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leatherpunk16 last won the day on August 14 2020

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Seattle, WA
  • Interests
    fisting, piss play, fucking, toys, gunge, leather, rubber, freaky tattoos, cigars, muscle growth
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    I'm a nice guy with a punk streak - sweet and kind, but also filthy as fuck. Feel free to message me. I appreciate conversation with new people. Or if you want to get into dirty talk, that's fine too.
  • Porn Experience
    Winner of the Ravens Eden "Best Newcummer 2020", and "Hottest Leather Pig 2022"! Worked for AlternaDudes, Randy Blue, Charged Media, Treasure Island Media, and Perseus. Find me on Twitter @feral_o
  • Looking For
    hot guys to breed, and likewise to breed ME. Big dicks and muscle do it for me. And rosebuds. Occasionally cigars. I also enjoy conversation - it pays to have a mind.

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  1. I don't get it. Do I need to commit to spending a night at the bathhouse every week, taking loads and giving loads to strangers until I become a pozzed-up whore with a sex addiction? Will that get me any closer to a fulfilling sex life? Or will I come away disappointed and find nothing has changed? 

    Can I do something that's a LITTLE LESS desperate? I don't want to be THAT level of needy.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NWUSHorny


      One more thought, if you enjoy dressing up in leather and hanging out with other like minded guys, Seattle should have lots of opportunities, they are very much into just about any fetish.  Just don't get high expectations about having sex with them, that doesn't seem to be part of their fetish.

    3. leatherpunk16


      All good advice, everyone. 

      Seattle probably does have the opportunities I desire, but so far, it hasn't yielded up its treasures. Coming from the Chicago-adjacent area, I can honestly say I didn't participate in THAT sex scene much, either. I went a few times, and it was great with my husband, but after he died, I just lost my energy. The most I ever got back was the IML Cumunion party in 2019. Out here, I'm not even trying. 

      This is something I'm really struggling with. I'm going to wake up one day, be 50 and well past my prime (I don't care what you 50+ men have to say about that, I will probably be different from your own experience), and find myself wishing I could go back to my 30s when I had it all. STILL.

      I fear not moving on despite my efforts to do so, and following this same course my whole life. I moved here to get that chance because it wasn't happening at home anymore. I wonder if I made the wrong choice. And that possibility? It's what I can't live with. 

    4. skinster


      Listen, other places are not sprinkled with treasures either. And as a 50+ I can tell you that self-care in that state of mind is even more important in more ways than one. Whatever you decide to do should be what you decide for yourself, not by way of any other influence. Change of scenery definitely helps. You'd still want for your younger self in your 50's, but then you'd have even less of flying fuck to give out. Been there, doing exactly that. And as to wrong choices - they never seize. But there is always hindsight. And if there is a will, there is a way. May take some time to make up the mind.

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