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Posts posted by ScorpionFF

  1. 44 minutes ago, Monster5-8gPA said:

    So who are the other 2? Will Charlie’s boyfriend fuck him too?? Love the permanent prolapse! Darker please!! Take Charlie to the dark side!!🔥👺

    If you are a good b☣️y @Monster5-8gPA then I might let you know with part 31 tonight! 😈 Charlie's Gono infection doesn't half look nasTy ~ We might just need D☢️ctor Stanis to take a look at that! 💉

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  2. Part 30; 

    His serpent tongue without warning notched up several gears in speed, and pressure, as his probing of my cunt was reaching its climax. The sheer intensity was arousing me so much I could barely keep my balance, and almost kept falling over. But, I remember what Sir had said about not moving from the spot. And then, a fluttering and scratching noise came from the open window area. Was it a bat? 🦇 .... 🐐

    A few minutes later I heard an almighty thud crashing down onto my bedroom floor. And then, slow creaking of the floorboards. I felt something come behind me. It took hold of my prolapse, and before I could take another breath, my Master's diseased slippery Demon-EEL Dick slammed all the way INSIDE me. Knee length, remember! The brute force made me jolt forward, and expel an extremely short and loud grunt. His horned Goat-Beast head flew up in flames, with his dull soulless black eyes coming to molten lava life once again. 👹

    I felt his Demon claws grip tightly onto the smooth firm flesh of my waist, and, he immediately began to fuck me VERY hard and fast, with no pauses. No build up this time!

    - HAIL Master. Oh YEEEEES MASTER. PLEASE Fuck me ... FUCK my CUNT. Give me all you've got. Show me no absolutely mercy. Spray your Deep-Green, oily Demon t☣️xic filth up my neg boy-cunt. PLEASE SEED me, my wonderful Master.
    - Oh Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. You seem to be very fast embracing becoming a tainted, dirty, unholy, filthy faggot, who will very soon I am sure also become an extremely toxic vessel of depraved nasTy filth. 
    - Yes Master. I want it. I need it. I deserve it. 👦🐷
    - My Master likes you. He likes you a lot. And, he WILL keep coming back until he gets what he wants from you.

    I knew what he was referring to, and, I surprised myself at what I said next;

    - Maybe next time I will say those magic 12 words so I can get his DEATH-seed blasted inside my hungry gaping cunt.
    - His seed is exactly that, Charlie! 👺💦💀

    That last statement made my soul jump. But, I was so high I had to store it to process for another time. I do know one thing though. If the D-E-V-I-L were to be fucking me now, and wanted me to say those 12 words in exchange for my soul, I .... WOULD, without hesitation. My weakness had be unearthed. My flopped out hungry piggy cunt had been in receipt of a good HARD pounding for at least half an hour now, and my Master STILL had not cum, nor done one of his short sharp 'non-orgasm' squirts that Goat-Beasts can apparently do without having a proper orgasm. And as the Gono juice dripped from my inflamed urethra, I badly NEEDED a load of Demon juice pumped into neg boy cunt. I had no choice but to now BEG, and PLEAD in an extreme eager desperate tone of voice;

    - My Master. I CANNOT wait any longer for your cum to coat my insides. PLEEEEEEEASE spray your disgusting filthy Demon-DNA ☣️☢️ inside my Cunt. PLEASE Master. PLEEEEASE.

    He was not ready for a proper orgasm just yet, but, he was more than happy nonetheless to oblige to my ever growing piggy needs to be treated like the nasTy dirTy sluT that I was naturally evolving into. 

    💦💦 SQUIRT 💦💦 ... 'Oh FUCK YES'. *I panted, grinned, and continued to profoundly sweat* 'AGAIN, PLEASE my Master' ... 💦💦 SQUIRT 💦💦 ... 'Oh Fucking H🔥ll. That feels so fucking GOOD! I want MORE!' ... 💦💦 SQUIRT 💦💦 ... *My sensory deprived eyes rolled into the back of my head. I was literally in piGGy H🔥LL* 'M☣️RE my Master. PLEASE, spray me with M☢️RE. Treat me like the nasTy dirTy sluT that I am. GIVE it to me' ... 💦 💦SQUIRT 💦💦.

    Having sprayed at least a litre of his strong and musky, Deep-Green, oily Demon diseased filth up my very soon to be t☣️xic filthy velvet fuck hole he got back to banging my inside out cunt fast and hard with his thick slippery EEL Demon-Dick. After a while, three sets of footsteps approached my room. Three? And in walked those three sets of footsteps, to which a very loud *GASP* and an 'Oooh Myyyy GoooOOd' when their eyes lay in the huge painting of me.

    Of course, I knew that voice. I was from none other than, my boyfriend! 

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  3. Part 29;

    Having USED my body over the entire afternoon for his own selfish greed;

    Punching my prolapse in, pulling it out, spitting on me, ejaculating his filthy seed in me several times, pissing on me, he finally finished, and took his red paisley handkerchief out from my mouth. I was sweating, and panting, and very much satisfied, although, this new nasTy pig now wanted M☣️RE! 

    I guess depraved greed is contagious, and I had well and truly caught it. I had already caught my Master's Gono. What else would see itself into my system during my twisTed journey?

    - C'mon you. I think we are most likely to be called in for dinner at any moment. We just as well go back inside.

    I was unable to respond for a little bit, as I tried to catch my breath, and tried to bring myself back down to Earth. It was proving very difficult as I was still feeling the effects of the tina, and had just been thrown about the barn all afternoon as my sexy brutal punk had HIS way with me. I eventually managed a 'satisfied / thanks for that' smile, and hauled myself up. I was now sporting a permanent prolapse, which was very slowly dripping with Usher's t☣️xic filth.

    We came out of the barn, into yet another wonderful warm hot summer evening, with the sun nicely hitting my pale, firm, hot and profoundly sweating body. We walked around slowly for several minutes, just enjoying the sun, when sure enough, the cue to eat came and we were summoned inside.

    Again, my appetite wasn't all that great, but, I was super thirsty, and Sir had provided his homemade Elder-flower drink which was chilled, and very delicious. I very quickly glugged a few litres of the yummy stuff. I think I was a bit dehydrated at this point When the 3 of us had finished all that we wanted and needed at the dining table I assumed it was time for us to all go back up to where my boyfriend Richard had been restrained for about four days now.

