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About BugChaserFromSwede

  • Birthday 05/28/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Trans Feminine (MTF)
  • Location
    Linköping Sweden
  • Interests
    would never refuse a top that has toxic semen to dump his toxic cum deep in my ass, my ass is there to satisfy all toxic tops no matter how toxic semen you have, so here you have a horny ass that takes care of your cock and cum
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Looking For
    Toxic cum in my ass, I want to get my ass filled with toxic cum especially meds resistance hiv and Hep cum...
    Sms Whatsapp 46702893320

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  1. FFuck pig!!! love to have your used dirty rig in my arm as you film me pumping your toxic DNA into my veins. happy to share the filth of SSatan as He pulses through our veins. Worshiping HIS GLORIOUS NAME, fukking for HIM, letting HIM into our unholy rectums as HIS seed empties into us and fills us with SSick luSSts and deSSires. Feel HIM pulsing and forcing HIS way into our mankunts, feel HIM empty HimSSelf in our hungry Kunts... we are SServants of the BeaSSt. HAIL, brother-in-SSin.99

  2. Hej like yr profile I'm the same also yr profile describes...good to know have same interests in Sverige..my inbox doesn't work yet be great to connect

  3. Get taken deep out into the woods naked with my arms tied behind my back, nose in strong brown rope that is tied to trees, and forced to stand on some kind of stool or something then you take the noose around my neck tighten it then kick away what I stand on, you have a hood on you so I do not see you, gloves, preferably someone else who films everything
  4. just hanging around 😜😜😜 it’s wonderful way to hang
  5. Some time I have my feet’s tied to getter and two ropes from the feet’s one going rope down to a loop in the floor then up to the knee crease and the other rope goes to a loop in the ceiling when someone pulls the rope they pull my feet up from the floor while the other rope that is tied in the knees pulls me down so the noose get really tight around my neck, past out several times fast when they do it..
  6. I really would love you to do that to me really show me what a useless trash whore I am nothing else but a fuckhole to be used as the top pleases
  7. Some time I have my feet’s tied to getter and two ropes from the feet’s one going rope down to a loop in the floor then up to the knee crease and the other rope goes to a loop in the ceiling when someone pulls the rope they pull my feet up from the floor while the other rope that is tied in the knees pulls me down so the noose get really tight around my neck, past out several times fast when they do it
  8. I love to get strangled hard with anything, strangled with hands rope chains belt anything goes, really wonderful to have a nose that’s hanging from the sealing around the neck so just the toes are touching the floor mean while I get fucked like a trashy slut
  9. you know exactly how to take care of garbage whore like me would be wonderful and be treated that way and get my ass filled with toxic cum would love it to be really toxic fagot hole
  10. I would love to get fucked by a cook with a PA like this one on the picture
  11. I use my dildo complete dry pretty often the biggest dildo I play with dry is 28,5 cm (11,4 inch) in Circumference ;);)
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