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Everything posted by OwnMyFuckHole

  1. Did ya get that hole pozzed yet, baby? I'd do it myself, but I rarely Top.

  2. Sucking him is hot, but it's time to turn up the heat. I'd be working on getting his cock up my ass, bare of course, and getting his fuck juice whitewashing my guts!! Suck him again after he breeds and spit-shine his meat. I always like to leave a Top's cock cleaner than it was before he dropped his shorts.
  3. You might have better luck planning a fuckfest in your hotel room. Post party on BBRT and elsewhere in advance and build your guest list. You don't need a sling to have a hot time. Just need a horny group of pigs. There are plenty of nasty men in the Baltimore/DC area. My ass odometer has plenty of miles on it thanks to MD/DC men. Thanks, fuckers!!
  4. ". . . hours of creative fucking" you say . . . sounds like my kind of Top!

  5. I want my next BF's cock to look like yours. If we lived closer, I'd even break the law to get my throat and ass around your uncut beauty!

  6. In Pittsburgh, huh? Hustled my ass there while going to school. Hey, I had to pay rent and eat; a part-time job wasn't enough. Sucking and riding cock was more profitable and a lot more fun. Mostly good memories. Love your look, sexy. Would definitely have done your type for free! More than once, too.

  7. You hot fucker . . . wish you'd post more pix with less clothes! That'd make me drool even more.

  8. Hot pix in your albums! I'd spread my ass for you in a heartbeat. Eat your ass and cock, too.

  9. Well, I'm all Bottom and my signature line below sums up what I like.
  10. Thanks for the friend request, piggy! Some of my tightest friends in the past have been fellow Bottoms. Sharing a roomful of Tops with a Bottom bud is an awesome method of male bonding. Eatin' a Bottom buddy's hole while mine is bein' bred is a great way to bond and build a lasting connection. I'd much rather share cock with another Bottom than compete with another Bottom for cock and loads. I can be greedy without being selfish. OINK-OINK!!

  11. Your profile pic demonstrates perfectly your dominance as I marvel at the view, looking up at you from my submissive position below! Looks awesome!!

  12. I also can't really understand this; I just don't get it. What puzzles me is wondering if this wanting castration falls into some gray area between being a gay male and being transexual. What confuses me is wondering why a man who desires castration (and penectomy) of their partner differs that much from their wanting to be physical with or being attracted to an actual female. Does the one considering castration desire to "feel" more feminine or less of a sexual being, i.e, asexual? I can appreciate (at least on an academic level) that a man wanting to be physical with another man who lacks a cock and balls obviously goes beyond the attraction merely to "body parts," but at this point, I'm at a loss to be able to understand the dynamic between the "castrati" and the "man." I'm quoting the previous words to demonstrate my lack of understanding the dynamic of each individual's role. In no way am I making a negative judgement. I'm simply trying to convey that my understanding of this matter is in limbo. I welcome anyone who can provide an explanation to de-confuse me. For me, I love being a male and love being gay and love being sexual with a man who desires me as a male, i.e., my possessing the physical attributes and masculine physical features not present in a female. When I'm getting fucked, my Top can call my hole a mancunt, man-pussy, boi-pussy, mangina, or any other pseudo-female "vaginal" euphemism he wants, however we both know he's fucking my shit chute, the "end of the line" of my digestive tract. Plus, no matter how many Tops say that a Bottom to them is just a couple of holes to fuck and unload in, my experience is that, in general, whether they admit or not, I think Tops want to be "good" Tops. After all, I want to be an awesome Bottom every time my ass is spread. Why wouldn't a Top want to be the best fucker in town? My experience has been that Tops like a Bottom to praise their performance; it's natural for one to be receptive to reassuring words like "Christ, you are the hottest fucker who's ever bred me!" (even if the Bottom is being generous with his comments). After all, given that a Top, by default, assumes some degree of dominance simply by the nature of his role, his ego may cause him to want to "crow" about his abilities as a Top man; having an ego is only human. From personal experience, any Top who has been able to fuck a load out of me without my touching myself was quite proud of himself and would remind me of his "talent" and strive to achieve such a goal again to demonstrate his prowess. I've read enough bravado in postings on this website from Tops to support my assertions. Sorry, I guess this last paragraph is starting to ramble a little off-topic, but I was trying to emphasize the dynamic of "man-man" sex as compared to "castrati-man" sex, while confessing my lack of understanding and appreciation of the latter. Therefore, I welcome anyone who can provide an explanation to educate and enlighten me. Thanks!
  13. I'm cut; still cursing my parents for that fuck-up! I have a major-league weakness for uncut cock; the sight of foreskin makes me drool and makes my asshole twitch. By the way, awesome uncut beauty, Belfast-Bottom!!!
  14. After reading your profile and all your postings, you sound like exactly the type of "straight" guy I love to be a pig for. I love the mention in your profile of "choke fucking, rough, rape-play"--a dominant Top who manhandles me always brings out the total pig in me. Once had a Top stick a gun in my mouth while he fucked me. Scared the piss out of me and got me so fuckin' hot at the same time. I shot a load without touching myself as he unloaded in my ass. Licked and sucked his cock clean of his cum residue and my ass juice while he shoved the gun barrel in and out of my sloppy fuckhole. Gives a whole new meaning to "gun play."