    - I suppose we had better make our way to the plinth room, Sir.
    - Do NOT assume anything whilst you are here, pig. Our Master has given strict instructions that after dinner you are to go to your room, and stay there.
    - Oh. OK, Sir.

    I went up to my room, obeying my Master's command. I suddenly craved to have his long black thick slippery EEL like Demon-Dick pounding at my flopped out cunt again. It had been a while. I didn't go to bed, fuck, I had spent too much time in it already, so, I just spent my time looking more closely at the beautiful intricate antique furniture, looking more closely and intently at the painting of 'ME', and stared out of my window down to the mansion grounds. I stood by my window for quite a while. Enough time in fact to see the sun set, and it slowly get dark. My attention also kept on being drawn to where the D-E-V-I-L 👺 had swiped across my navel which had caused a deep scratch. It was showing zero signs of healing. And it without doubt looked like there worms 🐍🐍 wriggling inside of the wound, and, it kept tingling. A constant reminder!

    I must have been alone for a good few hours when I heard someone approach. And in they came, tourniquet, and a syringe of meth in one hand, and something red and rubber like in the other. It was Sir.

    - Lie on the bed Charlie.
    - Yes Sir.

    Just like earlier, the tourniquet went on, the needle went in, and bam, ANOTHER hiT! 💉 My reaction was to form, of profuse sweating, breathing heavily, and rubbing myself all feeling super horny, tapping into the inner nasTy horny piGGy self. Soon my hands went behind my knees pulling my legs into the air and I was READY for a LOT M☢️RE Dick, and Cum. I didn't care where it came from, I needed it ~ And N☣️W!

    - Sir, please FUCK me. PLEASE.
    - Charlie. You are to stand with your back to and in front of the fireplace.
    - Yes Sir.

    DAMN. I was gagging for DICK. However, I obeyed. I got up from my bed, walked over the the fireplace, and positioned myself where I thought I was required to be. Once I was still Sir walked over and maneuvered me so I was in a more precise position to be centrally to the fireplace and that painting over-head, the one signed by a 'Doctor Stanis'. He then put the 'Red Rubber Hood' with the zipped eye and mouth pieces back on me. He left the mouth piece unzipped, but zipped up the eye piece so I could not see. Again, I found myself completely vulnerable. Although, I didn't feel it. All I could think of was, 'I NEED Dick and Cum, INSIDE me'.

    - STAY there Charlie. And DON'T move from the spot. You must not move your feet in any way shape or form. Understood!?
    - Yes Sir. I understand.

    I heard him to what sounded like flicking a lighter repeatedly. He was lighting candles all around the room. He then opened the window to my room, and then, he walk out. 

    I had only been stood there for about 10-15 minutes or so, when I felt my hanging out cunt being probed internally, yet, no Man or Beast were present. But, I most certainly recognised that sensation from when I first felt it in the car on the first night I arrived here. It was my Master! He probed the entire length of my cunt shaft with very fast quick flicks of his serpent tongue, causing me to grunt, groan, and whimper, during which time, he made himself present inside my head;

    - You like that, don't you Charlie.
    - Yes, my Master. I NEED you INSIDE me again. PLEASE fuck me. I really NEED you to FUCK my brains out. FUUUUUUCK me!! 🐐👦

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  4. Part 28;

    Sir walked over and climbed on my bed, looking me up and down, and over, assessing what this nasTy little piggy was up to.

    - Aaaaahh, I see. Our Master's Gono infection has taken a hold of you, and you were fucking your beautiful Gaping-cunt with the pus, weren't you, pig!?

    I suddenly felt shame, having been caught defiling my own body. I bowed my head, and in a meek and subdued manner replied;

    - I'm sorry Sir.

    This seem to only go and fuel Sir's current perverse state of mind, and he opened up one of my bedside cabinets, pulling out a tourniquet, a syringe full of tina, and a tub of nice creamy crisco. This place was more old fashioned than I had originally thought 😛 

    And all this time I have been lying/sleeping next to a drawer full of these goodies, and completely unaware. I didn't need tina now, as I was already feeling super horny, but, on went the tourniquet and in went the needle nonetheless, and plunge, in with the juice. FUCK, I found myself once again in a 'manic meth fuck me into next century' haze. I wonder if I was ever going to get a 24 hour break to enjoy my new home.

    - PLEASE Sir, FFist my cunt. You are very good at it.

    One crisco covered beak shaped hand started to play around with it's dark red wet velvet toy; 'my increasingly flopped inside out insides' no less, with the other hand scooping up the disgusting, vile smelling brown discharge of pus from my inflamed urethra and kept spreading it all over my face. It was only a few minutes into play when Sir had pushed my prolapse back in and his entire forearm to elbow was buried deep in my cunt. After my encounter with the D-E-V-I-L 👺 lastnight I don't think we even really were needing the crisco, as I was now super stretched, not to mention flying high as kite, AGAIN! Then, in walked Usher ...

    - Charlie, where are you, we have been waiting for you to join us for breakf .... Aaaaaahh, I see. Well, I suppose we can all go for breakfast in a little while. Nothing that cannot wait.

    He jumped onto my bed, slathered his forearm up with crisco, and said to Sir;

    - Hey mate, let's double FFist the cunt. 👊💦🌹💦👊

    Yet again that smug smirk was all over Sir's face. He withdrew his forearm, and, in they went together, effortlessly, both up just past their wrist, in an instant! I felt like I did when I couldn't get Sir's spiked PA to dig into the back of my cunt deep enough. That's right, even though they were both up just past their wrists, it now just was not enough to satisfy me. I screamed like I was deranged, gagging and begging all the while for them to go deeper, and stretch me wider!! And, it didn't take long. After about 15 minutes they had one arm each inside of me at the same time, about 1" past their elbows. 

    I kept grunting as I repetitively pushed my pelvis as hard as I could in their direction, and looking at them both intently like my head was about to explode. We played like this for a few hours when Sir called a halt to play, firmly saying that it really was time we should go and eat.

    NOO☣️☢️OOOO ~ I wanted to carry on!

    I put my only set of clothes on of my own on, and we all went for breakfast. Well, I was high on tina, so, had zero appetite, but, I sipped slowly on some Tea, just so I could be around these h🔥T studs. As they were almost finished eating, Sir said he would be doing his usual duties around the home, including for the time being tending to my boyfriend, whose time here at the mansion was very soon coming to an end. But how? Usher said he would continue to teach me about nature, and his trades of landscaping, and buildings.

