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Everything posted by UncutMecosTop

  1. Would You Consider Hiding Your Activities From Your Top On A Site Such as This One ....When Your Top and You Are On The Site As Partners Although You Both Don't Post Yourselves As Partners...You Both Are Knowingly and Openly Are On Here For Each Other... Would You In Such An Openly Committed Relationship With Each Other ...Consider That To Be Ok ...Hiding Your Activities on A Sudden Instance With No Explanation and Without Consultanting Him Although He Did Not Hide His And HAS NO CLUE OR EXPLANATION AS TO WHY... BOTTOMS I ASK IF THAT IS SOMETHING YOU WOULD DO? TOPS....I ASK WHAT YOUR REACTION WOULD BE? I KNOW WHAT MY REACTION WOULD BE DEFINITELY....AND WILL SHARE MY TAKE ON THIS QUESTION.... BUT WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU GUYS FIRST.... THIS IS IMPORTANT AND WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR RESPONCE S THIS QUESTION Will POST For 30 Minutes As to get your immediate Response and stay on for others to reply But Bear With me My Friends..... There is a purpose for this and will Fill you in on it afterwards...Thanks You for your time....and close clock starts now and will terminate at 9:30 pm.... the Game Starts Now
  2. I like this discussion guys...glad to hear your varias insightful stories and filled with pride that you are " sharing" your experiences with our uncircumcised cocks openly...hey...it's a start....And as an Uncircumcised man....I for one...Have heard just about Everything and then some regarding we who are uncircumcised and about our snouted anteater dicks from just about everyone who I could please with even to just give me their honest answers promising no feelings would be hurt ...if but only they be as truthful whether it be just going on what they heard from others or from just the look or anything but to just say what is on your mind or your opinions anything ..I would pull my hooded dick out and did so most times for some reply......lol....(true)....I HAVE TO ADMIT THAT all except a handful were negative remarks but just to be fair....They were well known facts that I myself Agreed with 100 percent and told them so ( they seemed taken aback by this)..I'M perverted as fuck and am into mansmell..the whole nine yards...so I know and my response back to them was that it is a well known fact we uncut have the nastiest dicks ..we are unhygienic by nature and for the mere fact that we are male... our minds infested by sexual filth ( all males) but our uncut cocks leaks of filth under our manhooded foreskins and generate among pre-cum and dry semen from excessive masturbating combine and create Smegma...and so therefore we are Filthy Fucking Pigs.....And the longer or more foreskin we have...the more cock cheese we get...( I'M proof of that ..and all the rest as I am a postercock for these facts even should I be the only one...it's true in my case....I'm loving this cause I am after all...perverted as fuck...But not all uncuts should take the heat for my anteater....my Dad should more so than me cause he was my hero.. my idol.....and I do get about as much cock cheese as he did...well I have about the same amount as foreskin as he did...so I am an heir to the king of Smegma...lol.... Hey....not all uncuts are nasty...not all cut dicks are clean...but one thing is for sure...there are soap...and water....The two things that can change your opinions on either cut dicks or uncut dicks into a very simple Fact...and Unite them once and for all as A COCK...ONE HAS MORE SKIN BUT STILL THEY ARE COCKS...SOAP AND WATER.... SIMPLE.......BUT IF YOU WANT A DIRTY FUCKING COCK CHEESE MANHOODED BADBOY....CALL ME....AND LET THE PARTY BEGIN...LOL The differences will continue...the song remanes the same ...or does it..'''..hit me up and we can find out in our own ways...and write about too...hell...video it and write about it..and let's not waste time....I'm down.....can you handle it?...I know my story is a little cheesy....but where there's a cock...there's always an Edited version....and an UNCUT VERSION....so which is your pick ...mines a little juicier...than the other versions I'm told...let's find out together
  3. Well then tell him some thing...don't just hide and post secretly behind his back ..if you don't like sucking cock...why do you do it so hungrily when sucking others....yes I've seen you....maybe your not as good piece of ass as he likes...he needs more than a secret pig in ( not good at) hiding .
  4. Gave to a guy at bookstore...my partner was there but in another part of bookstore
  5. And Let me add this statement... I love both Cut and Uncut Dicks ....Hell...Like Lust and Desire a Males Penis....cut or uncut
  6. Ok my fellow pigs...Let me Update those who may not be aware of the Cut /Uncut facts as of 2019...or who don't particularly keep track ( most of us arent keeping records on every sexaul details about Cut or Uncut cocks)..I happen to be Uncircumcised...and Pride myself in trying to answer Everything i possibly can about the Uncut Penis by research and medical history from past to present day ..Reason i started doing so many years ago was mostly because even Uncircumcised males knew little about their own foreskins due to never had been discussed about growing up..or had little to no discussion among other Uncut males for whatever reason...So as a Proud Uncut male...I wanted those who wanted to know anything about The Uncut Cock to be able to go to and get as true and most reliable Facts about the uncircumcised cocks questions they had no matter how simple or how hardcore ( bad or good to the most explicit the inquiry might be to them). I wanted to be one of the ones that could help them out if i could with all Honest and with my experience as an uncircumcised male..There is only facts that i wanted to educate on no matter if questions were / are considered "good or bad" to someone....First off...the white majority of years past and circumcision being the norm is well...for the most part...the past...the Majority in the US has shifted from Latino's ..Mexicans...And Other Ethnicities being the Majority in the US and in some recent polls...Arguably White was by a very small margin still Majority...Still...even that can not dispute the Internet has given everyone more information and Facts about Circumcision that were not known years before ...Educating Parents to be so much so and with indisputable facts from The Medical Community Primarily stating There is no reason except 2 or 3 extreme reasons that an infant may be in need of circumcision....But other than a rarely needed Absolute Medical necessity...The Practice of circumcision does more harm than it ever has done good...The practice became standard as doctors were aware not much was known or even asked much less questioned about circumcision so it was a very hefty paycheck to the doctors...Nothing more nothing less...it put money in their pockets ...Of Course All that is now openly Known and Written about in Medical Journals and All Medical records you can look up easily...and please do so ....80 - 90 percent of the world male population is Intact..anotherwords Uncircumcised ...The Us Majority may not be White as before but the Circumcision rate has a still slim majority ...of a ratio of about 75 percent of american males of all ethnics including white males...are UNCUT...religious reasons mostly....Here is where i want to make myself very clear in this statement....To Those who say circumcision looks cleaner...or is cleaner....If A Mutalated penis looks cleaner or is Cleaner to you...There is much more of an issue with those thoughts that goes way..way...way ..beyond the Cut / Uncut issue...An Intact Penis is Natural....if you are Cut...It does not mean there is something wrong with you ...Good or Bad ..it just means for whatever reason your parents had you cut would be an answer to get from them....but do not put blame if you disagree with them....They may not have had the information that we have now and went with what they were told was the proper procedure at that time and did what they felt was right for you....So dont blame your parents please....or dont worry much about whats done is done....With Facts and Proven Medical Education these days...let a male wait till he is of age of consent to allow him and only himself make such an important and personal decision such as to be circumcised or not...I think we all can agree that this is the only reasonable solution about Cut/Uncut issue...i have a lot of foreskin anf never had anyone gross out or turn me down sexually....im very open and openly discuss being uncircumcised....it is not in hiding or a hidden secret so i think thats why all the males i been with have never had an issue....I am a nasty boy and i am into cock cheese and am open about that also....but thats another story which i will glafly share if you would like to know more about that...I find that it has become more of a turn on these days far more than it was several years ago.....Thanks Pigs...
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