  15. Hey, thick. It's good to know that there are Top men out there like you who appreciate the fact that some Bottoms do know how to use their hole to give the Top every moment of pleasure they expect. Not every Top makes the effort nor bothers to notice when they're fucking the "perfect" hole. I guess some Tops are more interested in quantity than QUALITY. If geography wasn't a hinderance, I'd like to think my hole would be on your "To-Do-Again-and-Again" list after you bred me the first time. Bottoms also do jonz for repeats from memorable Tops and of course, I daydream about and get distracted when thinking about those Tops who know how to push all my buttons. Once asked one of my favorites, "Why can't my boyfriend fuck like you?". After all, the ass wants what it wants!
  16. Read your profile and you sound like the perfect distillation of pure, high-octane, undiluted man-filth. I love that more than mere words can express. Uber-fuckin'-HOT!!!

  17. My hole muscles "behave" as you describe, automatically. I assumed that this was normal until I started to get feedback from some of my Tops who praised me for it. Conversely, I've had some Tops who have complained that my hole makes them cum too quickly because of my "meat milking mangina muscles." Believe me, it's usually not my intention to make my Top cum fast, but I have to confess that I can usually manipulate my hole muscles that will push the Top past the point of no return. I've never considered myself a power Bottom, but I can usually use my ass muscles to make the Top cum before he's ready. If a Top pisses me off, I've been known to use the powers of my hole to bring the fucking to a gushing end; usually only with Tops who I wasn't interested in being bred by again. Even so, most of them still wanted to fuck me again. So, all those Tops who have this attitude that every ass they fuck is just another hole to unload in, I beg to differ. Bottoms, if you give a man an ass he daydreams about and talks about to his friends after he's plowed you, he very likely will be back for more. A talented hole can be a powerful weapon. Woman have been controlling men with their pussies since the beginning of time. A Bottom's proficient hole can wield the same power. Go figure! :-P
  18. Hot cock, man! Always had a weakness for uncut meat!!!

  19. Total Bottom here. I strive to give my Tops everything they want. Because of the abundance of Bottoms, I know a Top can always find another hole to use if I don't please him 150% every time. It's always about his needs. He calls the shots and I do what he says. My throat and ass are his property so it's only natural for him to use them as he pleases. After all, I want him to come back again. It really matters to me that he gets the pleasure he expects. My holes exist for him; without him, I have no purpose. What could be simpler?
  20. Some of the nastiest all-out pig sex I've had has been with married men. Maybe it's because they don't get to play with other men as often as they want, so when they get the chance, they really cut loose. Whatever the reason, would love to hear about your experiences with all those cheating husbands out there. They are easy to find using Craigslist!
  21. Not true. I love an intimate connection, but it depends on who I'm with. With some of my regulars, the time together can be very passionate. A few of them really like extended play sessions and those times get very intimate. Some of my married regulars have even uttered the 4-letter "L" word while in the throes of passion. I've said, "Yeah baby, I love you too, just keep fuckin' me." They just think they love me, but they just love my ass; they're just confused. Guess I'm too easy <grin>, but if I wasn't having such a hot time with these husbands, I wouldn't be spreadin' my ass for them regularly. Actually, I've always gotten an extra thrill gettin' nasty with married men; especially when they fuck me in the bed they share with their wife! Uber-HOT!!!
  22. My uncle (10 years older than me) started fucking me when I was 15 y/o. He would pick me up from school in the afternoon 2 or 3 times a week, go back to his place, and fuck my throat and ass. He would usually give me at least 2 loads before my aunt got home. Always BB fucking and would never pull out to cum. Always ATM after so I could suck his cock clean. He also would eat my hole after breeding me. He never sucked my cock. Also, my oldest sister's trailer-trash, red-neck husband fucked me weekly for nearly four years. He was always verbally abusive and manhandled me. He loved callin' me "cocksucking faggot." He was very tall (6'8"), thin, lanky with more than 9" very thick, uncut cock and very loose, low-hangin' balls. He loved to shove that big fucker deep in my throat, making me gag and choke on it. But he was more into fucking my ass. He would stay hard forever. He would fuck me, unload in me, not pull out, and just keep fucking as he worked toward his next load. He once stayed hard inside me for more than 2 hours, dumping load after load in me. He claimed he unloaded 6 separate times while fucking me. I believe him because after he finally pulled out of my ass, I sucked his cock clean of his cum residue and my ass slime and while I was spit-shining his meat, he squirted another load down my throat. Afterwards, he washed his load down my throat with a piss-chaser. He died from cancer about 2 years ago. I do miss him; I think I loved him on some level, romantically. He was definitely one hot fucker in the sack. Hell, I used to change my plans and alter my work schedule to get him inside me. Once spent an entire weekend in his bed. My sister was out of town for a week on a business trip. I showed up at his place Friday night and was there until early Sunday evening. We screwed constantly. Of course, we did take breaks to nap, grab a bite to eat, and shower, but other than that, spent the rest of the time fucking. He would awaken and would slide back inside my slumbering hole, pump another load in me, then drift back to sleep. I've done weekend-long screw sessions with other horny pigs, but the weekend with him was the most memorable. Yeah, I miss him a lot!
  23. RawPozLust, your comment made my fuckhole twitch. I love being knocked up by a take-charge Top with a filthy mouth!
  24. My hole has been called many things in multiple languages. My ass understands cock in any language, dialect, or accent. Fucking, like music and mathematics, is a universal language.
  25. My CL postings usually get flagged within 24 hrs. I'm always quite explicit about what I'm looking for but I guess my use of words like "cum," "rim," "bareback," "poz," "breed," "fuckhole," "gangfuck," "cumdump," etc. is too much for some puritanical asswipes in my area! Guess I need to tone down my writing to stay below the flagging radar.
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