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Posts posted by ScorpionFF

  1. Part 20; 

    Sir, who nabbed me from right under my boyfriends nose at the club shoved in the Goat-Hoof Butt Plug deep as soon as the Beast withdrew, with only minimal spillage. He had to put the plug deep into my cunt, as I was pretty loose by now. I watched our Master in a flash turn from his Beast appearance into a 🦇, and, off he flew in the direction of his run down mansion. 

    We returned where I was immediately taken down to the basement for my COLD shower. My abdomen was so distended from the HUGE volume of Dirty Diseased Demon filth that was incubating inside of me, that I found it difficult to stand, and certainly could not walk, so, I knelt as Sir washed me. The cold water seemed to be re-intensifying the Chems within my system and I soon found myself aching to have my cunt stuffed with Demon Dick, and filled with Demon cum, AGAIN, although, I very obviously needed to let a HUGE amount out before I could be 're-filled'.

    Once washed, Sir dried me, and commenced to fit me with the strict instructed attire. First went on the skimpy metallic red rubber jockstrap. Then on each wrist the black beast-goats head symbol within the reversed pentagram; Red suede wrist gauntlets. Then came the drawing around my navel in black, of a reversed pentagram with three upside down red nines nestled in-between the top two points. Before his new life here at our Master's abode Sir was an artist in the modern day world, and still was in his own way. What he drew on me was very intricate and very well done. He helped me walk over to a full length mirror, telling me to look at myself.

    Back on the top floor in the fizzling fuzzy fire red glow moon-lit room, my Master was stood on the marbled plinth, naked, showing off his broad body completely covered in his thick layers of dark hair, with his slippery upper arm thick, erect knee length black EEL Dick, with my boyfriend directly opposite him on the St Andrew's Cross.

    His eyes soon lit from their usual dull lifeless black to that molten lava glow, with his horned head again bursting into flames.

    - We meet again Richard; You FOOLISH Man!
    - What the actual fuu ... How do you know my name. And where is my Charlie?
    - So many Questions. In my world, we see way beyond what you would see. And your Charlie, who is MY Charlie now; Do not fluster yourself. He will be with us very shortly.
    - He is NOT your Charlie. Damn you!

    My Master found this most amusing, cocking his flaming horned Goat-Head into the air ... He looked towards Usher;

    - 'U'.
    - Yes mate.

    You just had to love the fact that he was just so fearless of my Beast. I would be spending a lot of time with him during the next week or so.

    - Before I left to impregnate MY Charlie, I saw you begin to give this weak man an impressive flogging. I want you to flog him again, until I say 'enough'. Tap into your deepest inner anger, and UNLEASH it.
    - Fuck Yeah!

    My boyfriend protested;

    - No, PLEASE, not again. Let me down and let me go.
    - YES, again. The Boss has given an order that I will follow. And hell, I WILL fucking well enjoy!

    Usher grabbed the rubber flogger, and proceeded to flog the chest and belly of his target, laughing arrogantly throughout ... *thwack. thwack. thwack* The target dropped his head, whimpering in a now very much defeated manner. 

    Back in the basement where I was being prepared, I was looking at myself in the full length mirror as instructed to by Sir. Gone was the transparent white virgin looking nightshirt, to be replaced with black and bold deep reds. The metallic red jockstrap hid away my useless flaccid dick, with the straps hugging in on my pale smooth ass cheeks. 

    I was then very suddenly drawn to and in a trance by the 'black reversed pentagram with the three upside down red nines nestled in-between the top two points' drawn around my navel. My trance like state meant that I had not visually noticed in my reflection how heavily distended my abdomen had now become, what with my insides being flooded with highly toxic demon cum. When I did eventually take note I was in shock. No wonder I could now not walk properly.

    - Oh My Goodness Sir, I look way beyond pregnant.

    He didn't respond, simply carrying on with his duties to hand. Next went on the pendant around my neck of a reverse pentagram, with a symbol within of my Master's Master, the D-E-V-I-L. Certainly a stark contrast from the gold crucifix my boyfriend always wore. The clasp shut, and I started to tremble.

    - What is it pig?

    I tried to talk, but couldn't seem to speak anymore, merely responding with aroused whimpering grunts, as I felt something HOT grope me all over, but, it wasn't Sir; 

    He was merely standing watching me as something dark and sinister seemed to be giving my flesh a good examining. Next went on the red rubber hood with zipped eye and zipped mouth pieces. Both zips were currently undone. The final piece of attire went on, the extra long deep red velvet cloak. It was very heavy, and completely enveloped me. I stood in front of the mirror, and all I could see were my lips, and my eyes, then ...

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  2. Absolutely INSIDE!

    There is no sweeter feeling than being impaled balls deep, holding solid that deep position whilst ejaculating. Feeling my RAW Dick pulsate against the length of my bottoms warm, velvet soft, wet cunt is what nature had fully intended. H🔥t bonus too if he repetitively clamps down on your impaled pulsating shaft!

    Once spent I'll usually pull out a few inches, and very happily and very slowly grind in my DNA.

    'Maybe ON' if the occasion sees me being greeted by a beautiful full on 'Blooming-Rose' 🌹

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  3. My Dick is longer (around 7*-7.5") with girth at 4"-4.5" to my recollection.

    I much more enjoy fucking as 'Deep as I can Go', so my appendage suits me perfectly. It also suits those with a very sensitive prostate perfectly too, as my Dick has a strong curve that most certainly frequently hits that magic G spot! 

    For those that desire girth, there is always my fist to push in the filthy load I just nutted deep inside; So, you can ENJOY the best of both worlds! 🐷👊

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  4. PREQUEL to part 20;

     - 'L'.
    - Hail Master. Yes Master.
    - Fetch the Goat-Hoof Butt-Plug from the car, and when I withdraw, I want you to plug MY boy up immediately. I then want you to drive him home. 
    - Yes Master.
    - You will take him to the basement and shower him with COLD water. Once dried I want him dressed in the skimpy metallic red rubber jockstrap, with the Black Beast-Goats Head symbol within the reversed pentagram red suede wrist gauntlets on each wrist.
    - Yes Master.
    - You will then draw around his navel a black reversed pentagram with the three upside down red nines nestled in-between the top two points. I want him to wear the red rubber hood that has the eye and mouth zips. These will be zipped up so he cannot see, nor speak.
    - Yes Master.
    - Finally, you will put the reverse pentacle pendant around his neck, the one showing the symbol within of my own Master. Then dress him in the extra long deep red velvet cloak, and bring him to me on the marble plinth where you will place him in front of me so his back is to me, and facing his boyfriend Richard on the St Andrew Cross. 
    - Yes Master.
    - You will leave the plinth, and, in front of the cage that is below the St Andrew's Cross you will sideways to the plinth draw in red chalk a reverse red pentagram,large enough for MY boy to lie inside.

    I guess my Master deemed it that my virgin white transparent nightshirt was no longer appropriate. Well, I was now defiled! 👱‍♂️🐽

    SH☢️W time!   


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  5. Part 19;

    My Master brought his body up straight, and gripping tight onto my ankles, firmly spread my legs as far as they could possibly open, and once again he vigorously stroked his thick and musky slippery EEL Dick inside of my sore-battered inflamed cunt; 

    This time however it was with a combination of his trademark wild and feral Beast-Fucking, with the addition of a very powerful dark force surrounding us.

