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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Not only do I not want or need to be sucked to ejaculation, it doesn’t work on me. Head does nothing for me, and a guy has to manipulate my cock in a very skilled way to make me cum. It can be done, but I almost never encounter a Top with enough interest in making a bottom cum that he’s been willing to spend the time to rise to the challenge of getting me off. To put it in perspective, I was once strapped down and hooked up to a surge milker - a cock milking machine adapted from a machine used to milk cows - and put through six consecutive cycles. The owner told me he’d never seen anybody endure the machine that long. (I could understand why; I thought I was going to lose my mind.)
  2. I can’t argue with that. That’s a case of the Top spoiling the experience not only for himself, but for both of you, and he has no one but himself to blame. It might also be argued that causing you to orgasm without your consent, or contrary to your wishes, is a violation. I’ve been forced to ejaculate very much against my will before, and it’s an awful feeling.
  3. Aesthetically and orally I prefer a smaller head more tapered to the shaft. I’ve seen some heads disproportionally large to the shaft that I considered visually unappealing (I serviced them just the same). Anally, I have no real preference.
  4. Stop means stop. No means no. Red means Red. That said, bottoms, the fuck is not all about you. We talk about consent as though it were a one-way transaction, in which the bottom consents to be penetrated and inseminated, to be used by the Top. But this omits the value the bottom receives from the exchange. An agreement to engage in intercourse is in fact an agreement to equivalent exchange, value for value. The bottom receives whatever value he derives from being fucked (which may or may not include a load), and the Top derives his value from the opportunity to breed. Broadly speaking, orgasm (or some psychological equivalent) is often considered the brass ring for either party. If one achieves it and then cuts the action off before the other, the spirit of the agreement may be breached, and this is probably rightly viewed as selfish by the slighted partner. That is to say, it’s a dick move. So you agree to let a Top fuck you, you have a hair-trigger orgasm reflex, and you suddenly lose all interest. So? It wasn’t only about you and your interest. He didn’t have to choose you to spend his time fucking. He could have been fucking someone else, but you represented that you were a viable candidate who would see his interest through to completion. It would seem that you have some obligation to hold up your end of the bargain. There have been plenty of times when I’ve agreed to service a Top and for whatever reason found myself totally uninterested in finishing, even very much wanting not to. But no Top ever walks out my door until I have done everything in my power to meet his need. I say what I will do, and I do what I say. So does any man of honor.
  5. I can’t recall the last time a Top asked me if I wanted ATM - they just do it, often. They rut my cunt, then it’s in my face to fuck the other hole. And essentially that’s the point - for so many Tops, especially when they’re using a service bottom like me, the holes are interchangeable. Sometimes I get one who likes to emphasize the ‘humiliation’ angle: That cock was just in your pussy, faggot. That was in your ass, slut, now it’s in your mouth. Whatever. You can’t humiliate someone who isn’t ashamed. I don’t put myself in service unless my cunt is clean for use, so I know what I’m getting. That’s not to say I wouldn’t take a cock straight out of another bottom’s ass. I would, and have. But if it wasn’t clean, that’s not happening. That cock wouldn’t be swapping into my cunt, either. Hard limit.
  6. Then you face another type of risk. The reality of a slutty cumdump lifestyle is that in spite of the kinds of over-the-top accounts you read here or what you see in porn, getting fucked/used a lot is by no means guaranteed or even easy. If you read around here, you’re find plenty of threads that discuss the small number of Tops available to fuck an ocean of waiting ass, in which yours will just be one more droplet competing with all the others for a scarce commodity. Multiple fucks daily is probably an unrealistic notion unless you happen to live in a major metropolis with healthy venues, you’re hot as fuck, and you’re independently wealthy enough that you can pursue sex full-time. Cruising Grindr ain’t gonna cut it. The ratio of looks to actual hookups on Grindr is abysmal, and you’ll swiftly grow tired of getting your time wasted by flakes, ghosts, game-players and pic collectors. Plus, most forms of active sex-hunting come with a cost, whether it’s a hotel room, bathhouse fees, theater entry at the ABS, cover charge at the gay bar, cost of transportation, etc. Your budget may dictate how often you get fucked. You may look at all of the above and find that having someone who fucks you every other day isn’t such a bad deal.
