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Posts posted by leatherpunk16

  1. Steamworks is a good location. Lots of traffic over three floors, but it really depends on the crowd and the time of day you are there.

    I've had a weekend in HOC hotel. It's not in a very good spot. A bit hard to get to, and parking isn't great. Plus it's a little costly when you're there for only a few hours.

    I don't know what Banana Video is. Never heard of it. 

    Don't forget that RAM in Boystown may have playspace in the back.

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  2. I think you are trying to blur the line between fantasy and reality when the line is clearly defined. If you don't want it, what the hell are you doing by hooking up with a gifter who will give you something you don't want??? 

    It's an extreme analogy, but I think it needs to be said. You're asking us to give you permission to kill yourself. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, MuscledHorse said:

    I was unhappy with just a few hundred partners a year so I started hitting CumUnion parties and sex events as much as I could just to see how many partners I could pack in during a single year. You should try it. It's amazing how easy it is to get so many partners and then your body stays hungry at that level so the count stays up there.

    Yes, there's that, and it's certainly a good option for someone who wants to have numbers. But I'm a little picky and don't enjoy sex with men I'm not attracted to. Such events are free-for-alls and that's just not my scene. 

  4. My numbers are virginally low compared to the rest of you. I think 2019 is probably my highest count. I went to a CumUnion party at IML last May, and fucked at least ten guys. Got bred by only one, but I was pretty spent by that point in the night. 

    It's hard to be a porn star when you don't ever get laid. LOL

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  5. 9 hours ago, JackEdJIZZ said:


    those are the only two I have taken (or even scene) in real life.   Both were great experiences.   What a wonderful modification........too bad more breeding tops don't wear one.   

    I think many guys actually DO, but they seldom get to use it. The bottom sees that and being face to face with all that jewellery makes them think twice. "That's gonna hurt and rip me open, and we'll have a bad playtime" or something of the like. So the top offers the bottom a way out by asking if they need to remove it. It's out of courtesy, I think. I've bottomed for a few pierced guys, and this scenario always happens. An experienced bottom slut, like yourself, might agree to get fucked by metal things, but I think the majority is that they don't want to be ripped open from stem to stern.

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  6. 8 hours ago, BrunoSP said:

    He's a cumdump. I'm pretty sure I was fucking a cum-filled cunt. I do know about risks, but during the moment I didn't care enough.

    Okay. That changes things a bit. An exposure is a possibility now. If you wish to seek treatment, do it now. Turn off this computer or phone or whatever, and go to the nearest clinic to get help. Your window is much shorter now.

  7. If you were the top, chances are low that you got anything at all. There needs to be fluid exchange from the guy you fucked raw. If he didn't cum inside you, and didn't bleed during your session, you are very unlikely to need PEP or PREP immediately after. The bug is passed through four bodily fluids: blood, semen, breast milk, and vaginal secretions. We can rule out the last two entirely. The semen was yours, and if there was no blood, this is a non-exposure.

    Rest easy. Nothing to worry about.

    Other STDs, however, can be a reality. That's something you can check for after a couple weeks have passed.

  8. I seldom run into this problem. Most of the guys I've played with in recent years - if not all - are barebackers. But every once in a while, I get the one oddball who requests it. I used to be a condom Nazi, and when I was hooking, I would certainly use them. So when the question comes up, I don't shame him for it or try to reverse his thinking. I can understand where he's coming from because I've been there before. Sure, it's more fun to not use condoms, but I've found that once someone has made up their mind how they will have sex, it's really damn hard to change that. So I concede and agree with them that it's for their peace of mind as well as mine, and we can have a good time together. If nothing else, at the end they get a little souvenir (a used condom full of cum) if they want it.

    But as I said, this seldom happens, and I usually end up breeding the guy.

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  9. Steamworks is nice and clean, but parking is kind of a bitch. Their garage has no attendant to pay for parking, so be sure your card is in good condition or you might find yourself trapped. As for the bathhouse itself, they have three floors and a lot of space. It depends on what night you go, but it's not consistent in attendance. If you check it out, bring cash to pay for whatever, and take your chances. If you make yourself available, the guys will usually play with you.

