Master cum-filled distended belly.

    - My Charlie, PLEASE my Darling, let's go now. They've let me go. Let me take you home where I can help you, and keep you safe from the perils of evil. Your place is not here, it is with me, leading a good wholesome life. 👼

    My hands rested on my distension, and I groaned, moving my head in a circular motion as my eyes fluttered with euphoria.

    - I can't come. I won't. I NEED cum. I NEED dick. I NEED to be infected with whatever is on offer. This is my life now. Oh fuck I NEED  the D-E-V-I-L to FUCK me again.
    - Oh Charlie. I wish I had never left you for a second on that dance-floor.

    He then started to pray, at which poinT, my Master walked over, and in a calm yet authoritative manner, spoke;

    - Richard, Richard. Give up. You have already lost him. He has gone. He belongs here with us now. You will now leave my mansion, get in your car, and leave my property, and you will NEVER return ---> 'L', escort Richard to his vehicle, take our car with 'U' as your passenger, and drive behind Richard to the gates, and make sure he LEAVES. Then, I want you to call 'Doctor Stanis' to come as soon as possible to take a look at MY boy's Gono infection, and for a general check-up.

    - Yes my Master. 

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