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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. On ‎5‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 4:04 AM, edward21uk said:

    Yes. It should then the fear will have gone. Stopping PrEP now (I frequently forget when I've taken it anyway). always search for raw loading lads on hook-up sites

    This is the one part of pozzing oneself that I don't understand. "The fear will have gone."

    If you want it gone, doesn't it stand to reason that when you are neg, the fear is present? Why live in fear? We live only once. Surely the fear is at its highest when the gift is about to reach you and enter your system. Why set yourself up to feel like that? Let it be a surprise. If you're going to actively pursue it, you are clearly not afraid of it.

  2. I love musclemen! But in all the years I've been fucking, I've never ever had one. In my experience, most of these guys are straight or they just like to do others who look like them. And the really freaky big boys are mostly bottoms. That's been my experience, if it counts for anything.

    I have long had this muscle fetish. A couple years ago, I started this catch-and-release program at my gym. I'd try to chat up the beef, see where their interest lies, but without coming on to them. I'm sure their homo meter is highly attuned to know which ones to ward off. It's like bird watching - I see a beefy guy, I ogle a bit, and then I let them go. I saw the beef. That's about it. I can never take them home with me. :(

    One of the reasons I got into bodybuilding was because I wanted this type of guy. If I can't have it, maybe I can BE that guy for someone else. My late husband looked at me and saw beef. I looked in the mirror and saw a sack of potatoes with a mohawk. So far, I look fit but by no means contest ready. I'm okay with never being Mr Olympia, because that's not really the goal. But just once - I'd love to get bred by some roided up monster with an amazing dick, and sweats like a pig during the breeding, and maybe his amazing DNA will merge with mine a bit and I can grow to look like him because of the cum injection. That's probably more fantasy because it doesn't work that way, but a fag can dream!

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  3. I know where to find some of my early cam stuff. When I worked for Pegasus Studios, I was required to do my time on the cams and give private shows. What I didn't know at the time was that my shows were being recorded and sold to third parties. When I figured it out, I went into the control panel and disabled a couple of them, but there was a limit on how many I could hide. They were bad shows - sometimes I couldn't get hard. Sometimes I looked like I just came off a meth bender. One time my camera seized up mid-show and we got a three minute audio recording of my voice when I thought the show was over but the still picture of me making an unflattering face remained on the screen. Shit like that. When I quit the studio, I lost access to all this, and the vids were sold as per the contract. I can't imagine anyone buying them and finding it a worthwhile purchase. I'd love to erase them completely, not because of shame or regret, but because I'm not confident in what I put out.

  4. On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 2:12 AM, Guest Dickmagnet said:

    I do this too, I wear stretch jeans that have more stretch around the ass area. They really work. I get a lot of guys checking out my ass when i have these jeans on straight as well as bi & gays ( it helps that i have also a bubble ass ) but the jeans really do work. Also something i would do is wear a jockstrap under the jeans this will all help show off your butt & when you bend down for something most likely the band of the jockstrap will show this will tell any top that you have a jockstrap on & you want to get fucked. It works for me a treat.

    I also wear a jock when I'm at the gym, and I've tried to pick up guys I like with subtle moves that show my merchandise and the jockstrap. We don't have a proper locker room where I can cruise - the place is lately full of girls and not-beefy men, so my options are more than a little limited. But so far it hasn't worked. None have approached me, and the one guy I wanted to plow me didn't respond to it. I'm probably in the wrong place at the wrong time for this trick to work. Doesn't help that 95% of my town is straight, and the remaining 5% are either unavailable or unattractive.

  5. Sometimes when the hole is good, you just let it loose before you're ready. When I start getting to that point, I pull out and do other things. Something to give my dick a rest but keep the bottom engaged. Kiss him, finger him, rub him, suck his dick - something that will prolong the play time. While this is going on, my dick deflates a little and calms down. If I lose the erection, that's actually good! When I finally do cum, it will be stronger and wetter.

    Other guys may have different experiences.

  6. Bravo, chi4loads. A good story, well-told, and filled with a variety of diverse characters. It seems Joe is out of his difficulty, and all will be well. I do wish a bit more drama had been woven into the story, but that wasn't the focus, was it. All this damage that Mark caused by visiting Joe to help him grew into something more, and that's the real story here. Well done. Probably the longest running serial in the fiction section. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.

  7. I'm not a bottom, so I may not be able to put in my oar for this one. But I can say that at least once a month, my blood feels like it's on fire. Whether it's affected by the full moon or what, I don't know, but I have these urges to get nailed REALLY HARD. And that's not like me because I'm not a bottom. Maybe it's hormonal.

  8. I sometimes have this problem. If a hole is particularly good, or I haven't cum in a while, I might not last long. I've found that, for me, the trick is to fuck a little, and when you get close, back off, stop using the dick, and do other things. Please your partner with your mouth, finger his hole, kiss. Something to lose that erection and get it back. I realize that for some guys this might not be an option if you have ED. Because you don't know if you'll get that boner back! I've had that problem on occasion. You make do with it and try to prolong the scene as much as possible.

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  9. Chlamydia. Went to a house party, and hooked up with a guy who saw my dick in the bathroom. He liked the size of it, so we went to a place and fucked. I wore a condom. Later in the hookup, he offered to suck my dick while he kept hot water in his mouth. Not familiar with the sensation, I went with it. REEEEAAAALLLLLYYYYY good.