  7. I draw a distinction between this and riding with a Top lying flat on his back. It still takes more leg strength and active motion on the part of the bottom, but the Top’s position now gives him more leverage for upward thrusting, and he doesn’t have to work against the bottom’s entire weight and gravity. Plus, the bottom can hold an elevated position and the Top can get in some leveraged upward thrusting, often at speed, that simply isn’t practical from a prone position. For some reason, I’ve seldom been asked to do this (or ride at all), probably because most Tops find me with my ass in the air waiting for them at the side of a bed. It’s interesting to me, just as an aside, how many Tops won’t get on a bed at all, but just fuck standing at the side of one. It seems to me they miss a lot of chances for full-body contact, deep penetration, and the complete sensation of mounting and breeding.
  8. You don’t indicate your age, but for your FWB to be fucking you every other day at 66 is a not inconsiderable libido for a man his age, and at his age, finding another person willing to accommodate that appetite is like finding a hoard of gold. I’m not surprised that he isn’t eager for you to start getting your bucket filled elsewhere. You may not be able to keep both this arrangement and a free-range fucking lifestyle, which, one might point out, may or may not get you fucked with every-other-day regularity. That’s a frequency that many a bottom would envy. Ultimately, you have to be true to yourself, true to your nature. You cannot live a lie indefinitely. You will simply grow in misery and temptation until you achieve a personal balance. That may require you to abandon some preconceived notions of dignity and accept some negative judgments of others, and stop giving fucks what other people think about you where it doesn’t really matter.
  9. We get this kind of question frequently. “I can’t stop thinking about taking cock bareback and I reallyreallyreally want to but I just can’t because I’m afraid of disease. What to do?” The ‘what do I do’ part seems to assume there’s a way to get out of taking the risk. There isn’t. Bareback sex is not a safe practice, and it cannot be made entirely safe. It can be made significantly safer, with PrEP, vaccinations, regular testing, and prompt treatment of treatable infections, but there is no Golden Ticket To Fuck. Accepting the risk, even greatly reduced, means accepting the possibility, if slight, that you draw the short straw and end up with a non-curable STD. If you fuck a lot, it also means that you will almost certainly catch one or more curable STIs. It’s an inherent hazard. So. What to do? Make a decision: Accept that you will face risk, or give up the idea. As to the social facets of your indecision - shame, guilt, judgment, consent of a jealous/possessive/monogamous partner - that’s a whole other suitcase full of baboons.
  10. The more you tell us, the more I keep coming back to the notion of burnout. For most people, sex is a distinct facet of their lives, distinct from their activities in work, non-sexual recreation, family life, travel, and so forth. It has its place. It is enjoyed in moderation, and thus adds spice to life. For you, sex is not only your sexuality, it’s also your work, it is a significant consideration in your relationship, it is a part of your travel - in short, it saturates your life. Your life has become so spiced by it that everything tastes the same and you no longer appreciate the spice. You do not experience sex in moderation - even if you’re not feeling sexy, or aroused, or having intercourse regularly at all, you find yourself confronted by it so frequently that it causes you distress. This is not to say that depression, stress, or other factors may not be exacerbating the issue, but you might consider whether your life simply needs a balance that it’s lacking. Ironically, when I first read the title of your topic, ‘Sex drive crash’, I thought it was going to be about the disaster of you losing an entire hard drive worth of porn. If you were reporting this problem simply as a porn addict, the solution would be simpler. But the sticky question is, how do you approach your situation in the rather singular position of an adult performer? You have your livelihood to consider.
  11. There is no practical way to avoid gono or chlamydia aside from condoms or restricting to committed partners. For those who engage in bareback sex, these will always be a present risk that no amount of awareness can mitigate, especially as both STIs can occur, and spread, without symptoms. There is the movement to introduce Doxycyclene as pre-exposure prophylaxis, but to my mind this runs a real risk of simply speeding the advance of antibiotic-resistant strains in the same way that antibiotic resistance grows when antibiotics are routinely fed to livestock and poultry.
