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    bisexual sex in general, impregnation, semen sharing, lots of watersports, sounding (I have a few ideas I want to try) and belly inflation.

    I'm not a chaser, but would be interested to chat with chasers/gifters to know more about them and their experiences.
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  1. Here is part 5! I hope you like it, Disclaimer : This is a work of science fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this chapter are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. If this or the subjects specified in tags offend you, please stop reading now. Tags : