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Posts posted by BlackDude

  1. 3 hours ago, TotalTop said:

    What does Nancy Pelosi wearing a kente cloth have to do with anything?

    None of the links you provided have anything to do with “black supremacy.”  By it’s very definition you cannot have two things as supreme. Fighting for Justice and equality is not supremacy, and comes off as a projecting. When other groups fight, they fight for domination. 

    Though I do agree that the term POC is outdated. Most blacks people now realize POC is an identity immigrants use only when it benefits them, only to identify with the same anti-black, pro white Supremacist ideologies in their home countries. 

    And I’m not going to even argue about CTR because that’s a vague term that was intentionally created with no clear definition to hide anti-black rhetoric.  It’s actually kinda cowardly in my opinion. Just say what you feel about black people and stand on it.





  2. 21 hours ago, NWUSHorny said:

    Personally I find the MAGA version of alpha superiority, like everything else about MAGA to be an inauthentic, completely superficial, professional wrestling style take on it. I usually can't tell real MAGA behavior and philosophy from parody.

    Exactly. I think Don Jr. is kinda cute but I recognize he doesn’t Believe anything he says and he’s doing this one for the money and two he’s an attention starved ego maniac. I probably bang him one Just to fuck with his head, but that’s it. 

    Unfortunately there are people who are taking what he says seriously. 

  3. 8 hours ago, NWUSHorny said:

    This is an interesting thread for me in multiple ways. Thank you for posting it.

    The feminine ideology gay men incorporate into gay sex in the PNW overwhelms me at times. I had always thought about the relationship feature as being heteronormative, rather than feminine, but can easily see where it is feminine ideology. There are several more ways that this applies:

    I've frequently said that guys at the sex clubs here adopt a teenage girl's attitude about sex. They are horny and everyone knows it, but are trying desperately to at least keep up appearances of being a "good girl", which makes me wonder why the hell they are at a sex club.

    I always feel like I'm some sort of freak when I read the the majority of local hookup app profiles, where a lot of the text is devoted to telling everyone how much they love to cuddle. I would go as far as saying after 15 years of living here that I despise cuddling, and absolutely will not engage in it prior to fucking. 

    I've also accused gay guys here of being functionally lesbian, i.e. they make out, engage in tit play, engage in hole play including dildos and fisting, but they won't under any circumstances willingly touch a another man's cock or let you touch theirs. This is the basis of my comments like "1001 ways to have 'great sex' where no one has to touch a cock" or "we can have sex if you promise not to touch my icky dick and I promise not to touch your icky dick."

    All of these would seem to play into some kind of weird gay version of the "feminine ideology of sex". 


    I don’t think relationships are feminine, but you ca have a feminine mindset when it comes to sex.

    Women must be selective when it comes to sex because the result can be procreation. whether they choose to follow that instinct or not his one thing, but a woman should be selecting a made based on his ability to protect and provide. 

    Two men cannot procreate. However, Some of these guys have been hanging with the girls so long, they pick up their dating habits.. For women it is mostly about protection and providing. Even a woman who doesn’t qualify for a man who can provide, will still give the illusion she is looking for that, just out of pure narcissism. 

    These men are the same way. It’s all about putting up a front. Yes their fucking, but like their single mother role models and “girlfriends,” they Pretend to everyone else they’re looking for Mr. right.

  4. 1 hour ago, SeanBrah said:

    Holy shit, yall need to fuckin relax. You literally could've said nothing. The response to this is borderline insanity. Here's some advice:
    "I like this?" Respond, interact, find mutuals.
    "I don't like this" Say no, I do not like this and MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
    Absolutely nothing about this post has to do with your beliefs, or mine for that matter. It was about a certain aesthetic. The fact that you have to be told the difference is disturbing. Work on yourself.

    That Alpha aesthetic of MAGA is your perception. How are they to answer yes or no if they don’t agree with your premise?

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  5. 6 hours ago, TotalTop said:

    Exactly.  It is super weird to me that leftists are now super uptight, racist or black supremacist, super pro-establishment, wealthy conformist bores that live in gated communities, for decades they did not care about LGB/LGBT rights at all, and are now pro-censorship.

