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Posts posted by BlackDude

  1. What Is Critical Race Theory?


    And DeSantis has no original ideas or thoughts that resonate with anyone outside of a small echo chamber. Hell, he Barley beat Andrew Gillum.

    He’s now put himself in a trick bag, because when/if Trump runs again, he going to whatever base he has. Real recognize real. And when the platinum plated WS credentials on Donald Trump are presented, DeSantis is going to look like the silver plated, attention who’re that he is.  

  2. 16 hours ago, pozcommunitybottomtn said:

     I also find that they often don’t like group situations with other black guys and sometimes get competitive, which is annoying at times.

    You are 100% correct on this and it goes back to placing value in non-black validation. 

    Alot of black men feel value being the only accepted black in the social group. Having someone else black in their mind decreases their value. This is why oftentimes if you see a black guy with a white boyfriend, he will guard him like a pit Bull when other black are around. But has no problem with other white men in the sexual or social circle. Real insecurities. 

    Again, speaking in generalities and based off experience. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, NudistBBBLK said:

    One of the WORST thing a yt person can do is this, invalidating the experience of POC folk. You do not live our skin color and don’t have a REMOTE idea of our lived experience. To sit there and invalidate it is the height of yt privilege. You have never experienced what we feel waking up in morning and living in this black skin and to come on here and debate this man and many blk men is just so fucking ignorant.

    This is EXACTLY what straight folks do to you with your gay experience. I am continuously amazed my how yt gays will invalidate the lived experience of BiPOC folk that aren’t yt yet get in a tizzy when their own experience is invalidated. Yt ppl like you are the true definition of folks who gaslight ppl. 

    I don’t take it personal, and I honestly blame a lot of black men for this.

    Many gay white men are so used to being worshiped, and having black gay men that lie to them and the rest of the world, they expect you be happy being treated as second class citizen. 

    Any many of them know alot of gay black men have so much hatered toward black society, they know these gay black men will say, tolerate and defend the most obvious, ridiculous racism. As if they are getting some sort of twisted revenge. 

    The truth is not a priority. Only maintaining the favor and access of non-black communities. 

  4. 57 minutes ago, topblkmale said:

    Lots of anti-white racism in the LGBT. Would love to hear your concerns about that.

    Anti-white racism? What business, wealth or positions of power do black LGBT people have to practice discriminate against white LGBT people? 

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  5. 54 minutes ago, ellentonboy said:

    Well, I am sorry you feel that way.  I find it interesting that if you read through this entire thread, I would say the majority of forum members do not have issues with race.  I understand your experiences have been different.....that is a shame.

    No, me and my friends experiences aren’t feelings. They are factual events.

    Nor did I say all gays are racist.

    What I did say is that most of this “preference” talk is just racism. And the racism in the LGBT community is well documented.



  6. 22 minutes ago, ellentonboy said:

    I really take issue with a lot that is said with this posting.  Sure, many white men are not interested in having sex with black men.  No question about that.  But I think this post takes it a bit far with "they won't hire black people, support their businesses or agenda, follow them in stores" etc.  Where, exactly, is the data on that, or what caused you to form that opinion?  It has been a very long time since I have seen the words "no blacks" in an online profile, I wouldn't be surprised if complaints might force that profile to be removed or edited.

    Personally I don't waste anyone's time, just like I would expect them to show me the same respect.  Your final sentence "it's an ingrained white supremacist belief system" is just that, it's  the belief system of white supremacists, not the majority of white gay men.

    My data is based on decades of being black and comparing my experiences with other gay black men.  I don’t need numbers to tell me how me what I know. 

    And it makes no difference if the “majority” of gays are racist or not, because a lot of the ones who aren’t stand by may not like what they see, but are fine with the status quo.

  7. 1 hour ago, hntnhole said:

    Thanks for those thoughts, BlackDude.  You're entirely correct, and that is entirely regrettable.  I can almost always take the bright side, or at least the hopeful side of a discussion, but I'm beginning to wonder lately.  You already know how this country was founded, built, and that terrible fault has yet to be ameliorated.  Worse, there are politicians actually defending the depravity of white privilege, and the racists, haters, the whole pot of boiling misery is getting more widespread.  

    I'm sorry to know that there are Blacks gay guys that still want to be associated with we pale ones - we don't deserve it.

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with dating and ducking interracially. Except when it comes to the point you have to degrade yourself or your self worth is determined by your proximity to non-black men. 

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  8. I’ve never preferred guys my age. I grew up in that era where gay guys where clutching their pearls trying to emulate straights.

    When I wax younger, older men seemed more upfront and to the point. They seemed to just enjoy the moment more. They could host as well. Plus I’m into body hair, and more older men seemed to have what I liked. 

  9. The gay community, both black, non-black and white, do a lot of lying. It’s better guys are truthful in my opinion. 

    Alot of white guys use the preference argument and limit it to sex. When truth is, they just don’t like black people period. And they don’t want anyone around them to like blacks either. They won’t hire black people, support their businesses or agenda, follow them in stores, and do all the other stuff any other racists would do. And their lying only hurts black gay men more.

