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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. The only consequence by which a Supreme Court Justice may face removal for misdeeds is impeachment and trial by the Senate. Only one Justice has ever been impeached, in 1805, for allowing his political views to interfere with his decisions, and the Senate acquitted him (that has a familiar ring to it). Out country is no longer going to be Red and Blue states - it’s going to be Taliban and Non-Taliban states, a patchwork of jurisdictions in which majorities trample the rights and freedoms of minorities because they now can. These five justices have just set Americans at each other’s throats in a way that causes the culture wars of the past to pale in comparison. Some commentators have referred to this as the “victory of conservatism”. It is nothing of the kind - it is simply a formal declaration of war, and Clarence Thomas has laid naked his ambition as a war-monger. The first casualty of the conflict was the trust and integrity of the Supreme Court; it is no more. Now the struggle for the soul of the nation begins in earnest. When you tip over the first domino in a line, the rest start to fall, one after the other. Each one knocks over the next. Some things are as predictable as gravity. Human beings are pretty damn predictable. But in this case we don’t have to predict how certain forces will take advantage of this ruling to curtail the freedoms of other people - they wasted not one second in doing exactly that. Not satisfied with the insta-bans popping up across the states, Republicans in the house immediately started floating the idea of a national restriction. They would like nothing better than for the opposition to believe, as the perjuring Justices would have us do, that nothing more is going to happen. Bullshit. They say you can never let a pig taste blood or it will turn bloodthirsty - these have had a drink of it now, and they like it.
  2. With respect, that’s like saying the guy with the gun didn’t shoot you, the gun did. When you have HIV, your body has become a de facto loaded weapon. Which is why this: is not what I said or implied. It has nothing to do with deciding to forego condoms, and everything to do with deciding to forego medication - which is the subject of this topic. If a guy wants to indulge his bugchasing fetish as fantasy by taking raw cock from HIV-positive men, that’s his paraphilia to deal with. If a poz guy gets off on a fantasy of giving someone else a disease, that’s a paraphilia that would be considered abnormal by any professional psychologist, but it caused no harm if the guy can’t actually transmit the disease. The poz guy who fucks him has a responsibility to ensure that his own disease does not transmit. Anyone who says he has no responsibility to prevent his known contagious disease from infecting other people is, yes, unethical. The fact that making other people sick is your sexual kink doesn’t absolve that in any way. And placing one’s sexual gratification over another’s well-being is, yes, selfish. In attempting to address this either/or choice of meds or no meds at all, however, I would submit that your particular choice of rhetoric will likely have the effect of making those in the “delay for a while” camp significantly more likely to do so by providing them with a rationale they can cling to whether it is in their best interest or not. Your insider anecdote about Big Pharma in particular biases the argument - its implication is that the makers of life-saving drugs, and the HIV doctors who administer them, are not to be trusted. Yet the medications work, or none of us would be enjoying the bareback renaissance we’re in now. I certainly wouldn’t - I’d be dead. While I find no fault in your intention, and commend it, I fear that when the total effect of the post is measured, across its total audience, the net effect will be to encourage meds hesitancy.
  3. That bottom needed to shut the fuck up. The difference between the sounds this bottom makes and the sounds made by the one in the previous clip above is obvious - the previous guy was reacting; this guy’s performing. The other clip was riveting, but this one, by comparison, left me kind of ‘meh’ mainly because I could tell the bottom was putting on.
  4. Except that the site owner chose to post this thread in the HIV & Sexual Health section, which is the one place on this site where we specifically don’t pander to bugchasing at the expense of human life. (Actually, since the new rules came out I thought that was true everywhere except the bugchasing section; I am frankly not sure how the site owner squares this rather enabling post with the restriction, but that’s his affair.) Had he posted it for the benefit of the lunatics who “like HIV” in the bugchasing section where such people go to wallow in their insanity, I would not have posted a reply. For whatever reason, he did not. I posted my lived experience, not my moral opinions, but all persons in a sane society agree - must agree - that one individual has no right to bring permanent, debilitating, and potentially deadly harm to another. That’s fundamental, not debatable. Whether you have the “right to commit suicide” is a matter for moral debate, but just because a thing may not be illegal does not mean it should not be discouraged. Do you have HIV? Are you an AIDS survivor? Do you have to take a pill every day of your life just to enjoy the privilege of being alive? Do you have to struggle to keep yourself healthy? Are you watching your own body gradually break down in front of the mirror? Have you ever been rejected out-of-hand for a fuck just because you were positive even though you were undetectable? Have you ever - ever once - worried about whether you having sex with someone would harm them? If you can’t answer yes to any of those questions, your bleating about your personal choices is meaningless here because you’re not talking about people’s health or the reality of living with HIV. You’re talking about wants, not needs, and that’s where the rubber meets the road.