    What in the world is a black Supremacist? And how can you be a black supremacist and pro establishment? Lol

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  6. 41 minutes ago, NWUSHorny said:

    How many years did it take for you to participate? I've been watching some of the same guys for 15 years at the local bathhouse. There are a couple of them I've never even seen touch anyone else.

    It wasn’t 15 years. Hahaha


    This reminds me of this “straight” married guy in town. He’s been showing up to the spots for years playing straight porn on his phone and jacking off. He won’t let anyone touch him or the holy married cock. He’s trying to do the whole curious married guy thing but no one is curious for 15 years. 

    And I’ve seen him fuck before. So his whole act is just to use desperate gay men who have a straight fetish to feed his ego until he finds someone he deems worthy. Interesting thing is guys Who have been around a few times now his act and don’t give him the time of day anymore. 

  7. 2 hours ago, LetsPOZBreed said:

    Add these to the guys who won't fuck:

    The "Lurker":  I've had this at the saunas and cruise spots.  The guys who are hard as a rock watching me get railed, tantalising me with their meat.  Some even offer verbal encouragement (sometimes to the point of distraction), but then when I'm free and available for them to fuck me, they can't really perform - so wait for some other guy to rail me.  

    The "TIM Fetishist":  Guys who are into the idea of fucking a bottom with numerous loads in them already, (because they constantly wank to TIM gangbang scenes).  So they ask me "how many loads do you have", and regardless of whatever number I throw out will respond with simply:  "hot" and nothing more.

    I will give a pass to a guy I’ve never seen do anything. I will admit I was that guy who use to watch when I was younger. I was scared.

    But if I see you fuck other guys, then try to act coy, ur just playing games. And I agree the end result is the same: you’re not fucking.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 11 hours ago, NWUSHorny said:

    I have a couple:

    Guys who don't fuck:

    Guys that only want a relationship. They are on the apps and at the cruising spot, but make their profile very clear or are up front with you at the cruising spot, that they are looking for a relationship and will not even consider a casual hookup. If they think you are relationship material you will have trouble getting rid of them every time they see you somewhere.

    Attention whore, these guys will cruise you as long as you pay attention to them, and will do everything they can to keep your attention but never actually connect with anyone. If you are somewhere like a nude beach they may cruise you repeatedly over the course of the day, but will run away as soon as you approach them about actually doing something.

    Shout out to you for that insight. From what I’ve seen, a lot of what you describe are from guys with a lot of female influence in their lives. These guys take on that feminine ideology. Women lie to themselves and only count the sex that happens in a “relationship.” They pretend feel guilty about casual sex. It’s a weird rationalization game they play. Big secret is that are fucking, but that like to have that orbit of attention from guys they won’t fuck. Single mother mentality 101. 


    I really didn’t expand on “younger guys” because I didn’t want the entire post to go left. Just saying that people count out younger guys but alot want to get off. I recently visited a cruising spot I abandoned because guys were not doing anything. It’s now younger guys there. As soon as the coast was clear, this younger twink had his pants off and was getting spit roasted bareback. They didn’t know if I was cool or not. They didn’t care. Big change from years ago when guys would hold out forever for the perfect 10.


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  9. With all the talk about time wasting, and fantasy posts, I decide to make a post about getting laid in real life.

    As a caveat, when say say “not fucking” it’s the same as “not worth the effort.” Of course their are always exceptions, but why spend life chasing exceptions?

    Of course this is all based on my experience and generalizations. I would like to hear others experiences. It’s always fun to get tips and hints from others!

    Who Isn’t Fucking:

    Everytime Guy-This is the guy who is always online or at the cruising spot. Mostly because he’s picky as hell and never finds what’s he’s looking for. 

    Hot Unsuccessful Straight Guy-These are  guys who fucked a lot of girls when they were younger. Now their older, and women require them to produce, they can’t. But they’re  so use to the attention, they’ll take it anywhere they can get it. Often, these are the “jo only” guys or guys who sit in their cars at known cruising spots. They secretly hate the gay men and what their doing. They value attention, not really men, and it will be mission trying to get anything action out of them. 

    Has a BF of The Same Type-Seen this lots of times. For example, if a white guy wants to fuck, and has a black BF, I usually decline. I’ve heard the same from bear types. Yeah these guys may fuck, but it’s not worth the hoops if they have a jealous BF whose identity is tied to who they are in a relationship with. 

