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Posts posted by ScorpionFF

  1. Chapter Four: ~ The INVITE

    As soon as I had left Aiden's sordid apartment, he got to sending out the invite via the electronic mailing list for Friday night's event. With his Stevie as the main attraction! 😈 It read as follows;


    New arrival of our latest Friday night club Dancer. Here from Europe for several months for work, so, plenty of time to see this new boy in town. However, this Friday night will be your opportunity to see him, USE him, and corrupt him with your t☢️xic filTh, as he really is untouched. You don't want to miss this once in a life time opportunity to see him go from sweet young man, to a dirTy nasTy PiG! 🐽💦

    Some information of interest; 

    He is a Top, and I have very good reason to believe his statement that he is Dom Top and thus has never ever been fucked. He has a boyfriend back home whom he is fiercely loyal to, and has made it clear he doesn't want anyone to touch him during or after his performance. We have a few strategies in place to ensure that when he begins his Dancing, he will be intoxicated, and his usual morals will not be present. Many of you I know will LOVE to hear he is also HIV Neg, and will love to be the one that knocks him up.

    As always, please remember private party rules that you must allow the performer to at least perform for 30 minutes, and, absolutely NO condoms are permitted.

    Reserve your tickets the usual way. Tickets available until midday on the day of performance. Fridays party will begin from 10pm until 6am, with performance beginning at 10.30pm. On this occasion there will also be an After-Party, from 7.30am until 11.30am, for which tickets will be available to reserve at the same time as main party tickets.

    A sluT in the making! (See photo attached of Friday night's naive performer).


    As it turned out, I was BIG in demand. ALL tickets for the main event, and the After-Party had been snapped up by 1pm the following day (Thursday). A full house of 100 horny Men, plus their performer, and host; Aiden.

    Thursday soon came and went. It was an enjoyable day at work as I settled in, and met new people, and generally familiarized myself with my new work-home for the next half a year. That evening my boyfriend Lew and I again video chatted. I told him I had already found by chance ( or was it orchestrated fate 😈 ) a GoGo-Boi gig.

    I told him I had made it very clear where my loyalties lay, and he had nothing to worry about. I knew he would probably be worrying a little bit, especially as this was our first time apart in 4 years. After we spoke I got to thinking about my daytime boss 'Ayan', and how I yearned to have him fuck the life out of me, and spray his load deep in my guts. What was going on with me? Then I got to thinking about what that Puerto Rican guy Nesto had said to me about it being a tough crowd. Even though I did not know what that exactly meant, it put me on edge, and I began to get a little agitated, which is unlike me. I checked his number to see if he was on the chat App I use, and he was.

    I messaged him saying that I would like to take him up on his offer of having something to take the edge off;

    - Hey Nesto, it is Steven here. We met lastnight, I am over from England. I am beginning to feel nervous. What do you have that I can take? 

    I saw he read my message immediately. But, he wasn't responding. I kept checking my phone every 30 seconds for about 10 minutes, and, nothing! I started to feel anxious, nauseous, and sweaty, so though, hey, let's take my evening shower. As I washed I instead of just washing my asshole, rinsing, and then be done with it, I washed, rinsed, then, probing commenced, with a finger finding its way inside. I gasped. Oh my goodness. It feels so GREAT. Why have I never done this to myself before. I was soon washed, dried, and in my sleep gear when I thought I would check my messages again. A couple from my man 'Lew', and several from 'Nesto'. My heart pounded. I headed straight for Nesto's set of messages;

    - Hey sluT.
    - Don't worry about what I will give you. It will help you put on a better show, and your audience to ENJOY you so MUCH M☢️RE!
    - Just make sure you have some fizzy pop in. And be ready to leave for your show before I arrive.
    - I will arrive at 8pm. You will need to leave at 9pm if you are to be there for 9.30pm.

    How did he know I had to be there for 9.30pm? He must know Aiden! :o😈

    - Give me your address PiG.
    - And sleep well. You will NEED your rest tonight!
    - N

    What did he mean by that. That I will need my rest tonight? I messaged my 'Lew', and soon was in bed, sleeping for the last working day of the week. My main job anyway ;)

    Was I about to lose my virginity tomorrow night? My intuition told me that this was very much on the cards, yet, I found myself brushing it to one side, and to get on with the day on hand; Work during the day, and Dance for 1 hour at night. Surely that would be it. Right?

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  2. PREQUEL to Chapter Four:

    - Hey Man. Are you one of the Dancers at this place.
    - Er, well, er, well sort of, I start on Friday.
    - I hear you are not from around these parts. Been here long buddy?
    - I arrived only yesterday. I am here for 6 months. 
    - You start Friday night you say. That's the private function night. They're a tough crowd to please. You might want something to relax you. I can help you wit' that. Here, take my number. I can come over to your place before your shift, and give you somethin', make the evening go better.
    - Thank you. What is your name?
    - I'm Nesto. What's your's Man?
    - I am Steven.
    - I've got to split. Nice meeting you Steven. Call me.

    He gave me the 'call me' hand gesture, and no sooner had he appeared, he disappeared off into the night, and I luckily found the taxi place, and went home. What an INSANE first day. I went home, showered, had a quick app video chat with my Man, showered, had a few nibbles (I really must get some proper food in to cook myself), then completely crashed out.

    Tomorrow would be Thursday. My first full proper day at work, and the day before my first Dance gig here in Boston! And who was that Nesto fellow I wondered. Did he also know my *daytime & nighttime* Bosses Aiden & Ayan? .... Was I being set up to arrive loosened up in preparation to be 'L☢️☢️SENED up'? 😈

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  3. Chapter Three:

    Once at Aiden's club, we entered via a side entrance, and went upto his little apartment come office above it. Bit of a sleazy bachelor pad really. However, his actual home was nearby to be in the well to-do area where I was now residing. This was his cesspit where he loved to earn his living, and be a dirTy fucker at the same time. He left me in the living area and after a few short minutes came back with a Leather Harness, and almost knee length neoprene shorts that had a zip at the back. He threw them over to me;

    - Here, get yourself completely naked, and then put these on Stevie. I want to see how you move in costume during your audition. Do you have what it takes to be one of Aiden's class acts. 

    Even though drunk, I in that moment kinda sobered up a little, and clammed up.

    - Oh, don't worry Stevie-Boy, I have seen it all before. Relax!

    And that is exactly what I did, relax. Although, it wasn't all that difficult, being fueled with alcohol. At the poinT I was completely naked, and figuring out how to put the Harness on, untangling it, Aiden walked over, knelt behind me to the side, and started slapping both of my ass cheeks. I was aware what he was doing, but was kinda too engrossed in trying to untangle the Harness and get it the correct way up to put it on me. He began to rub his stubble on my ass cheek nearest to him, and grunted as he rubbed his crotch through his jeans ... Yes, I got it, now to put the harness on. As I was putting it on, my *night time* boss spoke through his grunts;

    - Fuck yeah Stevie. I know plenty of guys in this city that would LOVE to fuck this cute, firm, young and ripe piece of meat, and unload their SPECIAL fuck juice deep inside your cunt.
    - Well, as you know Aiden ... *He interrupted me*
    - Erm, if you want this gig, you will address me as 'Boss'.

    I was a bit taken a back by his authoritative manner, yet, something I had only felt inside of me for the first time today stirred again. His controlling manner was turning me on. But, I still had an answer for him nonetheless.