  5. I’m guessing there aren’t going to be many answers to this because I’m guessing - and indeed, hoping - that this isn’t something guys do on a frequent basis just for the sake of aesthetics. I could be wrong. I can, however, enlighten you about anal surgery in a general way, having had to undergo a procedure to repair an anal fissure caused by too large an object inserted too quickly with too much force. 1. It’s surgery like any other outpatient procedure, performed under general anaesthetic. There is always a measure of risk to being put under. 2. There is, as you might expect, some pain and discomfort afterward during healing. Activity is limited at first. Diet is carefully regulated, as you cannot pass hard stools. You’ll probably need to use stool softeners at some point. 3. You’re going to be out of the buttsex game for a month, minimum - longer if you have any sense. As you might expect, the whole process is, literally, a huge pain in the ass. I should add that I had my surgery because an anal fissure is unbelievably excruciatingly painful, and conservative treatments had not been effective. My insurance covered it. Good luck getting an insurance company to pay for an operation to make your asshole look pretty.
  6. The etymology of taint lends itself to a sense of “corruption, contamination”, which is broadly applicable to the area between the legs and bounded by the orifices of excreta. If any part of the body would have a tendency to be contaminated, the perineum is the place one would expect. I find this direct linguistic derivation more plausible than the “t’ain’t your balls and t’ain’t you ass” vernacular explanation one usually finds in discussions of slang - that seems to me more likely a recursive application than an origin, an explanation invented to fit the word that was already being used. Personally I’ve never liked taint for this either, because of the negative association. I much prefer to just use perineum. That’s an interesting take on it. If you ever recall where you came across that I’d be interested in reading it.
  7. The fact that some of us are total bottoms does not mean we have a “mental fixation” that we need to “get past”. The fact that you don’t understand us doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with us. It just means your perspective is limited. Pronouncements about what does and doesn’t lead to a good sex life seldom play well in posts here, because what constitutes a good sex life is a highly personal, individual, and variable measure, and what makes sex good for you might do absolutely nothing for the next guy. Why am I a strict bottom? You might as well ask me why I’m not a strict heterosexual while you’re at it. The answers come from the same place. It’s how I’m made. That’s how it is whether you understand it or not, and my sex life suits me just fine, thanks.
  8. You could have stopped with this and saved all the rest of the “it’s your body, your right, your choice” equivocation. To the men reading your post looking for a rationale not to take ART, I would say this: I don’t just have HIV. I have AIDS. I have it because another man fucked it into me. I choose to believe he was unaware of his infection at the time, because the idea that a man could have been so callous, so selfish, so careless, and so ethically bereft that he consciously risked my life for a fuck would forever blacken my outlook on humanity. It is only by a quirk of medical chance that his action did not cause my death. If a man gets HIV, playtime’s fucking over. You don’t get to act like nothing has changed, because everything has changed. Some of the changes aren’t obvious, but become evident in subtle ways as you try to live what ought to be a normal life. Other changes are so obvious you can’t even pretend to overlook them, and how you live with sex is one of them. But it’s not just how you live with sex, it’s how you live with yourself. And the knowledge that your body is now a hazmat zone and you have the potential to kill someone or cause them lasting suffering for which there is no cure. If you have any sense of personal responsibility, any scruples, any ethics, any compassion for other people, any regard for anyone but yourself, this is a no-brainer - you don’t take the risk. You don’t have the right to take the risk. It’s not your body you’re risking at that point, it’s theirs. Even if they’re asking for it, you still don’t have the right to do that to them. If you’re going to fuck other people, and the men reading this are a community of high-risk fuckers, then yes, you get on the meds right away, because everything isn’t always about you. But let’s talk for a minute about you. RawTOP cites sources saying that you can hold off on getting on ART until your CD4 count hits 350. What his information doesn’t share is that a normal healthy human immune system’s CD4 count is between 500 and 1000. By the time you hit 350, your immune system is already compromised. It has already suffered damage that may or may not be reversible. You will already be at higher risk for infection, suffer greater effects