  12. My sexual role has been significantly manipulated by men whose intent was to shape me into a receptive, submissive, sexual object. Some of them very overtly and directly so. I can’t deny that. But I believe they were working on material that was already bent to the purpose. The first fuck I ever took, I bottomed. There was no discussion about it, it just came naturally. I’ve bottomed for almost every fuck since. The training I was given only emphasized an inner nature until I couldn’t ignore it. It wasn’t created in me, or overlaid upon me - it was already there, running right through the fabric of me. I can point to no event that caused it. I have to assume, then, that it is something I was born with, born for, born to do.
  13. Agreed, but it’s a tricky psychological position for a submissive. I agree with @tallslenderguy that it feels Top-ish to be the one in control of the action. I think the key for a submissive is to concentrate on what is being done to him by virtue of being made to plunge his own cunt up and down on a cock - essentially fuck himself - rather than what he’s doing to the Top. It’s the sense of ‘doing to’ that makes it feel like Topping. The unfortunate downside to this, and the reason I don’t much care for it, is that if I have to put my mind in a state where I don’t think of what I can do for the Top, I’m not in a good position to employ skills I would otherwise use to enhance his pleasure if he were taking me in a more receptive position.
  14. Some of the things that come to mind have been mentioned above, but I’ll echo: 1. Blood pressure. I have a regular Top for whom his blood pressure is a major barrier in his general sexual outlook, and not just from an ED standpoint. 2. Depression. This can be pernicious, and depending on whether its circumstantial or clinical, may or may not be something you’ll get significant relief from in the short term. You can, however, deal with it on a symptomatic and cognitive level. Be aware - some of the medications that treat clinical depression aren’t going to help your libido. If you haven’t been evaluated for depression, you may wish to consult your doctor about it. 3. Stress. The big libido-killer. The worst of it is, the more stressed you get about not feeling sexy, the less sexy you’ll feel. You may want to evaluate the stressors in your life (it sounds like you have some) and check into ways of destressing. 4. Burnout is a possibility, I would think. When you engage in an activity of the sensory intensity of intercourse frequently, you will become desensitized to various aspects of the stimuli. I have found this to be true myself - I am not nearly as turned on by the average fuck as I once was, simply because of the been there, done that factor. It takes increasingly extreme experiences to engage me sensually (which is not unlike the effect of substance abuse).
  15. Oh my God, two of these ridiculous ‘true’ cumdump threads at once. ”How To Know When You’re A True Cumdump”? Pro Tip: If you need a checklist to know if you’re a cumdump, you’re not actually a cumdump. Nobody gets to say what does or does not make someone a cumdump. You don’t get a prize or a badge or a blue ribbon to pin on your ass. You don’t get stamped with the Good Cumdumping Seal of Approval, because there isn’t anybody assigned to approve or disapprove of you as a cumdump. These threads are nothing more than somebody’s arbitrary debauchery litmus test to see if you’ll take the bait and say how degraded you are. It doesn’t make you a ‘true’ anything.
  16. As far as I know, it still stands for British Broadcasting Corporation. In this context, however, I think what you’re seeing suggests that the guy has bought into the stereotype of the Big Black Cock, and expects you to be in awe of it simply because it’s attached to him. If you were responding to the BBC talk in your negotiations, it’s likely he thinks you’ve bought into that fantasy stereotype too, and he’s playing it to advantage. He might also be legitimately roleplaying to accommodate what he perceives to be your expectation of him - regrettable as that may be. Indeed, if he’s both conscious that men expect him to have a big cock because he’s Black, and conscious of the fact that he’s simply average, he may be feeling that he has to compensate to overcome other men’s judgment, and I find that deeply troubling. It should be pointed out, of course, that 6” is longer than the statistical median range for adult males, roughly 5.2”-5.8”. Big is relative.
