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Everything posted by Danthebttmman57

  1. Yes you should do it! Don’t understand why PrEP is not an option. But you understand the risk. You will want more and eventually you wil NEED more.
  2. Sure its cock snot but it's more than that. Yes it's related to sinus snot and throat snot from a good deepthroating. But it contains pheromones and hormones that have proven to be very addictive. Sure not much science has taken place on this but just look at reality--- young boys to old men crave cum---once they have tried it. Take the condom off the dick and ignore STI fears and the same thing happens--- we become orally and anally addicted to cum. But like all addictions some people are easily addicted others can take it or leave it. I'm a proud supplier of cum to newbies of all ages. I love to watch their lives change. First they are curious, then they want cum , soon it will become they NEED CUM !
  3. I agree cum should never be wasted.
  4. There are no perfect hook-up apps. But we like grindr for traveling since it is "location based". Plus we assume everybody enjoys exchanging cum. If you want safe sex use your hand.
  5. Just don't look to the retrumplicans to be validated. Once they clean up this abortion mess they will becoming after the "sexually correct in marriage ". Yes Mr Biden is far from perfect but bozo Trump and DeSantis scare the shit out of me.
  6. No real suggestions you seem to be on the right tract. Just remember pink cum leaking out is a very good sign. Also untested versatile guys are you best chance of conversion.
  7. Yes a couple had their sons or son in-laws that I had gifted previously. Sure hope they all got the fuck-flu at the same time. Must be a bug going around.
  8. Ok this is fiction, hmmmm maybe not. It sure was hot and it describes exactly what is going on in the minds of gifters and chasers. Nice that they came to a “honest” agreement to give and receive. It is shame we can’t tell honest serious stories about the reality of what is going on in the real world . Message me for some current thoughts.
  9. Many years ago I was married to a woman. I was trying to be bi. lol One of my frequent tops decided I shouldn’t be married any more—— he fucked me hard and brutally and tore my ass up with his dick and monster dildos until I was bleeding. During all this he sucked my nipples so hard they were purple a surrounded with a noticeable white ring. Then for the first time he sucked me off and then bit my dick so it was bruised. I went home a wreck and my wife came home from her night shift as I was showering and saw the damage and I confessed I was bi. She threatened to leave me , but I somehow managed to stop her. Then 3monthe later I tested POZ and she saw the insurance bills for the meds and that was the end of my marriage. Was he my POZ daddie? I love to take a rough fuck and give a rough fuck.
  10. I prefer cum to go in my mouth or ass. But if the top or tops wish to cum on my face or hair I will proudly wear it in public .
  11. Yes! Many of us have been at this point - “ Bare is so much better”! It will be fun to watch another man cycle through. First NO bareback ,to WANT bareback , to NEED bareback. I look forward to more of this HOT story.
  12. Most unusual timing was in my best friends basement on Christmas morning being barebacked by his dad while the family was upstairs. The Mrs kept opening the basement door and yelling down” the kids are ready to open their gifts”. All I could think was I was so ready to receive my gift deep in my sss. I was not disappointed.
  13. Yeah........ so many flavors of cum , positions, fetish’s and of course body part names. I will follow the other guys word use because I just want both of us to feel good. That why also try to accommodate his physical wish’s as well. now is it a penis , dick, cock, LOVE SWORD, baby maker, fuck meat, fuck stick, death wand? Personally I don’t care - let’s just do it . We are just animals that want to breed or be bred. We just happen to be men doing it not for procreation but for fun. Some of us are focused on the DNA exchange. Some aren’t. Everybody should just lighten up. We don’t come with a rule book or even an instruction manual. Bottom line : If your not happy take your ball /bat/home plate/mitt and go home. You don’t have to play with him again.
  14. So true!!! ITS ALWAYS THE BOTTOMs FAULT!!!!
  15. I look forward to more chapters and the "conversion of the congregation". I always enjoyed Sunday services where church members were stunned to see me just hours after I had filled their hole with toxic cum.
  16. Same here--- Honestly my "son" loves to force the ones that are curious but undecided. None start out loose.
  17. It takes persistence and assistance to get PReP and HIV treatments at a reasonable cost. Plus it can all change do to politics at a drop of the hat. My spouse and I are off meds by choice at this point. Keeping a close watch on the politics of HIV. Remember the Republicans would rather see you die than the government or insurance cover you.
  18. I could see their husbands bring home the "gravy"
  19. I love this story ! So many dark fun ways it could go. How whole congregation is his playground now.
  20. Excellent story--- the pastor is going to get what he needs.
  21. Most of us live for the nights and weekends off. But also breeding at work is a dream come true. The closest I ever came to that was being a lunch time slut in the parking garage.
  22. Yeah after a fuck-fest weekend I went home with hickies on my butt cheeks, fuck hole, scrotum and nipples . But was totally freaked about my cock head being bitten.
  23. Yes viruses don't care if you are straight or gay. Almost the same situation with a female vagina filled with toxic cum except as we all know ass is usually tighter. That and I would venture a guess that there are fewer female conversion parties.
  24. Joey is already spreading the virus to his negative friends. A little mentioned fact is that most tops get infected by fucking a hole full of poz cum. The urethra is excellent for being permeable to viruses. The longer the top fucks the more toxic virus is being shoved into his pee-slit. I like it when conversion parties have 2nd phase where we invite "clean" tops to cum breed a cum filled ass and they take home a backdoor prize and not know it.
  25. Breed, breed , breed and get bred all BB of course. Anywhere Any time
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