    There was a large run down barn with a decent stock of hay, which was used for my Master's lair, for which he would sleep on. Sir would make sure he had a few fresh bales on a daily basis, and spread it out of a night time, in time for the morning. Indeed, Usher was going to teach me more today, but, it wasn't anything to do with his trades, or nature, or anything like that. NO. He had in mind to teach me more how to be an efficient, obedient greedy fuck toy. He motioned me into the barn, and threw me down in a mound of hay.

    - I know how you like to be vocal, so, this is going in your loud mouth, right now. We don't want you drawing any attention, thus causing any unnecessary interruptions.

    On that note he stuffed a red paisley handkerchief into my mouth, and spent the next several hours Fucking me, and FFisting my cunt NON-stop. He did not pause even for 5 minutes, as he concentrated on tearing me apart, cumming INSIDE me several times throughout the afternoon.

    My battered cunt really now did need a decent REST!

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  5. Part 27;

    I lay on the floor of the plinth room, curled up, crumpled, and shaking with shock. 

    - 'L'
    - Hail Master.
    - Take MY Charlie to his room. He needs more rest. Give him a large dose of K so his body can relax. And stay with him through the night as he rests.
    - Yes Master.

    Sir scraped me from the floor, and carried me to my room, placing me in my new bed, and propping me up against the headboard. He left for a short while. Whilst he was gone I just kept staring at the HUGE painting of 'ME' above the fireplace. I seemed to not be able to think clearly anymore, and was staring at the painting with no real thought. My gut knew it meant something to me. Once Sir came back he helped me drink the K laced cola via a straw. I was so weak and feeble now I couldn't even hold the glass myself. 

    He lay me down, and it wasn't long before I once again fell into a deep sleep of jumbled vivid dreams and explicit nightmares. The D-E-V-I-L 👺 appeared on a number of occasions, where he at least on two of them tried to claim my soul. I think on one occasion he was successful in his persistent EVIL mission. And then that evil Doctor I was dreaming of only this morning in a scene with the 'Medical Chamber', he kept appearing over and over again outside the mansion with two other guys who were in hospital gowns and in wheelchairs. Each time they appeared I was unable to make out their faces. I had the sense that they were very sick and frail. Of course my Master fucking me in the forest was a prominent regular flashback. But, through all these images, there was this underlying tone that Sir was FFisting me the entire time.

    My subconscious must have been connecting with my consciousness as when I did finally wake up Sir told me that as I slept he actually spent a considerable time intermittently FFisting my gaping cunt. 👊💦💦 My brain was getting a rest, but my swollen bruised cunt wasn't getting much respite at all!

    As I slept, and Sir FFisted me, Usher and my Master discussed about the possibility of him coming here to live, and work. Usher made it very clear that he was used to being paid handsomely, and my Goat-Beast-Headed Friend more than matched what he was used to. He said he would stay initially for no more than a week, as then he would need to go back and sort out stuff to do with his property, belongings, and also bring equipment and materials needed for the double restoration of the property, and land.

    My Master also agreed to purchase a BIG truck which would be required for the transformation ahead.

    After a good 12 hours sleep or so I woke up, and I felt unusually overwhelmingly exhausted. I could not move from my bed. In fact, my second full day here was mainly spent drifting in and out of sleep, with Sir bringing me food, as he also tended to my boyfriend who STILL remained restrained! A few of the times I woke during the day I did only to find that Sir was doing to me what he was doing as I slept during the night. Yes, MORE FFist fucking my cunt. I believe it was his very own mission was to make sure that I from here on, would always remain; Inside out, and Gaping! 🌹

    The night hours fell again, and more of the same as lastnight and today;

    Sir continuing to intermittently FFist Fuck me. More vivid dreams and nightmares. And more much needed further rest for my brain. This time, I apparently got an insane 14 hours sleep. BUT, today on my third full day here I awoke feeling well rested and rejuvenated. Although, the end of my Dick felt painful. Oh well, I could take a look at it when I went for a wee, and sure enough, when I pulled down the metallic red jockstrap, there was the same revolting smelly discharge oozing out of my Dick that my Master has. His Gono infection had needed all the incubation time it had needed to see my urethra inflamed, and now constantly, and slowly, ooze out a thick rotten smelling pus.

    As he knew I was feeling much better, Sir had ordered that I come down for a late breakfast in about 30 minutes. OK, fine. That gives me enough time to do what I cannot wait to do. Having just discovered my Gono infection, I got back on my bed, lay on my back with my legs spread, milked my perineum so I could get as much pus as possible to flow out whilst scooping it up in my hand, then masturbating it inside my flopped out gape! I kept repeating this, and the longer I carried on the more turned on I became, and the more turned on I became, the more I lost track of time. 

    - CHARLIE, what are YOU doing? You were meant to have been in the dining room with us 10 minutes ago.

    I looked up to see Sir with a smug smirk on his face having just caught me exploring my new found inner pig.

    - Sorry Sir. I got carried away. I'll come right away.
    - NO! You lay exactly right where you are. You nasTy pig! 👊💦💉

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  6. Prequel to Part 27;

    The D-E-V-I-L grabbed me by my wrists, and brought my face right upto his molten lava eyes, and started to HATE fuck me. It made my Master's wild feral fucking seem tame;

    - I shall TELL you ONLY one more time .... SAY IT. SAY IT!
    - I irrevocably give my soul to you for eternity, my D ... Sorry, I can't. I don't want to.
    - You STUPID boy!

    Like with my boyfriend he now also gave me a hard back hand slap to my face. I became dizzy and confused. And just to make sure I did not forget him he swiped across my navel, right across the reversed pentagram, causing deep scratch marks that would constantly look like they had tiny worms wriggling inside of.

    He gave his body a quick jolt, which sent me flying into the air, and crashing down onto the wooden floor into a crumpled heap. He gave a snarl and a hiss to make sure I understood that he was very displeased with me indeed, and then, he was gone.

    I knew in my soul, that was still mine, for the time being at least, that this would not be my last encounter with the Dark-Lord! 👺👦

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  7. Part 26;

    'HOLY FUCK', exclaimed Usher.

