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Everything posted by Littlebill77

  1. Any news on if when events at union restart? (Hardon and SBN in particular) Or at Hove (boiler room hosts of cumunion)? Cumunion suggests all saunas can open from June 21st (assuming nothing covid crap happens)
  2. Pleasuredrome plans to be open after/in June. Their website says they have done a big reworking / refit. Time will tell.
  3. Very similiar, a bunch of address book contacts - particularly if a contact graduates off app to whatsapl/signal/kik/email/whatever I use a default surname of Odo if I don't know it. (Yeah ST geek ☺️)
  4. Ditto. ...some at SBN... 😈
  5. I have always found different apps vary in locales. Orange Facebook is mostly fine generally, particularly for English speaking world Romeo is best in Italy/Germany/Greece Scruff is ok / good even but mostly coverage is same as orange Facebook (albeit different people) Growlr can be ok but still sparser in Uk than say bayarea. recon varies bbrt hookups are always the most reliable but penetration varies. US & UK ok but it seems hookups always happen (mostly) a4a seems useless in Uk (outside London?) —- Anyone else see this sort of regionalism in the apps? other thoughts?
  6. I had elevated proteins (kidney function) that we put down to a stint on Keto medico was more concerned as it interferes with a blood pressure medication I take. Was doing a blood test extremely regularly and it went back to normal. tl;dr are you doing a high protein/fat diet?
  7. Nasty Canasta - hmmmmm
  8. Yeah that one - 😞 post COVID is sure going to be different
  9. quick thoughts: all pre covid and focussed on BB’ing definate +1 on Taiwan Berlin. It is that good. LAb.oratory Thursday evening naked night - wow Barcelona venues have changed so no idea now but holy handbasket I’ve not ever had so much fun - about 8hours sleep for 6 days iirc private parties and many many app hookups Amsterdam is a delight, although perhaps not as many venues as you might expect (3 weekday venues) London is COVID-weird like most places but lookout for JamieHP events - SBN a particular favourite and Vault139 brighton / hove - boiler room in hove is ok cumunion attracts a great crowd; the Brighton sauna has a decent set of facilities but the worlds smallest lockers (Uk plans to be out of lockdown 21 June ‘21) Beijing surprisingly good app hookups and pvt parties Munich bit limited but the Sauna Deutsche Eiche is directly below the Hotel - it has splendid apartment rooms and I just spent all my spare time in the area - locals were charming zurich - like Munich is a little odd about late nights in the week but the saunas are extremely clean and well equipped. Much fun to be had, also a fantastic warehouse fuck club that sadly I only learnt about by reputation Sydney - do it. No shortage of opportunity. Only a couple of saunas in city center but many guys hosting and parties to be had Bay Area - Natoma 442 events at SF catalyst are ok (but different like the original venue); Berkeley steamworks top notch fun but really needs more maze/dark room imho Portland steamworks was very new when I went there last but well attended and excellent facilities —— questions in the same vein What are people’s recommendations for a Palm Springs happy fun time?
  10. I write notes, mainly cause I realise there are places I’ve utterly forgotten or memories I just can’t place... I used to keep notes on the guys I’d hook up with but frankly got lazy, shame as my memory is a pile of crap and I always run the risk of messing up with a previous hookup, or missing them cause I’d forgotten what city they were in... I also enjoyed writing cause it’s good to help other people understand a place I was largely inspired by James Calvin on medium [think before following links] https://link.medium.com/JDBGr1gI4fb in particular his piece describing SBN (London) back when it was in the split level venue before Fire... [think before following links] https://link.medium.com/snjxjTCI4fb anyhoo, funniest notes are when I see guys I’ve hooked up with using new names but the same photos on apps - one guy in particular had about five first names, turns out they were code for what he was into at that time... damn I’m so looking forward to meets and travelling (to have more meets)
  11. Recommendations? also since the demise of club80 😞 ....
  12. Wouldn’t that be awesome! along with what sort of shower a hotel room has - shower hose please - everytine
  13. Totally had a sore throat for a bunch of days after a keen night at the sauna. it calmed down of its own but turned out I’d just been way too eager to get cock down my throat at the time. test fine, it wasn’t bugs so over the course of the following weeks I just went easy. Drank plenty of fluids (before taking fluids 😈) and that helped a mate suggested the tiniest amount of lube can help, but universally as others here have said - practice practice practice. also I enjoy being in control so that stopped anyone smashing my throat until I was ready; that helped. with cv I’m more worried about being out of practice I do so love being Vers....
  14. I came from a land Downunder but yeah I had a few a-levels or equiv - and a couple of other quals before I phd’d in the uk. I love hooking up when travelling - hotel room or sauna or cumunion or whatever is going on - love it all
  15. So very very much! Horny oh Christ I always seem to have a hard when reading/browsing or whatever bz has broaden my horizons, lowered my inhibitions, and given me a butt load of information. I appreciate the honesty, and I love the stories, insights, guidance, and friendships
  16. Vers top love a long session if bttm is up to it littlebill777 (three 7’s) on kik Cambridge / London
  17. look at where the clubs are Vauxhall otherwise inside zone 2 Opinion on south or north of river? if your going to be south of river may as well live in brighton 🤣🤣
  18. Certainly isn’t in big pharma’s interest STIs still cost, doxy is a very cheap drug, so local health services/donor orgs/trusts can and do commission their own studies. sadly I expect though the world is preoccupied;
  19. Is anyone keeping track of current or pending studies for doxy pep/prep? I recall seeing a uk (imperial/London) initial phase proposal but believe it all got sidelined by cv19. any others?
  20. Pickup gono every year or two - depending on how much I’m fucking i test a lot so it’s picked up quick when I’m active i guess an upside(?) of quarantine is limited chances to get it. (I dox prep/pep dose for the rare occasions atm I’m active - it’s basically meant clymidia and Syph are nonstarters for me.)
  21. I notice a gentle rise in my minimum age.... I’d joke that “breathing” (and legal) is my guy-criteria but sub 25 in a university town - for a university professional - just seems like asking for trouble so avoid them. With a few (fun) exceptions; a lot of 25-34 are focussed on trying to get into a relationship, good luck but no thanks. I like sex clubs and sauna ‘cause everyone knows why they are there; no risks of hosting, and someone else is worrying about legals but I’ve also noticed a lot of (I’d guess sub 25) voyeurs waiting for their ideal-man or such - I feel sad cause standing around, not even talking, waiting for “mister perfect” at a sex club just seems like a super waste.
  22. Sounds awesome but the r is trsgic news about club 80; such a fantastic fun place.
  23. Shame they have dropped the walk-ins but DeanSt always gets top points!
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