from chronic inflammation, and shave some time off your life expectancy. What’s more, 350 is only 150 points above 200 - the level considered diagnostic for AIDS. It’s not uncommon for my count to fluctuate in the 100-150 range between checks. So you can fuck around with your health and knowingly let your body be damaged just so you can thumb your nose at the pharmaceutical companies, or you can start taking the medicine proven to preserve your normal immune function into the future. I know what I would have done if I had had the option. I didn’t get the option. The tests failed me. They kept giving me false negatives until I was nearly dead with it. If you’re fortunate enough to catch your infection early, there’s no good excuse to waste time getting on meds, because the Enemy Virus is sure as hell not going to waste one second trying to kill you. Well, some people say, relative benefits, yadda yadda. - no. If your house is burning down, nobody argues about the relative benefits of letting it burn for a while - you call the fucking fire department. The virus sets to work killing you the instant it enters your body, and it doesn’t stop unless and until you force it to. Your body is your house, and it’s burning. So the question is, what’s the real reason you don’t want to take the medication? For many on here, if what we read is any guide, the decision has to do with indulging in an unhealthy fetish; or with misguided distrust of science or authority or both; with a lack of information; with pigheaded laziness; or with a sociopathic desire to inflict suffering on others (expressions of which one likes to hope are not acted upon). Not a lot of good reasons in there. Bottom line: If you don’t love yourself enough to do it for you, do it for the person whose life you won’t destroy when you don’t pass on your disease. Take the responsibility. Be a man about it. I’m a 7 1/2 year AIDS survivor. In seven and a half years, I have missed exactly one dose of ART. One. I’m still alive. If I can do it, so can you.
  9. Psychologically the dynamic is pretty straightforward - if a person measures his self-worth in relation to others rather than against an internal metric, he is continually sizing himself up to the other people he encounters to determine what his relative worth is. By diminishing the perceived worth of the other people, he automatically elevates his own relative worth by default, without having to undertake any assessment of his own actual qualities. This may not be a conscious process, but may become habitual as it repeatedly stokes and shores up an ego with an unstable foundation. I can understand this context easily enough. What still puzzles me is why, if the other person’s value is diminished, the man seems then to relish the interaction because he perceives the other person as being of lower value. In other words, if he perceives that the thing available to fuck is a piece of trash, why does he choose to fuck a piece of trash? One would think that perceiving himself to be a user of something of low value rather than a chooser of things of high value would tend to diminish his sense of self-worth. Clearly it’s a complicated mindset contending with multiple issues.
  10. What definition of “virgin” are you using? Your hole more closely fits the description you give of yourself in your profile as “pass-around community cumdump”. Your hole has achieved that pussy slit-like appearance coveted by many of us - wear that proudly! It shows you know how to take breeding.
  11. The reason I take cock without discrimination is that sexual release is a basic human need, as defined in Maslow’s Hierarch of Needs, and there are some men for whom meeting that need is exceptionally difficult. Among them are the aged, infirm, and disabled. If I have been given an ass that is particularly well suited for men to fuck, it seems to me that I have a responsibility to put it to its best use in the aid of all men. If you have a mouth with talent, you might consider it in the same light. That being said, there is a time and a place, and @CTCokpig’s caution above is well put. It’s also prudent to be conscious and informed about health risk to yourself, but do be informed - don’t avoid service on the basis of misinformation or stigma. MS is not a contagious disease that you can contract through sexual contact. The prime cause of vulnerability to the disease is believed to be genetic. If you encounter a person struggling with mental illness, again, it isn’t something you can catch. You will want to be a bit more circumspect as to the nature of the condition and the degree to which the person’s rational cognition is impaired, but mental illness as such is not a disqualification for sexual contact, and indeed many people suffering from those conditions benefit significantly from sexual outlet. A severely depressed person, for example, would likely benefit very much from your attention. Simply be careful to avoid any sense of dependence. If you are inclined to serve marginalized men in this way, I encourage it; most men would, and do, simply turn and walk away.
