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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Hot, another new story. Thank you
  2. Wow, I certainly never expected an ending like that. Sad but beautiful. Well done and thank you @Scanbu. I look forward to more stories/spin offs from you
  3. A story on Tony's adventures would be awesome, both pre and post Mike's possible conversion of him
  4. Fuck I just love the way you write your story. Reminds me of another author on this site. The way you set the characters, their strengths and compassions, the detail, the love story, the sex, the pozzings. So please continue as far as you can take it because I know it will have to end eventually. But in the meantime fucking amazing.
  5. I too, would really like to see Beth get her comeuppance for the way she treated Andy but can't really see that happening unfortunately. UNLESS Andy and Dave were somehow able to "seduce and poz" the ex now current boyfriend Phil. 😁😁☣️
  6. Wow 6 years old @losolent and still as hot as fuck
  7. Hot stuff and thank you @ijoey
  8. Cheers for continuing this story, gave me an excuse to go back and reacquaint myself with the characters. Hopefully not so long before next hot chapter arrives.
  9. Can't say I have ever read this story. It is so fucking hot and we never did get the promised extra chapters which is a shame. But the author hasn't been on here for awhile.
  10. Following this one with a lot of interest mmmm☣️
  11. Hopefully @Hungrydude212 you have some more to give us on this story. Now the groom has taken one load are there more to cum?
  12. I am so happy that you and your guy found each other and that you are helping him come to terms with himself (we have chatted). Whether you and he choose to take that next step will happen, if and when it happens. And yes the number of straight married men looking to hook up seems to certainly outweigh the number of gay men in my experience.
  13. Fuck that was so hot, But there is something after "i was his" which is not legible???
  14. @btm4bbrn1 Fuck I had forgotten just how good Scorpion Bikers was, have just reread. Is there a chance you may get to adding to that story? It was fucking hot and we were left hanging as to Ranger Mason. In the meantime following your latest story with interest.
  15. Seems like I have read this story a few times now judging by my comments. Fuck it is a hot story,
  16. This is getting fucking hot
  17. He has a lot in the poz group as well. Happy reading
  18. Probably any of the long stories by @losolent
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