    THEN, after a few moments ..... one final gigantic thrust, he abruptly stopped. 

    With his grip on my ankles tightening further again, his werewolf like chest stretching open wide, and his Goat-Head staring up at the 'Full Moon', he unleashed a Demonic Growl that would last the entire length of his 5 minute orgasm. The forest shook, with birds squawking and flying around in a chaotic and confused manner, and flying insects created a blinding dense mist as they filled the once clear air above us. My magical life changing moment had finally arrived ... 

    ... My MASTER now started to EJACULATE ...... Pissing his deep green, bitter tasting, p☣️z ... 6-DE-6-M👺N-6 ... CUM deep inside of my now gaping cunt! And that was it. From that moment onwards my fate really was now well and truly sealed. It was too late to turn back The rest of my journey was now inevitable!

    - Hail my MASTER. Infect me with your virulent strain of HIV. Make me your loyal obedient boy. FOREVER! 👱‍♂️🐐

    As I felt the initial H☣️T splash of his filthy seed hit the end of my rectum, his demonic growling was also now joined by a pack of wolves in the distance, who began to howl in unison with my Master's growls. From the corners of my eyes I now saw the other 5 Beasts watch on as they stroked their EEL Dicks, giving out the odd intermittent squirt of cum that would land near my head.

    With each squirt they released, the musky smell around my head intensified to the point it was all I could smell, and taste. I felt like a disgusting filthy whore, and, I relished that wonderful feeling🐖

    Meanwhile, back at the run down mansion, my boyfriend was having a VERY difficult time coping with the entire situation. He wailed;

    - What is happening here? I don't know what that thing is that has my boy. But he's fucking evil. He had better not be fucking my Charlie.
    - Well mate, there isn't much you can do about it from up there. And whatever that thing is, I think he is alright y'know. And, I think he has a soft spot for your Charlie. WELL, HIS Charlie now I suppose.
    - PLEASE untie me and get me down from here. I want to get my boy so we can both get the fuck out of here.

    Usher stood up, stripped naked, then kicked back down on the sofa, and continued smoking Sir's home grown weed, completely ignoring my boyfriend, as he in vain shook his wrists trying to break free. I wonder how long he would be remaining up there on the St Andrew's Cross!? Maybe a few more hours. Until tomorrow. Or longer?

    As Usher continued getting stoned, he was becoming increasingly turned on by the whole situation he was witnessing, which he viewed as deeply erotic. He lubed his semi flaccid skinhead Dick, and started stroking.

    - Your boyfriend, haha, if you can still call him that, is going to get a good Dicking from me when I get the opportunity. Seems he is rather fond of highly charged seed.
    - You Bastard.

    Usher laughed arrogantly at my boyfriend's frustrations, and sat there, continuing to smoke and stroke. 

    Back in the woods, my Master had just finished filling my guts up with litres upon litres of his HOT p☣️z ... 6-DE-6-M👺N-6 ... CUM. Alongside the large squirts he sprayed inside of me earlier of his evil filth my distended abdomen was now feeling a little uncomfortable. Naturally, the beast knew what I was thinking, and chose to keep with his selfish needs, and recommenced fucking me again. Continuing to fuck me, he In his deep gruffly voice, spoke;

    - Your c☢️nversion begins right now Charlie. I love USING your sexy boy-cunt for my depraved pleasures.
    - Hail Master. Thank you for knocking me up. I am deeply honoured. BUT, can we please let some of your cum out from my cunt, my tummy hurts a little.

    His response came in the form of leaning his Goat-Beast head in next to me, licking my face with his serpent tongue, shortly before he yet again shoved it right down my throat, almost to the pit of my stomach. He then fucked me for a few more minutes, probing my oesophagus, and giving me THREE more squirts of his nasty yet beautiful green, musky, bitter cum. I could not take much more, and badly needed to let some of it out pretty soon; I was over-LOADED!

    - You want the infection to take? Then we do it MY way!
    - Sorry Master. I understand.

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  6. Part 18; 

    I suddenly felt very COLD. Then, my Master without having a proper 'non stop 5 minute Beast orgasm' squirted his first lot of Demon-cum deep inside, out of pure typical greedy Demon play. 👺💦

    Fuck, my cunt immediately began to BURN. It felt like it was actually almost on fire. 🔥

    - Master, my cunt feels like it is almost on fire.

    He ignored me, and his claws that were at the base of my neck dug into my sweet pale flesh, and dragged down all the way to the top of my buttocks. Just like he did with my ASS cheek earlier, he caught my skin, marking me with even more of his unique Demon scratch marks. This time all the way down my back! He feral fucked me for a few more minutes, and then;

    SQUIRT! 💦💦

    Another dose of Demon-cum filled my insides. He had not even had a proper orgasm yet, and already his Deep green, musky smelling, oily Demon-cum squelched out of my cunt as he fucked me, with it now running down my legs. It felt wonderfully hot on my skin.

    - 'L'
    - Hail Master.
    - Get the blindfold, and blindfold my new boy.
    - Yes Master.

    Sir promptly blindfolded me, with my Master continuing the fast and wild feral Beast-fuck between he and his boy. Here I was, in the middle of some forest, a few minutes drive from a secluded run down Gothic style mansion, intoxicated on mind altering substances, having my body savagely USED, and slowly possessed by it's new rightful OWNER. 

    I had longed for nasTy virulent p☣️z seed for some years now, and the time now really had come to receive the ultimate special gift. I could not ask for more, for it to be happening in such a dramatic fashion. There was no way in 🔥HELL👺 that I would ever forget this moment. It was not long at all now until my MASTER's DNA would be corrupting my own, where he would be possessing me COMPLETELY!

    He had been feral fucking me for a good while now, and my cunt was feeling wonderfully sore and gaping, albeit it also felt like it was almost burning, too. Suddenly, he withdrew his EEL Dick, spun me around, and threw me on my back with some brute force to the ground, right where the other 5 Demons had squirted their hot, oily, and musky Demon-cum.

    My smooth scratched skin on my back met with their slime and the dry dirt on the forest floor, and, I was literally now becoming a filthy slutty pig as the dry and wet materials underneath me mixed together and got my ever increasing defiled body dirty; The way nature had intended! 🐖

    My Master grabbed hold of my ankles, and spread my legs open VERY wide. Just as well I have practiced yoga daily for years. I am very bendy!

    Then, that slippery EEL Dick penetrated me again, and, I was being fucked how I was earlier when I first got here, with powerful yet slow, intermittent hard thrusts, impaling himself deep inside my cunt, pausing, then  withdrawing half way, pausing, and slamming in again. Damn, I WISH I could see him.

    - I wish I could see you, my Master.
    - I don't want you to be scared, my Charlie. I am without my cloak.
    - No Master, I want to see your body.
    - Then I permit you to take off your blindfold.
    - Thank you, my Master.

    HOLY Fuck. I looked up, and there he was, serpent tongue slithering away into the intense night air. This was the first time I had seen his super hairy body along with his Goat-Beast head. His torso looked thick and strong, like a Werewolf, and of course was covered in a very thick layer of hair, which REALLY turned me on. More hair than normal is a MAJOR turn on for me. He looked down at me with his serpent tongue slithering. Each time he slammed his Demon EEL Dick in the force of course would be making me grunt. 

