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About partydawgON

  • Birthday 06/18/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ontario canada
  • Interests
    martial arts, cooking, pool/billiards, airsoft, action/scifi movies. Psychology, philosophy, general nerdness
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Kitchen guy/chef for like 24 years. Chill and easy going. Stays active. A furry horny, love fun.
  • Porn Experience
    other than like random home vids on pornhub and a ton of pics over my career. Nothing pro, yet lol
  • Looking For
    friends, furries, loads, parties, fun.

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  1. Next weekend in FE in Toronto, Imma going to be coming in for the convention on the Saturday to hit up the big party. I dont have a room at the hotel unfortunately but figure just bum (hehe) around the con then when everyone else is crashing out I'll head to Spa Xcess to keep the fun going or 'sleep' lol right?! But anyway, up for meeting any furs who wanna have some fun over the evening or whatever. I'm a slut lets have some fun!
  2. Yeah, I figured this would happen. I start out strong with something and really kinda enjoy it but then all of a....*turns and darts off coming back with a tinfoil ball* ....lookie what I found!. Anyway! Not even sure if anyone reads or cares but guess that not really the point of this. It's just me verballing expelling my random devious, depraved and distorted ideas as they pop up. Iyou are reading this and do enjoy it and for whatever reason look forward to it. I thank you and so does my ego. On to my thoughts! Soooo I'm not sure how exactly to take this one. Well, i do and its bent over and raw. It's this furry that found me the other day on a profile site, so far a super cool individual and seems like a lot of fun. A bit disconcerting though that he's 24 and has been using Tina for I think he said a year and a bit. That so much isn't my issue as I've desperately have searched for fellow users who are furry and haven't found many and the ones I have are so damn far away! He's a lot closer, at least in the same province which is epic. The intention is to meet up at the end of the month when he's in town ad get super spun without anyone knowing and having a raunchy good time. My issue....my whiskers are telling me this is too good to be true. I'm leaning on agreeing that it's too perfect; he's a bit to genuine, a bit too open, a bit too on the nose. I'm not saying he's overtly doing anything malicious, more these are signs the universe is setting the groundwork for some fuckery as it loves doing. I'm still pressing ahead with the plan....duh! Just won't be surprised when I do a post in a few weeks title something like "Wow Universe....*slow claps*...that's what had planned......thanks"
  3. Friday night....about to get on the point and go slut myself around at Central Spa in Hamilton. *crossfingers for not a dead night*


  4. Horny hamilton slut looking for loads tonight.Can't host so will probably end up at the bathhouse here. Unless someone can hosr (I dont drive but pub transit or whatever if I can reasonably get there)
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  5. Woofs anyone around to drop a load or 3 into a slutty pup? Can't host but willing to figure something out. Puppy is on point and horny as fuck Thursday anytime
  6. You would take those odds. I'm hoping for a sudden 'strange matter catastrophe' occurence or maybe if we're lucky 'false vaccum decay'. With the way things are going I wouldnt be shocked....
  7. partydawgON

    Double slam

    Xposted with a forum thread I recently tried a double slam... It was a 70unit/volume split between each arm. I had a friend who is a bottom like me but we still kinda play every so often but more just a friend. Anyway, I have it recorded some what but don't have a way of recovering due to the software I was using (bullshit I know) He lined up both shots and got registers on both, I think it was 3/4 the way thru the first I felt something different it was way stronger than I had thought and it took everything I had to stay still. The first rig came out then he went to the second and it was maybe half way thru...Ive been hit hard before but I'd never heard the freight train or the I dunno how to explain it, kinda sucking feeling being pulled inside myself. I couldn't speak at all let alone to tell him to stop. Then the second needle was out and he pulled the bands and my arms went up. Jesus fuck it was overwhelming like convulsing hard like buckets of precum my heart rate and breathing were all over. My buddy watch me said that it was a half hour before I even started to mutter anything and way longer after that before I could forn words again. It honestly was too much, took everything in my power and every breathing technique I know to center myself and get in somewhat in control. I was totally up and to that point in no shape to play even if a top was there. I would l have resisted. After that I came down enough for the overwhelming hornyness to take control. My bottom buddy has to go to work so, then I went to work on Grindr....that was a let down. Shocker I know. I don't know if I'll ever do it again, if I do it'll be way less. There's certain aspects of it I can't talk about cuz I haven't quite quantified what I saw myself during that time. I honestly feel the most bad for my friend who did it for me. It was alot to ask a person and how much of a risk it was. I was trying to find my upper limit and honestly shoudlnt have out someone in that position. I told him that I was sorry. He did accept it and we're still friends but I know if shook him too. So in summation found my upper limit and unlikely to cross it. Experimentation is great just think about the people you involve first. Sorry for the downer post. I have in the last couple weeks had some unbelievably amazing solo slams that have like next level slut powered me. I'll write about them sometime.
  8. I'm in the same boat as you know. It'll happen eventually I hope....or we get the heat death of the universe. One or the other! Just kidding!!!
  9. Long shot big any tips around this morn (thursS21) Im not starting work till later...plus indulged last night so I'm feeling very cum hungry. Hmu if you can host around the Hess village area.
  10. They are Thursday 10am to Sunday at midnight. I just spent 16 hours there +/-. Had to check out unfortunately cus I should prolly be responsible and do the real life bullshit.
  11. How about a psuedo Hamilton meet an greet at club hamilton tonight?! I know last minute but maybe this might get the....'ball' rolling on some kinda established group here in the hammer. Anyway I Have super stressed with work and shit lately and tonight (SEPT7th is pay day for me) I'm going right after work around 7 or 8 and getting myself one of the larger room, point and cloud myself into a raging slutty stupor and try to beat my single night record, 13 loads (Between steamworks and spa xcess) So if anyone has the time or whatever come on out and help the dwindling guest counts there too. Lets try and make club hamilton a thing.) Ill post my room number when I get there and if anyone thinks that Im not thoroughly in the depraved clutches of tina's claws feel free to booty bump or point me. *grins* can hmu here, or telegram @AspenHowler. I'll respond as soon as I can! and the pic is closer to the end of my 13 load run hehe, want more photo and video evidence this time
  12. Its good because its the only one around lol It's not bad I think, I go there pretty regularily. It has a bit of a bad rep which is only marginally warranted from what I can tell and yeah it's slower by far than anything in Toronto. However I its weird, on grindr or whatever you are always asked if it's busy there and truthfully alot of the time, no it's not. I hate that question because it's like this self fulfilling prophecy; you say 'no' it's not busy' then the person doesn't want to go. But how is it going to be busy if everyone isn't going just cuz they think no one else is. Kinda dumb if you ask me. Sorry for the slight rant but it'd be busy if everyone who asked just showed up. I'll prolly be there this coming thursday night
  13. I live basically d/t hamilton here
  14. Woofs! Pure Bred gshep loves and needs to have his tail bred over and over again! Am a poz/undetectable party slut in ontario canada. Msg me here or on telegram (@aspenhowler) anytime and lets have some sloppy fun!
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