    - Well, as you know, 'Boss', I am in a happy monogamous relationship, so, there will be no Men in this city fucking me, or cumming inside of me.

    As I said that, I immediately thought of Ayas, my *daytime-boss*, feeling a deep desire for him to penetrate my Virgin-Ass, fuck me powerfully and passionately with his abnormally sized Arabian-Dick, and spray his load deep inside of me. BUT, I told myself, keep that on the fantasy shelf. You have your sexy and handsome 'Lew' at home who loves and adores you. I put the zip up neoprene shorts on as my *nighttime-boss* sorted out some sounds for me to move to. He kicked back on his couch, lit up a cigar, and went to give me the nod to begin, but, I was already moving to the beat.

    I gave him my best moves facing him, and facing away as I wiggled my bubble-butt that he seemed to pretty obsessed with. Some of my friends at home teased me at what I waste my Ass was, and I should try being a bottom for a night, or two. Not going to happen as far as I was concerned. I am as addicted to beautiful Ass as the next wonderful Top, although the last 4 years I had only been paying attention to one in particular. About half way through my audition when I had my back to him, Aiden got up, came over, and unzipped the neoprene shorts I was wearing, slipping his hand in, taking in a good grope. I swiftly moved his hand away.

    - No. I said ~ No touching
    .- As you say Stevie. 

    I guess I was being given enough rope to eventually get tied right up! 😈

    I danced for about half an hour as my audience sat there, rubbing their crotch, and even getting their Dick out to wank off. I was still a bit jet-lagged, plus very tired after my first day here, and drunk, that I just had to sit down. 

    - Sorry 'Boss'. I'm exhausted. My flight, My first day at work. I am drunk. I need to sleep. I have work in the morning.
    - I understand Stevie-Boy. Well, I believe you have got what it takes. Can you start Friday night? 
    - That is your private function night, isn't it?
    - Sure is. I can fit you in for the 10.30pm to 11.30pm slot. You can meet all you other fellow Dancers, but, I will need to go through a few things with you first, so, please get here for 9.30pm. Okay!?
    - Yes, 'Boss'.
    - Now, here is my cell number. Do you have a U.S sim yet?
    - Yes, a company one.
    - Come to the side entrance we entered into, and buzz the intercom, and I'll let you in.

    I took off my audition gear, got my clothes on, and left. What was I doing? I didn't need to be doing this. I had a well paid job after-all. And today was only my first day here, and Friday was only a mere two days away. Was everything happening too fast? It felt like it, but, I rolled with it. I left the building, and as soon as I did, this rough looking Puerto Rican skin fella leapt out at me, and began to follow me as I went to fetch myself a cab (I think I know where I was going).

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  4. Chapter Two:

    - Well, firstly, no one is going to plant their seed inside of me as no one fucks me. I'm a TOTAL Top. And if someone were to fuck me, it would be with protection.
    - So you must be NEG then?
    - Yes, I am. All that stuff has always really scared me.

    His eyes seem to light up. I guess my sixth sense knew why, but, I remained calm. He made me feel at great ease, and I could not deny it, even though it wasn't the kind of bar that oozed intense sexual energy, it certainly was in our corner. BUT, I was already spoken for. I had to keep saying this, to myself, and Ayan. Was I in denial? 🙊

    However, that did not stop me STARING at his OBSCENE MASSIVE package in his groin/thigh area each time he came back from the toilet. He was INSANELY BIG!! I actually knew right away I wanted him to fuck me. No one else had made me feel submissive like he did. He took control, and I was already under his spell. And I guess that has to say something from a 26 year old anal Virgin. I had fucked plenty. But had never been fucked. I also and with immense conflict found myself on this our first day of meeting fantasized about not only he Fucking me, but BARE too. But no, I mustn't. I have a loyal boyfriend at home patiently waiting for me to come home in 6 months time. My beautiful 'Lew'.

    Shortly after we had a few cocktails a magnum of vintage champagne was brought to our table. As we drank, chatted, laughed, and heavily flirted with complete restraint, there was this middle aged rotund guy who kept looking over. Not my type, but, something about him had me fascinated, wanting to know more. Suddenly, Ayan's phone went;

    - I have to get this, back in a moment. 

    After several minutes, he returned.

    - Hey, Steven, I'm sorry, I have to go. Last minute urgent thing has come up. You enjoy the rest of the champagne my friend. I shall see you in work tomorrow. Don't be late.

    He abruptly vanished. Something did not seem right about that, like, it had been planned. I was soon to find out that this was the scenario. No sooner had he left, the middle aged rotund guy sidled his way up to my table, sat right next to me, and like Ayan grabbed my hand in a confident greeting;

    - Hey buddy, I am Aiden, what's your name?
    - Hey Aiden, I am Steven.
    - Aaaaaahhhh, from England!?
    - Yes. I just arrived yesterday. Started a new job for 6 months today.
    - Well, welcome to Boston.
    - Thank you.

    I was already high on Ayan's masculine authority, and hooked on his mysterious ways. And getting a little bit drunk now too. It did not take Aiden long to figure out via our conversation that I as a hobby am a Go-Go boi. Well, he actually, he didn't need to figure out, as he already knew, because he and Ayan are actually good friends! :o 

    Ayan's abrupt exit was very well orchestrated! 😈

    And I was the new piece of juicy MEAT in town being primed to thrown into the deep end, and swim in filTh until I became permanently S☣️ILED!

    - Aaaaaahhh, so you Go-Go dance at home. As it happens I own a club around the corner. We are open 6 days a week to the public, and closed on Friday's where we usually hold private functions. How do you fancy coming over tonight for an audition? I pay $200 for 1 hour dancing from my performers.

    Wow, easy Beer money. And doing something that I love.

    - Well, I will NOT allow any customer to touch me. I have a boyfriend at home who I am loyal too, and, I am happy in my Monogamous relationship.
    - Oh no no no, of course not Stevie. You dance. I pay you. You leave.
    - OK, sure, why not.

    He'd already cemented my place beneath him with his calling me Stevie, not Steven. He and Ayan and some BIG plans that would completely change the course of my life, for which I would one day be very grateful to them for. Aiden had you in the palm of his hand, talking about anything and everything, with many wild tales. If he was trying to impress me in my champagne haze, it was most definitely working. 

    - C'mon Stevie, let's get you auditioned!

    I stood up, and stumbled a bit, I was pretty drunk by now. We left the bar, and made the short 5 minute walk to his club.

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  5. Chapter One:

    My boyfriend were out at our favourite restaurant celebrating two occasions. Our 4 year anniversary, and my promotion at work which entailed me going to Boston, from England, for 6 months. I was due to leave in 1 week. Once we got home from our happy celebrations, we carried on drinking with our own chilled Champagne on a blanket, on the floor, with some sweet sugary nibbles, Mediterranean house music, and each others wonderful company. Our own little picnic. We laughed, reminisced, made more plans for the future, and of course, we ending up having our usual wild passionate sex which had not dwindled at all in all the time we had been a couple.

    The evening ended with emptying the load in my balls deep inside his ass. We were both Neg, and Monogamous, so, all was fine in our own little world.

    As our final week together for a long while went on, we both became anxious. We really did not want to be away from one another. BUT, in the long term I was doing this for us, to give us a better future. And then, that dreaded day came. My flight. He took me to the airport, and we shared our goodbye that went on for far too long, with mutual waves through floods of tears as I disappeared through security. Once I was settled on the other side we continued our very emotional goodbyes via app. It was so hard, but, this had to be done.