    And being on my back with my legs stretched open wide, with my Master towering above me, and deep inside of me, made the deepest recesses of my mind completely submit. This was now by far my favourite part to the night. I had MY Master doing exactly what he wanted, slowly developing me into what he expected of me long term. And I was going to get exactly what I wanted.

    - Please Fuck me Fast again Master. I NEED you to really tear up my cunt. 

    Without a word the fast and wild feral Beast-Fuck recommenced which went on for a few hours; Non stop!! Near the start of those few hours I was getting so turned on submitting I grabbed hold of my Dick, which was now hard again, and started stroking.

    - CHARLIE. You are NOT here to play with yourself. Arms above your head, and keep them there.
    - Sorry Master. I will do as you say. I am your obedient little fuck-pig. 🐷

    Once I put my hands above my head, arms stretched out, that is when he really had me. My arms stretched out, my legs spread and held open wide, lying on my back in a forest, outside in the middle of nowhere, with a Demon feral fucking me. His dominance grew stronger by the second, as did my subservience. The entire few hours he fucked me like this he remained completely silent, simply USING my body for his Dark Demon Desires of greedy lust. 

    I on the other hand whimpered and moaned the entire time, with my noise only getting louder and louder. As I frequently looked up at his broad Werewolf torso and Goat-Beast head with his slithering serpent tongue I would keep screaming out stuff like;

    - Yes MASTER. Fuck me. Fuck my neg boy-cunt with your Diseased Demon Death-stick. INFECT me! ... PLEASE. ☢️👱‍♂️

    I was in piggy-heaven!

    Once again my screams of pleasure bounced and echoed off of the trees and around the forest at such a strong velocity, that it was without any doubt that they were reaching back upto my Master's secluded mansion. I so could have let him fuck me like this for eternity, I didn't want it to st☣️p, BUT, the time had come. He let go of my ankles, and leaned in right by my face;

    - I am READY to cum now Charlie. I am exceptionally close to giving you my Dirty p☣️z D-E-V-I-L seed! 👺
    - Fuck YES my MASTER. CLAIM me as YOUR boy. 👱‍♂️

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  7. Part 17;

    - FUCK me Master. Fucking just PLEASE FUCK me. USE my body. I am fully READY to Serve and Obey you; Permanently, without any questions. I now relinquish my free will. I BELONG to YOU! Please Master, I NEED you to BREED me and fuck me up. Spray your t☢️xic DNA deep inside my guts. I NEED you to INFECT me with your Death seed ☠️ that I WILL carry for the rest of my days. PLEASE my Master;

    POSSESS me.

    As I finished what I had just said my body instinctively strained and pushed until my Fisted cunt flopped inside out. 

    He knelt down, and that serpent tongue of his from his horned Goat-Head wasted no time in getting to work, flicking very fast, over and in, out and around, and in and over, and on and on. The pace of his flicking showed no signs of slowing, only increasing, and I was needing him to stop SOON if he didn't want me to cum. My grip on the wooden frame I was holding onto tightened as I felt myself getting closer to bolting my load;

    - PLEASE Master, I ... Oh Fuck. You have to stop, or else I am going to cum. Please stop it ... No, OMG, you have to stop. Master, I ... Oh no, you have to stop, or else I really am going to cum. Ple...

    He ignored me, and began to snarl, with his forked tongue now pushing down and over on my prostate so firmly I was having those intense internal orgasms. 

    He had no intention of stopping, and that was it, I had gone past the point holding it in and began to spray my hands free load against the wooden slats, throwing my head into the star lit sky. I let out high pitched grunts as I expelled my last neg load from my nut-sack. 💦

    Part way through cumming, my Master stood, grabbed hold of my thick curly hair, pulled my head right back and shoved his serpent tongue to the back of my throat and down my oesophagus for more DEEP probing. He then quickly took his thick slippery Dick, and pushed my prolapse back in; The Demon fucking had now commenced, as I was still cumming! However, this wasn't like when he first penetrated me here in the woods, with long, hard and intermittent controlled thrusts. This was now, simply, a fast and wild feral Beast-Fuck!

    I found myself caught half way between the tail end of my orgasm, and enjoying letting my Master taking what he wants, exactly how he wants it.

    Being between these two places made Sir fucking me at the club earlier erase from time, and, it felt that I was only now really and properly losing my virginity. This feeling began to dominate as my orgasm subsided, and it was at this point that the tina started to override the K. I began to sweat profusely, AND, any physical discomfort I felt inside my cunt quickly abated, to be replaced with pure pleasure as I felt my cunt literally bloom out.

    My Master noticed this change, so his serpent probing released from my throat, and he let go of my hair, moving his Demon claws to my hips, grabbing onto them very tightly. My head fell forward only to see a few metres from us 5 other Goat-Beasts. Their cloaks were on the ground, and their Dicks that they were stroking in Beast-lust, all pointed directly upwards. They were all as super hairy with thick EEL Dicks just like my Master. BUT, I had not even seen him naked yet, so, I was getting to see what he looked like for the first time. 

    As soon as they noticed that I had seen them, their dull lifeless black eyes all began to glow like Molten Lava, and they snarled towards me. 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐

    - They like you Charlie. They like you a lot! And, I sense you have completely relaxed. Your cunt now fits my Dick perfectly.
    - Who are they Master. Do you look like them? ... YES, all discomfort has gone. All I feel now is an intense pleasure. I NEED you to Fuck me Faster, and Harder. PLEASE Master.

    He grabbed my thick curly hair again, and pulling my head back he snarled into my ear, and in his gruffly voice he growled;

    - You need what Charlie?
    - I NEED you to Fuck me Faster, and Harder. PLEASE Master. I am BEGGING you. PLEASE. Show me no mercy.

    Was I mad? With those last 3 words he yanked on my curly hair so hard that my neck bent back as far as it would anatomically allow, and he snarled like I had not heard him snarl before. It was with a real Dark aggression, which momentarily scared me a little. He then gave me what I had asked for, and the simple wild feral Beast-Fuck in a flash switched up 1000 notches into a Fuck of sheer Evil. 

    His pace of fucking quickly increased, and the force of his thrusting was winding me again like earlier, only this time with the nature of the sharp angle my neck was pulled, 'Deep Shallow Grunts' were being forced out of my throat. I was unable to say anything, or move. I was completely helpless. Again, he let go of my head, with his claws now resting at the base of my neck. 

    My head sprang forward and I now had sight of the other 5 Goat-Beasts once again. They were dancing about, naked, with their slippery EEL Dicks waving in the air, and transparent Black scrotum / glowing red testicles swinging between their legs. Once again they clocked that I had seen them, and in short intervals they one by one, in unison, squirted their Demon loads into the air. In quick succession their musky smelling hot Demon cum hit the forest ground, sounding like very heavy rain. 

    Where their cum had landed a hot steam was now rising. They continued this show, chanting in a Demonic language as my Master continued to defile my innocence. 

    My Master's 3 top central incisor teeth that were yellow/brown stained leaned in and nuzzled my ear, and he spoke in a voice I now did not recognise. It sounded very distorted, and almost like it wasn't here.

