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Everything posted by ConversionPerv

  1. Hey Marc. I've loved watching you in porn! Your violent, wrenching, screaming orgasms are crazy HOT. I love a man wearing a bit of clothing when he fucks (leather/ jeans/ etc.) so that's hot, to see as well. Big fan here.

    1. HardhatBB


      same here/ luv your videos...you shoot inside ..no pullouts

    2. Marc Short

      Marc Short

      Thanks, Hardhat!  I shoot inside because pulling out just destroys all the workup I've had fucking.  Dumping a load deep inside my bottom is what my cock and body craves.

      My best,


    3. Marc Short
  2. I've read this a couple of times, and I just think it shows a huge misunderstanding of kinks and how they work in people. It's easy to look at kinks we don't share, and project the feelings we might have about it on to the participants. This is a mistake. Heavy BDSM and/ or pain play can appear very different to the participants than to observers who don't share those kinks. And then to generalize and say "that bottom having his balls tortured has deep self-esteem issues stemming from internalized homophobia" misses the point that he is having a wildly different sensory experience than you would have in the same circumstances, and it isn't fair or accurate to judge him from that vantage point. It's the same with verbal play. Context is everything. We all live in an extremely homophobic culture (though it has improved quite a bit in my lifetime), and some of us have incurred some pretty hefty psychic scars from our pasts. Everyone processes their past experiences in different ways. For some of us, the way out is right through the middle. Re-experiencing past traumas in a different context (sexually, for example) can be heady as fuck and very empowering. It's a way to confront those scars head on and take back control over the ghosts of past hurts. Not everyone eroticizes the same things or in the same fashion, but if someone gets an erotic charge out of being called "faggot", "cunt" or "pussy" during a rough bout of sex, it's just plain wrong to equate that with real bullying, or non-consensual verbal abuse, or a lack of self respect. They aren't the same thing at all. "so why are you going to make me play into some self-hating role playing?" Dude, if you find yourself in any situation where you're being "made" to do anything, get out of that situation. Non-consensual experiences are not not what's being discussed on this thread.
  3. You said it. And that muscle top is hot as fuck. I love a verbal stud, but a man who talks WHILE he's cumming sends me over the edge. Same with a pulsating shaft/ taint/ twitching asshole. Seeing a man's ejac equipment engaged should be mandatory in porn. I don't need to see a drop of semen to know he's delivering the goods.
  4. I know everyone is different, but I wanted to throw in my 2 cents... I like the dark background/ white text theme. With a white background/ dark text screen (such as facebook) I get terrible eyestrain and fatigue, and the dark background is much easier on my eyes when, for instance, I'm reading stories in the fiction sections. Photoshop finally started offering a dark background theme a few years ago and it's been a godsend.
  5. I'd like to know more about this. I've seen some guys, when they're very excited, release a large amount of a thin, watery discharge that looks a lot like precum. Then soon thereafter, They reach orgasm and ejaculate typical semen (thick, viscous, white).
  6. Seed needs to be shot as deeply as possible. Anything else is a perversion of the masculine instinct to breed. Seeing (and hearing) a man in the throes of orgasm when his cock is balls deep in his partner is one of the hottest things there is.
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