    Here I was, face to face, finally, with the dark entity who could be potentially 'sealing my fate', for good! Would he? I began to shake uncontrollably. Not because I was scared, but more over that my soul was in shock. When I say he towered over me, he did just that, and everything and one in the room. The fins on his back scraped across the mirrored ceiling. 

    His body and face did not resemble anything like a Human Being. He didn't have skin. It was more like a deep red hard stainless steel lobster shell with a fish scale like appearance, that became broader in shape, like a vee, as it went towards where his shoulders would be, if he had any, with black indentations all over. And was hot to the touch. 

    His eyes were like my Master's when he gets excited (like molten lava), and his tail protruded out for about 1 metre where it then forked out into 3 sub tails. And then, HIS Demon-Dick .... FUCK-me;

    The entire length of his shaft that was rock solid at all times like a hot steel rod, was the length from my knees to my larynx. Surely he would not be getting all of that inside me!? His actual shaft was a bright glowing orange, just like a red hot iron. Attached to his shaft was his foreskin, which were jet black sea anemone tentacles that constantly flowed as though they were actually in the ocean. 

    He picked me up by my forearms with each of his 4 pronged lobster like pincers, and dangled me in front of him, like a piece of offal. His molten lava eyes bored into my soul, and he in his sharp, quick, distorted, raspy voice said;

    - I am YOUR Dark-Lord, and you will ALWAYS address me as such. Do I make myself clear?
    - Yes. I understand perfectly, my Dark-Lord.
    - G☣️👺☣️☢️👺D!

    He flipped me like turning a page so my legs now lay on his fins that poked out intermittently either side of him. His hot and hard steel exterior saw that my smooth pale skin that was nicely cool only moments ago heat up to a point I was now a little bit too hot, and dripping with sweat. His EVIL orange glowing red hot iron D-E-V-I-L Dick placed itself to the entrance to my now well used, sore, battered boy-cunt. THEN, he slammed in around half the length of his shaft, and at the point he stopped those jet black sea anemone tentacles flared out and stuck themselves to my insides, with EACH and every one giving me an electric shock sending my body into spasm. I suddenly could no longer feel my body. They must have given me some kind of anaesthetic. Neck down my body went limp

    - What do you want, Charlie?
    - FUCK me PLEASE my Dark-Lord. PLEASE ... FUCK me!!

    He let go of my forearms so I was now literally hanging off of his red hot iron D-E-V-I-L Dick, which proceeded to fuck me with long, slow, HARD strokes, all the while those flared tentacles held their firm grip. As the D-E-V-I-L began to FUCK my cunt thus my soul, I could hear my boyfriend crying in the background, as he repetitively said 'please, no, please no' in between his useless sobbing.

    The long, slow, HARD strokes went on for apparently about 1 hour. I was getting a real good seeing to, from the best fuck I would ever have! No other beast or human would ever come close. Then came that point where the pace quickened, and the sensation in my body was slowly returning. I couldn't believe what I was now thinking, and there was nothing I could to do stop those thoughts quickly tumbling from my mouth;

    - PLEASE cum INSIDE my cunt, my Dark-Lord. PLEASE. 

    His sharp, quick, distorted, raspy voice wasted no time in a response;

    - I ONLY cum INSIDE those who I fuck under one condition, Charlie!!
    - What is that condition, my wonderful Dark-Lord?
    - That they GIVE me THEIR soul. For your fate to be completely sealed with no turning back, you must utter word for word 12 words to completion;

    ****** 'I irrevocably give my soul to you for eternity, my Dark-Lord' ******

    His thrusts intensified again, harder and faster, as now at least 3/4 of his red hot iron D-E-V-I-L Dick was ripping my guts to pieces. It certainly felt like it. And it felt like it was burning up insides, too.  

    - C'mon Charlie, I haven't got all night. SAY it!
    - I irrevocably give my ...

    I paused, which seemed to infuriate the Dark-Lord, and his usual sharp, quick, distorted, raspy voice became even more so as his impatience and Anger grew.


    He made it sound like I had no choice in the matter. Did I?

    - I irrevocably give my soul to you f...
    - NOOOO Charlie. PLEASE. DON'T do it. PLEASE my sweet Darling. PLEASE. PLEASE No!

    My boyfriend suddenly interjected. Well, now the D-E-V-I-L really was fucking ANGRY! 

    His head turned to face my boyfriend (all the while continuing to fuck the H🔥LL out of me), and he snarled, and hissed, and stared right into my boyfriends eyes. His Gold crucifix that he was wearing suddenly turned upside down around his neck, with a high pitch ring immediately following, bouncing off of the walls and out into the moon-lit air. THEN, yank, his chain broke from his neck, hurtling onto and across the marble plinth, with a swift back handed slap across his face that knocked him out for a little while. Then the attention was back to me;

    Would Charlie succumb and say those magic words? Should he say them? Do you want him to say them?


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  8. Part 25;

    I went outside as ordered to by Sir. I wasn't really happy in my current attire. I wanted to get back in my only clothes I had here, comfy and baggy, and do some gardening with the sexy skinhead, who I found myself liking more and more; A rough Bastard, with a cheeky, confident, and laid back nature, with an attractive intelligence to boot. I was wanting a night off from sex, but, I know my position as a bottom, and as a sub, and that it is my role is to serve, give others what they want, when they want it. I have no say in the matter!

    - Well look what we have here ...

    Usher said, as he perved over my smooth pale tight body glistening in the sinking sun as it began to set. With one hand he started to rub over my chest and abs, and with the other he began to fondle my gaping hanging out cunt.

    - Fuck yeah. I could so easily fuck you again right now. But, I think there are bigger things in store for you this evening. So, another time, sexy boy. There will be plenty, I am sure.
    - To be honest, you fondling my cunt hurts. I am very sore now. I guess now that the drugs have worn off I am feeling more. I wouldn't mind just spending the evening getting stoned with you on the couch.
    - C'mon, let's explore this wonderful land some more.

    We smiled together, then went about doing just that, exploring, learning, talking, and of course enjoying each others company. Time flew by in a heartbeat, and before we knew it the sun had set, and it was beginning to get dark. Sir yelled out;

    - Usher, Charlie, food is up. Usual dining room.