    Self Described Twink Over 40-These guys will always see themselves as the 20 year old version of themselves. They’re on an eternal quest to turn back the clock, and are gonna mess only with guys that give them that lost magic. Complete basket cases 

    The 4-Play Guy-Dudes kiss, suck, rub, and do anything else to make you forget theirs no fucking. Guys who want to fuck usually say so or do out front.

    Who Is Fucking:

    Successful Married Man-Successful men, especially straight, have plenty of sexual options. Especially good looking ones. If they are online, cruising etc it’s because they want to be. 

    Younger Men-I mean of age.

    The Older Nerd/“INCEL”-These guys have usually tried and failed to get the attention of women. They’re over it and eager to try something new and feel appreciated. 

     The Hot Guy-I’ve always said hot guys are easier to talk too. They usually have low ego’s and are very secure. 

    The 6:00 Guy-If a guys hitting you up after work or looking for sex, he wants to fuck. He has other options but he’s choosing you or to be in that location. Go for it! 

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  10. On 6/6/2022 at 9:35 PM, ErosWired said:

    Well, I’m very much Gen-X and I don’t recognize that characterization. It sure as hell doesn’t describe me, nor people I know of my age. Feel free to speak for yourself, but kindly avoid painting us all with the same broad brush.

    I think everyone in here understands we mostly speak in Generalities and based on personal experience. 

    And I’m Gen-X as well. As from my experience, we are the most flakiest. So I guess we have different experiences. 

  11. I’m noticing a decline in number and quality of posts as well. I don’t even post as much.

    I like to hear about real guys experiences to get off or just educate myself. But all these exaggerated, clearly fiction posts mess up the vibe. 

    Way too much attention whoring in here. 

    I also think it’s a generational thing. I would guess most of the people who use the side of generation X. We were not raised with the pigginess of the 70s or with prep. We were raised to be afraid of sex so a lot of things we wanted to do we can only fantasize about. So we got into the habit of going on the Internet and talking without ever actually having to deliver. These are the same guys who would sit on A4A way back when, and invent new reasons as to why they could never meet. Eventually guys just got tired and it killed the site. Also, Gen X were the main ones pushing to ingratiate themselves with straight society in hopes of gaining acceptance. So a lot of the topics that come up alot really have no experienced, have no interest or have never done it. They are just on here looking for their particular niece or a fetish in there out.

    Hopefully guys don’t get apathetic and it hurts this site as well because although I don’t agree with a lot of stuff on the site I think it’s very informative and fun at times. 

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  12. On 5/22/2022 at 7:24 PM, hntnhole said:

    One thing I don't understand though, is why would some Black men ........

    On 5/12/2022 at 2:45 AM, BlackDude said:

    Too many black men are in an eternal quest for sexual and social proximity to ANY white man, they look at interracial sex as validation

    would want to place themselves in the situation where the old ways are reinforced?  Why would any Black man put up with the racist crap, let alone seek it out?  Why would any Black man put up with the same old racist garbage?

    Long story short, when you’ve been told for centuries that your community isn’t on-par with other communities, some people start to internalize that. Hence my comment about “graduating from black society.” A lot of these guys look at proximity to whiteness as “leveling up.” 

    Also, oppression is not possible without collaborators. Unfortunately, a lot of black men feel the choice is simple: sell out to the winning team. We seen this is nazi-Germany. Of course, it never ends well. 

    Again, I’m not against interracial dating or sex. I’m just saying know the game and don’t be taken advantage of. And always maintain your self esteem and dignity!

    • Like 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, bluedragon said:

    So are you bi or gay?

    She might well be looking for security now that she has a kid, or else a father figure for him/her.

    Or you've misread her and she was into you all along. Who knows? Let her down gently/start distancing yourself now.

    If I’m honest , I’m not bi. I’d fuck a woman as long as she knows I like men. I’m never getting married tho, especially in this legal climate. She doesn’t need money. I Suspect a father figure.

    I think you’re right. We will remain friends, just not as close.


  14. Rant/Story Coming:

    So I have this a good friend I work with who recently told me she has the super hots for me and even have dreams about me. I Love my friend but I am honest with myself. I was the type of guy she would not have given the time of day to back in her prime. She was totally into bad boys, enough to the point that one man actually was very abusive towards her. She has basically had an army of guys in her orbit that she would not date or full around with because she seen them as “boring.”