    - WELCOME to your Fate, Charlie. 👺

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  8. Part 16;

    My whimpering became so loud and frantic with the deep-firm serpent probing, that my cries of intense euphoria brought the endless sky above me, and my Master's vast stretch of his land to a complete silent standstill, with buzzing insect undertones. Everything around seemed to stop to tune in with what was happening. Charlie, the boy within was being controlled and consumed by this Beast. And I could not wait a moment longer. I NEEDED this dark cold entity to penetrate me, and fuck me, and fuck me HARD;

    INFECTING me with his virulent poz Demon DNA in the process!!

    A final order was sent to the inside my head, which found me go from kneeling, to getting on all fours with my fists holding me up in the dry dirt of the forest. My screams were now so manic, that they now bounced and echoed off of the trees at such a speed, that I was very certain they were reaching back upto my Master's secluded house. Could my boyfriend be hearing the Demon-lust unfolding?

    He got behind me, took off his cloak, then uttered his first audible words in his deep gruffly voice since Sir brought me here;

    - Tell me what it is you NEED Charlie.

    My mind suddenly saw a strong image of my boyfriend on the St Andrews Cross, calling out my name. Something had abruptly redirected my focus. Another strong image followed suit, this time of my boyfriend and I sharing that intimate hug at home just before we left for the club earlier. Suddenly conflict was tearing right through me. I NEEDED the here and now, this is what I had been craving all these years, but, a part of me was seeing my love once again, and briefly wondered if maybe we should in fact go home. 

    I was about to find out that my Master had the ability to know what I was thinking. His Demon claws grabbed my hips;

    - Oh Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, it is way TOO LATE to be thinking of going home with your boyfriend, Richard, now.

    No sooner had he said my boyfriends name, he with great force plunged his Demon Death Dick deep into my swollen, bleeding, battered cunt. 🐐👱‍♂️ The sheer brutality of his powerful thrust sent my forearms and the left side of my face crashing down into the dry dirt, forcing my ASS to now be sticking out and up into the warm musky summer air. Strong images of my boyfriend now dominated my mind, and I was neck deep in inner turmoil between he, and my Master. 

    BUT, there was nothing I could do about it, as I was now completely at this Beast's mercy!

    Now without his cloak, and fully impaled deep inside of my cunt with his EEL Dick, he climbed on top of me, and lay his heavy body with that very thick coat of Beast hair on top of my pale, smooth tight frame. He moved his hips so his fully impaled Dick was now half way out and half way in, then ---> SLAM. He'd once again impale as deep as he could go, holding onto this position for about 5 seconds, when he would move those beast hips to the same position as a moment ago, then, again ---> SLAM! 

    Each powerful thrust forced a grunt, and was winding me. Even though I was highly intoxicated on Ketamine & Tina, had received a good Fisting from Sir just now, and had been totally gagging for this moment for absolutely ages, my Master's Dick was too much for me to take. But, through my grunts and being repetitively winded I could not get out the word;


    He cleverly, and forcefully fucked my cunt with a powerful 'Dark force of Control' with his Demon Dick, for a good half hour. It at least seemed like it had been that long.

    I had actually lost all concept of real time, along with having also lost the awareness of my surroundings. I was not even aware of Master being inside of me anymore. My mind seemed to be in a bizarre fixed state of being at home with my boyfriend, being affectionate with one another. Yet, my reality could not have been further from my subconscious. 

    With my Master's Demon Dick currently fully impaled inside of me, he picked me up and threw me over the wooden Berkley horse. And once again he lay his strong hairy body on top of me, pinning me down as he lay motionless! Still in the realms of my subconscious I heard my name inside of my head being called out. First off it was very faint, but then it kept on getting louder and louder.

    - Charlie ... ChaArlie ... ChaAArlie ... CHAAAARLIE ---> It is time to let go of your past; Your life is now with your MASTER! 🐐👱‍♂️

    I was abruptly jolted back to the present moment. As I returned I realised how much my cunt felt completely stuffed and stretched, and it still feeling slightly uncomfortable, despite the evenings events so far.

    - Master, I think I need a break. It's too much.

    Clearly I had also lost my focus. The Goat-Beast withdrew his Toxic Death Dick from my cunt, and swiped my right ASS cheek with his right claw, breaking my skin, leaving HIS Demon scratch mark.

    - You are MINE now Charlie, I do what the H🔥LL I want!

    That short sharp single sentence was all I needed to hear to re-focus the dynamics of my position beneath this powerful Dark-Force that deserved full respect, and tap straight back into the nasty slut-pig within that was being nurtured to its full potential! I arched out my round ASS cheeks. I was now READY to accept all that my Master had to offer;

    His t☢️xic filthy DNA corrupting my own. His Dark force completely controlling my behaviour and thoughts. The line had now been crossed!

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  9. Part 15;

    Sir and I got into the car, he started the engine, then turned to me, and said;

    - So pig, this is it. Are you really READY?

    I turned my head to answer Sir, only to see his human head take that on that of a Demon. The exact one I saw at the club earlier.

    - Yes Sir. I am definitely ready for our Master to take what is rightfully his. To possess me. Make me HIS. And INFECT me with his virulent poz venom ---> I think I am hallucinating Sir. You look a Demon, just like earlier, when you were fucking me at the club.
    - You are not hallucinating Charlie-boy. I am a Demon. Nothing like our Master, of course. 
    - But you look so ....
    - Human?
    - Yes, Sir. You do.
    - Our Master looks like he does all the time, apart from when he needs to get somewhere fast, when he then becomes our winged friend. 🦇 Whereas I Charlie, can choose between both my old and current forms.
    - So you were once like me?
    - Oh YES. My journey with our Master has been a very interesting one. Right, we must not keep HIM waiting.

    Sir started to drive.

    - Sir, what is Master's cum like?
    - It is Very Hot! And has the consistency of R-A-W egg yolk; Smooth & Oily! It is a deep Green colour, smells musky, and possesses a very bitter taste! 💦
    - I cannot wait to have it sprayed deep in my cunt.
    - Oh don't worry. Not long to wait now. And when it is, there will be NOTHING to stop what you crave. And MORE!

    - I just wondered Sir. How can his cum contain this virulent strain of p☢️z DNA, if he isn't, all Man?
    - Good question pig. Not much inside him lives. The two main things that do thrive in the intense heat within, is the aggressive virus, and his very own Master.

    Goodness. My cunt twitched!

    - Have you met our Master's Master?
    - Absolutely. He is why I am like I am today.
    - What happened?
    - That is not for now, Charlie.

    We only drove for a few minutes when we pulled up near to where my Master was standing, under the 'Full-Moon' in his cloak, next to the triangular wooden Berkley Horse. Sir got out, opened the passengers door, and instructed me to stand before The Beast. 🌕🐐

    I walked to him, slowly, with the Moon penetrating my transparent white nightshirt then reflecting back off of my pale smooth skin out into the clear dark warm air. I now stood right before my future. His lifeless dull black eyes looked right through me as he stood motionless, and silent.

    - Hail Master.

    He began to speak to me, but not in his usual low gruffly voice that my human ears could hear, but his usual gruffly voice that was now 'INSIDE of my head'. 

