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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. I’m hear what you say. I see your looks. I feel your false superiority complex. Telling yourself how much better than you are than me. I know it’s fake. You projecting your unhappiness on me. I know you’re jealous. Envious of my freedom. I dont have to spend the weekend at baseball, or soccer games. Or at the pumpkin patch: When I wake up, the day is fine. Every weekend is mine. I go where I want, when I want. I know you’re probably stuck at home with a woman you don’t want. She’s more than likely overweight or maybe has an aged as well as you hoped. And you can’t stand her. And she probably can’t stand you. but you can’t leave of being for fear of being put on a child support. So you’re stuck. Miserable and unhappy. I stick my dick where I want. I cum without fear. You can’t stick yours anywhere unless a check is attached to it. Am I selfish? Maybe…but in happy and selfish. And if you hoping I get something, this isn’t the 90s. They got new stuff? To keep me healthy. You don’t care about all the other BS that comes along with this lifestyle. We have my own problems. But don’t project your unhappiness onto me. You are stuck. And jealous.
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  2. And if so, how was it?
  3. So it looks like his actions occurred while Biden was vice president, as I originally stated. Thank you for the clarification. And wasn’t he kicked out of the navy for drug use? And he was charged for the gun, and convicted, right? So I don’t think that’s a smear tactic. It’s a fact. Had his name been Hunter Jones from Detroit, Chicago, or Baltimore, he would have been locked up, and the key would have been thrown away. Textbook case of ”rules for thou, but not for thee!”
  4. How was this politically motivated? From my understanding these prosecutions started while Biden was vice president. This is actually pretty funny coming from the author of the 94 crime bill. But I guess gun toting and cocaine smoking only get you life if you’re ever certain demographic in Biden’s eyes. Maybe that’s something his mentors Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond taught him? Situational ethics and moral relativism.
  5. I think I just missed another opportunity. This hot, middle aged, “rough” looking Russian type guy, tats and all, was in the grocery store. Hot as fuck, he crunches down to get something off the bottom shelf to reveal no underwear under his grey sweats. Beautiful ass. I mean they were damn near falling off. He had to see me staring. I was going to make a joke about cooking or something but I froze. Obviously he has no woman at home: he’s in the grocery store struggling buying bread with ill filling clothes. My dick is so fucking hard: but bummed because I froze.
  6. The government allowed it. And we can widely identify that. And they can remedy it. This is not about jealously of “economic winners.” And many of the last slaves died during our parents lifetimes. I have family who was alive during Jim Crow, the GI bills, etc. You may have no control of the circumstances you were born under, but you do have control over the decision to produce justice.
  7. Since I have no “gaydar” other than the obvious, what are some signs a man may be interested in you. One subtle sign I think I missed was the second head nod. Sometimes when you make eye contact with another gentleman in person you both were nod had acknowledge. Well this hot guy did it to me. Then looked back, and did it again. I didn’t think anything of it until I was out in the car leaving and I’m like that I missed a good opportunity? What do you think? What are some other signs subtle or not?
  8. I’m calling cap in this voter. Many say one of the reasons of Democrats losses because they focused too much on Latinos and immigration. Harris campaign wasn’t offering vibes to Latino voters. They were offering tangible resources. I’ve been saying it for years, and I said it on here: most of the races of have experiences come from the Latino and Asian community. And unfortunately, lots of Latinos see the clearest, most pure form of whiteness in the Republican Party. They equate success and prosperity as proximity to whiteness. And unfortunately, as statistics show, they are not wrong. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Geraldo Rivera, the list goes on and on. This may only be surprising to white voters. But everyone else has been saying this for decades: if the Democrats are depending on the flood of Latino voters to vote for them for the next century, they are on a fools errand.
  9. They don’t care. Their money has been made, legacies entrenched.
  10. Let me first say that I do not agree with DEI programs as they are instituted at all. But from my understanding, the gist of that studies argument against DEI is white people telling themselves they’re really not racist and instituting reparative programs makes them really mad and more racist. I don’t think that’s a legitimate argument against DEI.
  11. Producing Justice is a punishment?
  12. Often times, people telling the truth, as history is seen about white shaming. On an individual level, if you’re not practicing racism, you should have nothing to be ashamed about. But if you’re from the perspective that black and indigenous people should quote “take their L” and move on while you enjoy the fruits of colonialism and injustice systems then yes you should be ashamed.
  13. So basically, black people just need to the their “L” and move on?
  14. I don’t watch Fox News. I’m independent.
  15. About as much as Joy Reid and Van Jones do 🤣
  16. He has no sway. Those numbers are going down, and will only decrease as the boomers die out. He cannot galvanize people to the polls anymore.
  17. And those activities won’t include having any sort o influence or sway in the black community. A community who was once his most loyal constituency
  18. It took 10 years for the rest of the country to figure out what we knew already. Obama is done, his legacy is tarnished. Good riddance
  19. Although we rarely agree on anything political, I do agree with a lot of what said here. However, it is really hard to break down these peoples definition of woke when they are so vague. The entire attack against woke is just rooted in a bunch of racists saying “we won and we’re not sharing any of it. Move on.” They are like children who can’t fully express themselves with words. And instead of just saying what they really want to say, because they know how ridiculous and indefensible that sounds, they have to come up with 100 different ways to explain it.
  20. More clarification on #1 would be nice. Because if I misinterpreting it wrong, that kind of sounds like people just accept their losses and move on?
  21. Good for you. Although you seem to have more sex than me, I did your relaxed attitude toward it in all these posts. It’s a breath of fresh air in the increasingly, female influenced hypergamy if the gay hookup scene. Unfortunately there are a lot of gays who “put in airs” in hopes of being seen as the “respectable gay.” All of this in hopes of showing other gays their superiority and to get acceptance from their straight friends. These people never learn that they are tolerated by straight society either by the compulsion of law or “because it’s the right thing to do.” To 90%, you’re still just a f***** A lot of these men are putting in a front. Deep down they want to fuck but their “image” and ego won’t allow them to have that trophy they believe they deserve (kind of like women). So they just fold their arms and stand in the corner with some pious attitude.
  22. [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://shec.ashp.cuny.edu/items/show/1645 [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.voanews.com/amp/usa_all-about-america_todays-democracy-isnt-exactly-what-wealthy-us-founding-fathers-envisioned/6201097.html No, it’s pretty easy. 🤣
  23. One could easily argue the founding fathers were textbook oligarchs and would have zero issue with this
  24. I don’t think that’s necessary. The LGBT community doesn’t have a separate party neither do illegal immigrants, native Americans, or any other group. Equality can all be done within the current political structure. I don’t think this is a civics issue. This is just a reckoning of the Democratic Party.for years, they told us they can’t do anything for Black people because it will upset “moderate” voters. And we’re saying fine then you let them vote for you.
  25. Hate to tell you, but Oprah Winfrey has little if no influence in the black community for anybody under 60. That’s why her TV show and her network flopped. We left her and her black misandrist agenda back in the 90s.
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