For a while now you guys have been discussing the idea of a cumdump network - basically guys in different locations that will take any load on call, no questions asked. Let's stop the talking and turn it into a reality...
If you want to be a cumdump in the cumdump network post a message here with the following info:
Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): CTpigdaddy
Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): (475) 239-1034
A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): 4180 Black Rock Turnpike, Fairfield, CT 06824
Times you're generally not available: Saturday 6-8pm, Thursday 6-7:30pm & Tuesday 7-9:15pm
Age: 60
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 210
Ethnicity: White
It would help a lot if you attach a picture, but that's optional.
If you don't want to give your cell number, you should get a throwaway cell or a Google Voice Number for the purposes of scheduling hookups. Before posting numbers we'll send a text to verify that the person behind that number wants to be part of the cumdump network.
For location - a major intersection near you is best. Otherwise your zip code or the zip code near you. Outside the US, give the equivalent level of detail. Basically I need enough information to drop a pin in Google Maps near your location without all the pins for you and other cumdumps near you being at the center of your town.
I'll create a Google Map which I'll post on
Do not respond to this thread except to give the information above. All discussion should go in the original thread.
Tops, if you have problems with any of the cumdumps on the list, please let us know and we'll delist them if we feel it's warranted. Remember - the cumdumps should not be asking many questions - they should take your load without hesitation. That said, if a cumdump had an unpleasant time with you, they're allowed to say 'no' to future hookups.