    But, would my plan for a better future for me and my man go smoothly, or would there be repercussions? 😈

    Once I arrived in Boston there was a chauffeur waiting to drive me to my new apartment for the next 6 months. I was already missing my Man terribly, yet, excited too to be in new unknown surroundings. It was all so thrilling. My employers had rented me a rather posh apartment in a well to-do part of town. My boyfriend would be squealing if he saw this. Our home was comfy, and merely modest. And we were happy with what we had, for the time being. 

    I had a shower, then went out for a quick meal, came home, prepared for my first day at work the following day, took some sleepers so I could get onto Boston time, and I was very soon asleep, ready for the next part to my life.

    The following day I awoke fully refreshed, and arrived into work bang on time at 8am, eager to begin. On my first day at work I spent it with my boss, who with great strong strides and authority marched over to me and shook my hand, introducing himself;

    - Good Morning. You must be Steven from England.

    I am a confident being, but suddenly I felt my stomach knot. INSTANT sexual tension!

    - Ye ... Yeah. I mean, yes, yes I am. Good Morning to you too. And you are?
    - I am Ayan. Come through to my office. Follow me.

    I could not help but notice the extremely abnormal over sized package in his groin area, and down his leg. Wha .... I would very soon be thinking of Ayan as my *daytime boss*. We spent the day talking about my role, duties, and how the company operates, plus getting to know each other on a personal level too. It was all very laid back, whilst also retaining a certain air of formality, with that bubbling obvious two way sexual tension going on. He seemed to be keen on probing me about my hobby as a Dancer, which I put on the hobbies section on my application for the post. Having both came out to one another earlier in the day and our instant spark, I felt at ease to be able to tell him I have danced and do dance as a Go-Go boi as I really enjoyed doing it, and the extra money comes in handy, not that I need it. 

    As I spoke his huge nipples underneath his pristine crisp ironed shirt seemed to become aroused. poking and pressing underneath the fabric, causing it to form two unmistakable and mouth-watering cotton mountains. My virgin cunt twitched! Virgin? Yes, but more about that later ;)

    After my first day at work he took me out to dinner at a posh restaurant, which was then promptly followed on with a  gay bar. It wasn't your typical crazy bar. The Music was subtle, gentle and quiet enough so you could have a proper conversation and minus any of the also typical sexual energy you frequently would find. Perfect for me as I was faithful to my boyfriend of 4 years back home in England, for which I was very clear to Ayan. We started out with a few cocktails each.

    - I hope you are not a bottom. Lots of hungry virile tops more than willing to plant their seed inside a cute young English boy like yourself.

    His charm and confidence made me feel relaxed, so his sussing me out did not make me feel uncomfortable. His directness and air of control once again made my Virgin cunt twitch! 🍑

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  6. PREQUEL to part 43;

    I let go of Igor and maneuvered myself so I was kneeling in front of Friedrich, took hold of his knotted Werewolf Dick, and lay my face on it as I submitted, intermittently kissing and licking his warm and wet throbbing, veiny knotted shaft. My Master continued to speak ...

    - You may use MY boy how you desire. But you will not harm him, and you will under no circumstances bite him. Now on your way.

    Friedrich picked me up with his Demon claws, and carrying me he flew out of the window, landing on the dry dirt ground several metres away from my Master's run down mansion. He let go of me, extended his arms out to his sides, and with his Werewolf Dick extending to a solid right angle to the ground he tilted his horned Demon head up towards the Moon, and began to HOWL into his new eternal existence. 🐺🌕

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  7. Part 42;

    My Dark-Lord twisted his head and upper body away from me, then with a huge almighty force thrust himself back facing me, which saw me slide off of him and go crashing into the mirrored wall, causing a HUGE ceiling to floor jagged crack in the mirror. I lay in a heap, meTh'd out of it, yet, also in shock.

    His sharp, quick, distorted, raspy voice bellowed down towards my meek mortal figure;

    - You WAIT your turn. Now get up, face the mirror put your arms above your head, arms up, and palms firmly on the glass. You are prohibited from removing your hands from where you place them.

    I did as I was told by the ultimate Master. He had spared my soul. But WHY?

    The next part of the night I would see via the reflection of the mirror I was now facing. The Dark-Lord jump down off from the plinth, to where my Goat-Beast Master 🐐 and his 5 friends 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇 had been chanting. They removed themselves from the circle they had formed to reveal Friedrich and Igor huddled, and shaking in the middle of the reverse pentagram. The D-E-V-I-L picked up Friedrich, and impaled his skeletal frame onto the raging sea-anemone vessel that would be transporting him to another dimension. There was no time to waste, with Friedrich ordered to say those 12 all important words as he received a no holes barred brutal final DEATH-FUCK. 💀 It was the end of the road for him, and he had clearly now had enough. I watched on via the cracked mirror, and witnessed this spectacular event unfold. Friedrich uttered his last words;

    - I irrevocably give my soul to you for eternity, my Dark-Lord.

    Flames began to shoot from the D-E-V-I-L's thrashing tail 🔥 and then the base of his Death-Dick violently twitched, where now Molten-Lava was being spewed into Friedrich's guts. Friedrich's face animated into a Euphoric state as he let out a long silent death-scream, and before long I was witnessing his soul being yanked out from his chest, then out from his mouth, and into the D-E-V-I-L. He instantly became limp, and was thrust off, just like happened with me a short while ago. My German AIDS stud's limp lifeless body was thrown into the air, eventually landing near to my feet, and to my inflammed disease-dripping prolapse.

    He immediately picked up Igor, and, the same situation played out, with his lifeless body landing side by side to Friedrich's. And in a flash, our Dark-Lord was nowhere to be seen. Doctor Spike climbed the plinth, and checked both of their pulses.

    - They're gone. 'L', cover them with hay.
    - Yes Doctor Stanis.

    I looked down and in-between my legs, seeing Igor and Friedrich laying motionless, looking peaceful, with my giant meaty battered prolapse dangling and wobbling from side to side, with dripping death-juice landing close to those who gave it to me. Sir (aka; 'L') came up and completely covered them with hay as instructed. My Goat-Beast Master who was now sat in his armchair recommenced one of his initial tricks, that being probing my cunt with his serpent tongue via his mind. It flicked over my prostate which gave me the urge to play with my tits, BUT, I remembered the ultimate Master had given me a strict instruction I was not to remove my hands from the cracked mirror unless told otherwise.

    My Master yanked my flopped out wet battered cunt with his serpent tongue until it was at a right angle to my body (mid air), and became more aggressive with his serpent probing. I started to scream in ecstasy. DAMN, I wanted to play with my tits, body, and Dick.

    I caught sight of my reflection. My face looked grey and oily, my beautiful Golden curly hair was gone, and my eyes looked wide and demonic. I also saw my NEG cum very slowly drip down on the mirror, and being the filThy nasTy Fag-PiG that I AM I feverishly licked it up. Once it was all gone and swallowed, I continued licking, if by some insane miracle more of my cum was going to magically appear. 

    THEN ... From my feet, the layers of hay began to rustle. Igor and Friedrich were now MOVING! My Master's probing abruptly stopped, and the rustling gradually grew bigger and louder, with an increasing in volume and intensity of rabid growling. Looking over my shoulder and down to the marble plinth behind me my gaze was now transfixed at the new life of death rising beneath me. I watched like this for a few minutes where I then turned my head back to facing the mirror as my neck had now gone into spasm, and continued to watch the rustling via the reflection. 