    I unbuttoned my nightshirt, got out of the sleeves, and let it drop to ground. Again, I looked into his lifeless dull black eyes. Once again they bore right through me. Another command bellowed INSIDE my head, and I obeyed, dropping to my knees. 

    I looked up to see his serpent tongue 🐍 slithering out, wriggling around as it smelt the warm night air. And once again he used that tongue to probe the entire length of my cunt, despite being physically nowhere near it. I was transfixed on his Goat-Beast head, and I began to moan and whimper as I knelt and submitted to the Beast of the night; 

    My MASTER! 🐐

    I heard him inside my head again summoning me to give myself completely over to him, as his serpent tongue probed deeper still. It felt like it was probing beyond the end of my cunt. And it WAS, as I suddenly felt a fast flutter inside my abdomen between my navel and sternum. He was marking every single part of me, making me HIS property! 

    If I wanted to change my mind now, I think it would be a little too late!

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  10. 12 hours ago, jackdaw said:

    DaddysHand - take care of yourself FIRST. We'll be here patiently waiting when you are ready to resume.

    dark force.jpg

     @jackdaw  .... Absolutely FANTASTIC pic 😈 LOVE it!

    This is the kinda image I have had in my mind for an encounter Charlie has between himself and his Master's MASTER (the D-E-V-I-L), which would be several chapters away. I have several ideas floating around already. Whoever wants me to actually develop that part of the story, then 'like / upvote' this comment, so I know if it is worth my time going down the darkest path. 👺

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  11. Due to pertaining chronic health issues, writing has temporarily paused on this story. There seems to be a very keen interest with this one, so, I will most certainly return with more; Sooner rather than later, I hope. Maybe Chapter 15 tonight ... 😛 

    Also, a BIG Thank You to all who show their appreciation with 'likes', and 'up-votes' ~ Genuinely appreciated, and spurs me on to continue writing more piggy filth! 🐽😈

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  12. 9 hours ago, Monster5-8gPA said:

    I have to compliment DaddysHand, he pumped out several chapters very quickly got us to the point where Charlie is about to be taken by Master has us hooked and now waiting for the next part! I’m sure many as I am are eagerly waiting for the next parts and I’m sure DaddysHand will keep us all waiting until we can’t take the anticipation anymore, then bam! Like any great Daddy your reward will be there! Bravo to DaddysHand! 

    Thank you very much @Monster5-8gPA for your wonderful praise, support, and all-round much appreciated positivity. 😃

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  13. PREQUEL to Part 15;

    My MASTER stood behind me, and his usual Goat-black eyes suddenly lit up, going from their usual black colour, to Molten Lava, a mixture of fire Orange & Yellow. He removed his cloak, dropping it to the marble. His thick HAIRY body, HUGE Black slippery EEL Dick, and low hanging transparent black scrotum with glowing red testicles were on show for ALL to see, except me. Damn. How much longer!?

    - Holy shit *exclaimed Usher*. He really is one sexy Beast!

    His horned Goat-Head suddenly went up in flames. 🐐🔥

    My Master then placed his Demon claws above my head and began chanting something that was not of this realm. His voice was becoming louder and louder. Usher abruptly got up, grabbed a rubber flogger and started to flog my boyfriend's chest over and over. Harder and harder.

    - NOOOOOO Charlie. Get out of the way *shrieked my boyfriend*

    A flame of fire then shot out of my Master's mouth, and whooooosh, he vanished!

    A bat flew around the room, and out of the window. The 5 other bats that had been on the ledge for hours, followed. That was my Master flying to the pyramid shaped wooden Berkley Horse!! 🦇 ----> 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇

    Sir came back onto the plinth, and dressed me in my knee length transparent white chiffon night shirt, then carried me down the wooden plinth steps. We approached the door which Usher opened for us. My boyfriend screamed;

    - Please, no, don't take him, let him go. I BEG you.

    Sir stopped, looked up at my boyfriend, and very calmly said;

    - You should NOT have left Charlie alone with me on the Dance-floor, because now his life is about to change completely, and FOREVER! 

    We left the room, and Sir carried me down the long steep wooden spiral staircase, with my boyfriends loud wailing in the background steadily becoming fainter and fainter.

    Charlie's SPECIAL moment has arrived! 😈

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  14. Part 14;

    Foolishness? Who left me on the Dance-floor!?!?!!

    If he had not done that we'd probably be at home by now snuggling in bed after he had took my virginity and pozzed me at the club. I was not the fool here. I spoke to him, but kinda completely ignored what he had just said to me. It really was irrelevant now. I said to him;

    - Sir is now Fisting me. And soon my MASTER is going to fuck me, and FUck me, and FUCK me, until he shoots his HUGE t☢️xic load deep in my HUNGRY boy-cunt, INFECTING me with his virulent strain of poz cum.
    - Please don't do this Charlie.

    My response to him was groan and grunt loudly, and give a depraved look of a slutty pig being well and truly satisfied. I was in a sheer heavenly HELL! 🔥 🔥 And there was absolutely nothing or no one now that could prevent my Master from CLAIMING his boy for himself. As his exclusive property.

    Sir got me to turn from facing my boyfriend to facing our Master, and then began to punch-Fist me. 

    - When I get to 10 Charlie I want you to push out your cunt.
    - Yes Sir.

    And here came the 10 punches to my cunt;

    - 1 👊 2 👊3 👊4 👊 5 👊 6 👊 7 👊 8 👊 9 👊 TEN 👊 ... and Push Charlie, go on boy, Push. That's it, what a good piggy. Fuck yeah. Look at that Beautiful Fucking Rose. 🌹

    He done this several times, and each time he was stroking, kissing and licking my inside out cunt he'd look at my boyfriend as though to say;

    'Look what I have made. Look what I have got'. 

    Master suddenly got up, and climbed up the wooden steps to the marble plinth. 

    - 'L', when I leave this room, you will re-dress Charlie in his knee length transparent white chiffon night shirt. You will then carry him to the car and drive him to where the pyramid shaped wooden Berkley Horse stands. Understood?
    - Hail Master. Yes Master.
    - And, do NOT forget to bring the blindfold, and Goat Hoof Butt Plug.
    - Don't worry Master. Everything is all under control.
    - Good. Now leave the plinth. Good boy.

    I'd never heard our Master call Sir, 'boy' before. Sir rejoined Usher on the couch.

    - Charlie, I want you to get in the kneeling position, and face your boyfriend, and I want you to once again to look him directly in his eyes, without averting your gaze.
    - Hail Master. Yes my Master.

    I was heavily intoxicated, but, a new energy inside of me helped me to begin to become super focused so I could focus in on my boyfriend's eyes. My cunt was sore and puffy, and I could feel it drip a mixture of fluids onto the marble slab. I wasn't flinching a muscle.

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  15. Part 13;

    I walked away from the beast that I was over the Full-Moon to be worshipping to look around and familiarize myself with my surroundings as my Master had just instructed me too.

    I was in this Ketamine haze in this fizzling fuzzy fire red glow moon-lit room; I felt like I was in a completely different dimension, and walking on clouds. I could just about hear my boyfriend calling out to me, but, his voice was very faint, as I was starting to become detached.