  12. Wow - You didn’t fuck him at IML this year, but you did fuck me… so that means the same magnificent cock that was inside Ryan Cummings’ ass has also been inside mine! I feel like I’ve been touched by greatness! 😃
  13. Preach. Even when a Top does end up in my room, half the time they sniff fucking poppers and end up trying to stuff a noodle up my ass because “poppers don’t affect them that way.” 🙄 Dude. I can’t bring that back from the dead. You’re not fucking Jesus here. Another thought I had, following on mentions of PrEP above, is that I wonder if the relaxing of fear of HIV is leading to an increasing promiscuity that is saturating a field unaccustomed to it? I came of age just as the AIDS crisis was getting underway, so I don’t have any experience of the sexual atmosphere pre-AIDS - perhaps there are those here who can give us some perspective. Was the bottom/Top situation like this back in the Golden Age pre-HIV?
  14. I was at IML last month hosting ass-up in my hotel room. I was fucked 54 times over the course of my stay. I had one Top volunteer to work the door for me one night, and on another a MtF trannie brought men in to fuck and video me, telling them to “fuck him harder, make him bleed - he’s a cumdump, that’s how they’re used.” So I guess, yeah, “cumslut” applied to me. On the last night, a Top came in an jammed himself roughly into my ass and started to rough-fuck me. “You fucking faggot,” he said. “I have zero respect for you. You’re nothing but a worthless cumdump faggot, aren’t you? Say it.” That’s one aspect of the psychology of some Tops that I still can’t wrap my head around - why they choose to fuck men they have so little regard for, whom they see as in some way subhuman. Yet they enjoy it, it excites them, titillates them, gives them gratification when they inseminate the bottom. This guy came a hard, balls-deep, gasping orgasm. Whatever his opinion of cumsluts, he evidently gets off on them in a serious way. Possibly he doesn’t actually believe what he says and it just enhances his fantasy to pretend; or perhaps he does. I take people’s words at face value. I’m not worthless, but I said what he told me to say because my duty is to fulfill the need of the Top fucking me. My saying it for him didn’t make it true. I suppose it may have reinforced the idea in his mind, but if I had refused, would it have changed his view? I doubt it. He probably would have just doubled down on his abuse because the way he sees cumsluts is already solidified in his mind. I felt strangely unaffected by his verbal abuse. Maybe I’ve just gotten used to it from having heard such things said to me many times before, or maybe my own sense of self-worth isn’t dependent on the utterances of others. I know that there are some people who are going to judge me a certain way because I give my body away. They are going to misjudge me, and that’s something I simply decide to accept because I am doing what my heart and reason tell me is right to do.
  15. Not singling out our friend here, but the wording in this post is an example that suggests why many bottoms may end up feeling unsatisfied and that no Tops are available for them - the question of expectations. Any time a bottom sets his mind that ‘all’ Tops are going to wan in his hole, he’s doomed to disappointment. I much more seldom experience that kind of disappointment because my goal is ‘any’ Tops. Also, bottoms so often express a desire that Tops be into a specific act or fetish, and overlook the fact that the thing that rocks their world isn’t something everyone does or likes, and in fact there’s no such thing. In this case, getting fucked in suspension bondage is so complicated and rare that if set as an expectation it’s practically a guarantee of failure. And I say that as an experienced bondage submissive who would have dearly loved to have been fucked in suspension bondage and never managed it. I think that if more bottoms took a more reality-based, and less fantasy- and porn-based approach to their expectations, they would come at their hunt for Tops in a way that would bring them greater success and satisfaction, and make Tops’ lives a hell of a lot easier then trying to live up to s bunch of bottoms’ impossible expectations. (Like I say, @hoodtight, not picking on you here, because I’m right there with you. If I could find a fucking Top who knew how to rig suspension, he could own my ass. It’s still on my bucket list, I just don’t really expect it to happen.)