    The dead suddenly leapt to their hind legs 🐺🐺, growling, snarling, saliva drooling, with their thick, bright white, purple veined, knotted and slippery Werewolf Dicks swinging between their legs. The two new demons in town (well, in the middle of nowhere actually) were now part Werewolf, part Demon, with some remaining Human characteristics. Waist down they were now that of a Werewolf, with their swinging Wolf-Dicks, and strong muscled hairy hind legs and Glutes. Between their waist and neck they had the similar shape of a Human that was into heavy working out, with all the muscle groups rippling against the engorged veins, and bulging underneath through rough leather like skin, and thick layers of soft Werewolf hair. Their hands were those of a Demon, bony, with pointy jagged nails.

    Their heads were also that of Demons;

    Bright glowing cream coloured eyes, large pointed ears that were pointing up and back. Long horns also pointing up with the ends curving down. Teeth were a rotten brown colour, and razor sharp that formed a prison cell bars like look as the top and bottom teeth nestled together amidst the constant drooling saliva. It seemed as though they might be able to fly too, as they had large bony jagged wings sprouting from their backs. 

    Even though I was meTh'd out of my tree, they scared me. They were now very frightening looking creatures, YET, their Werewolf Dicks had me aching for them to USE me how they so desired. And it was not long before they went to take what they wanted. They were brand new to the demon world, rabid, and READY to maul me! They both grabbed me by a wrist each, and pulled me to the centre of the plinth, yanking me from side to side, with each one fighting for the ultimate dominance over me. My Master swiftly stood up from his armchair, slamming his stick down once, bringing the entire room into silence, and order.

    The two new demons let go of me, with their attention taken to listening to my Master's authority. As he addressed Igor & Friedrich I fell to my knees between them, linking my arms around their thick hairy lower Werewolf legs. I looked up at Friedrich, my former mustached AIDS stud, and he snarled down at me, with his breath of immense stench blowing down and into my throat. I brought my gaze down to his thick bright white, knotted Demon-Dick that throbbed amidst the thick, ragged, bulging, purple veins.

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  8. PREQUEL to part 42;

    The D-E-V-I-L broke his silence with his sharp, quick, distorted, raspy voice;

    - Remember Charlie, there is a specific condition attached per your request for my Molten Lava Death-Seed to be sprayed deep into your Human flesh.
    - Yes, I remember clearly. I have to give you my soul.

    His jet black sea anemone tentacles that last time gave me an electric shock sending my body into spasm which made my body neck down go limp this time commenced a deep fast rhythmic massage of my innards, causing me to leak a bucket of NEG pre-cum. I let go of my thighs, and took to working on my tits. For a few minutes only I lay there, dangling in mid air on the D-E-V-I-L's Death-Dick, with its little helpers doing their job on taking me to the point of no return. As I continued to work on my tits my skin increasingly began to burn up, with my sweat evaporating into a fine mist into the EVIL night air. And then, I let out a MASSIVE grunt, and shot a huge NEG load over my torso, with some of it landing on the mirror behind me. During my orgasm the words fell out of my mouth;

    - I irrevocably give my soul to you for eternity, my Dark-Lord.

    :o ... Charlie, what have you done?

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  9. Part 41;

    There was a gap between my two side by side almost lifeless AIDS studs. I crawled in between them, and lay on my back, with my legs akimbo, and shoved four fingers inside my AIDS loaded NEG cunt and began to finger fuck myself aggressively, feeling these studs hyper viral fuck juice splashing about as I jabbed myself in sheer intense greedy moaning and grunting Fuck-Fag-PiG lust. I turned to Friedrich and eagerly lapped up his chin, lips, and mustache of the remnants from our play had a little while ago.

    - Thank you for your Death-seed sexy stud.

    I kissed him, and he smiled. I grabbed a hold of his toxic shaft, which was still very much STIFF, and leaking. I eagerly scooped up the mixture of his and I's bodily fluids, and smeared them all over my face. I then turned to Igor, sweet sweet Igor, and gave him thanks too, also planting a kiss on his lips, which again was met with a smile of appreciation. With equal eagerness I also scooped our bodily fluids from his toxic shaft, and wrote on my chest three upside down nines. The PIG had landed! Doctor Spike marched in with Sir and Usher in tow, and instructed that his two patients be carried up to the plinth room. As the physically strong carried away the frail I remained laying in the same spot, continuing to aggressively four finger my cunt.

    - Someone disobeyed me didn't they, not staying in the spot I ordered you to stay in. You will be punished accordingly when I feel the time is right. Once I have put this in, you will make your way to the plinth room.

    He pushed in my prolapse, then inserted the Goat-Hoof Butt plug, as to keep Friedrich & Igor's diseased multiplying viral filTh where it should be. I got up and then with difficulty (as my cunt lips were now being forced apart) walked out of the Medical Chamber, and out into the main part of the basement within the shower area. I noticed the full length mirror that Sir made me look in to when I had been dressed in my skimpy metallic red rubber jockstrap and the rest of that particular corresponding attire. As I awkwardly walked over to take a look at myself the depraved Doctor secured the chamber, and swiftly made his way to the plinth room on the top floor.

    I gazed at my reflection of a meTh fueled body at the beginning of it's brand new journey. Already I was looking very different, although in another 16 months approximately I would be looking completely different to how I was now, despite already big changes in such a short space of time. I admired Friedrich & Igor's high viral tainted blood all over my chest, and face, which mingled in with my Master's oily Demon-Beast-Cum, making my skin all wet and sticky. The D-E-V-I-L's scratch mark across my navel continued to tingle, and glow.
    I glanced at my now bald scalp, and instead of feeling sad at the loss of my beautiful hair I cherished all these years, it seemed to just further fuel my deep inner pig. I looked deep into my eyes as I grabbed my now super sensitive tits, pulling and twisting VERY hard which was causing my cunt to repetitively clamp down tightly on the Goat-Hoof Butt plug that had it stuffed shut. I pulled and twisted, pulled and twisted, and with my face contorting MY growing Demon within spoke to my inner Charlie, the young man of innocence who would soon be forever lost;

    - You are a fucking nasTy whore Charlie. Let all the Dark entities and fucked up twisTed depraved EVIL filTh that surrounds you shape what you ARE going to become.

    I then heard inside my head, a summons;

    - Charlie, come to the plinth room, NOW! Once here you will climb to the top of the marble plinth, sit against the mirror so you are facing opposite the St Andrew's Cross, unplug your cunt, PUSH out your prolapse, and PLAY with it.
    - Hail Master. Yes Master.

    I walked up the steps out of the basement, then began my ascent up the long winding creaky staircase, completely naked, with my skin only covered with various human and Demon bodily fluids, all of it highly t☢️xic, and utterly disgusting. I reached the door to the plinth room. The door was closed, and all I could hear demon chanting. I could not wait to be as instructed playing with my AIDS cum filled prolapse, so without hesitation I opened the door. The usual fizzling fuzzy fire red glow that lit up the room was no longer, with the room only being lit up my moon light. Usher and Sir were sat on the couch, Doctor Spike was sat on a bale of hay in the corner, and my Goat-Beast Master and his 5 Goat-Beast friends were circled around the Reverse Pentagram drawn on the floor, Demon-chanting. 