    I took a good look around, first seeing the worktop (mini kitchen) at the back right, then the stacks of bales of hay at the back left. In between these two places is the door, of course. I then looked to the next wall where my boyfriend was hanging, BUT, I couldn't see him even though he was there. I just saw the wooden chairs, and various BDSM items on the floor and hanging on the walls. I briefly saw Sir & Usher sat on the couch talking, with Usher smoking.

    I then came face to face with my Master again. He did not speak, nor move, but, he began to probe my cunt with his serpent tongue again, just like when I was in the car upon arrival, and outside the door to this room before I entered. 

    I started to moan, grunt, and pant in ecstasy. Master then gave me a firm instruction, but, he didn't speak like normal, his voice was inside my head. I was to climb the plinth, and when at the top lie on my back with my cunt facing him, which would have my head facing the door, and my boyfriend to the right of the room. 

    My Master got up and slowly walked behind the stacks of bales of hay, and, I heard 4 intermittent grunts. He had just shot 4 squirts of his cum into a copper jug. From what he explained to me earlier, that would be a litre of his Demon Juice. But for what purposes would it be used? 👊 He then went to the small kitchen area, and got out two syringes, two tourniquets from the BDSM area, and walked over to where Sir was sitting. 

    - 'L'.
    - Hail Master. Yes Master.
    - Take this jug of my t☢️xic cum, these two syringes of Meth, two tourniquets, and go to MY Charlie. I want you slam him in each arm, then FIST him in preparation for the final phase of pozzing from his Master.
    - Yes Master.  

    Sir climbed upto the top of the plinth. He attached a tourniquet to each arm, and tapped the crease to my arms at the elbow joint.

    - What are you doing Sir?
    - You want to be pozzed by our Master?
    - Yes, YEs, YES, I do!
    - Well, this is to help towards take you to the final level where you WILL be getting what you truly desire. Now, close your eyes, and take slow deep breaths in and out, in and out. 

    I done this for about 1 minute when I felt a slight scratch in my left arm, then, another slight scratch in my right arm. Then, simultaneously Sir plunged in both syringes. BOOM. Very quickly I started breathing heavily, sweating, and feeling even hotter, and had the NEED for my MASTER to literally FUCK & INFECT me within the next 5 seconds!

    Every muscle in my body and my CUNT relaxed and were ready to take anything!

    - Are you OK Charlie?
    - I NEED MASTER inside me. NOW.
    - Charlie, I want you to get on all 4's, and face the St Andrews Cross.
    - Yes Sir.

    I got in position as I was instructed to. Then Sir dipped his hand into our Master's highly viral, warm, thick gooey Demon-cum (the BEST lube for the occasion) and commenced the Fisting of my HUNGRY boy-cunt. And not much effort was needed to get upto his wrist in a very short time! Each time Sir went in I felt truly satisfied as he turned, twisted, and fucked me with his hand and first part of his forearm. Each time he pulled out to get more Demon-lube my mind was demanding he go back in, IMMEDIATELY! 

    Sir had now been Fisting me for about an hour and had achieved getting upto almost his elbow, and getting both hands in up to about half way up both arms. At one point he came in line with my face and showed me his hand and forearm.

    - Well someone is a little piggy aren't they. Look at my fist and forearm, covered in out Master's cum, and your cunt juice, and traces of your neg blood I see, too.
    - Fuck yeah Sir. Carry on. My cunt feels empty, and I want to be STUFFED all the time.

    It now been about 90 minutes of my cunt being prepared for an event I had been thinking about for a few years now. Although I didn't imagine it being in such an intense scenario. I looked upto my boyfriend. Our eyes connected;

    - Charlie Darling. It isn't too late. We can stop all this foolishness, and go home. 🏡

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  16. Part 12;

    As my Master and I became acquainted, and my boyfriend hung from the St Andrew's Cross, Sir and Usher were on the couch chatting as Usher got heavily stoned on weed. Sir spoke first;

    - So you are a landscape gardener, plus restore buildings and furniture. Impressive!
    - Thanks mate. I'd like to take a look around tomorrow and assess the place. From my initial observations, I wouldn't mind staying here for a while and working for your governor over there.
    - We'll speak with him tomorrow evening about it.
    - What does your governor do during the day?
    - He spends ALL of daylight hours in what is known as 'Master's Lair' down in the Basement.
    - Interesting! How did you and the governor meet?
    - Well, I very much started off like little Charlie over there. He never ever called me by my name though. It was 'L' from the get go. That is his thing, always calling people by their initial.
    - Guess he must have a bit of a soft spot for Charlie-boy, then.
    - I think he does!

    My Master released his serpent tongue from deep within my throat, and his Demon claws from my cunt. I on the other hand whilst still maintaining my gaze on my boyfriend kept on stroking, rubbing, and squeezing my Master's EEL Dick. I slid my hand down to the end of his thick, black, slippery and HOT Demon shaft, and began to feel around on the inside to the hollowed out ending. I found what is my Master's 1" urethral opening, and instinctively inserted a finger. My Master began to GROWL very loudly.

    - Charlie, take your finger out of there. NOW!

    Oh no, had I just upset him?

    - Sorry Master. Did I do wrong?
    - On the contrary. If you want your Master to cum quickly, you put your finger where you just did, and give it a little rub. But, NOT now!
    - Oh Master, I am dying to have your cum injected into my cunt, or sprayed down my throat. I cannot wait much longer. 
    - Very soon MY Charlie. Very soon. 

    I rocked my hips and let out a little groan.

    - There are two ways that us Goat-Beasts ejaculate Charlie. The first is like when a Man would urinate. This is an actual orgasm, with our thick cum flowing out, just like piss! This way we ejaculate about 1/2 a litre each minute. And an orgasm will last for five minutes. Non stop!
    - Fucking HELL 🔥 What is the second way Master?
    - The other way, is we shoot out short sharp squirts. Not an actual orgasm, just typical greedy Demon play! Each squirt ejaculates about 1/4 litre. This way can give you upto a litre of you Master's Cum in 1 minute! Now stand up.
    - Yes Master.

    I stood up, keeping my gaze still fixed on my boyfriend up on the St Andrews Cross. My Master removed my nightshirt and let it drop, until it lay in a crumpled heap around my feet. He then started spanking me, and HARD, alternating between each ASS cheek. The intensity of his spanking grew and grew to the point my feet would move from the ground as I could not maintain my balance. He kept this going for quite a while, and, even though I was off of my face on K, I could feel my cheeks were now becoming sore. I would later see his Demon prints imprinted onto my peachy red raw rump.

    My Master then stood up, held his HAIRY Beast body against my super smooth body, wrapped his arms around me, and looked up to my boyfriend, and said;

    - Charlie is ALL MINE! 👺👱‍♂️

    Through his tears and his voice faltering he feebly replied;

    - He isn't .... he isn't.

    Master then let go of me, put his cloak on, and sat back down. I STILL had not seen his body, Dick, or Balls! When would I?

    - Charlie, I now want you to wander around the room for a while. Familiarize yourself with your surroundings.
    - Yes, my MASTER.

    I made my way, with my head spinning, into the very large, fizzling fuzzy fire red glowing, moon-lit room, with a feeling of falling into an abyss of Dark and depraved piggy lust.

