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Everything posted by rawfuckingonly

  1. No thanks.
  2. Personally, I don't have a size limit either way. My mouth(and butt) is for penis, regardless of size.
  3. But that's how liberals are! "Criminals aren't bad people. Criminals are 'good people.' They just make bad choices." Q: So, it's a total lack of self-accountability on the part of the criminal? A: Oh no. Nooooo. Fuck no. It's something or someone else's fault. It's "The po-lice." "The system" "Big business" "the rich" "The Republicans" "Racists" "The homeless" "Donald Trump" The wealthy not paying their "fair share in taxes" Lack of "gun control." ... It's always the "fault" of someone and/or something else. -The hallmark of the American liberal. That and hypocrisy. Those are two things they DO and do ohh so fucking well. At one time, I was a hardcore, staunch, left wing liberal Dem. I'm glad I'm not one anymore. Btw, NO... I'm not a "Trump supporter" or "conservative" and negatively criticizing liberal Democrats does not make me as such. Think whatever the hell you want.
  4. Yeah, I am indeed AWARE of that. I for one, have a BIG FUCKING PROBLEM with that and for multiple reasons.
  5. For me? BBC! (BigBritishCock)
  6. "Murder"....Bull shit. Kiss my fucking ass "murder." (Not necessarily YOU personally. Rather anyone who buys into that rhetoric)
  7. Absolutely true. I can think of another party that does the SAME. EXACT. FUCKING. THING. Any ideas? (Take your time. It'll come to you...) *Hypocrisy* I'm not a conservative Republican party supporter by any stretch, but I'm also not the staunch Democrat supporter I once was either(and haven't been for some time)and that right there is a major reason why. They're HYPOCRITES. Professional hypocrites, and it really turned me off and away from their cause. Who? The Dems who don't bother to show up to vote? Gee, that's a shame since they we're really looking to you for advice and guidance...😒
  8. Either you like it or you don't.
  9. fuck hole, fag hole, slut hole, whore hole, butthole, asshole, hole
  10. Either laying on my side or my ass completely up in the air so I can watch a raw dick fucking my hole.
  11. 삶이 있는 한 희망은 있다. ... As long as there is life, there is hope. Ohh wait, that's actually Korean 🇰🇷. Not Koran. Nevermind.
  12. Man, don't just "plan" on going to doctors... *GO* 👉👉👉 TO THE DOCTORS!!!
  13. 🤨 You're inquiring on the usefulness of condoms on a forum site known as breeding.zone?
  14. *too* I had to, man. I'm sorry. LOL 😂😉
  15. I don't know, man...lol 😂 It kinda sounds like one of those things where maybe.... ya should've "read the room" a little better. 😬(?) Then again I wasn't there, so...🤷
  16. First was cut, as is the case with most of the penises I've sucked.
  17. "Do you rim?" ...Do i? 😉😋
  18. You'll get there. Hell, it was for to take in.
  19. Here's another. Fb twink+me sucking hard on his dong. We would get high and I'd would suck him for HOURS. His balls too.
  20. It was right around the time I started having SEX WITH MEN. It was at that point that I realized it... 🙄... really? lol
  21. I mean...who is it, Dom DeLuise? John Goodman? Why not just say WHO it is? Or start off with a "good one" instead?" lol... What do you mean exactly when you say "a good one?" Seems vague.
  22. "Justify" it to WHO? It is what it is. Either you DO it...or you DON'T.
  23. Weather it's talked about beforehand or not, If your dick is in me, then you can cum in me.
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