    This time it was more of a quick snack; Olives. Cheese. Crackers. Bread. Dips, and the like. There was no working light in the downstairs dining room, so we were now eating within the realms of candlelight. Usher really did have a lot of work on his hands if he was going to take this job on. Having been enjoying the lovely nature outdoors only moments ago I suddenly felt a very strange sensation in the pit of my stomach, beneath my navel / drawn on reversed pentagram, so I really was not able to eat much. The mood had also abruptly shifted from a serene light, to an intense 'on edge' darkness. I very slowly nibbled on the food as the strange feeling in my gut grew stronger. I was now also becoming even more aware of how very sore my cunt felt. I really could do with some more K, and/or tina as to numb the pain.

    After our quick snack, we all headed towards the what I now called; 'The Marble Plinth room', where I first met my Master. 

    - Right pig, have you finished eating?
    - Yes Sir.
    - OK. Come with me. Usher put these on.

    Sir handed him a pair of the mansion uniform of black low cut waist silk trousers, which he was also now wearing once again. Once he put them on we both followed Sir as he led the way up the winding, creaking staircase. And here I was for the second night in a row, at the doorway to my eventual destiny. My Master bellowed;

    - COME in!

    Sir opened the door, and there was Master, his cloaked back to the door facing the window, now stood at the base of the reversed pentagram. I suddenly FROZE on the spot! The other two casually walked in and kicked back on the couch, with Usher lighting up a ready made joint. 

    - Come in Charlie, and stand at the top of the reversed pentagram, just outside of it, facing me.
    - Hail Master. Yes Master.

    I walked in and stood in the exact p☢️zition asked of me. Then, an eerie silence. No one said a word, and all you could hear was Usher inhaling his weed, and the night time insects buzzing to life outside. 1 hour passed, and, STILL, total silence. My heart now began to beat fast as this deathly silence continued, with my body trembling. I was now feeling incredibly unnerved!

    - Step inside and to the centre of the pentagram Charlie.

    Without saying a word I took a deep breath in, gulped, and put my right leg in.

    - NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Charlie, DOOOOOOOOOOOOooooonnN't ....

    It was my boyfriend, STILL on the cross, and restrained. By the time he had tried to warn me, both of my feet were inside, and I was at the centre. And if by some unknown Dark-Magic my feeling of nerves immediately dissipated, to be replaced with a deep GREEDY piggy lust to experience as much as I could that the dark world beyond this normal realm had to offer. A powerful Dark-Force had in a flash taken a firm grip around my soul. And I now felt in the pit of my stomach a desperate NEED to be fucked. Absolutely fucked senseless!

    I fell to my knees, then lay on my back with my head resting on the floor, and my arms by my side. My legs instinctively spread, and I began to repetitively arch my ass and my lower back off of the floor whilst I moaned in a crazed manic euphoria.

    The 5 bats were waiting patiently on the window ledge, waiting for the cue, and that time was NOW. They flew in, with one landing at the head of the reversed pentagram, and other 4 landing in pairs on each side. In a blink of an eye they changed their form into horned and cloaked Goat-Beasts, joining my Master. Wasting no time 6 pairs of dull, black soulless eyes lit up in molten lava, and 6 horned Goat-Beast heads went up in flames. And then ...

    ... they all extended their-Demon-claws over and above me, and commenced demonic chanting!!

    This show went on for half an hour; Their chanting very slowly gathering pace in speed, and volume. The louder and faster they became the louder I moaned, and the faster I arched my lower back and ass off of the floor. I knew who was about to arrive, and, I needed HIM contaminating my flesh. Taking me. Making me HIS. With everything reaching fever pitch I could just about hear very faintly in the background my boyfriend sobbing, then ....

    ... The whole room gave an almighty SHAKE! 

    All 6 Goat-Beasts (Master included) transformed, and flew off on to the window ledge. And there he was towering over me ...

    The D-E-V-I-L!! 👺 


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  9. Part 24;

    We eventually reached my now permanent quarters, the front part to the West Wing. There was a small insignificant room adjoining to my main room with a simple hand wash basin and toilet. The main room however was rather grand, with a certain detailed personal element that took me by surprise. There was an antique queen size 4 poster bed, with a variety of antique bedroom furniture. And then, the surprise. There was what looked to be an 18th century fireplace, and above, it a massive oil painting in a Gold frame, again, 18th century. 

    And the painting was, of ... ME! 

    Painted from a photo of me from about two years ago. What on Earth ... I mean, how could this be!? I was drawn to the signature in the bottom right, signed in a burgundy colour; 'Doctor Stanis'. Who on earth is he, I pondered ... ??

    My white nightshirt lay on the bed, but, I was too wrecked to put it on, I needed rest right NOW! I climbed into the huge bed, and lay my head on a few of the many pillows. I was physically exhausted, yet, my body was still pretty wired. But my brain was also very tired too, and, I very soon fell asleep. And then came the jumbled dreams;

    Jumping back and forth, between the D-E-V-I-L fucking me intent on claiming my soul, being locked down on a stainless steel examination table in some crazy futuristic 'Medical Chamber' with an evil Doctor in tow fulfilling his dark perverse desires 💉💀☢️, seeing my boyfriend Richard on the St Andrews Cross, being back at the club where I was earlier with Sir and this evil Doctor who were doing something to someone, but, I could not make it out, plus, the painting of me above my fireplace kept flashing into my subconscious. My sleep was very broken indeed, however, all these jumbled dreams were so deep and vivid they would draw me back into sleep seconds after each time I woke.

    At 2pm Sir came and woke me;

    - C'mon Charlie. Wake up pig ~ Looks like you will be meeting the big guy tonight. Your clothes you arrived in at the club have been laundered. Here, put them on, and come down with me to the dining room. Lunch is ready.

    I slowly came out from my slumber ...

    - Is my boyfriend still here?
    - Yes, yes he is. And he is still restrained on the St Andrews Cross. Don't worry, I have tended to his basic toilet and nutrition needs.
    - Can he not be let down now, Sir?
    - That decision is for our Master, and our Master only, who will be sleeping now until nightfall.

    I got dressed, and looked out of my window. Usher was outside, looking around the grounds, assessing how he could give his expert wisdom as a landscape gardener and a restorer of old buildings. Not only had the mansion become run down, the surrounding gardens / land had for decades been left to grow wild. I followed Sir down the winding staircase and into the dining room. Sir called out of the glass-less window;

    - Usher my Friend. Lunch is served.
    - Coming mate.

