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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. The fact that you so glibly psychoanalyze an entire group of people on the basis of a single trait is absolute evidence that your theory is rubbish. Total bottoms don’t return shopping carts? Guess what, genius, I’m a total bottom and not only do I return my shopping cart back inside the store every time, I randomly bring in others if I find them on the way. So, you’re dead wrong when it comes to me. And if you’re wrong about me, who else are you wrong about? And if you’re wrong about the carts, what other things have you got totally wrongheaded about people who don’t Top? (Hint: Plenty.) No, the fact that I don’t flip-fuck does not make me ‘selfish’. The fact that another person does not do what you want does not make them selfish. The fact that you think that anyone you fuck owes you a fuck in return makes you the one with entitlement issues. When I service a Top, everything I do is about that man’s pleasure, even if it means my own discomfort, and it often does. I don’t stare at my phone - when a Top enters my room, he gets my undivided attention, because it’s about him. I am not after his load; I was trained to satisfy his needs, and that is where my satisfaction lies. I do not Top because I have absolutely zero psychological framework, or instinct, to do so. Topping requires at a minimum an ability to enter a frame of mind dominant enough for penetration, and I cannot achieve that. I can’t even maintain an erection to do it. It’s not a matter of choice - my brain isn’t wired for it, and if you think all men’s brains are wired the same, then you’re a simpleton. It would be a blessing if I could Top; it would greatly broaden my range of service. But I can’t, so I have no alternative but to become a specialist with my ass. There are, to be sure, bottoms who fit the picture you paint. There are selfish, greedy, self-centered, self-important, immature men out there who think of absolutely no one but themselves when they’re looking for gratification, and they think nothing of using other men to get it. There are bottoms who unabashedly are out for every load they can get and treat Tops as dispensers, not as men, and not with the respect due to the gift they provide. There are bottoms who are simply lazy and expect to be bred with a minimum of effort on their part. All such bottoms give the rest of us a bad name, and I resent them deeply. But we are not all of such a kind, we do not all operate from some selfish core, and we do not all take on an exclusively bottom role by choice. But we may serve in that role honorably, and with pride in our ability and service. If you elect not to fuck total bottoms simply because they do not fuck you back, that’s a decision you make, for yourself. The devision costs you some fine ass, but there are other Tops who do appreciate us, and we’re more than happy to serve them.
  2. On occasion at the bathhouse I have discovered the work of other bottoms trying to sabotage my chances - taking the welcome sign off my room door, closing my room door when I wasn’t aware of it, erasing a reference to my room number on the chalkboard, or, more ckeekily, changing it to their own. More than once I’ve found guys stopped looking in at me in my room shooting daggers from their eyes, then stalking off. I don’t know why. It’s not as if there’s anything overtly special about me - I’m just another ass up in a room. But it may be that they’re jealous because I do have the gumption to actually hoist my ass into mounting position, and they don’t. I can’t help them with that.
  3. DC confirms that Flash is faster, but Superman is a close second in terms of speed even though he lacks the Speed Force. It therefore becomes a question of agility versus strength, and while Flash may edge out Superman in agility, Flash is not a match for the Man of Steel in terms of strength. Plus, Superman has multiple powers to apply, while Flash has only variable applications of speed. I’ve always considered Flash something of a one-trick pony in this regard, actually, though he does make the most of it.
  4. Danger, Will Robinson 🤖- People who are snow-white pale sometimes don’t have a ‘tan’ stage. If he’s at all like me, the skin goes from ‘translucent’ directly to ‘crispy’ with very little in between. He might, however, find an opportunity in needing frequent assistance applying SPF 50 sunblocking cream to exposed areas of his skin…
  5. That’s a lot of people disliking each other. Disputes should be settled not by cattiness or backstabbing, but in a civil way, through naked oil wrestling.
  6. This is apples and oranges. If you include all the men in the world as a whole who identify as straight (not gay), then of course penetrators will outnumber bottoms, by a wide margin - heterosexual males don’t take cock up their asses, by definition (and by practice). But if you survey the population of Men Who Have Sex With Men, you won’t get the same results. Informal polling on this site has repeatedly found a distribution of roughly 66% declared bottoms, 24% declared fully vers, and 10% declared Total Tops. The proportion of the population of declared bottoms who are actually bottom-leaning vers is likely quite high, with truly exclusive total bottoms likely occupying a range equivalent to Total Tops. But generally speaking, there’s a lot more ass trying to get filled than there is cock available to fill it at any given time. Anecdotally, most accounts from the field reflect what we see in the polling. In addition, in looking at the number of putative Tops on the apps, one has to take into account the masturbatory factor that renders a significant number of them null in terms of actual viable fucking partners. They aren’t actually looking to fuck, after a few fist beats won’t be looking at all, and are therefore not Tops in any functional sense.
  7. Delete (v) - to strike out or remove (something written or printed); cancel; erase; expunge. I don’t think they have a ‘recycle bin’ that they toss accounts into that they can just yank them back out of. But seriously? After the time, effort, and annoyance required to accommodate an account deletion request in the first place, you expect them to just turn around and restore it because you arbitrarily changed your mind? And why, since you’re obviously posting from a freshly made new account, would they bother to resurrect your old one? I feel obliged to say that, from the appearance of your request, with its full-face cocksucking portrait and use of full real name, it smacks of an exposure fetishist who makes a habit of creating compromising accounts for tittilation, panics to have them taken down, then creates them all over again the next time he gets horny. Lather, rinse, repeat. Whether this is the case or not, it’s one of the things that gives Moderators grief about account deletion and makes it such an unending chore.
  8. A gangbang featuring one Top and ten bottoms will not satisfy anyone, including the Top, who will have been under too much performance pressure to enjoy it.
  9. It looks like the Great Salt Lake isn’t the only thing drying up in Utah. In the news today, Pornhub has cut off access to its site now for all users with an IP in the state of Utah, in response to the enacting of a law requiring providers to obtain age verification of all users who access such sites in the state. How many others will follow? One imagines a coming spike in demand for VPN service in Utah.
  10. I would have to see it to comment about it in an informed way, but I can imagine several factors contributing to it not bringing a halt when it should have. The first thing that comes to mind to ask is how many people were involved in the producing of it - if it was essentially just a couple of guys including the cameraman, it could have been that the cameraman was in a position where he was being paid to do one thing - capture footage - not to be responsible for the nature if what was being captured. In such a case, if there was no external monitor for the camera, it could have been that the cameraman’s was the only eye in a position to see the blood, and not in a position to respond to it. If the blood appeared in the sequence immediately leading up to Cutler’s climax, I can also imagine a reluctance, however inexcusable, to interrupt that progression that was going to provide the footage needed to complete the project. I can see such a reluctance being reinforced by the actions if Cutler himself - one of the hallmarks of his performances, and one of the reasons I find watching him so compelling, is that one gets the sense when he is nearing climax of a bull animal whose breeding drive is too powerful to be controlled, and simply has to be endured. Frankly, I’m not sure he can control it himself. I should think he almost certainly would have been unaware if he were breeding bare and not looking down at the site. What does strike me as odd is that the view of blood would not have been cut from the final release. Even if it were overlooked in the moment, it absolutely could not have been missed in the aftermath, nor in the editing process. I only hope that the bottom sought care promptly - significant bleeding must signal damage somewhere, and neither an anal tear, or worse, a bowel perforation, can be left unattended.
