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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Oh you’ve done it now….
  2. As much as we like to lie to the public about gay culture, the fact is many gay men lonely and long for the affection of others. Im not talking about the men who are eternally holding out, but men who don’t fit into the gay stereotype of attractiveness If a man wants a hit experience, and someone will give it too him, I don’t see what’s wrong with that? Do you get some sort of sick, twisted satisfaction in depriving men from happiness?
  3. Funny you say that. A few weeks ago a guy set up an open door cumdump in Sniffies. As I was ready to walk out the door, I got an email from an anon profile saying he called the hotel and told them about the party. Then chastised me. The party was cancelled.
  4. I looked into it. Unfortunately there isn’t anything close to me yet. But I love some fur. May have to take a trip!
  5. So the war sparked the need for a bill. However, me even connecting Jewish people to Israel is anti Semitic by their definition: [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism Oh, a few more things in that definition: ”Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.” ”Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor..” If it’s separate, why use “Israeli policy?” I don’t have a dog in the fight either way. Just sparking conversation….
  6. My question was about the separation or connection of Israel and the Jewish community. Whether the bill is passed or not, it’s still a question of people perceive Israel and Jewish people, so much so, out government attempted to codify the relationship.
  7. The article says: “If passed by the Senate and signed into law, the bill would broaden the legal definition of antisemitism to include the “targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity.”
  8. The US government disagrees with you. [think before following links] https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinian-campus-protests-columbia-congress-df4ba95dae844b3a8559b4b3ad7e058a
  9. Are there any Jewish people or organizations speaking out against the Israeli government?
  10. I’m not a republican but I get accused of being one all the time. After I told this man at a bar who was clearly interested in me I didn’t want to talk politics, he insisted. After I refused to give my unwavering suppprt to either party, he made up the excuse he had to use the restroom and left 🤣
  11. Words have no meaning anymore. And when it comes to straight identifying men, the gay community will accept anything, no matter how outrageous or how tall the tale.
  12. OK, maybe my point about the doctors was regional. But still the algorithms? I see Prep/doxy ads on my streaming services regularly
  13. So there is this guy on Sniffies who claims to be under 30 who enjoys berating people locally who bareback. “Haven’t you guys learned anything from the 80s?” He says. Or “Lol if BB is in your profile, no wonder your poz!” This guy must be lying about his age because just have a hard time believing in the day of algorithms and personalized advertising, a gay man had never heard of prep or doxy. Even if a doctor sees your gay in your chart, most will discuss it with you. This is not a rant against condoms as I still use them if the occasion calls. I trust condoms still more than prep. But I don’t understand the guys (pretending) that being ignorant to the latest trends in medicine makes them qualified to chastise the rest of the community on a public forum. Thoughts?
  14. So we have this bartender at a local gay dive bar who apparently decided it’s okay to add a “surcharge” to certain patrons drinks. I don’t think it’s racially motivated, I just think it’s the typical above average gay guy who thinks being a dick somehow elevates him. I try to avoid his shifts, but sometimes he’s there coving for another bartender. Regardless of his intentions, rather than confront him, I’ve just decided to not tip him. A friend of mine says if it bothered me that much, I should complain to the manager. I doubt the manager or owner would do anything, and could say I was a trouble maker. so this is my “passive aggressive” way to handle it. Any advice or antidotes would be great!
  15. Is this sort of like the Biden thing where “ if I don’t vote for him I’m not Black?” I don’t think as a Latino you’re qualified to make that judgment
  16. Yeah, because as a black person, I have no clue what’s going on in my community🤣
  17. That was an absolutely disgusting and villainess display by Kamala Harris. Using the trauma and events that happened to Black people to signal boost someone else’s struggle. She wouldn’t dare go to a Holocaust museum and speak about black peoples interest. And these are the kind of disrespectful actions that are going to keep black voters at home in November
  18. Decided to hit up the local bookstore which has been absolutely horrific since the pandemic. A bunch a regulars standing wrong waiting to give you fully clothed head until completion. Not my thing. I walk in and there is this tall, curly hair, strapping mid twenties guy with it construction pants down jacking off. I walk over and he seems receptive. I move my finger to his ass and he rest his head on my shoulder and lets out a submissive whimper. My lucky day! I guide him to a hair a chair and he pulls his pants own to his construction boots. Not only is this boys underarms ripe, his crotch smelled like a hard days work. Absolutely intoxicating. Made me hard as a rock. After a brief BJ, I slid into this boys surprisingly clean hole. With each thrust in this tall stud, I feel he lets out a more submissive groan. Finally his ass was too much and I literally feel myself squirt in him. I smack him in the ass, and go in my way, spent and satisfied. What made it hotter is this is a blue collar guy no one would ever think had a gay bone in his body. And here he is unashamedly looking for dick in an ABS after work. Man I love the prep era! These younger guys are so much fun!
  19. 1. You’re assuming I am a Republican, which I’m not. I’ve already pointed out the blatant racism in the Republican party. Apparently you’re perfectly fine overlooking the racism of the Democratic Party as long as it means them getting in power. 2. Yes befriending and giving the eulogy for a Klan Member should be a barometer, for racism. Racism and segregation isn’t simply a “political” difference. If a man was a friend to a Nazi no one would dare say it’s OK They just have a “political difference.” The problem with most Democrats is that they feel casual racism is OK as long as it does not get in the way of their desire for power. So they may not like the racism, but they feel that it gets in the way and they are more pressing needs that need to be addressed.
  20. I would call giving the eulogy for Strom Thurman, a stun crow segregationist and then the affiliated with the Klan, pretty racist, but hey that’s just me.
  21. Voting without demanding anything is political masturbation. Politics is the science of determining how resources will be allocated. Voting by itself is a symbolic act. The purpose of voting is to determine how resources will be allocated. Yes, I expect my vote to be courted. And if you will not be allocating resources to me, or my group, then I will not be voting for you. You will not receive my vote (which is an endorsement of you being in power) so you can benefit others without benefiting me also. And fortunately, many more black voters, particularly male, are thinking, just like me. We will no longer be told what our issues should be or debate about them. we know what is best for communities and what harms our communities. And if you are candidate who chooses to practice outright racism, or benign neglect that’s fine. If both parties choose to do so, we will vote for neither. Many of us are no longer interested in being political slaves, meaning voting to get people in power, and getting nothing out of it. instead of shaming people for not voting, why not shame the politicians for not offering anything for that voting block?
  22. Preach!!
  23. Maybe in the straight community. But Gen-X killed off the sexuality in the gay community.
  24. Apologies, I didn’t see a topic about this already posted
  25. Sorry I posted another topic about this and I didn’t see this topic!!
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