    I climbed up the plinth, and sat against the mirror, unplugged my cunt, and pushed out my inflamed battered prolapse. Its warmth felt wonderful against the coolness of the marble slab. In my meTh haze and using both hands I rubbed over and over my flopped out cunt flesh, and eagerly finger fucked myself, feeling and massaging in the multiple viral loaded Demon & Human toxic fliTh, as I watched from high up the Demons chanting. As their chanting grew louder and stronger, my self degradation grew more intense as I fingered and FFisted my sloppy prolapse. And when the fever consuming this entire space could not rise anymore, my vision and hearing for several seconds went blank.

    When my senses had returned, I instantly realised that the chanting had ceased, and stood in front of me, towering over this mere pathetic mortal at his feet, was the return of our Dark-Lord, the D-E-V-I-L. 👺

    - PLEASE Fuck Me and Cum INSIDE me MY Dark-Lord, I am READY to give you my Soul.

    He picked me up, and impaled me on his bright glowing orange Hot-Poker shaft. The jet black sea anemone tentacles flared from his Molten-Lava iron immortal Death-Fuck-tool once again stuck themselves deep into my battered insides as my legs just like last time lay on his fins that poked out intermittently either side of him. My hands gripped tightly to the sides of my thighs, pulling them tightly as to try and spread my legs further still, even though they were spread as far as nature would already allow. Without flinching he bored into my eyes with his unnerving, scary, Dark-EVIL presence.

    I stared back in return, my face smiling in lust, want, and greed, with my tongue poking out and making weird movements amidst my repetitive meTh-grunts. This went on for several minutes, with me lusting like some demented maniac, desperate to be fucked and filled by my Dark-Lord, with he remaining completely still, eerily silent, and his hot, hard steel exterior yet again heating up my cool smooth pale skin until I was now HEAVILY dripping with sweat. I now could not wait anymore;

    - PLEASE cum INSIDE my cunt, my WONDERFUL Dark-Lord. PLEASE ... 🐽

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  10. PREQUEL to part 41;

    Doctor Spike seem to go into crisis mode, yet he remained calm and methodical even within his sense of urgency. 

    - NATAS, power down the Gates to Hell, and unlock the Chamber door.
    - Powering down Gates to Hell, and unlocking Chamber door.

    The flames disappeared, with the bright lights of the Medical Chamber returning. The door clicked and opened slightly. He in a heartbeat went to his lab area, and returned with three syringes. The first two were given to Igor & Friedrich. As soon as the solution went in, their motionless bodies began to move and I could see that they were breathing once again. Friedrich was hauled off of me, and lay down on the floor side by side with Igor. I was instructed in a firm manner to lie flat on the floor, where I received the third syringe. Doctor Spike opened my cannula.

    - What are you giving me Doctor?- This is no time for questions Charlie. You are to lay exactly where you are, and don't move. Understood.
    - Okay.

    In went my solution, and he rushed out of the slightly ajar door. I knew exactly what he had given me. I recognised this feeling ~ Meth! Well, there is no way I could now stay in the position I was ordered to; I was flying, and HORNY, with a cunt full of incubating death-seed! Where had the Doctor gone to, and, would I behave and stay still?

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  11. Part 40;

    I won't lie, as soon as my ankles and wrists became unlocked an image of my boyfriend did flash across my mind. Why? At that poinT in time, I really did not care, and grabbed hold of Friedrich's Leather executioner clad yellow cheek sunken gaunt face, and kissed even deeper than before his sewer stinking throat. My legs instinctively went up and wrapped around his bony back, with my heels pulling him and his bacterial oozing viral bleeding slab of violently t☢️xic Death-Meat deeper into my flopped out soft and wet NEG boy-cunt. I had dreamed of this moment for years, so, if losing my hair (thus, my old identity) is what it took to get this stud to leak his legacy into me, then it was completely worth it!

    It wasn't a hard fast fuck, it was slow, yet his strokes were firm and solid. He would stop every few minutes for a minute or two to regain his composure. During his times of rest I would feel the rotting toxic Fuck-Weapon to this beautiful AIDS stud pulsate deep inside of my warm and wet insides. They were waiting with excitement to be flooded with his final load of HIGHLY charged Death-seed. 💀I stopped kissing him, pushing his head away from mine several inches so I could look into his eyes. Despite his exhausted tired look in his eyes, he still projected his alpha essence perfectly. He continued his slow yet firm solid strokes with no safety barrier between his BARE dirTy AIDS Stud-Dick heavily dripping with Disease, and my, still, NEG boy-cunt. I continued my look into his eyes ...

    - Oh fuck YES. I am ready. Flood my guts with your infectious filTh. Give me what I deserve, and what you WANT to give to me.

    With a lot of effort he stood up right, and withdrew, returning to rubbing his slab of BARE pus oozing, and HIV-Hep C bleeding P☣️Z Death-Meat over and around my sweet, wet and warm velvety NEG prolapse, and once again with his mouth and lips contorting with a depraved lust for a sick and nasTy Death-Fuck. The bleeding on his shaft seemed to be intensifying. He now spoke as he continued rubbing over my flopped out cunt, although I obviously could not understand what he was saying ...

    - Fuck YES. Got myself a hungry NEG sluT here who craves to have what I have. And you are lucky enough PiG to be getting my multiple strains of Hep C, and several strains of HIV including my med resistant strain, plus my aggressive virulent strain, which given the ideal conditions will be fast acting, and you will be like I am now in no time, courtesy of our good Doctor here. I cannot hold on much longer. I am going back inside your sweet warm cunt now, and within a few short strokes, you will have M☢️RE of what you want.

    - STOP! Not so fast Friedrich. Sit back down in your wheelchair.

    Doctor Spike had halted proceedings with my sticky mustached AIDS STUD. He promptly wheeled Igor over to where I lay, took his hospital gown off from the front, then picked him up from his wheelchair, and ordered me to reach out and finish removing his gown, which was dangling from the front of his body as he was being held from behind. I removed it, only to see yet another emaciated body. And it turned me ON! Yet, just like Friedrich, his Death-Dick was raging STIFF to attention. I was more than happy to oblige. Doctor Spike picked him up, and lay him on his back on the floor on a row of cushions for comfort.

    - Right Charlie, you will sit on Igor's pus oozing Dick, facing him, and ride him very slowly.

    Before I got to him, Doctor Spike got the tainted scalpel, and made an incision, just like he did a short while earlier. Igor's shaft was now covered in blood. I straddled him, took hold of of his beautiful bloodied Death-Meat, and slowly slid down. His eyes were not focused, and looked in odd directions as he gave groans and grunts of delight of feeling my warm and wet boy-cunt embrace and envelope his bleeding, diseased and throbbing Death-Dick that was more than worthy of such attention. I looked at my hand that had just guided his Dick into me, and, it was covered in his highly toxic fluid. I smeared it over my lips and all over my face like any good little obedient FaG-PiG should.

    Igor took hold of my waist with his frail pale bony hands, and held onto me softly, as I rocked back and forth. My young firm flesh against his decaying ravaged body in the darkened Medical Chamber were both lit up by the 'Gates of Hell' raging burning flames with an array of demons from behind the flames watching on, including my Master and his 5 fellow Goat-Beat friends 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🐐, and Sir, who was currently in his demon form. They could not enter unless Doctor Spike requested NATAS to 'open' the 'Gates of Hell'.

    Igor's grunts and groans increased in their frequency and intensity. I THEN felt a hand push me forward. It was Friedrich. I soon felt him re enter me, swiftly followed by him letting his body completely relax so he was now putting his whole body weight on top of me. He started fucking me again, and I was using all my strength to hold myself up in position. Igor from somewhere summoned some last energy, and began to rock his hips upwards to fuck me too. Heavenly HELL, being double fucked by two wasting and deathly AIDS studs, with both of their pus oozing pieces of SUPER CHARGED pieces of Fuck-Meat bleeding inside of me. Igor's soft grip suddenly tightened, and he gripped onto my waist tightly, with his long unkempt fingernails digging into my skin. He and Friedrich began a dialogue, with the latter breaking the silence;

    - Oh FUCK, ... YES, this is it. Take what you NEED you nasTy PiG-faGGot. I am almost there.
    - Friedrich my friend. You are very close by. I can no longer see at all, but, my sense of touch is super heightened, and this NEG sluT I have heard so much about feels firm, soft, ripe, and ready to begin it's journey we have both experienced. I am getting VERY close to busting what I know will be my last ever load. My most toxic and violently venomous one ever. He IS going to get it.
    - Hey, Igor. My dear friend. Yes, I am here. Our bleeding 🆎 slabs of dirTy diseased Death-Meat sliding over each other, leaking Gono pus, pre cum, blood, most of it virus replicating at an intense rate. I cannot hold it in any longer. Here it comes you nasTy NEG Fuck-PiG. I'm cuuuUUUUUUUhhhhmmmiiiiiiNG *GRUUUNT* 💦💦💀💦💦
    - Fuck YES, here comes my filThy legacy too. Oh YEEEEES, you want it, here it is you worthless fag.

    Where did that come from? Igor's last words were full of powerful and primitive instinctive deaThly desire, and as he uttered his last word he let go of my waist, and grabbed me tightly around my neck as my DP AIDS fuckers grunted like rabid animals, unloading their super charged deadly seed into my accommodating guts. Igor's hands fell from my neck, and Friedrich's body became even heavier, as the both abruptly became silent, and motionless. Had they died? Or, were they still with us and be able to be saved, by someone, or, something?

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  12. Part 39;

    As the Doctor got to tattooing me, my German AIDS stud kneeling before me had removed his oxygen mask, and was groaning as he licked, chewed, fingered, and rubbed my wet, soft, warm, and meaty prolapse. I could tell one of his hands was repetitively alternating between stroking his diseased Death-Meat and then rubbing on and around my NEG cunt and fingering inside it with his super loaded HIV & Hep C blood, and sticky Gonorrhoea pus fingers. I could only imagine that from all his licking and chewing of my sweet juicy prolapse that his chin, lips and mustache must surely be now covered in my neg cunt blood, his super viral loaded Dick blood, and his Gonorrhoea. Would he kiss me like that?

    My scalp was hurting from the tattooing, yet, I was in sheer ecstasy having my brand new and real sexual organ licked, fingered, rubbed, and chewed. This deathly thin skeleton was certainly a man of expert experience ... He knew how just to please me!! Finally the tattoo was done. Doctor Spike took a photo, and showed me, looking at me sternly with his sinister soulless expression;

    - There you go Charlie, just what you needed.

    It was no less than a reversed pentagram with the three upside down red nines nestled in-between the top two points! This was no mere drawing; I was now officially BRANDED! I was falling in deeper into my new life of depraved EVIL filTh, and if I were to change my mind about everything now, it was seeming like it would really now be too late. My fate had been already decided! Friedrich spoke out;

    - Doctor, help me up. I am ready to fuck this dirTy NEG fuck-pig now.

    Doctor Spike helped him up, then done something very strange, considering the circumstances. But, it was just one of his little twisted mind fuck games. He took a condom out of it's wrapper, and rolled it onto the thick, pus oozing and AIDS bleeding Death-Dick. He gave his trademark depraved evil smirk as he spoke;

    - Maybe you could try to have safe sex on your last ever fuck as a living human, Friedrich.

    He then clamped the catheters that were feeding me my Master's bitter tasting oily Beast-cum, and removed them from my mouth. Then also came the removal of the dental cheek retractor. And the IV drip as it had finished. Cannula staying in mind! He then went and fetched Igor, and wheeled him to the left side of my examination table, facing me. Friedrich looked down at his rubbered up Death-Dick for a few minutes, stroking it, and mumbling something in German to himself, and then, the animal within him removed the condom peeling it off so it was now inside out, so now the outer part of the condom was covered in fresh Gonorrhoea pus, and dirTy blood. He leaned over, and placed it on my forehead, dragging it back over a few times as to smear in his filTh. Doctor Spike addressed the Medical Chamber computer;

    - NATAS power down 'Hypno'.
    - Powering down 'Hypno'.

    In a quick moment the nasTy PiG-faGGot SEX images, and the deep hard sounds of dark underground tribal beats abruptly stopped. There was now a hesitation in the air.

    - NATAS, bring the gates of HELL.- Bringing the gates of HELL.

    Suddenly, the Medical Chamber fell into pitch darkness. No one spoke or done anything for the next few minutes, and with each passing second the atmosphere became increasingly tense and electric.

    THEN ...  

    The wall to the entrance of the Chamber burst into a long wall of flames, from corner to corner of that wall, lighting up the entire room. Then came the sounds, of beasts growling, lost souls wailing, flames crackling, and demons snarling. Doctor Spike put on Friedrich's head a Leather executioner hood. I couldn't properly see what he looked like with it on as his head was bowed as he kept busy rubbing his BARE pus oozing, and HIV-Hep C bleeding POZ Death-Meat over and around my sweet, wet and warm velvety NEG prolapse. He also alternated with entering inside my flopped out cunt with just with the tip to his highly charged fuck tool in between rubbing over and around on the outside. I could see his mouth and lips though as they kept contorting with a depraved lust for a sick and nasTy Death-Fuck. 

    I was to be his last fuck alive, and he was USING me just how he wanted. He now slid inside me an inch, holding steady his position. He looked up, and stared deep into my eyes;
    FUCK, what a sight before me. His leather executioner hood was a stark contrast to the yellow to the whites of his eyes and his sunken yellow-grey gaunt face. His body not only emaciated, but also a yellow-grey colour, with bones protruding all over. Yet his Death-Dick, his wonderful thick uncut pus oozing, blood trickling Death-Dick was super HARD with just 1" so far of his super toxic 8"s pulsating inside of my warm soft open wide NEG cunt. I was now very open wide, and READY for him to fuck the HELL into me, and give me the last of his life force, for eternity. The flames (the closed gates behind him leading to HELL) behind him were strong, framing his pale deathly frail body beautifully, and highlighting his chin, lips, and bushy mustache which were as I had imagined, all wet and sticky from his Gonorrhoea pus, my NEG cunt blood, and his super high viral loaded blood.