  11. Just a thought, as a person with an Information Science background, looking at your NIP-68/69 draft vocabulary for reporting codes - it strikes me that your NS range is a bit vague. These are for reporting posts containing elements of nudity and sex in which there is no intention to arouse. NS-ero, Erotica, however, by definition, attaches to content whose purpose is to arouse. That's what erotica is for, whether it's sexual or merely sensual. What differentiates it from base pornography is a higher mental element, but its purpose is arousal of both the higher and the base. Therefore, the choice of this as a reporting category becomes subjective on the basis of the sophistication of the viewer. It is possible, at a level of convergence, for one man's erotica to be another man's porn, and vice versa. NS-nud likewise becomes a matter of perception in context and interpretation. A user from a culture that finds any display of the naked body unacceptable for religious or other reasons may have, in effect, no concept of 'casual nudity', and therefore what might be reportable in a liberal Western context as casual nudity would get reported as pornography or simply illegal (IL) if it happens to be so in that jurisdiction (to which, see below). Is the fact that the nudity is 'casual' what is reportable, or is it that the nudity is unnecessary, egregious, too explicit, or obscene (you have no code for obscenity anywhere in your array) even though arousal is not intended? Are there better terms? NS-sex (non-arousing) seems overbroad. "Sex" covers a hell of a lot of ground, including the act and biological mechanisms of reproduction, birth control and abortion, reproductive health, gender and its implications, and a dizzying spectrum of visual imagery that could be interpreted as sexual or sexualized in nature. It might be helpful to spend a little time imagining hypothetically what users would conceivably be reporting in this sphere to help determine how best to provide an infrastructure to accommodate their reporting. Regarding IL - Illegal as a catchall, this opens the question as to what this actually means in a decentralized context, given that legality is a function of jurisdiction, and users of a given relay may be reporting from jurisdictions outside the jurisdiction that governs the relay. For instance, a relay may be gay-friendly, but receive reports from a user in Uganda, tagging posts as IL because where he is, they are. Does IL as an open category encompass Sharia Law? Putin's latest edict? It seems as potentially fraught as attempting to implement a label of BD-bad - Bad. How useful is IL going to be, as an umbrella category, in a practical sense? Just some thoughts - people with a library degree tend to be splitters rather than lumpers.
  12. I wonder, though, how much we can attribute to ‘hardwiring’, and how much to cultural conditioning. There are studies on sexual attractiveness that demonstrate, for instance, that defined abdominal muscles make a man more sexually attractive because they signal that he is of reproductive age and fitness, whereas a bulging stomach signals unfitness and is a trait also exhibited by young children. So humans have been zeroing in on certain physical characteristics for optimal reproductive partner selection for 50,000 years, and we can consider that hardwiring. But a standard for what makes a person attractive is not a universal, timeless constant. The modern benchmark of female beauty, with its emphasis on slimness, is a product of its time. If you look back to the turn of the 17th Century, at the works of Reubens, you find that the paragons of womanhood were what people today would call plus-sized. ‘Fleshy’ or ‘ample’ might be other terms. And he wasn’t just depicting common-or-garden women this way - he was painting Venus. Some of the earliest depictions we have of the female shape, in the form of clay effigies, depict a figure with hips/ass hugely out of proportion with the rest of the body. These are likely object of fertility ritual, so big hips for birthing were apparently a premium item. That pornography has grossly skewed our modern view of the ideal male body is beyond argument. The fact that many men think an 8” cock is average, or even common, is proof. If porn studios had from the beginning used performers whose bodies reflected the reality of men’s actual bodies in the population, I guarantee there would be a much different landscape for fucking than there is today.
  13. So far all these responses reflect a pretty strong repudiation of tight holes. I suspect that’s not the reaction the OP was expecting, or likely hoped to hear…
  14. The thing about this particular paraphilia is that it’s difficult to actually do it casually, just for fun, because the potential consequences are significant. So many who actually undertake it do so under the influence of the same pre-ejaculatory fever that grips everyone who’s horny. That is to say, with body and brain chemistry astir, many of them are not thinking rationally. Additionally, part of what stokes the reward center in their brains is the rush of adrenaline as they take the risk, incur the potential shame, experience that exquisite moment of freefall in which they realize that their boss, grandma, spouse, kids, etc. could see it and discover their secret life. And then the rush wears off. They get off on it, and suddenly the madness has cleared, and the cold, creeping horror sets in, followed by desperate attempts to claw back what was exposed before the damage is done. Which may or may not be possible, and may or may not place them at the mercy of blackmailers and extortionists (the idea of which can be a related, and equally problematic fetish). Given that nothing can ever be trusted to truly disappear on the Internet, I have always considered the practice akin to trying to un-jump off a cliff while on the way down. There are many spheres of relationships in the exposure paraphiliac’s life, most of which have nothing to do with his sexual life, and for whom exposing his sexual life is entirely inappropriate. But the potential for what might realistically happen if the exposure intersects these other areas of life isn’t factored into the practice; only those fantasy imaginings that feed the adrenaline rush are included. The things that, if considered, would be a serious buzzkill are not. My boss could see me sucking cock might get thought about - If my boss sees me sucking cock I can forget any promotion ever, and may be jobless on Monday morning probably won’t. There are, perhaps, some few who engage in exposure with absolutely no thought to the consequences, and live with the aftermath and the reputation that they create for themselves, seemingly without regret. It is a rare person who truly places zero value on the way he is viewed by others, as their perception woll always color the way he is treated. The psychological underpinnings in such cases are obviously complex. The other complication is that doing this often requires the participation of an exposer, who lends a seeming of helplessness and lack of control to the one exposed. But by definition, the type of person who would agree to put another person in such a compromised position, and potentially leverage that position for profit, is one who takes pleasure in the misfortune of others. Or, has a sociopathic lack of empathy in the predicament of the person exposed, and views the situation entirely as a means to personal benefit, whether financial, sexual, or just because he loves watching them squirm. Regardless, it’s a paraphilia that puts the exposed person at unusually high risk of contact with a person who may be inclined to abuse the association. It should be noted that persons who feel a compulsion to expose themselves to unaware or unconsenting viewers, or have distress about their desires, may exhibit features of clinical Exhibitionistic Disorder, a subcategory of the Paraphilic Disorders classified by the American Psychiatric Association, and may benefit from evaluation.
