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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Holy shit! And they just keep cumming. Loving it.
  2. Holy fuck. I just love your stories. Does this have a thread back to the others?
  3. @Scanbu Well you certainly answered my question about Mark.
  4. Our condolences. When you are ready
  5. Fucking hell and wow. Now what does Mark do?
  6. Of course, we need to see what you have planned for Tom
  7. Excellent the way you brought Tommy's brother into the story.
  8. Aah okay and thank you. Look forward to this new character.
  9. Whoa, did you mention a dead brother before? I will have to go back and reread the early chapters - good excuse
  10. Loving it, of course.
  11. @PozTalkAuthor. All good things come to those that wait . I am pozitive we can all hang in there until you find the time to carry on.
  12. Loving these little side stories ☣️
  13. Nice segue into Dale's story
  14. Sorry @Oracle1100. Did David take Jesse back?? Last line. Cheers
  15. I am not a writer/story teller and never will be so I come on here to get my daily fix like everybody else. I know it takes a lot of effort and imagination to write these stories and for those authors who write multiple chapters, you have my admiration because the pressure to continually create and add to your "baby" must be immense until you reach "the end". I chat to one such author who has had to take a break because of writers block. But the follow up comments continue relentlessly. There is a saying -"patience is a virtue" - so have some patience and lay off, He will return when good and ready. As others have already said, it gets down to personal taste. I see lots of stories which do not appeal so I just move on. Why bother putting negative comments on someone's creation just because you do not like the subject matter? Some comments can be downright nasty. So you armchair critics and keyboard warriors, get off your high horse and how about offering the authors some encouragement and praise instead of vile comments. If you can't do that, move the fuck on. This site seems to have lost a lot of great writers, some because of "rules" but I imagine a lot due to the fuckwit negativity as well. There that is my 2 cents worth as well, probably gone off on my usual tangent as I can do. Be kind people.
  16. Awesome story as always, thank you
  17. So is or isn't Preston ☣️
  18. Of course we are enjoying your story telling. Please it up. But I did think that you might have had ulterior motives lined up for Dale 😁
  19. Cheers, followed back

  20. Hahaha so Angel turns out to be a little slut on the prowl too, Love it. And Tony's gift would be the icing on the cake for him not that he knows it just yet !
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