  16. Not everyone who claims to be a cumdump is actually a cumdump - in fact, I’d say the majority really aren’t. Being an actual cumdump is not for everyone, and requires a degree of commitment. It’s often painful, often demeaning, labor-intensive, and high-risk. It requires a level of dedication to cleanout, and it requires a level of physical training and conditioning to endure the kind of serial use involved. Most casual fuckers simply aren’t invested in it enough to genuinely be called cumdumps, and if put to it, they couldn’t perform. So what we’re dealing with, in reality, is a high level of impostors. Why such a high level? I suspect the current state of affairs is in part a result of the effect of the online app influence on hookup culture, exacerbated in the last couple of years by the changes wrought by COVID. Being forced to live sex lives virtually for a time has likely encouraged some men to indulge in more fantasy-based and less reality-based approaches to connecting with others. A lot of bottoms may think calling themselves a cumdump makes them sound slutty or edgy or somehow more fuckable to claim that they’re a cumdump - or maybe it’s just more wish-that-were-me-ism because they imagine they would like it. But if you look under the hood you’ll find the picky, discriminating, often timid and inhibited men who actually balk at taking more than a couple of cocks in a session. The problem is that these people have ramped up the signal-to-noise ratio for Tops looking for legitimate players. It’s no wonder some Tops now prefer to stick with the ass they already know - it’s becoming too much hassle to sift through all the rubbish trying to find the real items out in the open. It’s a pity there’s no way to certify a cumdump so that not just anybody could go around claiming to be one. Yes, I’m a cumdump. May I see your cumdump license number? Certainly. I have it here, tattooed on my taint. So I see. Yes, everything appears to be in order. Don’t bother putting your pants back on, I’ll just take you now.
  17. A badge of honor? For promoting underage content? Seriously? Why take it out on you? Because they should take it out on everyone they catch doing it in any way. Because tolerating any distribution of depictions of sex with minors - posted, reposted, doesn’t matter - is an excellent way to get the authorities breathing down their necks and suddenly they’re no longer in business. I’m a little confused - are you actually looking for sympathy? Because you’re not getting it for this.
  18. It’s ironic that you complain about having been called an infant, yet demand to have something explained to you like you’re five years old. If you’re already aware that Twitter and Tumblr are teeming with guys who like what you like, go ask your question there. You knew from the get-go that this topic was likely not going to get much traction here - your very first words said you figured this was “a long shot”. Why would you have said that? Because you knew that “MAGA” was likely to set people off. Bleating about how innocent your question was makes you seem either disingenuous or a simpleton, but I wouldn’t venture to speculate which. Sir, you have made a grand total of four posts on this forum, and have spent the majority of them telling us all that we need to improve ourselves, get therapy, etc. If you want to get along here, I suggest that you spend some time becoming more familiar with the forum, and the way we discuss things here, so you can avoid putting your foot in it quite so spectacularly next time.
  19. It was definitely not “just the tip”.
  20. Unless you count getting fucked by the guy behind the counter when he got off shift the first time I visited, no, no discount. I don’t mind guys stopping in with random questions. I like to think they’re also window-shopping…
  21. The sort of original “gold standard” for this is the famous Dawson’s 20-Load Weekend, in which the focus is on the loading up, and at the end there’s a shot of his gaping hole and you can see that the inside is a lake of cum. There’s a little pulling out just to certify that a seeding us about to take place, but most of it gets where it’s supposed to go. There may be others that are even more to the point, but this one more or less checks all the boxes.
  22. In my room at the bathhouse I actually end up having a surprising number of non-fuck-related conversations, but for some reason I also tend to get a bizarrely high number of guys who wander in looking for directions, or because it’s their first time and they don’t know what to do, etc. It may have something to do with the fact that I always put a sign on my door that says Welcome - Cum On In! or because I just look like I have the friendly sort of ass you can talk to. Who knows? I’ll talk to anybody.
  23. Using text-to-speech with a Kentucky southern drawl swiftly exposes the limitations of the technology.
  24. Heh. ‘Decency’ being a distinctly subjective measure. By some measures, by hosting Tops at hotel rooms and bathhouses, I automatically ensure that I don’t get fucked by ‘decent’ men because ‘decent’ men don’t fuck random cumdumps in cheap hotels and bathhouses. By some measures. Samwise: It must be getting near tea-time, leastways in decent places where there is still tea-time. Gollum: We’re not in decent places.
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