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  17. 7 minutes ago, Monster5-8gPA said:

    Boyfriend >person who was originally going to poz Charlie and take his virginity 

    Sir>person Charlie and boyfriend met on dance floor and took Charlie’s virginity at the club on behalf of master and is masters servent to get Charlie 

    Master>is the beast who wants Charlie as his own slave 

    Thank you @Monster5-8gPA for your concise summary ~ You absolutely nailed it! 😛

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  18. Part 11;

    My Master addressed the Skinhead.

    - What is your name, young Man?
    - It's Usher mate
    - Welcome Usher. I shall call you 'U', like I do with 'L'. I like that you are not scared of me. <--> Now Charlie, tell your Master what this locked chain around your neck is all about.
    - Hail Master. Yes Master. It symbolizes that my boyfriend over there OWNS me. He is my key-holder.
    - I see. 

    My Master looked towards my boyfriend who was still being restrained by Sir, and Usher. 

    - Do you have the key on your person?
    - Yes. It is in my back pocket, but I am NOT unlocking it. That boy is MINE. Now let him go, and let us leave.

    Master grabbed his stick, and slammed it down so hard it was like this inferno of a room literally shook. My boyfriend looked each way at Sir & Usher, wriggling his arms, and said;

    - OK, OK, let me go, I will unlock him.

    They released their grip, and my boyfriend took out the key from his back pocket, and walked over, and proceeded to unlock me. And he muttered;

    - I don't know why you are so bloody well hell bent on me unlocking this chain lock from my Charlie. I do not know what you are, but I know you are not of this world. Now when I have unlocked, you will let my boy and I go, and never bother us again. *CLICK*. I was unlocked.

    - Now take it from his neck, and hand it to me.
    - Here you go. Now let us go dammit.
    - Your final foolish mistake of many of the night young Man. With that around his neck 'locked' you still had control and you both could have walked out of here and gone home, and there would be nothing I could do about it. Your lack of courage is your weakness. 'U' and 'L', ... STRIP him!

    Sir & Usher grabbed my boyfriend and proceeded to strip him of his full Leather 'Master' attire. He struggled, but he was no match. As I was perving over Sir, I noticed he wasn't the slightest bit out of breath. In fact, it looked like he wasn't even breathing. With my boyfriend now naked, and restrained, it was upto Master to decide what happened to him. Sir calmly asked;

    - Hail Master. What shall we do with him?

    Tossing my neck chain lock, and key out the window, my Master replied;

    - Put him up on the St Andrews Cross. If he is such a 'audience' enthusiast, then, it would be refreshing for him to watch what is going on around him, for a change. ON THE CROSS!!

    Again, my boyfriend put up a fight, but, he really should have just saved his energy. And MY time. I was super eager for my MASTER's Demon Dick ripping up my cunt, eager for his Demon cum filling me up (I wonder what it would look/feel like), and of course the ultimate prize. I could hardly contain my excitement that he had the strain I dare not admit to anyone was the one I wanted ravaging my young body.

    - Now listen very carefully Charlie. I want you to look up and fix your gaze on your boyfriends face, and look into his eyes. I want him to know what you are exactly feeling. And I want you to know what he is exactly feeling too. You do NOT avert your gaze for a single second. Even if I am talking to you, or getting you to do things. Understood?
    - Hail Master. Yes. I fully understand.

    I did as I was told. My Master unbuttoned the buttons on my nightshirt from top to bottom, and opened up the garment. He then took his cloak off to reveal his INSANELY hairy body, his low hanging testicles, and EEL like Dick! Although I wasn't allowed to lay eyes on them now, I would later on see for myself that his entire body from neck to ankle (Demon hands excluded) was covered in thick black hair that lay 2" above his skin. 

    His Dick; It was jet black, shiny, slippery, felt wet yet HOT to the touch, had a strong musky smell, and, was without a foreskin! The tip of his Dick was hollowed out, and as that hollow moved to the edges it's depth lessened which gave two side tentacles. In the centre of the hollow was a 1" in diameter urethral tube! The entire shaft had the same girth, that of my upper arm, and the shaft descended as far as his knee. Hanging just below his knees was his transparent black scrotum. His scrotum held his perfect glowing red testicles. My MASTER took my hand, and placed it on his Demon EEL Dick;

    - Charlie. I want you to slowly rub my Dick. I want you really take your time getting to know what you are playing with. Because, you WILL be playing with it LOTS. I promise!
    - Hail Master. Yes Master.

    He took my hand and placed it on his wet slippery shaft, and guided my hand slowly over it, then let go to let me find out for myself. As I gently stroked it I felt it contract, and heat up. I stroked. I rubbed. I squeezed. I started to groan, and rock my hips as I imagined him sticking his Demon Dick deep into my willing and very eager boy-cunt. 

    My MASTER placed his Demon hand on my right leg, pushed it apart from my other leg whilst rubbing up and down the back of my thigh. He looked at my boyfriend who was looking down on us, and keeping his stare (as was I keeping my gaze) slivered out his serpent tongue and slowly licked up my neck, then onto my chin, then onto my sweet full lips which he spent some time probing. My groaning intensified as I felt every nerve in my body tingle. I started to smile as I was in such PLEASURE! My boyfriend saw my smile, just as I saw his tears of sadness roll down his cheeks.

    - Please Charlie, no. Please, let's go home, My Darling.

    He sobbed, but, there was nothing I could do about that now. Suddenly my smile left me as the pleasure I was feeling was becoming too intense, and my jaw dropped and my groans were now so loud they echoed right around the fizzling fuzzy fire red glow room and out into open Moon-lit country air. I continued to obey my Master looking deep into my boyfriends eyes, so, he would have seen the super intense Pig-Slut-Lust look that suddenly consumed my eyes. I screamed;

    - HAIL MASTER. FUCK me. FUCK me. FUCK my CUNT. Spray your DEMON CUM deep inside my guts. GIVE me your wonderful VIRULENT toxic GIFT. PLEASE MASTER, PLEASE. I AM READY. 👺🐙💦💦🔥🐐

    Suddenly my Master THRUST two of his Demon fingers with their sharp black claws inside my cunt, and mercilessly Demon finger fucked me. His claws hurt at they sunk into my cunt flesh, but I ENJOYED the pain, as it was him. THEN, his serpent tongue in a flash slid right down my throat, and was feverishly probing it. Exactly what was probing my cunt when I first laid eyes on this room from the car downstairs.

    My boyfriend was sobbing uncontrollably, and I was in absolute Piggy-HELL. And, now, the Ketamine was really began to kick in.

    5 Bats suddenly appeared on the window ledge. And sat there, like they were WATCHING! 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇

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  19. Part 10;

    Sir opened the door, and all 4 of us walked in. Except for Sir, we were all hit by the fizzling fuzzy fire red glow that filled the room. It felt like a very hot summers day 🔥🔥

    I started to take in my surroundings. The wall to the left and the ceiling were completely mirrored. The wall to the left of the door was a small worktop area with mini fridge that was for making/storing drinks/snacks, not that much of that went on here I do not think. The wall to the right of the door was stacked up with several bales of hay. To the centre of the mirrored wall on the left was a HUGE square jet BLACK marble plinth, which two lengths of me could lie down each way. It was a little higher than me (and I am 5ft 8").

