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Everything posted by partydawgON

  1. Next weekend in FE in Toronto, Imma going to be coming in for the convention on the Saturday to hit up the big party. I dont have a room at the hotel unfortunately but figure just bum (hehe) around the con then when everyone else is crashing out I'll head to Spa Xcess to keep the fun going or 'sleep' lol right?! But anyway, up for meeting any furs who wanna have some fun over the evening or whatever. I'm a slut lets have some fun!
  2. Yeah, I figured this would happen. I start out strong with something and really kinda enjoy it but then all of a....*turns and darts off coming back with a tinfoil ball* ....lookie what I found!. Anyway! Not even sure if anyone reads or cares but guess that not really the point of this. It's just me verballing expelling my random devious, depraved and distorted ideas as they pop up. Iyou are reading this and do enjoy it and for whatever reason look forward to it. I thank you and so does my ego. On to my thoughts! Soooo I'm not sure how exactly to take this one. Well, i do and its bent over and raw. It's this furry that found me the other day on a profile site, so far a super cool individual and seems like a lot of fun. A bit disconcerting though that he's 24 and has been using Tina for I think he said a year and a bit. That so much isn't my issue as I've desperately have searched for fellow users who are furry and haven't found many and the ones I have are so damn far away! He's a lot closer, at least in the same province which is epic. The intention is to meet up at the end of the month when he's in town ad get super spun without anyone knowing and having a raunchy good time. My issue....my whiskers are telling me this is too good to be true. I'm leaning on agreeing that it's too perfect; he's a bit to genuine, a bit too open, a bit too on the nose. I'm not saying he's overtly doing anything malicious, more these are signs the universe is setting the groundwork for some fuckery as it loves doing. I'm still pressing ahead with the plan....duh! Just won't be surprised when I do a post in a few weeks title something like "Wow Universe....*slow claps*...that's what had planned......thanks"
  3. Friday night....about to get on the point and go slut myself around at Central Spa in Hamilton. *crossfingers for not a dead night*


  4. Horny hamilton slut looking for loads tonight.Can't host so will probably end up at the bathhouse here. Unless someone can hosr (I dont drive but pub transit or whatever if I can reasonably get there)
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  5. Woofs anyone around to drop a load or 3 into a slutty pup? Can't host but willing to figure something out. Puppy is on point and horny as fuck Thursday anytime
  6. You would take those odds. I'm hoping for a sudden 'strange matter catastrophe' occurence or maybe if we're lucky 'false vaccum decay'. With the way things are going I wouldnt be shocked....
  7. partydawgON

