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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Holy fuck, a slow smouldering seduction.
  2. Poor baby, he is so confused and conflicted. But the pozitive side is beginning to win the war in his mind. ☣️🔥😁🔥☣️😁
  3. Of course, I was trying to give him a hint 🤣🤣. No way would I want @Jaygusher's story to go off tangent.
  4. Please go on! There is a story in there
  5. Get well soon. Hope it was nothing too serious
  6. As an outsider (Australia) looking in, I can only form an opinion based on what I read and see in the media. Frankly I don't think you have anything to be optimistic about at the moment, but of course that is my own personal opinion. You have this orange blob in the Whitehouse who is a fruit loop and loose cannon. A would be King of the world who expects everyone to kotow to his whim of the moment. (Let's write another executive order FFS). And he has surrounded himself with brown nosed sycophants' who don't dare or don't have the balls to stand up against him. Then you have the other prancing prima donna who throws his money around and thinks he can buy anything or anyone. I feel he is more dangerous than your new "illustrious leader". He is an unelected wheeler dealer who seems to have a free hand to do what he wants. Just how much influence he has over the orange one and what strings he pulls is anyone's guess. Can't wait for that bromance to crash and burn. And then you have the blinkered MAGA faction, interesting when the penny drops that all his actions have a reaction and they are not exempt. Good luck. We have our own elections pending so something for us to look forward to as well. ALL OPINIONS EXPRESSED ARE MY OWN
  7. Holy fuck, what has Riley said yes to? 🤣. He ain't going to be virinal for too much longer 🔥☣️
  8. Thank you for an amazing ride with theis story. "The End - Fini". I hope not @MTLneg at lreast when you tease about Max and Alex.
  9. Just had to re-read this hot story.. Do you have another chapter to tell @nonscene?
  10. Wow all those poz loads 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Time to start all over again Max! Hopefully Magoo has the stamina
  11. Well I just had to go back to the beginning and reread your story. All coming back to me now - dirty and nasty fuck 🔥🔥. Hell yeah, if you want to write more on your journey, I for one would love to readi it.
  12. Just wondering if there are any current issues? The last few days I have been logged in, gone away to do other things, then come back and the site cannot be reached. Normally a refresh will sort it out but it's not that simple at the moment. I am in Australia where access is so much easier than USA, As far as I am aware, there are no issues with my service provider. Not running VPN. Curious???
  13. Now that's a hot little story. Look forward to seeing how you develop it
  14. Hopefully we can read more adventures from your newly confirmed pozzed lead.
  15. super hot story @ILoveToPlease. Could be a one off or are you planning on more and fleshing out your characters?
  16. another long lost story from @losolent
  17. You actually get a notification ☣️
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