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About manused

  • Birthday 06/01/1980

Profile Information

  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Viral load December 2012 - 145,612. chlamydia and genital warts.
  • Looking For
    Raw tops to fuck loads up my arse. Poz.

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  1. I get "html5: Video not properly encoded" whenever I try to play a video from this site on my android mobile and tablet. Videos work fine using a desktop computer, and videos on other sites work fine on mobile and tablet. Any ideas?
  2. I'm having the exact same problem (Huawei Ascend Y300).
  3. Hi, For the last week I have been unable to access breedingzone and raunchyfuckers on my Android phone using Chrome. I get the 18+ disclaimer popping up, but when I scroll down to click 'OK' I can't scroll down that far. Is anyone else having the same issue? Thanks.
  4. Well, I finally had my operation to have my warts removed 10 days ago. I'm healing pretty well, just a few sore areas and some bleeding still. Crapping is pretty painful, it was agony, but that's getting easier each day. My arse hole does feel different due to the amount of skin removed during surgery, so it might take a while for me to rediscover my hole, which bits feel good etc. I can't wait for my first good fucking, although I think that may be still a few weeks away! After having these things for a year I'm just glad they're finally gone.
  5. Tried aldara, tried another one whose name escapes me, tried freezing, tried it all and more than once, but no luck. The doctors refused to cut them off until I'd tried everything else - it'll be a year from getting them til my op - but admitted my untreated HIV might be behind the lack of healing.
  6. I'm booked in for surgery on my warts next month - I'm not looking forward to the recovery if it takes months to get back normal fucking!
  7. After having my warts for nine months, trying freezing several times, and full courses of different creams my doctors have finally given in and have referred me for surgery. The warts have spread, and are all over my arse hole, and are now inside I am told. I'm not looking forward to a sexless time healing... How are you getting on brazilianboy?
  8. I'm off back to clinic tomorrow for my latest wart check. They're still there, so I'm going to insist they burn them off. I'm not sure which country you are in, but here in the UK every clinic I've been to just shrugs their shoulders at warts - "carry on having sex" they say as the virus is so common. Even when burnt off I'll still have the HPV virus and I can still pass it on. There are no ways to tell if a person carries the virus unless they produce warts, hence why the clinic says to carry on having sex.
  9. I do hope you come back to your blog, Josh. I've been following it for many years now, and, on the most part, enjoyed reading it. I fully support what you do - you're exploring your own sexuality, and you are open with your status and what you get up to - something more people in this world should do. Perhaps, if more people did, there wouldn't be so many up-tight shits ready to tear others apart, when really what they should be doing is tearing their own lives apart to find out where *they* went wrong. Enjoy your break - and to quote a damn good film: "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"
  10. Anyone up for fucking my raw poz arse? Can accom in Teesside. Want multiple loads up me - bring a friend or several.
  11. Smelly feet do nothing for me, however crotch and pit smells are heaven for me - instant boner - and have me gagging for cock. I could smell and lick pits and crotch for hours. I love sucking a guy off and breathing in the warm scent. Real men smell like real men and fuck like them too. Grr!
  12. When topping I find it impossible to fuck or even get hard without some interaction from the bottom. Kissing, stroking, playing with my nipples and arse will get me hard and keen to slide in his arse. I went round a guy's flat a few nights ago, door open, he was laid face down on the bed in darkness. Lovely arse, rimmed him, but nothing. I tried to finger him, but he spoke only to say he didn't like fingers. I was so bored I left the flat. Shame as he had a lovely body and arse. As a bottom, I can get away without kissing, but feel cheated. I respond better and can take dick a lot easier if we kiss and get to know each other sexually with some foreplay before getting down to a dirty hard fuck. A good chat and laugh afterwards is good too. Fuck buds should always make good buds!
  13. Aidsfukka, that looks great. Thanks to everyone involved in this. I can't wait to try it.
  14. I'm currently dealing with several warts on my arse hole. I've had them frozen three times now, had two different types of cream and they're still there. The first cream they gave me (Warticon) made the skin sore as hell, so much that I struggled to walk, so I stopped using that one. The one I'm currently on (Aldara) is supposed to encourage the immune system to target the warts, however it takes two or three treatments to work. I'm mid-way through treatment number two, and I've been warned HIV can make the healing take longer, so my doctor is suggesting burning them off once he'd had a look at them in a few weeks time. I've been told I can carry on having sex as most adults have the virus whether they have visible warts or not, but sometimes they are not comfortable, and I can feel quite self conscious as guys can feel them when fucking me. I'll be glad once they've healed or been burnt off (smells like BBQ apparently).
  15. @MascMountainMan our Eagle also tries, but it ends up being the staff and no-one else dressed up. I'd love to go to a proper leather fetish bar. I recently bought some leather braces, harness, jock, and wrist band wallet. I love them, and would love to get some chaps too.
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