    Double slam

    Xposted with a forum thread I recently tried a double slam... It was a 70unit/volume split between each arm. I had a friend who is a bottom like me but we still kinda play every so often but more just a friend. Anyway, I have it recorded some what but don't have a way of recovering due to the software I was using (bullshit I know) He lined up both shots and got registers on both, I think it was 3/4 the way thru the first I felt something different it was way stronger than I had thought and it took everything I had to stay still. The first rig came out then he went to the second and it was maybe half way thru...Ive been hit hard before but I'd never heard the freight train or the I dunno how to explain it, kinda sucking feeling being pulled inside myself. I couldn't speak at all let alone to tell him to stop. Then the second needle was out and he pulled the bands and my arms went up. Jesus fuck it was overwhelming like convulsing hard like buckets of precum my heart rate and breathing were all over. My buddy watch me said that it was a half hour before I even started to mutter anything and way longer after that before I could forn words again. It honestly was too much, took everything in my power and every breathing technique I know to center myself and get in somewhat in control. I was totally up and to that point in no shape to play even if a top was there. I would l have resisted. After that I came down enough for the overwhelming hornyness to take control. My bottom buddy has to go to work so, then I went to work on Grindr....that was a let down. Shocker I know. I don't know if I'll ever do it again, if I do it'll be way less. There's certain aspects of it I can't talk about cuz I haven't quite quantified what I saw myself during that time. I honestly feel the most bad for my friend who did it for me. It was alot to ask a person and how much of a risk it was. I was trying to find my upper limit and honestly shoudlnt have out someone in that position. I told him that I was sorry. He did accept it and we're still friends but I know if shook him too. So in summation found my upper limit and unlikely to cross it. Experimentation is great just think about the people you involve first. Sorry for the downer post. I have in the last couple weeks had some unbelievably amazing solo slams that have like next level slut powered me. I'll write about them sometime.
  8. I'm in the same boat as you know. It'll happen eventually I hope....or we get the heat death of the universe. One or the other! Just kidding!!!
  9. Long shot big any tips around this morn (thursS21) Im not starting work till later...plus indulged last night so I'm feeling very cum hungry. Hmu if you can host around the Hess village area.
  10. They are Thursday 10am to Sunday at midnight. I just spent 16 hours there +/-. Had to check out unfortunately cus I should prolly be responsible and do the real life bullshit.
  11. How about a psuedo Hamilton meet an greet at club hamilton tonight?! I know last minute but maybe this might get the....'ball' rolling on some kinda established group here in the hammer. Anyway I Have super stressed with work and shit lately and tonight (SEPT7th is pay day for me) I'm going right after work around 7 or 8 and getting myself one of the larger room, point and cloud myself into a raging slutty stupor and try to beat my single night record, 13 loads (Between steamworks and spa xcess) So if anyone has the time or whatever come on out and help the dwindling guest counts there too. Lets try and make club hamilton a thing.) Ill post my room number when I get there and if anyone thinks that Im not thoroughly in the depraved clutches of tina's claws feel free to booty bump or point me. *grins* can hmu here, or telegram @AspenHowler. I'll respond as soon as I can! and the pic is closer to the end of my 13 load run hehe, want more photo and video evidence this time
  12. Its good because its the only one around lol It's not bad I think, I go there pretty regularily. It has a bit of a bad rep which is only marginally warranted from what I can tell and yeah it's slower by far than anything in Toronto. However I its weird, on grindr or whatever you are always asked if it's busy there and truthfully alot of the time, no it's not. I hate that question because it's like this self fulfilling prophecy; you say 'no' it's not busy' then the person doesn't want to go. But how is it going to be busy if everyone isn't going just cuz they think no one else is. Kinda dumb if you ask me. Sorry for the slight rant but it'd be busy if everyone who asked just showed up. I'll prolly be there this coming thursday night
  13. I live basically d/t hamilton here
  14. Woofs! Pure Bred gshep loves and needs to have his tail bred over and over again! Am a poz/undetectable party slut in ontario canada. Msg me here or on telegram (@aspenhowler) anytime and lets have some sloppy fun!
  15. Horny party cum dawg here in hamilton with an unexpected Saturday and Sunday off work.... Ill keep it short and sweet. I'd love to find a host where I could slam myself (more fun if someone does it to me) and just be drooling begging fuckpup for grindr, squirt, bbrt, here! LOL I cant host myself and dont drive but am willing to do some public transit, uber, or go transit to get around, Lemme know if you wanna help break my record which is 20loads in 14 dats or 11loads in 10 hours. Prefer guys who are in shape ad generally under the 55mark but there are 100% always exceptions to any rule HMU here or on telegram @aspenhowler
  16. I don't think I'm going to follow up my first post of being some average at best attempt at a exposition dump containing no where near enough context or detail to really explain who I am. I just hope it might have drawn a little interest. So with this one I'm not going to to a predictable follow up being a story of my first sexual experience or first time fucking on drugs.. Well I'm gonna save those for somewhere down the road when I run out of other ideas. This post will be about what I am or rather what mindset I've gladly sunk into and my challenge to prove it to myself. It all culminated this past June, I was turning 41. Last year I very very badly tried to do a 40 loads on my 40th to great failure all do to me not really believing in the project, being lazy not really planning anything and very much not following through on it! Plus being very unrealistic with my odds of completing that. This year though I managed to schedule myself off for near 3 weeks vacation, I don't know how I managed that it kinda just fell together and I certainly never even intended for the second weekend to actually fall with Toronto pride. Honestly!! So it started on the 14 (my bday on the 18th) and I went back to work on the 29th....so I had 16 or so days to collect 41 loads, and single loads... so didn't count multi cummers. I started out strong the first weekend with a near 24 hour stay at the bathhouse down the street with 11 loads and got the tally up to 21 a day or 2 before pride when disaster struck and because of some poor judgement and some misunderstanding I was ripped off for about 400 by someone getting me the supplies for the weekend. He later made good on it but unfortunately the damage was done I was broke for the rest of my vacation and no tina!! I really was upset that not only was my vacation ruined but for the rest of the year essentially as I burned out almost all my remaining vacation for this. I normally do. I still had like 7 days left too of vacation....sitting around sober, coming down, pennyless. I came down in a really big funk and depression I had all but given up on the whole endeavour. Things did turn a bit, my source came back on the grid explained what happened and more than made up for what was materially lost. Well in product anyway still had no cash. I some how through a stroke of luck started to talking to someone whom I hadn't in awhile and always had a special interest in going to a bathhouse for the first time with me as long as he could whore me out. So this was it pride was over but still had the Canada day long weekend. So he said he's pay for the bathhouse if I supplied the favs. Which I have no problem doing for a friend anyway but this just made it even better! With one shot, one chance I worked out in only the way I do, with near military precision as to timing and procedure the where what and when of everything. Got a bit more cash that I could get my ass into Toronto and off went. I couldn't wait so did a .2 just before getting on the train. Made it for a very tense long ride but a fun on however I tried and tried to get a hold of my friend and nothing....I got into Toronto gave my friend the benifit of the doubt and casually just walked up to church and Wellsely on the Friday at 6pm. My Grindr was lit up with interest but no sign of the person I needed. That depression settled in slowly again as the heat of the day and sweat covering my body wore on me. I wasted my time again...what the fuck....was all I thought. I was downtown though, I couldn't afford the bathhouse but surely someone could host. Ha, fucking grindr! Ghost after ghost...the sun started to go down and I had been walking around for a long while actually being stood up like meters from the doors to dude's apartment buildings. Now i was so disheartend...I had just that friday night and Saturday till midnight to get 20 loads. I cut it at midnight cuz i worked sunday morning at 9am. Now angry, frustrated and upset from being stood up like that I was committed to just tucking my tail and heading back to the go when I looked at my dying phone and saw a squirt msg. Finally my friend purfusely apologising and a work thing trapped him and wouldn't be able to make it. It was like 930pm, i wasn't even going to respond when an email came in and was from my friend with another msg saying that he really was sorry for letting me down and a link....a etransfer for 100 bucks with instructions to finish my challenge. I called him immediately and he just said he couldn't talk but to tell him about it later. I don't like accepting hand outs at all and will do near anything to avoid asking for favours especially the money type. I don't feel good taking hand outs.This time though was different and he genuinely want this for me so I agreed. For me and personal challenges I'm kinda whatever on, I complete them woohoo, if not, meh. But when its for someone else or someone challenges me is where my focus, aggressive side comes into, despite of me being a quiet shy bottom. When this puppy gets determined on a goal I will do my damnedest to see it through no matter what I have to do. So i poured myself into steam works with the sling room and hurriedly stored my stuff and when on the shower/recon of the place which by that time I was basically sober so I didn't stay in that mode long before I rushed back to my room and lined up a .7 shot and after some frustrating misses I managed to calm down enough to get the register and down the plunger when and down to the dark maze I went and luckily my favourite of all the spots was open the mirrored room with the fuck bench I cleared my throat to make sure to draw some attention, it took a few drawn out seconds of me not being able to keep my whimpers and huffs quiet cuz I was fucking high before I was plugged by this very nice veiny uncut dick whom fucked just hard enough and busted in a timely manner giving me ample lube for the next 4 loads to be inserted. I eventually got sore and had to stretch my legs out and swayed my tweaked out ass along the halls with not much in the way of interesting targets. Slowly as the night progressed after getting 7 would have kept going there but you know that point where yer in such close quarters with someone everything else do become annoying? Well that was like everyone at Steamworks after I basically memorised and could literally predict everyone's movements before they made them. It's funny how very few patterns humans actually have when you really look. Anyway I was just getting annoyed with dealing with the crap there and getting creeped out by a couple others. So rather than start a fight I looked at my bank account and the time. It was like 2am so wasn't going home and I just barely had enough to get into Spa Excess. I packed up, hit another shot of t and left without a second thought and walked down and managed to get THE very last room in the entire place....TO be honest it wasn't much better. Yeah I was tired, spun, hungry and dehydrated but it was also a full moon Friday which brought out all the gems of society. I passed along the night and made way back home with one non sexual activity stop which I had no idea there was an airsoft shooting range right at the corner in the village! super cool and really helped work off some frustration. Shot pretty friggin' good as well. Anyway I got back home around 4pm plenty of time to get the last......I fell a sleep within 15 mins of sitting down and didn't wake up till 5am So to wrap this up....I failed my challenge.....out of 41 target loads....I only got 30....in 15 days. I was upset i didn't complete it cuz the situations that prevented me from the big oportunity days were because of me being fucked over so not fair. However....30 loads in 15 days essentially 5 of those were all cuz of the bad deals. I consider that a fuckin win for my slut pride? What do you think??
  17. partydawgON