    On the table was a HUGE feast;

    Breads. Meats. Poultry. Cheeses. Vegetables. Fruits. Soup. Cake. And a selection of soft and alcoholic drinks. Just as well, as I was feeling super ravenous. During our meal plenty of topics of discussion were had from all 3 of us. We all seemed to gel very well :) After lunch I went outside with Usher to see the outside of this place during daylight hours for the first time. And there it was underneath the clear blue sky and dazzling sun ~ WOW, it was stunning! I could see a lot of work would be required mind, to bring this magical place to it's full potential. I really did feel at home! After a few hours of wondering around the grounds with Usher, being told of his plans if he were to work here, and teaching me about the different kinds of flowers and plants, Sir called me inside;

    - Charlie, time to come inside. Now please.
    - Yes Sir.

    He took me back down to the basement showers, where I removed the only clothes in my possession, and what was put on me lastnight, naming the skimpy metallic red rubber jockstrap, and the red suede wrist gauntlets that sported a reversed pentagram with black beast-goats head symbol within. 

    The pendant around my neck of a reverse pentagram, with a symbol within of my Master's Master, the D-E-V-I-L 👺 however stayed on. The drawing around my navel in black, of a reversed pentagram with three upside down red nines nestled in-between the top two points had partially rubbed off. Must have been all that rolling around in my Master's strong musky smelling, Deep-Green, oily Demon cum earlier. 🐷💦👅 Sir turned on the showers, and gave me my second shower since arrival. I let out a yelp of pain as he attempted to bathe my sore and swollen cunt that was now already seeming to be permanently hanging out a little bit. I say already, as only this time yesterday I was still a virgin.

    What was happening to me?

    Once washed, he dried me, redrew the reversed pentagram around my navel, and got me back in my slutty attire (the skimpy metallic red rubber jockstrap, and the red suede wrist gauntlets). Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I noticed a very large stainless steel door, with a LCD panel across it, with bright Green lettering moving along. I instinctively went over to investigate. The moving Green lettering said;

    'Medical Chamber. Authorized access only' ~ There was an electronic numbered/lettered keypad underneath, to enter the access code no doubt.

    - Sir, what is this about? I saw the inside of this room in my dreams this morning. It didn't resemble anything like the rest of this place.
    - Don't worry your pretty little head about that now Charlie. Now come. Go and spend a few more hours with Usher outside. We'll then have a light snack, then this evening's play can begin.
    - Yes Sir.

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  10. Part 23;

    The daytime nature waking up outside was my Master's cue that it was time for him to go. His molten lava eyes suddenly went back to being their usual black dull lifeless form, and the raging flames on his horned Goat-Head abruptly vanished.

    - Charlie. I will be going to the basement now until it becomes dark again. 'L' will show you to your permanent sleeping quarters in the front West Wing, top floor. You will be NEEDING some much needed rest before tomorrow night's very special guest.

    I withdrew my Dick from his pus oozing urethra, and fell to my knees. Grabbing hold onto the back of his very warm hairy thighs I eagerly stuck my tongue inside, lapping up as much disgusting brown discharge as I could, all the while looking to my side at my boyfriend with a consistent look of pure greedy lust for an eternity of depraved filth. He looked back at me looking very sad. He should have been looking happy. Happy for me that I was finding myself, and being where I truly belong.

    - Charlie, I am going in 30 seconds!

    I stopped licking up his Gono juice, and taking the short time I had left with my Master I stuck one finger in at a time inside his demon-wide urethra until I had three pus coated fingers, then wh000oooSh, the Beast in a flash transformed into a bat, flew out the door, and was gone. 🦇 The dynamic and energy suddenly shifted.

    My own urethra and throat had just commenced incubating Master's Gono infection, and, I had further plans for site number three! Crawling to the area on the marble slab where most of my Master's grotesque yet delicious toxic cum had collected from my distended abdomen, I lay on my back and shoved in the three toxic sticky fingers which slipped in very easily into my very sore, inflamed, and bruised gaping insides. I proceeded to masturbate my new sexual organ;

    My cunt!

    I was so turned on playing with my warm and wet flopped out insides. Fingering inside my cunt. And rubbing over the outside of it. I was very much enjoying rediscovering myself.

    Sir & Skinhead Usher quickly saw their Golden opportunity to take their turn in USING me. They were still in the mansion uniform of;

    'Black silk low cut waist trousers with one single cream coloured button with the Black Goat Heads emblem'. Sir took his pair off, and put on a pair of army Boots to go with his Leather Harness. Usher took his pair off, and put back on his 26 hole Black Grinder Boots with red laces. And up to the top of the plinth they came, naked, and booted.

    As their footsteps became louder I continue to lay in a pool of my Master's strong musky Deep-Green oily Demon cum. Having rolled about in it smearing it all over me a little while earlier, my smooth pale flesh now gave off an overwhelming musky stench. It would have been unbearable to most, but somehow I was loving it as I literally felt every fibre of my being become contaminated in this run down mansion come cesspit. 

    Once they reached the marble top Sir lay down, and held his already fully erect Dick by the base of his Human-Demon shaft forcing it to point towards the mirrored ceiling, and commanded I sit on it facing him. Being the ever obedient boy that I am, I straddled him and slid down balls deep, effortlessly, barely feeling the spiked PA that had been tearing me up at the club earlier. 

    I leant back and using my greatest might I pushed down with my hips until I felt the spikes dig in right at the back of my cunt. I rocked feverishly trying to get them to dig into me further, but, I couldn't seem to get them to sink in enough to satisfy me. My Greedy-Slut-Pig within had truly arrived! 🐷 Usher came along, and pushing my torso forward he entered my cunt, sliding his Fat Dick over Sir's impaled demon shaft. They were now BOTH inside me! He looked towards my boyfriend;
    - I told you I was gonna fuck him, and you are gonna watch! 😈

    He removed the red rubber hood from my head to once again reveal my long thick curly Golden locks. Yanking on my hair he pulled so hard that my neck was forcibly tilted right back until my face was fixed directly opposite to the mirrored ceiling. As he aggressively fucked me I saw his reflection looking at my boyfriend, laughing in an arrogant manner, knowing at that moment in time he had control of the situation and my body, yet, my boyfriend was without any control whatsoever. 

