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Everything posted by Littlebill77

  1. Yes. This is referred to as Prep on demand or event based dosing; largely I believe your correct 7 days beforehand, fantastic information on this website https://www.iwantprepnow.co.uk/how-to-take-prep/
  2. Ibis Euston (and regular ibis in general) all use the same bathroom module with a shower err douche house not the case for ibis budget if I recall can someone confirm ibis Euston is no more? ?
  3. And The Backstreet bar Mile End Station used to be a leather fetish haven
  4. SBN (stark bollocks naked) at Vauxhall Arches https://jamiehp.co.uk/nights/sbn/ not breeder specific (pro choice) but damn there is a lot of breeding going on.... and not uncomfortably ageist either. (I can’t say no attitude, but 98% attitude free people) also -while not London the cumunion event in Brighton is a great breeding time
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