    THEN, he leaned in to kiss me, contaminating my lips and lower nose with his wet nasTy filTh ☢️☢️, and my ever diminishing innocence. As he leaned in he naturally slid all the way deep inside of me. Even though my welcoming and accommodating juicy boy-cunt was super wide now, bruised, battered, gaping, and had been taking ginormous Beast Dick, and Sir's forearms, I could feel him fill me up and feel his HIGHLY charged Death-Meat slowly fuck me. He stuck his tongue deep into my mouth, kissing me deeply. It felt amazing, and I reciprocated, even though his breath actually smelt like a sewer. It smelt and tasted absolutely disgusting, yet, it was turning me on so much knowing he was taking what he wanted based upon pure animalistic instinct, and taking what for the moment was HIS, contaminating my ever increasing defiled body and soul. I was physically retching at the foul taste and smell of his sewer breath, yet I instinctively kept pushing my tongue in deeper into his throat. Doctor Spike spoke;

    - NATAS unlock ankles from stirrups and unlock wrists from arm rests. 

    *CLICK* ... *CLICK* !! The computer responded;

    - Ankles and wrists 'UNLOCKED'.

    I was now no longer restrained. Was I now about to request to be let go, so I could return to my boyfriend Richard? And where is Richard? 😈

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  13. Part 38;

    With an immobilized mouth, no demand to leave this journey of destiny would ever see the light of day. Even though whatever this Demon Doctor had injected me with was now wearing off, I after several minutes of him fucking me suddenly felt the pain from the silver spikes alleviate. What had he done? He saw the confused look on my face, and completely withdrew his Demon-Dick with his lizard face smirking at me as he was now showing off his still fully erect spike-less Dick, waving it in front of me. The spikes had disappeared! And then, he flared them to the the length that they were when he initially entered my cunt. And THEN ...

    .... he flared them again so their length extended out even longer. He was taking great joy in showing me he could make the spikes disappear, and change their length to however he desired to at any given time. Again, the spikes retracted, completely disappearing. He walked away, fetching another one of the steel buckets full of my Master's oily demon filth, hung it on the IV pole, and inserted it into my mouth, un-clipping the catheter so I now had two loads of rotten stench going down my throat, and filling my mouth. Now DOUBLE the amount to FILL me up, and double the amount to overflow over my chin and onto my body. 💦💦👅💦💦💦

    He slid inside me again, recommencing his Demon-lizard fucking. Here I was, mouth forced open by retractor, being slowly filled with my Master's oily stench Beast-filth, Igor & Friedrich's heavily HIV, Hep C, and Syphilis tainted blood entering direct into my blood stream, my thick Golden curly locks of hair having been completely shaved off, my wrists and ankles restrained with my legs spread wide, with this evil Doctor fucking me amidst the nasTy SEX images, and the sounds of the tribal beats. He had me how I was now meant to be; 

    Completely submissive, defenseless, and at his total mercy. He had full CONTROL. He impaled his jet black lizard Dick into my human cunt, leaned in towards my face soaked in my Master's oily musky cum. I smelt totally disgusting! He said in a low, slow menacing tone;

    - Charlie, I want you to now look towards my crotch, and not avert your gaze for one second.

    I did as I was instructed. He stood back upright, then, here they were, the silver spikes had returned, flaring and digging more deeper into my cunt flesh that they had before. He placed his upper lizard limbs behind his back, clasping his hands. He took one small step backwards at which point I felt and saw my cunt being pulled inside out. Another small step backwards, and then another until my cunt was inside out to the length of a forearm with the spikes digging in so my piece of juicy wet Cunt-Meat was able to be kept in mid air by his erect Demon-Dick. 

    I watched on as he brought his lizard hands back around to his front, whereby he began to rub over and over my flopped out insides which felt so immensely pleasurable that I was having a very hard time to keep my fixed gaze.

    My eyes soon saw his lizard-serpent tongue 🐍 join his hands in on the action, flicking feverishly over my soft velvety ridged Cunt-Meat. I let out an almighty groan, with my head tilting back as I very quickly became super aroused. But with my Master's cum collecting inside my forced wide open mouth a huge amount was forced down my throat. Unable to close my mouth a long succession of continual loud, wet and sloppy gagging gulps ensued.

    Rotten demon filth overflowing onto my torso, drooling out over my chin, and copious amounts sliding its way down my throat INTO my stomach. Me, Charlie, the Demon-cum PiG! 👅💦🐷

    I lay completely back like this for a good hour, having my pulled out gaping insides rubbed and licked. I groaned in ecstasy, continuing to lose myself within a nasTy PiG-faGGot SEX image and tribal beat haze. THEN, without warning, I felt a searing pain rage through my entire body, jolting my head forwards, once again spilling a decent amount of my Master's dirTy filTh over my chin, and onto my already demon-cum drenched body. My gaze had now gone back to Doctor Demons crotch area. He had only flared his spikes out so long they had pierced right through my sweet and soft meaty boy-cunt. 🌹😈

    With some tears running down my cheeks I instinctively looked up at him. His entire body was still that of a Demon-Lizard, BUT, he had reverted back to his human head, with his dark brown almost black soulless eyes, sunken pale cheeks, and slicked back jet black hair. His eyes bored into mine, and he began to speak in a sadistic tone;

    - Yes! ... Yes! ... Yes! ... Yes! You belong to Darkness now Charlie. And one day, you WILL be giving your Soul to our ultimate Dark-Lord.

    Even though I really did want to hold onto my soul, I knew he was right with what he was saying. I was inevitably as a soon to be nasTy fucked up with multiple virulent infections poz-pig, completely powerless to resist. With my tears continuing to flow he looked at me with an evil sinister stare, with his jaw dropping and laughing demonically, enjoying using and corrupting me, grinding his hips from side to side with my prolapse moving with them what with my wet and meaty cunt flesh impaled on the silver spikes. Enjoying developing my journey into a dark world of super t☢️xic, PiG-faGGot filth.

    After sometime of getting off on his literal grip on my body his spikes once again retracted, followed by withdrawing his Demon-Dick, leaving my insides as they were, flopped out, dripping and hanging. Doctor Stanis now walked over to Friedrich, gripped onto the handles of his wheelchair, and pushed him over to me until he was facing my body from the right hand side to the examination table. He helped him stand up and slowly removed his hospital gown. As his gown dropped to the floor I gasped internally at the sight that stood before me;

    Emaciated with bones protruding all over, and bulging veins. Yellow from his multiple strains of untreated Hep C. A smattering of K.S lesions covered his pale frail frame, including one part way down his fully ERECT thick German AIDS Dick, that also had a smelly thick yellow discharge flow from it's inflammed urethra, and down the full thick shaft. Seeing such a strong image of death frightened me, but his thick oozing AIDS Dick and bushy mustache served to turn me on and ache to have him inside me, fucking me until his death weapon unleashed its deadly poison in my defenseless open wide vessel. They started to converse in German, with Friedrich starting off, speaking through his oxygen mask;

    - So this is the stupid neg twink who you have been watching for years from your own realm afar, learning all there is to know about him including his strong sick and twisted desire to become poz. Very cute!
    - Very cute indeed. But, with all you and Igor have to share, especially yourself, his current youthful looks will be shot to pieces in around 12 to 18 months!
    - Doctor, make a deep cut in my thick toxic throbbing shaft. I want to see what I have to gifT him drip out as I have a play with his prolapse.

    Doctor Stanis smirked, and gave an evil laugh ... 😏

    - That is why you are one of my favourite patient's Friedrich, with that sick and twisted perverted mind of yours. 