    A couple weeks later, I had uncontrollable (and unstoppable) itching in my dick. And I felt like I was constantly dry down there. Didn't know what it was, but it definitely wasn't normal, so I went to the doctor. She gave me some pills, and it went away. Problem solved.

    Later I confronted the trick about it. He denied having it, and THEN told me he was positive. I freaked. Felt like he raped me.

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  10. 16 hours ago, analluv27 said:

    I personally believe the problem is old habits die hard. People are still in the eighties and nineties mindset especially in regards to gay sex. At this point the question should be asked "How come there's no studio that either uses or is comprised of actors who are poz undetectable?"

    I think it bears pointing out that Owen Hawk (who worked on Dark Alley Media for a time) has said that he refused to work with any models that weren't already positive. So it's probable that a number of their film are cast with charged guys.


    7 hours ago, hodannyboi said:

    What studios haven't shifted to bareback?

    Titan Media is probably the last holdout.

    The reason that not all porn is BB is because some people really don't want to see that. Believe it or not, there is a small condom fetish scene. I recently saw a Twitter post from a guy who blocked all the "barebackers and bugchasers" from his profile. He's probably turned off by it. Or he marched for all those years just for guys to willingly get bugged up and he's pissed about it. I couldn't say. Bare just isn't his scene.

  11. I don't get laid anymore. Once in a great while, someone will come through on the hookup sites, but even those aren't much fun for me. Every hot guy in my town is as straight as an arrow, and if they are not, then they are closeted. Since I have no gaydar - never got the biotic upgrade because I don't qualify for an L2 implant - I can't bring them round to the subject without being a threat to their masculinity. The ones who are left are not desirable sex partners, or don't want to play with me. In the past year, I've played on and off with this one guy who is barely a participant in the sexual connection. I last met him at a hotel room for a cumdump session, and his hole was too bristly and I was just there to help him reach a goal number. But he didn't seem to reactive to anything I was doing. That's the kind of thing I have to look forward to in hookups these days.

    And that sucks. I'm an attractive guy, but all I seem to be capable of scoring are ugly guys, fat old men, and guys who don't know how to fuck. I come away from a hookup, and I don't feel good about it. I don't enjoy it. The sex is meaningless. It doesn't necessarily HAVE to mean anything - that's how we phags are programmed - but I'd rather be more than just a functionary plaything. I get way more enjoyment out of touching myself in the shower for a ball exam. That's how bad it is.

    There's a hot dude at my gym who likes me. He's probably straight and has a child. I'd love to get seeded by him, but I don't know how to bring him round to it and express this interest, lest I lose the friendship by the proposition. He's certainly given me no signals of sexual interest, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I just don't know what to look for, and never have. When I'm at an event that is sexually charged (like a piss party or IML), that's easier to determine, but at home, the signs are much less obvious.

    So I never get laid anymore, and when I do, it sucks. It's not fun.

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  12. 10 minutes ago, PozBastard said:

    a gono cock can really shoot a big load ;) my underwear is full of yellow gono snot.



    Isn't that the most uncomfortable thing? The itching, the burning, the sting, and the constant moisture. I've had it twice, but never this bad. How do you live with it? (This is not a judgment post - I'm just curious how you can endure it.)

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  13. I once had a guy bottom for me, and his eyes were weird to look at. He warned me prior to the fucking that his eyes go all over the place when he's getting pounded, and when we fucked, he kept his eyes closed. He hated seeing them lolling about in the mirror above the sling, so to prevent that unpleasant sight, he closed them. I did see it once, however, and he was right. They were all over the place. It was a bad look.

    Another partner I used to have - a regular bud - always wore his glasses and kept his eyes completely fixed on me the entire time. This was also hard to look at. I finally made him wear a blindfold but he didn't care for that.

  14. My late husband and I were rather open about the sexual end of our relationship. On our second date, I fisted another guy right in front of him. He was not upset - in fact, he asked me to do that to HIM when we got closer. As our relationship went on, we both played with other guys. We made a rule: Don't bring home anything that you don't want to share. And be honest about your hookups. For the most part, we stuck to that. In the brief time we had together, we had both fucked a lot of guys. But his desire to have a good time in that way is what got him killed. He went to a party, someone gave him a near-lethal dose of amphetamines, and he had a seizure that crippled him for his final days. He wouldn't tell me exactly what happened, but evidence suggests that he was fucked raw by a guy with a Jacob's Ladder (there was some anal trauma), and didn't know the status of any of the guys at the party. He withheld that information from me, probably thinking it was better that I not know. He took that secret to his grave.

    Months later, I dated a guy. I fell for him pretty fast, and offered him a life of comfort and love. He didn't want it. He decided he'd rather be a ho, collecting loads and flitting from one relationship to the next. I told him I'd be waiting when he's ready to settle down because I think we'd have a great life together, but I also realized that I couldn't ask him to give up his sex life for me. So we decided not to continue seeing each other. With a few months of hindsight, I can see that it wouldn't have been happy for me at all. You can play with other guys but I have limits and boundaries, and in a relationship, it's not unreasonable to expect someone to adhere to them within reason. And this ho simply could not provide that for me.

    I guess it really depends on the couple.

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