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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. I have a question. Let's say there's a cumdump in a playroom. He's taking loads, and there's a tally on his back or butt to indicate how many so far. If I choose to breed him as well, is it possible that I could get pozzed from a potential toxic mixture inside him? Does he have to be bleeding inside? Could one get it from soaking their dink in such a brew?

  2. I have a few. I needed to make them because I was in the porn industry myself. Let me tell you, it is NOT easy to get into. Two of three things are generally required: a great bod, a huge dick, and a pretty face. Abs are highly valued, but big muscle is not always required. It depends on the studio and what your goals are. If you're a BB cumslut, then Treasure Island would probably work out for you. If you have no ink but decent beef, there's Colt. If you're a deviant fucker and do all kinds of nasty things, Dark Alley and Raw Fuck Club might be a good fit. But this also depends on your location. There's also not much money in it anymore. There's a very small percentage of porn stars who can do exclusively porn and support themselves. The online thing and OnlyFans has got so huge that it takes away from DVD sales. There's still a market, surely, but it's not what it was.

    That said, it's also highly competitive. The studios know they can get the best guys, and they generally filter them out through their experience, looks, and talents. They also look at your online presence, how many followers you have, what sort of videos and pics you have of yourself. And they are always watching. Piss off one director or studio, and you're done. They know you are expendable. But many won't even reject you to your face. They will expect you to take their silence as their answer. And the pressure to remain in peak physical condition at all times is both mentally and physically exhausting.

    Back to the topic at hand, I am still on good terms with many of my friends in the biz. I've even fucked a couple of them. And when you don't treat them like a piece of meat or as a commodity, it can be a rewarding friendship. We're all people, and we all want to be liked for who we are, not what we do in the sack or on film.

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  3. It was the late autumn of 2003. I had been flirting with a married black man on and off for a while, and although we had jerked off together before and he sucked my dink, we had never done penetrative sex. But on this occasion, I popped over to his house after school and went into his studio in the basement. He is a known funk performing artist, and he gave guitar lessons during that time. So we cleared a bench of instruments and sheet music, and laid down to fuck. He was 100% top, so I had to bottom for him. I had never stuck anything in my butt before, and damn near fainted one time when a proctologist checked my broken tailbone at the age of 16. So this was going to be a tough thing for me to do.

    He brushed his dick against my hole. This dude was a good 8 inches, and THICK. I knew I was in for some pain. He lotioned up his python, put some on my hole, and thrust into my hungry ass with no condom. I blacked out for a split second, and saw stars. But it wasn't that painful at all. He knew how to fuck and how to break in a newbie. Supposedly he had taken the virginity of many girls in his youth, but never a guy. He knew what he was doing, and how to do it. He pounded me with varying speeds for nearly ten minutes. I was loving it. But just as he was about to cum, we heard a knocking upstairs on his front door. His student had arrived early for a lesson by about 15 minutes. We stopped fucking, got dressed in a hurry, and he ushered me into the garage. When his student went in the front door, I escaped out the garage door unseen. I got back to my car, and shook from adrenaline and blue balls. I felt him inside me for the rest of the day. I distinctly remember not pooping the next day, but when it finally came, it hurt horribly. I knew why, and I wondered if that's what I have to look forward to as I continue my sexual journey.

  4. I was eleven. I remember because I was in sixth grade at the time, and I was living in southern Illinois. What I remember is very vague: I was in the shower one day, and went to wash my balls when I found hair. I just had a haircut, so I thought "How did the hair from my head end up down here?" Then later I was in bed and stroking the hair. I actually got hard from doing that, and it felt good. This wasn't a piss boner, but something else I couldn't identify. Then I figured it out, lol.

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  5. I used to work on a cam site years ago, and we had this member who would ask models to cut their hair during a show. I doubt anyone actually did it. But this guy would try to entice us by posting the hard cock emoji over and over after making his request. One performer said he would need to pay them before doing such an act, and the guy offered only 10 credits. After a few visits from him, I kicked him out of my chat room. How is cutting hair a fetish? " Pete the Naked Barber" I get, but on a CAM SITE? Doesn't seem to make much sense.

  6. 13 hours ago, chi4loads said:

      Part 78 - The Role Play


    A good instalment. Here's what I was talking about. Ryan did not tell Jon that he is poz. This sets it up for dramatic possibilities. Say, if Jon converts and reacts negatively to it, perhaps bent on revenge or something that could be of a dramatic and sensational nature.

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  7. On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 7:01 PM, BBBoyfromTN said:

    Fuck...now I’m wondering if I’ve goofed the ones I’ve done. Never bothered to get properly tested and just assumed I’m poz. That’d fuck my world if it turned out I’m neg.

    Actually, there's a bright side to this if you should discover you are neg. You can still go out and do it all over again. Experience the thrill of the chase, and the rare opportunity to get after it again. If you want something enough, you'll find it.

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  8. I got chlamydia in 2008. A guy was cruising me one night at a party, and when he tried to suck me off in the bathroom, I told him we'd have to go fuck somewhere. So we went to his place. I wore a condom. After fucking, we showered, and while I was naked, he fills his mouth with hot water and clamps down on my dick. He blew me good.

    A few weeks later, I was really itchy. My dick felt incredibly dry all the time. It was agony, but I didn't know what it was. I finally went to a doctor and got a prescription to treat it. Completely painless. The medical bill, however, was something I could have lived without.

  9. When I get close, I generally let the guy know. He has a chance to say no because I don't want him freaking out later when he didn't verbalize that he didn't want that. They are usually okay with it.

    In a related story, I got pounded really hard by a Daddy in October 2015. I was cheating on my boyfriend who had a small dick. I had an itch inside me that he couldn't reach, but this Daddy could. So we fucked. It was one of the best fucks of my life. I let him bareback me. I trusted him, and it was amazing. But I had also opened myself to risk. He gave me gono that didn't show up for nearly three months. It ruined my relationship with the boyfriend when I had to tell him so he could be protected. This hurt a lot less when I met the great love of my life two months later. If it hadn't been for the Daddy sticking his gono dick inside me, I wouldn't have met my amazing late husband.

    I say know what you want, but be open to possibilities when letting a guy nail you raw. You never know where it can lead!

  10. I joined this site last week. I spend most of my time in the Fiction section. It entertains me, but that's about it. I'm not the sort who posts on here daily or something. I just don't have much to say, but when I do have something to contribute, I'll do it. Feel free to say hello. I'm a nice guy, and #bareback4life.

  11. Hi guys. Long-time reader, first-time poster. I've been following this story with interest. It's quite good. Might I make a few comments?

    ChiLoads, at the outset you say it's your first attempt at such a fiction. Excellent start. The wide variety of characters keeps it entertaining, and hot as fuk in many chapters. You clearly thought about what you wanted to write and how to tell each incident. But I think it's starting to suffer from repetition. Joe has become the main character now, and Mark disappeared into the background. I thought he was the more interesting of the two. To add to the variety, I think the narrative might be improved if you insert something a little different than just breeding and seeding. What makes a story interesting is conflict, a problem for the characters to solve. Something of a dramatic and sensational nature would do, something to break up the constant cycle of meeting new characters who want to get charged up. It was hinted at when Eric wanted Mark's seeds, or when Kyle kept his hookup with Mark a secret. I think if you took it in a new direction, it would make a compelling tale. Give it a try, okay?

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