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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. I found this to be an unnecessarily “sassy” response especially when you have paying members. This, along with some of the other complaints and concerns members on this site have addressed, Perfectly explains why this site is going down the tubes fast I don’t know why so many of these types of businesses show a distain and an open contempt for their customer base
  2. Is moving out an option?
  3. Just this past week thins Gypsy looking kid with blonde dreads comes up to me at the gas station and asks for $10. I give it to him and told him “the only reason I’m giving this to you is because you’re cute.” He responds “oh I’m straight.” I come out of the gas station and he asks me if I have a couple more dollars. I say “gay guys get a full tank, straight guys get $10.” I get in my car and drive off. I don’t feel bad or like I was taking advantage of him. Putting aside the fact that I don’t believe a young Gypsy drifter kid with blonde hair has never naked with another guy, I felt I was generous enough giving him $10. Anything else was going to cost him.
  4. I remember those first parties that were on Folsom across from the Gultch Bookstore. Epic!
  5. I don’t believe giving equal remedy to everyone, regardless of how they have been harmed, create equality. After the dust has all settled do you still have the same discriminatory system. And this is why I do not believe in DEI programs, because they are not transparent About who they are targeted to help specifically. I believe all people should be equal, but I am going to advocate for my group 1st. as far as being black, and in an LGBT community, that is intersectionality , which I do not agree with. I have seen too many times were Black people who are also LGBT are left as mascots in the fight for gay equality. Meaning they get to be the spokesperson and then watch as their white counterpart get all the benefits. This is something I personally observed in the workplace. that’s why I believe in my advocate and support Black people, black LGBT people are also included in all the Black people. Again, this does not mean I don’t believe LGBT people should not be given equal because they should.
  6. No, it’s usually a black woman (who’s married to or dating someone white) that has distain for black men and/or the black community.
  7. Slavery was not holistic. The black codes were not holistic. Sundown towns were not holistic. Red lining was not holistic. Jim Crowe was not holistic. It was specific, and targeted. That’s why, As a black person, I’m going to look at any equity or reparative policy and see how it affects my group first. Because the Harm was not equitable. And history has shown us (and the link to the UT DEI director’s page) that the premise of many of these DEI programs is that the issues of the most discriminated group in the country has needs that are no more pressing or important than anyone else’s. And I don’t agree with that premise. If women, Muslim, LGBT and other groups want to advocate for DEI groups that benefit them, that’s fine. They should! But I’m not going to advocate for any policy that tells me giving groups who are the majority additional resources and benefits is somehow equity.
  8. So I have had this idea for a while that I wanted to set up a bear group for play about once a month and a hotel. The problem is, I am afraid of it not being a success. I know there is no guarantees, but what do you guys suggest to make this venture successful and fun? thanks for any advice or tips!
  9. I read about the program, specifically the DEI statements at UT-Austin. The initiatives are not specific, do not have tangible metrics to gauge success and are broad in definitions. [think before following links] https://community.utexas.edu/2023/12/14/all-campus-division-announcement-a-pledge-to-serve/
  10. Can you prove which people were helped by the program? were quantifiable metrics required? I explained to my previous answer how a policy can be written that can directly help that needs it the most
  11. I’m against any DEI program in general that does not specifically target and address the groups who were harmed. This includes tangible resources and punishments. Including words like “minority,” “disproportionately” and “disadvantaged” are the same as doing nothing because it opens the door to diverting power and tangible resources, right back in hands of the majority. The only difference is that it gives the false appearance of equity.
  12. Because many black people now have caught on to the “diversity” and “minority” game. Let’s look at this committee. 1. A white man 2. A white woman 3. A white LGBT person 4. A white disabled person 5. A Latino who identifies as white That’s often what we get from the DEI programs: the illusion of diversity. When in fact, it’s just like affirmative action. Alluding to racism as a reason for a policy, but written to ensure everyone else (especially white and white adjacent or aspiring) people get the benefits. If people want to advocate for their groups, they should do so. But I'm also for transparency. Many of these DEI programs were established with the intent providing the illusion of diversity
  13. Many of the native Americans have been compensated. Least we not forget, Many of them have violated treaties that mandated they share resources with the Freedman, who were in their tribes, while openly sharing resources to people who are not even in Native American, but Jess appeared on the Dawes Rolls.
  14. I, for one, think that’s a good thing
  15. I think it’s unfair to point out the “strength” of Israel’s economy and innovations over its neighbors, while it takes money and aid from the United States.
  16. While I agree with a lot of what you said, I have two dissenting points: 1. The north was not anti-slavery. Many were simply against the expansion of slavery. Many of the presidential candidates during this time ran on this ideology. They didn’t mind the status quo 2. The economics of slavery was the foundation of the South’s argument for succession, thus the reason for the war. And while many poorer farmers may have resented their wealthier slave holding neighbors, they nonetheless fought in the war because they liked the social and psychological benefits of oppressing the black slaves. In the long run, this is a moot point. She never had a chance to win, and only exposed how many “POC” desire to be the hand maidens of WS. Black voters are watching closely.
  17. Are people still voting with Israel as one of their top concerns? Serious question
  18. I love how much you dislike Portland, but almost in a comical way. I feel the same about my city.
  19. I like a good cuddle. But coming to Cumunion to cuddle in the main area to show everyone you’re not fucking?
  20. I recently went to the worst Cumunion Party of all time. In 4 hours, only 2 guys who actually were having sex. The rest of the guys were more interested in talking. It got so bad, a guy who works at the venue came back to the main play area, and proceeded to cuddle with a guy. Then had the nerve to say “if guys want to see a show, they can get only fans.” After the cuddling, he proceeded to have a full conversation with six other men in the play area, all gaggling like a bunch of school girls. This lasted for like an hour. As I drove home angry and bewildered, I wondered why this was the third straight city where Cumunion was a bust. This is why I came up with: 1. C-19 2. Cumunion is now more of Brand than an actual party 3. With modern medicine, more guys are into BB so the novelty of Cumunion has worn off 4. The exclusivity is gone, so now it attracts guys of all types in cities that don’t have a big “piggy” gay culture. I actually thought of setting up my own private parties, though not sure how that would work. Thoughts? Is Cumunion over?
  21. 1. I’m aware of the Inflation Reduction Act. They didn’t have to include increased IRS monitoring in the law. 2. Corporations won’t be audited 3. Your assumption is incorrect. I don’t listen to right wing news sources. I don’t root for any political party. I don’t look at politics like a football game. I vote for interests and an agenda.
  22. [think before following links] https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/congressional-democrats-deliver-promises-complicated/story?id=80691209 Here is one article. Bunch of excuses, which I covered in a previous comment. Of course, when I said “never get anything passed” i was generalizing.
  23. I’m not dedicated to either party. I vote on based on the agenda presented
  24. I don’t disagree with anything you said technically. However, laws are only as good as their enforcement and enforcement requires resources. We have many laws on the books that we don’t enforce because they are not practical, dated/harm people or the resources to enforce them outweighs the benefits to society. That’s like arresting people for sodomy and saying “well the law is the law.” We have a social understanding that those laws should be ignored, and we don’t dedicate resources to enforcing it. The fact that Dems claim they can never get anything passed, except when it come to focusing on IRS/tax enforcement for smaller businesses tells me where their priorities are.
  25. There another term for ignoring your experiences refusing to acknowledge what you’ve seen in the world: delusion.
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