    RAM Bookstore is probably your best option for an ABS. Also cash-only, and no available parking. Sometimes they have events so check the calendar on their website before going. They have a bag check, I think, but no private lockers like Steamworks. Also check out the fetish shop next door to them if you're into gear.

    Cruise bars are not something I know much about. Depends on your interests. The SoFo Tap is good, and so is Jackhammer. Touche is hit or miss - they often have events and when the people come, they go to the event in the back room. Sometimes you can have the front area all to yourself because of this. Sidetrack, to my mind, is not really a cruisy place. You go there with friends for drinks and their video bar. Roscoe's is for dancing. Kit Kat Lounge is for drag shows and related entertainment. As I said, it really depends on your interests, and I don't go often enough to give much advice on this.

    When you need a sunrise nom after a night of fucking, give Golden Nugget a try. Inexpensive diner with good food.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Qban said:

    Crabs and chlamydia (and possibly gonorrhea) freshman year of university.  I was 18 and fucking a guy in my dorm whose girlfriend was the campus mattress tester.  Dude got them from her and next thing we knew the whole dorm was lined up in the waiting room of the student health service for swabs, shots and pills.  Almost had to burn down the dorm to get rid of the damn crabs - yuck...

    LOL, nearly had to burn it DOWN??? Wow, that's pretty bad. I have to wonder what the clinic staff thought of this.

  11. On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 8:22 AM, Jamesbgck said:

    Was it at Steamworks or the Hole at Jackhammers? I really prefer the events at Jackhammers. It’s smaller and doesn’t have the facilities of Steamworks, but when it’s packed full of horny guys fucking, sucking, licking, and cumming like wild dogs, it is very hot.

    Definitely Jackhammer. (There is no S in that word.) It was certainly HOT - as in temperature. I was sweating bullets the whole time.

  12. Yes, I would say that it's a common path. You start out with simple jerking, and after a load is blown, your teenage self thinks, "I wonder what it tastes like?" You give it a try. Interesting. Not terrible. So you keep doing it. Eventually you look for the next thing to try. Taste of your piss, putting things in your butt, playing with other men, and in meeting these men, they introduce you to THEIR kinks and interests. You give it a try. And find that you LIKE it. It's about all the new things that are available to you and discovering what your faves are.

    For barebackers, I think the path begins with fucking or getting fucked. Start with condoms because of all the sex-scare tactics taught in school. Then you try it raw. From there, you keep going raw until you bug up. From there, the sky's the limit. Sex is about the journey, not the destination, and seeing all the flowers on the way.

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  13. Not really my scene. I went to the event that happened over IML in Chicago last May. I was supposed to fist some guy there, but he never showed, so I just fucked whoever. I did about 8 guys that night, all random, none of them my type or that attractive, never asked status, all raw. Got bred by a black guy on a fuck bench, and a ginger took me home to pound a bit. The room was incredibly crowded and all the testosterone was there, but it was hard to see, and I didn't experience too many guys who were well-endowed. Never came in any of the guys I fucked for some reason.

    It's not really my scene, but I had a good time.

  14. My first was chlamydia. Shortly before I acquired it, I gave a world premiere of a stage play that was a total disaster. It killed my self-esteem, and I was morose for weeks after. I had only a few gay friends, and they were mostly scene queens who let me hang around with them but never really interacted with me unless necessary. One of them was this scrawny black dude named Chris. He followed me into a bathroom one night at a bar and watched me take a piss while he looked over the wall of the bathroom stall. He HAD to have my dick. Since the play's failure, a little positive attention made me go starry-eyed, and I let him suck my dick right there. He asked me to go home with him to fuck him. So I did. I wore a condom when I fucked him, but he was NOT cleaned out and I found shit all over my dick. We washed in the shower, and then he offered to resume sucking my dick with hot water in his mouth. I let him do this, and it felt pretty good.