  15. Question re: Images. You’ve explained that relays don’t themselves host media content, and that uploads will have to be supported by media servers from which content is then displayed via link (as I understand it). Checking the source URL of an image attached to a post reveals a reference to ‘imageproxy’, so I assume that’s what’s happening there. If I were to initiate a post dialogue, however, it provides the option to attach an image to the post (paperclip icon) and allows selection from the native file system. I have not attempted to actually do so, but what, if anything, would this do? I’m not connected to any external media servers, and I’m not providing a link URL. Where would such an upload upload to? Is the image coded into binary data and saved within the post body? Or does it establish some kind of linkage between the native computer holding the image and the outside world? Sorry if these are questions with basic and obvious answers. I don’t actually use any other social media besides BZ and hookup apps, so I’m coming at this without a lot of preconceptions.
  16. It seems to me that using one of these clients is like riding a train and looking out the windows as it passes through various towns. What you see through the window isn’t associated with the train in any way except by the fact that the train is scheduled to pass that way. Imagine that the government has determined that it’s unlawful to watch a mime perform (arguably a reasonable regulation), but the train routinely passes through Clowntown, where mimes sometimes secretly learn their dubious craft. Looking out the train window, you happen to catch sight of a mime leaning against an invisible wall. You’ve seen the performance whether you wanted to or emphatically didn’t. Is it your fault such that you could be blamed for it? Is it the train’s fault for not automatically dropping all the widow blinds when passing through Clowntown, or for passing through Clowntown at all? Why? The mime isn’t supposed to be there, he just is. The responsibility would seem to fall upon Clowntown for permitting such abominations to take place in public view where they can be seen. The solution is not to prohibit rail traffic through town, nor to mandate that all trains go through town blind, nor to send officers aboard the train to arrest anyone looking out the windows. When I succeeded in following relay.s3x.social and got a content feed, the very first post I saw was an image of two nude women together. Some would consider that a poke in the eye, but it illustrates the fact that the client is simply displaying content (as the train window) as it passes among the relays (towns on the route). One imagines that as this system becomes more robust and refined, it will be possible to tailor one’s selection of content relays to display only those whose parameters permit content of certain types, i.e., gay-only images. While content exclusion on a given relay might seem like censorship, in the aggregate of all possible relays, the possibility exists for any choice of expression to be represented, and thus to be selected for view. It is this granular quality that will make censorship-resistance durable overall, because diversity of expression will be able to exist without being forced onto the unwilling.