    As I continued with my fixed gaze to the mirrored ceiling, my focus redirected from Usher to where I should be seeing Sir's reflection. BUT, I could not see him at all. I would soon learn that I would only see his reflection in the mirrors in his sleeping quarters (the rear West Wing -- top floor), and our Master's reflection in his sleeping quarters (his lair in the (lower) basement).

    My skinhead had only been fucking me for several minutes when I all of a sudden felt him tense, then I heard grunting, and I knew more t☣️xic filth was being pumped into my battered greedy neg hole. A rather quick fuck. Just as well, I really was reaching the point of needing a rest. Once spent he withdrew, came to my head, straddling Sir's head, and demanded I clean his filthy dick clean. Most gladly. A wonderful mixture of his cum, Sir's cum, my Master's disgusting demon seed as well as his permanent Gono infection. A unique blend of delicious diseased death seed with my cunt blood. 💦👅

    - Right, time to get you some rest, c'mon pig, time to go.

    Sir patted my butt cheeks motioning me to get up. The 3 of us got ourselves together and made our way to the door, where my boyfriend now yet again started wailing to let him down and for us to go home. I could hear him, but, it was also like he had already gone home, like he wasn't there anymore. Having walked from the East Wing to the centre of the mansion Sir showed Usher into one of the guest rooms;

    - This is your room to rest in until tonight's FUN begins! Sleep well.
    - Thanks mate.

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  11. On 6/28/2019 at 2:44 AM, PSPRawCumHole said:

    Very wet cummy & sloppy hole breeding with BB cum

    Sperm-play. Breeding into sloppy creamed hole. Love this type of bareback gay sex. The fucking in rubber condom is something unnatural & anti-sexual for me


    WONDERFUL ~ A vocal Top with the base of his shaft visibly twitching as he ejaculated. A well trained bottom pushing out his cunt lips. And a well controlled Piss-Fuck ending with a partial bloom getting a good watering ~ A JOY to watch! 💦🌹

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  12. I am currently addressing an array of chronic debilitating symptoms, thus, this story is on hold for a while. Still have LOTS of ideas for several more chapters. It seems m☢️re is wanted from some of my filthy fellow BZ pigs. Will Charlie be saved, or will he lose his soul? 😈👺

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  13. Part 22; *My Master's permanent Gono infection* 👺

    I stayed on all fours for a few more minutes;

    Grunting, groaning, and rocking my hips as my Master's filthy toxic Demon seed that overpowered and consumed me continually leaked out. By now a massive pool of the stench-ridden oily Hot Demon slime had collected between my legs onto the black marble slab. And my NEED to enjoy it to it's full potential overpowered me, so, without any instruction or hesitation, I on my own accord shuffled forward on my hands around two steps worth, pushed up onto my heels, then pushed again until I now lay on my back, literally now bathing in disgusting -t☣️xic-6-Demon-6-filth-6. The scratches on my back began to sting which did not stop me in any way shape or form from wriggling about!

    I scooped up as much as I could in both of my hands, and was stuffing it in my mouth like I had not eaten for weeks! I then put my hands behind my knees so as to support my legs in the air, allowing more EVIL poz filth to flow from my cunt. During this time Usher continued to flog my boyfriend, and our Master simply stood there, enjoying the show! 😈🐐

    After much more Diseased-Demon-cum had leaked out I let my legs down and proceeded to repeatedly scoop it up, frantically smearing it all over my body, whilst alternating between wriggling on my back, turning over and wriggling on my front, and getting on all fours and lapping up the Deep-Green, oily, Bitter fluid. Normally I shy away from bitter tastes, BUT, this was pure heaven, and I thoroughly enjoyed each mouthful I swallowed as it slowly travelled down my throat and into my stomach.

    My Beast maneuvered himself so he was now standing sideways to the mirrored wall, and the opposite wall (St Andrews Cross) wall, and in the middle of the plinth length ways, and a third way in width ways.

    - Charlie. Stand up.

    I stood up as instructed. The distension has gone down considerably, seeing me regain my balance. Sir was instructed to bring me to our Master with me facing him, and on my knees. Although I had regained my balance, the marble slab was now very slippery, and of course, I still could not see a thing through the zipped up eye piece on the hood. Once I was kneeling before our Master, Sir was given further instructions.

    - 'L', I want you to know go to in front of the cage which is in front of the Cross, and I want you to as I said earlier draw in red chalk on the floor a large reversed pentagram, large enough for MY boy here to lie inside.
    - Hail Master. Yes Master. 

    I heard him walk down the wooden steps from the top of the marble plinth to the floor. Then, I heard Master instruct me to unzip the eye portion to the rubber hood I was wearing.

    As always I did as I was told. Once unzipped I got my bearings, then looked up and for the first time saw him with his Goat-head up in flames, and his eyes glowing with their Molten-Lava colour. His intoxicating look saw me instinctively reach behind myself and proceed to finger fuck my swollen, bruised, leaking, bloodied, loose yet still very eager cunt. I was fast becoming super aroused that I very quickly began a combination of intertwined heavy panting, and whimpering. As I stared up at him, I in a frantic manner, and almost unintelligible and without making much sense, said;

    - Oh Master, Fuck, yes Master, Oh Master, Oh Fucking hell, Oh please, Oh please, Yes, YES, I need it, I NEED it ...

    Suddenly his upper arm thick musky black slippery EEL Dick bounced up to a right angle to the plinth, so it was now right in my face. And from his 1" diameter urethra I saw this brown foul smelling brown discharge leaking from his thick Demon shaft. I knew it wasn't his cum. It was a different colour, consistency, and smell. It looked like PUS!?!

    - Master what is that coming from the end of your Dick?
    - That is my permanent G☣️no infection, Charlie.

    FUCK, I NEEDED me some of that! And, I knew exactly how, so, I had no time to lose before I got a full on erection. 

    Standing up I took my now semi erect Dick from my sexy shiny metallic red jockstrap, and shoved it in his pus leaking urethra, grabbing onto his slippery thick Demon Dick, pulling it back and forth with my Dick inside, gradually swelling as it stretched his urethra. With my neg Dick very soon fully erect I needed something to grab hold onto so I could give a good firm fuck! I reached up putting my hands into my Master's Beast-Goat Head of flames, and grabbed hold of his horns. Bizarrely my hands did not burn. I knew and felt that I was now being protected from stuff like that happening.