    And alot of gay black men are so desperate for interracial sexual and social access, they will act like this racist stuff doesn’t exist among gays. Their main objective is to be the sole black mascot (or mangido) to a group of non black friends.  They will defend racism in the gay community at any cost. At times, they may be the bit of the joke. And they accept because to them being a second class citizen in a group of non-black friends is better than being treated as equal in a group of black friends. 

    Comments like “no blacks” Pierces their very soul, because it calls into question their purpose for being. 


    I find it very sad when I see older black gay men struggling. Because, unfortunately, alot of them wasted too much time, money, and resources chasing the dream of interracial sexual and social access. Signing away homes, going on trips they can’t afford, staying in dead end jobs, refusing to network with other blacks. All so they could prove they somehow escaped or graduated blackness. 

    If more racist white guys were more honest about their feelings, maybe it would save alot of black men time and effort. Alot of this isn’t about sex. It’s an ingrained white supremacist belief system the encompasses all areas of life. 

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  10. The Republicans openly say they aren’t doing anything for black people.

    The Democrats practice a benign neglect policy against black people.

    The republicans are hostile toward black voters.

    The democrats bring in groups from other places to neutralize black voters

    The Republicans want to erase blacks history

    The Democrats want to minimize black history

    The Republicans tell blacks people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps

    The Democrats give non-black minority groups boot straps

    The Republican LGBT community only cares for white gay men

    The Democratic LGBT community uses blacks to get benefits for white gay men

    I personally advocate for neither party. When I see the agenda, then make my decisions. 


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  11. So I  went to this Cumdump I was excited to go to, especially after all this C19, MP, flu etc….

    So as I got there and started to get undress, the guys friend who was the host I guess started talking. No lie, his voice sounded like the late Gilbert Godfrey. If he did drag. Completely killed my vibe.

    Can a guys voice actually be a turn-off? Or maybe I was just psychologically looking for a reason to tap out. Thoughts? 

  12. 10 minutes ago, topblkmale said:

    I agree but I believe its the fact that ABS tend to be mostly oral. Its always a cocksuckers first choice.

    Most bathhouses, sex parties and sex clubs I frequent guys are into anal primarily. I find myself seeking out the good cocksuckers as I LOVE good oral. I never have a problem finding asses to fuck.


    Case in point - Slammers Fort Lauderdale.

    The suck ramps are always half-empty and barely used. However the group fuck room (round bench) and the dark fuck room (regular bench) are always jam packed.

    I mostly agree with you about ABS. But, I’ll give an example.  I was at the local ABS this week. This super sexy middle aged blue collar man walked in the main theater, pulled his pants down, and immediately started taking dick. He was offering both ends. I get guys not wanting to BB. But half the guys (yes they are gay for a fact) started clutching their pearls, and ran out the theater. You’re that horrified/offended of a guy getting fucked? In a gay space? 

    Now in the Bay Area, Totally different. 

  13. On 10/24/2022 at 4:15 PM, topblkmale said:

    As a black American, I have never experienced racism from gays in Mexico, Central or South America. 


    Now I HAVE received negative energy in bars and bathhouses in Latin America for being perceived as an English-speaking foreigner.

    Many seem disappointed I'm not Colombian, Panamanian, Cuban or Dominican.


    For them its cultural difference. And I agree with them.

    Interesting. I don’t have alot if issues with guys from Central America and Mexico. We get along just fine for the most part. 

    But most of the Latino guys I meet for the Carribean or South America are just as racist as the white guys. In fact, they go further.  Almost like they have something to prove. And they have no problem with American culture, as long as it’s packaged in whiteness. 

  14. 21 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    It seems that a lot of guys have gradually altered what used to be fairly clear definitions:

    1.  "Top" means (or used to) a guy who will only fuck.  Active only, nothing passive.

    2.  "bottom" means (or used to) mean a guy who will only get fucked.  Passive only, noting active.  

    3.  "Verse" means (or used to) a guy that potentially will both Top and/or bottom, depending on the scene.  

    When the above turns into an alphabet soup, the meanings are rendered moot. 

    Point:  Less talk, more Breeding.  Less endless time-wasting on the cruise apps, go to where the pigs are, shuck your jeans and jump in.  

    I like this. Words have to have meanings. I think too often, gays use terms loosely intentionally, or we just flat out allow people to lie. We make exceptions the rule. 


    It leads to confusion and ultimately sexual frustration. 

    • Upvote 2
  15. Possible incoming rant:

    What is going on with the seeming increase in guys who do “oral only?” Maybe TIM and the Internet has poisoned my view of sex, but with COVID and MP out the way, and with Prep, I anticipated and easier time fucking and breeding. But everywhere I go, there seems to be guys who “only want to suck.” I go cruising, 75% of the guys only want oral. Even on BBRT, there are only oral guys. Alot of these guys don’t even want to do mutual, and won’t take their dick out. 

    Let me just add, I know most of these guys are full of it, especially middle age to older men. They aren’t really oral only, alot are eternally holding out for something hotter. But my premise stands there’s less fucking than there should be in the Prep era. 


    Especially if you’re at an ABS, who cares if you take it up the ass? I’m not saying everyone has to put on a show, but damn loosen up. 

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