    Mind you, this is a woman with A moderately wealthy family who works for shopping money.

    Now that she is a little bit older, and with a kid, she wants to come on to me? As a matter of fact she even asked about my sexuality, (too which I responded I don’t think people who work together shit sleep together especially when one is an a subordinate position). If you thought I was gay, why the urge to sleep with me?
    I don’t know if there’s related to age or Covid but it seems like now I’m getting more attention than ever from women. Like any other guy I’ve had my share of admirers, but she is a women who in the past would not give a suspected gay, in a lower tax bracket guy a second look outside of friendship.  It is too late for a guy like me (I think). 

    Why do women get so desperate?

  15. I find married men to be much more eager the first few times. But as far as long term hook-ups, some can become a hassle with scheduling. I had one dude who always wanted to hook up at 5:00 before work cause his wife expected him home at a certain time. Although he was really fun and I wished it would’ve worked out, I did not become a gay man to let a woman turn on my sex life lol. I even had one married man show up at my house uninvited!

    As far as condom use, I actually see that. A lot of married men being out always used condom. Hell some even want condoms for a blowjob help.

    I suspect about the men who have wedding rings on are not really married, but they know that some guys go for that sort of things so they play along.

  16. 9 hours ago, fskn said:

    @BlackDude, we'll have to agree to disagree. It doesn't seem that Thurgood Marshall, whose arguments against originalism anchor the editorial (if indeed you read the same editorial), represented groups (what groups?) that "can’t use their own arguments and agreements without always trying to make some comparison to what Black people have gone through."

    It's not as if the editorialist, Charles M. Blow, equates the experience of seeking an abortion in a red state to being Black and a legal non-person as the founding fathers intended. He cites the legal non-personhood of Black people as just one example of a blindspot on the part of the founding fathers, and Dred Scott as just one example of the Supreme Court's history of regressive rulings. His other examples of regressive Supreme Court decisions have nothing in particular to do with Black people: forced sterilization of mentally ill people, internment of Japanese people during World War II, and upholding a sodomy law in Georgia as recently as 1986.

    I would add that the focus of @hntnhole's thread, and also of the editorial I mentioned, is originalism, not race. Please consider leaving space for people to talk about originalism / keeping this thread on topic.

    It might be a good idea to start a thread of your own where you could go into detail about your concern, which I think is that somehow the experiences of Black people are being misappropriated for purposes of criticizing the Supreme Court (?) or criticizing the Court's likely decision to eliminate the federal-level right to abortion. As a Black man myself, and because I enjoy learning about other people's perspectives, I'd be glad to hear more — in a separate thread.

    Someone brought up Thurgodd Marshall and Dread Scott and I asked what was the relation to the topic. A response was given and I gave my opinion on the how the issues were related. I think I’m on topic and I don’t need to start a separate thread. Thanks tho. 

  17. 5 hours ago, fskn said:

    Maybe search for the New York Times editorial, which is easy to find.

    The editorialist explains, much better than I can, that the Supreme Court's anticipated decision eliminating the federal-level right to abortion does in fact reflect an "age-old struggle" (to borrow from @hntnhole's clear introduction) inherent to the institution.

    I read the article. I found it to be yet another attempt to use black peoples struggle to advocate for rights of other groups. Especially when many of these  groups advocated for, celebrated and benefited from the Dread Scott decision and other like it. 

    We wont even get started on the anti-black fear mongering and propoganda around Roe v. Wade.

    I don’t get why groups can’t use their own arguments and agreements without always trying to make some comparison to what Black people have gone through. Well I do know why. But that’s another story. 

  18. On 5/10/2022 at 12:11 PM, LetsPOZBreed said:

    Personal experience on both sides of the coin:

    If I'm topping (rare, but happens), then the less loaded the better.  I don't like to overlube my cock, as I lose the sensation.  By extension, too much cum in a hole (more than about 3 or 4 loads worth) is equivalent to about double the amount of lube that I need. 

    Agreed. I love a cummy ass but it’s a fine line. Too sloppy, and I lose my boner too. I need some friction. 

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