    I looked my Master straight into his glowing Demon eyes, and with my hands locked on his horns I commenced giving his infected urethra a good firm fucking. I turned my neck to the left so I would now be looking at my boyfriend.

    - PLEASE Charlie, let's stop all this now and go home. This has gone on long enough!

    Way too late now ... Way too late!! I responded with an expression in my eyes (that poked through my red rubber hood) that was of pure lust for an eternity of depraved filthy action, and my tongue hanging out with the intertwined heavy panting, and whimpering continuing. My Master took the opportunity of my gaping mouth and his serpent tongue gave a thorough probe of my larynx, as he also vigorously fucked my cunt with one set of sharp claws.

    It wasn't long before the birds outside began to chirp. Which meant daytime was imminent. My Master would be needing to go to his lair in the basement until the following nightfall.

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  14. Part 21;

    *thwack. thwack. thwack* ---> You could tell Usher was really enjoying the good hard flogging he was giving, if not for the huge red marks that he was leaving behind, then the dirty great big sadistic grin on his face. With his head still bowed my boyfriend meekly addressed my Master; 

    - You better not have fucked my Charlie.

    The Beast responded with an all knowing proud growl, which of course left my boyfriend none the wiser. It wasn't before long that Sir was now banging on the door with his foot. He was carrying me, so, his hands were full.

    - 'U'. Open the door.
    - Yeah, sure.

    Momentarily ceasing the flogging he opened the door, and in walked Sir, carrying me, as I submissively lay in his arms, completely draped in bright red; Not the slightest bit of skin was showing! He carried me up the plinth steps, and placed me standing with my back to and in front of our Master who was standing against the mirrored wall.

    - Hail Master. I have prepared him to your strict specific instructions.
    - Good boy 'L'. I need you to stay up here on the plinth with us for a while.
    - Yes Master.

    The Beast commanded my boyfriend look in our direction, and when he did he pulled back part of the cloak to reveal my legs, and my heavily distended abdomen, placing his Demon claws either side of the distension cradling it;

    - Noooooo; Get that symbol from his navel OFF. NOW! I know what that means. And why on earth is his abdomen so heavily distended? What have you done to him?

    - The reversed pentagram stays, Richard!! And what have I done to him?! Nothing more than give him what he wanted; A belly FULL of my virulent strain of super t☣️xic poz-dem☢️n-DNA. Now Charlie, turn and face me.

    I did as I was told, although Sir needed to help me as I lost my balance a little as I tried to turn. My Master undone the neck tie to the cloak, pushed it off of my shoulders letting it drop to the marble floor, with my boyfriend letting out an intense scream when he saw the deep scratch marks from my neck all the way down to the top of my ass cheeks.

    With the distension getting in the way somewhat, my Beast pulled me in as close to him as possible, groping my ASS, and staring right at my screaming wailing boyfriend, growling with delight with his Molten-Lava eyes and horned Goat-Head still in flames. Through his wails and screams I knew exactly what he would now be thinking; 

    'If only I had not left my Charlie alone on the Dancefloor'.

    Well, it really was well and truly too late to be having those kind of regrets!

    - Charlie, take 5 large steps back, then kneel down and get on all fours.

    Of course, I could not answer verbally, but again did as I was told with the assistance of Sir. Once I was on all fours my Goat-Hoof Butt plug stuffed cunt was now facing in my boyfriend's direction.

    - 'L', throw the cloak onto my armchair, as it is about to get VERY messy.
    - Yes Master.
    - Now, I want you to unzip the mouth piece to MY boy's rubber hood, remove the plug from his cunt, then stand to my right side.
    - Yes Master.

    The zip to the mouth piece was unzipped, and then ... OUT came the plug, and wh000oooSh 💦💦💦💦💦💦, the release of highly built up pressure inside my abdomen saw a huge load of my Master's 👺 nasTy, filthy t☢️xic, virulent poz Dem☣️n cum shoot across to the other side of the large room, narrowly missing hitting my boyfriend, landing on the wall behind. 

    Usher couldn't have it go to waste, and repeatedly scooped it up in his hands, smearing it all over his target's sore flogged torso, and on his face too, to a lot of protest; He did not like to have cum on his skin at all. This first lot of my Master's precious cum to literally FLY out saw me let out an extremely intense grunt as the initial high pressure was released. 

    Back on the plinth there was so much of my Master's cum inside of me that it was leaking out of me like a tap that was ever so slightly turned on (so it was coming out of me slowly, yet, continuously). The strong musky stench of the Deep-Green oily Demon cum hit the back of my throat, and, I was immediately hooked on it's pungent odour that I could now taste it at the back of my throat. 

    I brought my right hand to my gaping cunt, keeping it there for several seconds as to catch the oily flow. I brought it to my mouth. and began to savour it. Sir was correct with what he had told me earlier; It tasted very bitter indeed! I let out a loud groan of pleasure;

    - Fuck, that tastes so fucking great. FUCK YES!

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  15. 4 hours ago, Monster5-8gPA said:


    Sir! I think your selling your self short! If your description is accurate then the description of the size of my cock would be the size of a breakfast sausage! Lol! 😉

    if I may interject, it looks more like 8” length and 6-1/2” girth if my geometry is right??? Maybe you like selling yourself short so when you get a boy with you , you hear “OMG it’s huge! “😉🍆 but fisting 🤜that ☣️Cum in your boys  ass, who could refuse that either???😉

    HOT🔥pic and love your description on how you like to fuck🍆💦💦🤜

    @Monster5-8gPA ... LMAO @ 'Breakfast Sausage' ... That has tickled me! 😛 Glad you like my description on one way I like to Fuck, or more to the point, my strong preference with my ejaculati☣️N! ... Maybe I haven't been measuring properly. Who knows ---> Technique over size, right, by a whisker! ;) 😈💦💦

  16. PREQUEL to Part 21;

    ... ZIP! Sir zipped up the mouth piece. Even zipped up I was continuing to make non stop aroused whimpering grunts. Now, all I could see were my eyes in my reflection, then ... ZIP! And that was it. I was ready to be delivered.

    I felt in 'my Soul' that the D-E-V-I-L might be making his way into my life within the next few days. Maybe tonight, possibly. 👺

    Maybe my boyfriend and I should now leave to 'save my Soul'?

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