    He sat him in his wheelchair, and wheeled him around to in between my wide open restrained legs, and again helped him up. Doctor Stanis, or Doctor Spike as I would now refer to him by, what with his Dick that would flare with silver spikes as and when it wanted to, grabbed a scalpel, placed it on Friedrich's AIDS weapon, and addressed me as he made the initial incision; 

    - I bet you are wondering why Charlie why Friedrich here who is clearly so very near DEATH 💀 can maintain such a beast of a thick erection, like he would have done in his younger healthier days. He and Igor of course deserve to be pulsing with virile strength on what will be their last ever fuck as living humans, so, they have been given an extra special potion to allow such reproductive vigour.

    As the incision cut open a vein, a squirt of my German AIDS stud's blood squirted out and landed on the left side of my chest; It really burned my skin! 

    - Soak it up Charlie, you nasTy, dirTy PiG-faGGot.

    He was enjoying verbally degrading me, and his words seemed to be hitting my inner worthless pig 🐽, because I began to feel degraded, and LOVED it! All I could think of, and want, was Friedrich's blood leaking AIDS death shaft buried deep inside of me, taking me down the road of further corruption those few extra steps. I am a pig-faGGot, and I am to be USED for man or beast's carnal pleasure. He helped him down so he was now kneeling before my prolapse. Dr Spike provided Friedrich with something to kneel on as his knees were now just mere bone.

    - You can have a play with his prolapse as I perform my next important task.

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  14. PREQUEL to Part 38;

    And with one HARD FIRM stroke he plunged in as deep as possible, with those silver spikes dragging on my inner cunt flesh as he slid INSIDE, taking exactly what he wanted.

    Without any hesitation he commenced to demon fuck me at a very strong fast powerful rate. The pain was too much for me to bear, but, I had no choice but to enjoy it. To cope I began to alternate my visual 'focus' between the strong flashing images, and the heavily tainted blood running down the IV tube and into my veins, with my inner self in perfect harmony with the tribal beats. 💞🎶 

    However, I was unable to distract myself from the increasing pain, yet somehow something inside of me was able to begin to allow myself let go and embrace my real inner pig, and ACCEPT all that was now being GIVEN to me! 🐷💀 

    Should Charlie now really allow himself to be completely degraded and used like some piece of worthless faGGot-fuck-meat, and accept every fibre of his human flesh, and soul to be corrupted beyond no return ~ Or, demand to be let go, and leave?

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  15. Part 37;

    Having spent several minutes running his fingers through my Golden pride and joy, Doctor Stanis left me and went to check on the machine that was testing my blood. Immediately prior to giving me my Gono shot in my room, he also took some of my blood for testing. He once again addressed the central 'Medical Chamber' computer;

    - NATAS, commence 'Hypno'- Commencing Hypno.

    The Doctor came back over to where I lay, paralysed, and locked down. He again picked up the hair clippers, switched them on, AND ....

    .... He began to shave off my beautiful thick curly Golden locks of hair. A physical feature that I strongly felt glued my identity together. Although still feeling detached, my deep inner subconscious was crying at the old Charlie slipping away, as I was being shaped into a new entity. I could very much sense each lock of hair hitting the ground as I watched Friedrich & Igor's heavily tainted blood directly, yet slowly, enter my bloodstream from the IV bag. I was beginning to be able to feel my body again on some levels, and I could now feel my arm burning up as my body very quickly realised that what was entering me was nasTy t☢️xic filth, and I was now completely defenseless to do anything about it.

    As my current identity of curls fell to the floor the computer NATAS fired up 'Hypno', and suddenly the ceiling and all four walls lit up as screen projectors, and a constant stream of images flashed up in very quick non stop succession, dominating the entire chamber. I was now being very cleverly hypnotized with these strong images, along with sounds of deep, hard, and dark underground tribal beats which seemed to find a way to be in synch with my heartbeat. The constant strong striking images that were repeating in no particular order, were of nasTy 🐷 PiG-faGGot 💦 SEX;

    Cum facials, cum swallowing, deep-throating, gagging, glory-holes, fisting, punch fisting, pissing on and in, armpit licking, body rubbing, plenty of Cock-sucking & Cum squirting onto eager tongues, being pinned down during animalistic fucking, blood and meth slamming. Fucking until completion with ZERO pulling out, including multiple scenes of conversion orgies, intense Bondage and electro play, and much MUCH more.

    Images of Bio-hazard and many varying symbols representing EVIL and depravity along with the above were also making their way deep into my subconscious. All this with a whole array of Men ranging from twinks, bears, wasting studs, daddies, skinny, all either nude, in leather, rubber, or official uniforms. In essence, I was being brainwashed to fully accept what it means to be a nasTy PiG-faGGot cum-dump!! The only image that wasn't shown was, the redundant condom! Nothing would be coming in between becoming infecTed! ☢️💀

    After what seemed like an eternity the electric hair clippers powered off, and were placed onto one of the nearby stainless steel tables. My hair was GONE! ✂️😢

    In one swift motion the Doctor put the hair clippers down only to pick up a plastic dental cheek retractor which in a very short moment was in my mouth, keeping it forced open. To the opposite side of my toxic IV drip was a small steel bucket hanging on another IV pole with my Master's oily, Deep-Green pungent smelling, toxic demon DNA. A catheter that was attached to the bottom of the bucket was promptly put in my mouth towards the back of my tongue, a clip was released which allowed my Master's rotten demon cum to re-enter me, this time at a much slower rate, and this time down my throat. Not all of it went down my throat immediately, slowly building up in volume inside of my mouth until after several minutes it was overflowing down over my chin, then onto my chest and abs. 👹🐐💦💦💦

    I was being heavily contaminated with dirTy rotten filTh; Inside & Out! 

    The Doctor attended to Friedrich & Igor, now that their blood bags were full. With his back to me I watched his fins flare out longer, with his skin turning a dark brown colour with a scaly appearance. He turned around holding the blood bags, and with my own eyes I saw that he had now transformed from head to toe as a fully fledged demon-lizard. 👹🦎 The highly t☢️xic blood bags went into storage, and he then approached me, standing in between my spread wide restrained legs and flopped out cunt.

    - Well well well, look at you with your hair all gone. Bit by bit your innocence deserts you Charlie. I have been watching you for years, knowing of your deep dark dirTy secret of your strong desire to become p☣️z. You should always be careful of what you wish for, because, I am going to make sure you get what you crave, and a whole lot more!

    Despite his new demonic appearance, my gaze was diverted to his bulge. He was still wearing his white trousers, yet where his Dick would be was a trouser ripping bulge from underneath the white fabric at such a tight force that silver spikes were poking through. What on earth were they? I was about to find out. 

    - Aaaaahhhh, I see you are eager for your examination to continue, Charlie. 

    He took his trousers off to reveal his dark brown scaly legs, and a very unusual Dick between them. He wasn't nearly as big as my Master's thick slippery EEL Dick. He was about quarter of the girth, and half the length (so half way down his thigh). It was also jet black, but was a dull black, and it was solid like wood, not slippery like my Master's. And those silver spikes? They ran down his entire shaft in a spiral pattern from tip to base. I thought, that is no way going inside me, he would rip me to shreds!

    He took my flopped out cunt, and FFisted it back inside, then, placed the tip of his spiked demon death-shaft at my gaping swollen cunt lips. I knew what was about to come, and it was going to be super painful! I took my focus away from him, or whatever the hell he was, and let myself fall deeper into a hypnotic trance, focusing in on the nasTy piGGy SEX images, and their corresponding deep hard sounds of dark underground tribal beats.

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