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Everything posted by ConversionPerv

  1. That's a big YES.
  2. I really have no idea. But he FUCKS like he is.
  3. Beautiful, just beautiful. The mechanics of the male sexual orgasm. Nature at its most primal.
  4. Drew Sebastian (that huge poz cock) Jesse O'Toole Rocco Steele (I don't actually know if he's poz or not, but a guy can dream) Will Angell and the whole crew at Muscle Bear Porn Mike Dozer Our very own Marc Short
  5. ^^What he said, akula!^^
  6. When I talk about the cynicism inherent in the GOPs use of the Evangelical vote, here's an example that illustrates what I mean. At the end of George W. Bush's first term, his prospects for reelection looked grim. It had become clear that he had lied us into an invasion of Iraq for no real reason other than greed and hubris. And Afghanistan was an ongoing quagmire with no end in sight. So republican strategist Karl Rove came up with an idea he hoped would mobilize Evangelical voters (who by and large weren't thrilled with Bush's warmongering) and get them to the polls. And that's why, all of a sudden, a series of "Protect Traditional Marriage" amendments to state constitutions went up on the ballots in several states. It was red meat to the Evangelical base, who flocked to the polls and handed Bush a second term. All of this was a deeply cynical move. No one in the Bush administration really gave a crap about "protecting marriage". Certainly Karl Rove didn't give a shit about it. Newt Gingrich? LOL
  7. I hear you, but this is hardly a new development in the GOP, and can't really be laid at Trump's feet. The GOP began seeking out the Evangelical vote decades ago, seeing them (correctly) as a loyal and reliable voting bloc, so long as the party kept dangling culture war issues like gay rights and the repeal of Row v. Wade in front of them. It's deeply and monstrously cynical on the part of GOP leaders and strategists, who couldn't care less about these issues, but pretend to in order to get the evangelical vote. Reagan was the first presidential candidate to really put "morality" on the ballot (working with creeps like Ralph Reed, who founded the "Christian Coalition"). Prior to Reagan, we had Nixon, who courted the white racist vote by adopting the Southern Strategy, looking to court southern racists who were turned off by the Democratic Party's push for racial equality with the Civil Rights Act. So, white racists and Christian Dominionists came into the GOP's "big tent" starting in the 60s, continuing on into the 70s and 80s, and still very much a force today. The short version- Trump is a malignant narcissist who couldn't give a crap about moral issues or Christianity. Pence, on the other hand, is a true believer.
  8. Agreed. I don't see a difference in content i.e. vanilla-to-extreme on BDSMLR. Piss, raunch, filth- it's all available on BDSMLR. If that's your thing.
  9. Ryan Madison is the greatest- the undisputed King of the Animalistic Creampie.
  10. When I'm sucking a man's penis, I get a sense of his approaching orgasm when I can feel his erection stiffen even more. His cock gets more rigid right before he shoots, and sometimes it gets a bit bigger/ thicker as well. (This is aside from any of the other cues that have been mentioned such as the pace of his breathing, moans/ grunts etc.) It's harder to feel this when getting fucked, but on a couple of occasions, I have felt the man's penis harden up just before he ejaculates. It's a major turnon when I can feel it.
  11. HOT. And well said. I agree completely. Impregnation talk while I'm getting bred is a major turnon.
  12. BugRyan Lucien666 Riverfk
  13. It's working on me.
  14. Agreed. NEVER take antibiotics for prevention.
  15. Steve Tuck is fantastically sexy. I love the few clips of him I can find.
  16. Agreed. The Joe Gage movies are the gold standard of 70s porn. I love the trilogy, but my favorite is "Heatstroke".
  17. I have a really small cock. Not diagnostically a micropenis, but I'm on the very low end of the cock size chart. If I'm being honest, I can make a direct connection between my endowment and my status as a total bottom. I'm also turned on by SPH (small penis humiliation) and other forms of humiliation as well. So the thought of a bottom demanding I wear some kind of fake, penis size enhancement apparatus before he demands I fuck him is incredibly exciting to me. Especially in the presence of top men with average to large penises who were watching. "A fake cock for a fake man". Yeah, I'd be lying if I said I don't find that scenario exquisitely exciting.
  18. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  19. Fall somewhere between #2 and #3. Very small. It's why I'm a bottom 100%.
  20. On my belly, with my legs open. Love feeling the top's weight on my back as he mounts me.
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