    Ten days later, I had this unbearable itching on my dick. It wouldn't fucking stop. I was practically clawing at it to make it stop, and I tried all remedies I could think of: Gold Bond Anti-Itch Powder was among them. I finally went to a doctor, and told her what happened. Not having a lot of money for such things, I told her that I couldn't make a repeat visit if something were found, so she took my urine sample, and sent me home with Bactrim. And after a couple weeks, it was gone.

    I later saw Chris at the poof bar, and told him to get tested. I didn't accuse him, lest I be wrong, but he told me he didn't have chlamydia. He's POZ. He didn't tell me THAT when we hooked up. "Undetectable" wasn't a term at the time, so I freaked out. I knew right then it was him who gave it to me - I hadn't been sleeping with anyone else in months - and I demanded that he pay for my treatment. In my mind, that would have been the honourable thing to do. I had no money of my own, and I suffered because he didn't communicate, and I felt he targeted me. Fortunately, because of my income level at the time, the clinic cleared my bill, and I paid nothing for it.

    I've got two other stories for when I got gono, but I won't bore you with the details of those. ;) 

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  15. 48 hours after exposure? Then it's probably not it. That particular bug needs time to incubate. When I first got it, I swallowed fresh cum on December 12th. By the 17th, I had my first discharge and all that unpleasantness. The second round of the bug sat latent for over two months before making itself known. 48 hours isn't enough time for it to work its magic, although there MAY be exceptions. Wait a week, see what happens. If you find your underwear crusty in the morning, or if you get this intolerable itching of your dick, THEN you should be alarmed and get treatment. If those things don't happen, then it's unlikely but not impossible. Remember! Latency is a thing, and it can sit dormant for up to three months.

    Just go get tested after a week even if nothing happens. 

  16. Piss play is considered one of the safer kinks, as well as one of the hottest. In 2016, I joined a piss club in Chicago just to experience it. I took my future husband on my third visit, and got so drunk that I raped him at the bar. He loved it, and we both went to events as that year progressed. Since he died, I go a lot less often. :( 

    It's something about the bonding experience between men when you consume each other's fluids. This is one sexually charged activity that will NOT get you pozzed if you are not looking for that. You can, however, get other bugs from the urine. For those who are trying it for the first time, some tips:

    1. You don't have to swallow if you are not ready, especially if it's your first time at a piss party. For some men, just wearing another man's piss is a badge of honour. It gets your feet wet, so to speak. Most guys are okay with this.

    2. If you're going to piss in another guy's mouth, be sure you didn't eat something strong like asparagus or garlic. Be aware that you can also be salty if you ate some peanuts recently. However, strawberries can make it quite fragrant in a good way.

    3. Don't wear sneakers or your "good shoes" to such an event. They'll be ruined and you'll never get that smell out of them. Flip flops or shower sandals will do. Or go barefoot! Just be sure there are no cuts or open wounds on your feet.

    4. If you are pee shy, go to the event anyway and tank up on the water or beer. You'll pee out of necessity eventually, and going to piss parties will help you get over that.

    5. It's a good idea to bring SaniWipes or something to wipe yourself off afterwards. You don't want to smell like a homeless person on the bus ride home or whatever. You might get off on it, but it will repel others and invite some unkind remarks.

    For a couple decent erotic piss stories, I recommend buying the book "Soaked" by Joseph Bean.

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  17. Unfortunately, I don't have an anonymous story like some of you. I always get the names of my tricks so I can add them to my list of partners. (This tramp keeps records, LOL.) The nearest I've got came at the age of 33 when I went to a bathhouse for the first time. I really had no clue what to do there, and had no skill for cruising or picking up guys, no natural instinct for cues and come-ons. But eventually a daddy named Patrick pulled me into his room and fucked me. His dick was pretty average, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt! He wore a condom and refused to remove it. When we were done, he promptly kicked me out.

    Not very exciting or interesting, I know, but that's probably the nearest first-time story I've got.

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