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Everything posted by rawfuckingonly

  1. Did you now? You read that, huh? And from what source? What paper was that in?
  2. Read your own posted comments, huh? Yeah, I've read them myself and therefore can relate to what you're going through. I just 🤢.......hurl🤮
  3. Yeah, there are a lot of people who are "rich & mega rich." And......???
  4. Wok (adj.) A state of awareness achieved only by people stupid enough to find injustice in everything except their own actions. Examples of "woke" in a sentence: 1. "Fuck woke!" 2. "Woke is bullshit" (that second one ∆∆ has a ring of familiarity to it, not to mention *truth*)
  5. Elaborate if you will please on how America's education system brainwashing everyone. Now I happen to agree wholeheartedly that America's education system, particularly in the public school sector, ESPECIALLY in the public school sector, is subpar at best. That being said, I'm not really clear on your claim of brainwashing. So again if you would elaborate more on this in more depth, details, examples, etc., I would be most grateful and I look forward to you your response. Thank you 🙂
  6. Mmm... Well, you know what they say "There's no time like the present." You don't wanna keep yourself waiting, right? Haha....😉 👋....✈️🥱
  7. Where and/or who did you hear that from? Sources? Names?
  8. ...... As opposed to what?
  9. Is it? So, what's wrong with that? What alternative(s) would you rather have for cops who are suspended?
  10. Well they're wrong. Trump wasn't anointed by god. Trump was anointed by the vast majority of American people who voted for him in droves. Lol! "Serial adulterer" .....please. You know, if it wasn't for double standards, the REgressive Left wouldn't have any at all!
  11. What is "Woke"? 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 It's bullshit 😱
  12. Why not? You can sleep with whoever you want, I don't care. But why is she the one left in the dark?
  13. Does it matter?
  14. Personally, I don't condone hitting. You can be dominant without slapping.
  15. I don't need to block your commentary, nor am I "upset" it. I'm simply pointing out that most of your commentary is grossly hypocritical.
  16. Hypocrisy really knows no bounds with you, does it? You're a piece of work man. You really are.
  17. For example? ∆ Hypocrisy ∆ THAT is the epitome of hypocrisy. Smfh. Unbelievable. Ugh....The same God damn theme, election after election, decade after decade...after decade. "They're gonna take away Medicare." 59 years from its inception and "they" STILL haven't taken away Medicare. But this...THIS guy (Trump) is gonna take Medicare away.......... Riiiiiiiiiiight. COME ON! Get fuk***g real! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
  18. 👇 👇 👇 Yeah....Tell me about it. 🤦🙄 smfh. Ohh, before I forget!!!.... Funny, right? "Stupid fellow Americans" hehehe. And they're laughing AT you, NOT with you!!! HAHAHA! 😂 "LOL" indeed! 🙄
  19. I'M NOT! I'm not on here talking in the first person! If I was then you'd have a valid argument. But I'm NOT. And I especially wouldn't speak for the likes of you.
  20. How'd that work out for ya, pretty good? 😉
  21. STOP with the first person pronouns. I'm a natural born US citizen and you don't speak for me. I'm NOT on board with your process nor the likes of others.
  22. Liberals are hypocrites and lovers of fantasy facts. It’s all or nothing with them. “You either are politically on my side or u don’t exist to me.” Without hesitation. "Bye bitch." Before you can say anything they mouth off in anger and hate about Trump being "racist" and all that smear campaigning from Nan-cy-Hag- Pelosi. And you don't have to look far in order to find one of them. Many are right here on this forum.
  23. "division." -Liberals lead the pack in that category.
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