  17. Oh, goody, we’ve dredged up yet another of the topics that tell us who gets to be a ‘true’ cumdump. As opposed to what? Please, please stop. There isn’t a fucking Cumdump Olympics. You can’t earn a license or a certification (though it might be better if we could, to ensure quality of service). We aren’t vying for a Book of World Records listing for taking the most loads. Think about it: Why are you all so eager to claim the title not only of ‘cumdump’, but ‘true cumdump’? Why do you need to fly a flag that announces that your sexual practice is that which most of society considers deviant and dishonorable? I am a cumdump, by most any definition. Men breed me and empty their lust into me; I am a vessel for their semen. I take it in quantity, indiscriminately, on demand. I didn’t set out to be a cumdump, but the service I am meant to provide is considered the behavior of a cumdump. So be it. I don’t need a checklist to affirm it. I don’t need to compare myself to others. I am not in competition with others; I merely serve, because that is my purpose. I feel no need to declare it, or boast of it, beyond stating it as fact when I offer my service to the public. In short, it is what I am - but it is not who I am, and that is what I think many of you try to claim by trying to adopt a ‘true cumdump’ label. You want it as an identity, a badge, to make you a member of a club of men like-minded in debauchery. Which means some must be excluded, or what’s the point? So think about that a while instead. What is a man who almost, but doesn’t quite, make your cut? Where’s the line? Where do the ‘false cumdumps’ begin? Who decides? And most importantly, what the fuck difference does it make?
  18. Good question. Before I was more seasoned, my cunt would spasm on entry, and I would need about a count of five in which I needed the Top to hold still while the pain subsided; after that, I would be good to go. Now, there’s been enough stretching (and forced entry) that all but the very girthiest can get right to it at whatever tempo. The only recent time I had an issue was when a Top -literally- launched himself like a missile from feet away and impaled me balls deep in a single penetration. I have to give him points for bull’s-eye accuracy, but it hurt enough to make me gasp, and he started pistoning right away. I didn’t try to stop him, but I won’t forget it. Honestly, though, they don’t often start thrusting immediately with me. Usually there’s penetration, then a long, slow groan of pleasure, like they weren’t expecting what they just encountered, and then they split into three camps: The ones who start to slow-stroke to savor it, the ones for whom it flips a rutting switch in them and they get feral, and the ones who blow within a stroke or two because they can’t take it.
  19. That’s a Top’s perception and I have to disagree. Riding successfully is about a bottom’s leg strength and flexibility first and foremost, plus balance, because without the stability and endurance to maintain the position, it’s very difficult to focus on skills like internal tension and grip, or even control over depth and tempo. I find my options for applying my skills sharply limited in a riding position. I’m not fond of riding because I don’t have the leg development for the athleticism required. Not only that, but I find that there are some men who are simply not a good shape for riding, especially large men, overweight men, men who are sort of barrel-shaped, etc. Frankly, my experience has been that the Tops who have requested that I ride them have been rather lazy, not really engaged in the fuck, and lacking in drive. In 1,000+ fucks can’t recall a single experience in such a position that stands out as memorable.
  20. You haven’t allowed the necessary time for any method to work. Under the best circumstances, the process can take up to 90 days - that’s three months - and as it happens, the only person capable of doing it is in the hospital at this time, so that clock isn’t even running. No amount of kvetching on your part is going to speed anything up, or move you ahead of others waiting in line for deletion ahead of you. Your best bet, if you don’t want to be recognized or identified on here, is to go radio silent and stop drawing attention to yourself.
  21. Is there a high chance of you getting HIV this way? At a guess, I’d say the chance is roughly equivalent to being struck by lightning. Twice. Standing in the exact same spot. On the Moon.
  22. So, not only did you give your cock a name, you named it Lucifer. I think you win a prize for something.
  23. The conventional wisdom among cumdump bottoms around here with experience of trying this sort of thing is to expect a no-show rate of about 80%. It’s just ridiculous.
  24. The bedding is less likely. From what I have observed of the practice in most bathhouses, the linens are gathered and washed in hot water after each use, which should be sufficient to eliminate most infestation due to the bedding.
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