    The mirrored end to the plinth (the HEAD) was right against the wall, with wooden steps on the other three sides, so you could walk to the top. The (FOOT) of the plinth was also a large mirror. So there were three marble surfaces, the two sides, and the top.

    The mirrored ceiling was super high, so, any Man or Beast could easily stand on the plinth with room to spare. 😈 On the wall to the right was a big St Andrews Cross using a very old Dark wood, complete with Leather wrist & ankle restraints. Either side of the 'Cross' were various BDSM items on the floor and hanging on the wall, with a few very old wooden chairs either side.

    And now, the wall at the back ----> The centre of the wall was the window which was now wide open, and the Moon was beaming in, blending in with the fizzling fuzzy fire red glow. To the right of the window was a long deep red chesterfield couch. And to the left of the window, was a deep red chesterfield armchair. And there he IS ----> My MASTER! 🐐👺

    I was immediately aroused, and attracted. His head was that of a Black Goat's Head, with 2 magnificent long grey horns. He had 3 top central incisor teeth that were yellow/brown stained, and 2 canine teeth that were a bright white, and that were prominently long, and SHARP! He had a cloak which like Sir's went down to his ankles, but unlike Sir's, his did not hang from his shoulders, as his also had sleeves. The outer part to his cloak was made of grey goat hair, and the inner was of a soft burgundy silk lining.  

    My Master was sat there, silent, with his deep red demon hands interlinked via his deep red demon fingers that had very sharp black claws. The skin on his feet was also a deep red, and also with sharp claws. Sir spoke;

    - Hail Master.
    - Welcome home 'L'.

    So Sir's name began with 'L'. I wonder what he was really called.

    - What dose of liquid Ketamine did you give my Charlie at the club, 'L'?
    - Just a total of half a dose, Master.
    - Prepare him a full dose in a glass of his favourite cool beverage, Coke. I know that is your favourite cool drink, isn't it Charlie.
    - Yes Master.

    Sir interjected;

    - From now on boy, you will always say 'Hail Master' when he addresses you. You are required to say that once if he is just saying one sentence to you, and again only once if he is initiating an entire conversation with you.
    - Yes Sir. I understand.
    - Yes, thank you 'L'. I am sure his Master can forgive this minor discrepancy as he has only just arrived. And is so fresh and ready for the night ahead. Not to mention his future.

    Sir took my drink and placed it on the wooden table next to where Master was sitting.

    - Come Charlie, come and sit between your Master's legs, and drink your Ketamine & Coke.
    - Hail Master. Yes Master.

    I walked over to him, slowly. With each step I felt myself become more intoxicated by his Dark Power! I was now right by his feet. I turned around, hiked up my nightshirt, and as I sat down on his chair between his legs he at the same time opened up and closed his cloak, enveloping me in his grip. Watching this unfold infuriated my boyfriend and he lunged forward, with Sir and the Skinhead forcibly restraining him back.

    - What the hell ...
    - 'L'. Do please tell me who these two Men are.
    - Hail Master. Yes Master. This angry and very foolish man here is Charlie's new boyfriend. He is also P☣️Z, and was going to take Charlie's virginity tonight at the club insisting on there being an audience. And intending to infect him in the process. Charlie has been craving to be infected with HIV for a few years now. And I, your ever obedient slave, deposited OUR toxic load in him at the club, my Master. His boyfriend followed us here in his own car. This other man, sort of just stumbled into our path, as fate would have it, and he has proven to be a very useful asset, with a very laid back open mind. I like him a lot. 

    - A-ha. So my boy already has my Cuba filth deep in his cunt, the mutated version of course. He'll be getting the unfiltered potent version shortly.

    During this exchange, I downed my Ketamine laced Coke, and was enjoying the feeling of my Master's insane amount of body hair against my now super smooth innocent skin. I felt something very thick come up from the side of my thigh, over my quad muscle, and down my inner thigh, pulling it apart from my other leg. 🐙

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  20. Part 9;

    Meanwhile, upstairs my boyfriend and the Skinhead continued waiting as Sir had instructed, with a mixture of patience, and impatience. The Skinhead had pretty much been chain smoking, and he lit up another. He took a drag.

    - I hope the owner of this gaff doesn't mind me using one of his plant pots as an ashtray. Doesn't seem to be one about, not that I can see well in the dark, and, that poor plant was dead anyway.
    - Yeah, and what is with this whole no lights thing. I tried the switch, and, nothing. This place gives me the creeps. Absolutely no light, and full of HUGE cobwebs. As soon as that fucker who calls himself 'Sir' comes back with my boy, that is it, I am taking him home. This has gone on long enough.

    Suddenly, my Master from his room three floors above crashed his stick to the floor ONCE, and bellowed in his deep gruffly voice

    - NOOOOOO!!

    - I don't think he is happy with you mate. And what do you mean no light!? Tonight's 'Full Moon' is giving us lots of wonderful natural light. I think it is stunning! I think this place has got real character. I REALLY like it.

    My Master crashed his stick to the floor TWICE, in his appreciation towards the Skinhead.

    I was NOW READY to see my Master. Down in the basement Sir was busy wiping away my shower water with a big wide plastic mop.

    - Sir, I am going to our Master.
    - OK boy. See you very shortly.

    I climbed up the basement steps and onto the ground floor. As I approached the long winding staircase to the top floor I past the room my boyfriend and the Skinhead were in. I saw them, but they did not even notice me! 

    I started my ascent wearing nothing but my knee length transparent white chiffon night shirt, with the Black Goat emblem buttons all the way down it. I felt super sexy. The stair case really creaked, but it didn't get the attention of anyone. I reached the top floor and instinctively knew which door to go to. When I got to the door I saw a sign on it that read 'Hail Master' with a carved out goats head above the sign. 👺🐐

    I knelt down, and hiked my nightshirt up to around my chest and tucked it under my armpits bringing my elbows in so it wouldn't fall. I planted my hands on my bubble ass cheeks, and spread them, exposing my cunt. Underneath the crack of the door came that fizzling fire red glow that I saw from the car earlier.

    - I am here my MASTER. I am ready to serve YOU!
    - Welcome, Charlie.

    He KNEW my name!

    Even though he was the other side of that door, he was probing the entire length of the inside my cunt, just like he did when I was in the car earlier when we had first arrived.

    - DID you hear that. That voice upstairs said my boy's name. Right, that's it, I have had enough. 

    My boyfriend stood up and marched to the entrance to the room, where Sir was now stood. 

    - OK gentlemen. Both of you follow me please.
    - Where is my boyfriend?
    - I shall take you to him right now.

    Sir led them both up the creaky staircase. The Skinhead asked;

    - What is with the banging the floor 'ONCE' and 'TWICE' business.
    - Ah, very good question my Friend. If the Master bangs on the floor 'ONCE with his stick that means he is displeased and/or angry. If twice, then, it means he is very pleased, and happy.

    Sir and co were approaching to where I was kneeling, and still having my cunt probed by my Master. I was now moaning very loudly as he was rubbing very fast over my prostate. I don't know how he was doing it, but it was at a rate of 10 rubs back and forth per second. Sir then spoke.

    - Charlie, stand up. It is TIME to meet your new MASTER! 🐐

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