  17. You posted this in the sexual health section, not the backroom, so I’ll answer you. On September 14 of this year, I’ll be a nine-year AIDS survivor, that being the anniversary if the day I was released from the hospital where I came as close to dying from HIV as you can without actually doing it. And I’ll start by saying that that does not make me a member of some goddamn “brotherhood” of people who love their disease. HIV is the Enemy. What was progression like from pozzing until the (damn near) end? Mostly a big suitcase full of nothing to speak of, because I never knew I was positive until it has already progressed to AIDS. There were signs. My seroconversion illness was severe, and put me in the hospital for a week while they treated my symptoms, but the test for HIV came back false negative, so they assumed it was some nameless virus that I got over, and sent me home. I did not, therefore, begin ART when it could have preserved my immune system. Three years passed, in which I had no clue that I was being eaten alive inside. All I knew was that I was gettin progressively more and more tired during the day at work, to the point that I finally had to start lying down on the floor of my office to regain enough energy to continue. Trips to the doctor showed anemia and drops in B12, which might have raised flags with my GP, had he been more aware of HIV. He wasn’t. I did test myself for HIV a couple of times during that period, though there wasn’t a lot if reason to; I wasn’t feeling sexy enough, and didn’t have the energy, to play. The at-home tests I took both reported negative. False negatives. So it wasn’t until late July of 2014 that it all caved in. I got pneumonia. Then, as soon as I recovered, I got it again. Because I no longer had an immune system. That was followed immediately by fungal meningitis, accompanied by the two small strokes that nearly ended my life, and whose aftermath I still contend with today. You want to know what the progression is like from pozzing until AIDS ends you? You’re asking the wrong fucking question now that AIDS isn’t a death sentence. The “progression” keeps on progressing once you survive, and it ain’t pretty. It’s meds, and side effects, and body changes, and forced lifestyle changes, and doctors, doctors, needles, needles, and more needless, everlasting test after test, because the Enemy is in you, Sweetcheeks, and they can’t get it out, and it will try to kill you every fucking day you let it. And the “progression” never feels like progress because every. single. day you get reminded that you have HIV. Every day. Because every single day you have to stop and take a pill to keep yourself from dying. There’s no choice. None. If you choose not to treat the disease, you will die. It’s just a question of how soon, and how miserably. If you’re looking for someone’s account of how wonderful and transformative it was for them to contract a debilitating, life-twisting and ultimately life-ending ailment, I think it’s important for you to know just how deeply shitty it actually is. I stand in solidarity with every survivor fighting the Enemy to stay alive and live some semblance of a normal life. But I am nobody’s “poz brother”. Fuck that noise.
  18. I think I’ve followed the instructions correctly, but using the Iris.to client on both desktop and iOS app, there doesn’t seem to be a way to enter the public key for someone to follow. If you can see a post by someone in the global view, you can select to follow them, but viewing the global view with the two relays you’ve indicated above active doesn’t display any content to follow. I’m sure I’m missing something.
  19. The fact that there are so many respondents explaining that they either fit multiple categories or don’t properly fit any of them suggests that there are more categories of cocksucker than are represented by the poll. It is interesting, though, that those who identify as ‘Sissy’ tend to more confidently and singularly claim the category. I can’t really place a sensible vote, because none of the categories describes my cocksucking nature closely enough to be accurate. It’s a service I offer, and I try to tailor it to the pleasure of the receiving Top. I try not to approach it with any sort of persona or attitude.
  20. You must be speaking very generally - Handsome but not too pretty, and a lot aren’t very good-looking and you can’t believe they’re not cuter? That description, as totally subjective as it is, could mean anything.
  21. It bears pointing out, by the way, for those crying censorship, that the OP’s post in question was not, in fact, removed or hidden - it was simply transferred to the appropriate board, where it will actually get more readership and possibly participation. The only problem with it was the location in which it was originally posted.
  22. npub for me is: npub1rd7rq8w5anw0jknvnsy8ldwg92qyxk6te4vqfjfxz9v3pjtfh8cqln5629
  23. That would make for an interesting debate in its own context.
  24. I don’t disagree, and I’m not suggesting that the Top has earned a right to finish by starting - only that the bottom, having made his choice at the outset, has an obligation not to be arbitrary in changing the rules of engagement. I say that if a man (we’re not boys) decides to undertake this, his very first responsibility is to know what he’s getting into, what his risk is, and what his choice is regarding that risk. There should be no need for last-minute changes-of-mind that have little or no bearing on the actual risk, because he should have been prepared for the risk before he ever took the cock. That’s not to say people aren’t idiots. There are millions of them, who don’t think before they act. Yes, therefore, stop always means stop, and no always means no. But it ought never to be an issue between men responsible for their own decisions.
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