    1st post...

    Thank, wasn't even sure if I was supposed to or not. Was worried I was just being prude or something lol
  18. partydawgON

    1st post...

    My first of post....hmmmm, wonder how long this will actually last. Heh I guess I should introduce myself. I'm not gonna give my real name here but my puppy name is Aspen. Im from Ontario Canada, where I basically have live my entire life. I'm in the restaurant biz and have been for 24ish years and I....blame...attribute...reason...lol to my utter lack of filter or subtly and very matter of fact personality. It isn't an industry that really (especially in the time when I started) sheltered or babied a young person. You learned to be quick, you learned to be witty, you learned to have a very thick skin or you weren't going to make it. As well you learned that behind the prestine hostess stand or emaculate dinner wear that the world was dirty, the world was at times uncaring and the world wasn't black and white. You did what you need to do to survive. Mostly I learned that ppl were just fucked up and just how fucked up I actually was. For better or worse.... On the contrary I was brought up in a loving family and was not hampered by over baring parents, they were/are great! They trusted me to do what was right and guided me as best they could. My dad being a reservist in the CND army for 25vyears as a piper exposed me to that world and I love it, if I wasn't a chef I'd be out in the field somewhere for sure and often times wish I had made that choice. Along with being bestowed the ground work for military disapline I also got very involved in martial arts training when I was 14 and dove head first into that starting out in a goju karate school that also brought in aikido ju jitsu, taichi and weapons training. Id have training 7days a week but the dojo was closed in Sundays hehe. And well I got banned from lunch classes when sensei figures out that I was skipping highschool to come train. 😉 I don't officially train anymore but always learn and adapt things from all over the fighting world as I learn of them. I am in no way a professional fighter! Ha maybe one post I'll talk about the one 2 real fights I've ever been in. I've always been a philosopher and interested in the way ppl think, work, act and the reasons why. Heh I know none of that is what anyone is really here to read but I figure Ill give a slight ground work to myself before getting to the good stuff.
  19. 41st bday coming up on the 18th. I'm on vacation...I'll shoot for 41 loads on my vacation. Anyone wanna help? Hamilton - Toronto ish


  20. Hey all!! Wondering anyone in or around the Hamilton area tonight and would be interested in dropping by through the night while a friend of mine hosts a near open door anon gangbang with my mouth and ass spun out of my tree begging for more jizz in and all over me. If that sounds enticing, are between the ages of 18 and 55 (+/-) relatively inshape and generally take care of yourself then DM me here with a cock pic first and primary . Note, this is my friend's home so it is his ultimate ya or nay to your invite. And respect for any and everyone involved is an absolute requirement so use your manors and common sense please. Bullshittery will not be tolerated by either of us. About the slut ;)... I'm 40years old, wht, toned and slim and middle to more masc acting and is undetectable on meds with my last check coming in mid last week. I'm a chef by trade so I have little filter and am a cocky asshole but only in good fun. I'm laid back and chill with a thick skin. I'm a pretty kinky fuck so not much squicks me but I know what I like and what I don't. For instance; I do not kiss under any circumstances, no permanent marks or hard striking. I do not enjoy throat or skull fucking, I can deepthroat but takes me some time. As well., No adbl play of gross stuff. I understand ppl get carried away in the moment, I work on the three...lol strike system...I'll ask nicely, second time I'll tell you to stop and reinforce it, 3rd time; your turn ends and you may leave the condo as quickly and politely as possible. Don't make a scene, you were warned, don't ruin other's fun. Yes! I am being very detailed and insistent....weird coming from a party cumdumpster...but I have put an awful lot of thought into what I'm asking to be done and I do not take the very serious risks and possibilities lightly. Ultimately I want this to be a fun and enjoyable time for anyone attending. So, again...if this resonates with you or you'd like to know more feel free to DM me. Looking for most likely a 11pm full rolling start and I'll do my best to answer any msgs after depending if I'm otherwise indisposed or I can see straight enough to type lol. The address will be provided individually through DM once accepted. But is DT Hamilton Centrc. If anyone is still reading this...wow, impressive lol hope to hear from you and well seeing you is debatable *grins* BE SAFE!!
  21. 40 yo what slim and toned bottom. Heading down to central spa to get his ass frosted and filled with loads. Would love help with this. While not overly picky, at least I would prefer guys who are in shape and under 55. Im gonna be high as fuck but anyone who knows the point ...I'd love to get it. Hehe. I am sti free and undetectable on meds
  22. Might as well... 😉
  23. Its a hard toss up for me really. Due to my work schedule I am downtown twice a week (normally wed/thurs or thur/fri) so gotta a few good opportunities to go to both. To be honest neither is really in my opinion like blow your mind this is what I imagined bathhouses to be....Yes I fell into that false hope lol, neither would ever live up to that. But what I mean is I have not been to one that has been, like packed on a night (have been on a saturday or 2). I dunno if everyone, like segregates into certain areas or rooms or I dunno. I like Spa Excess cuz I find the staff a bit nicer, not by much and I haven't had like a hard confrontation with anyone just a sense that Steamworks is a bit holier than thou cuz of where they are located. On the opposite side I much prefer on the whole the steamworks facility, except for the open sling and cross room spa has. LOL I know not much of a direct answer to the question. I think its a crap shoot really.
  24. Woofs, party gshep bottom from southern Ontario Canada right here!
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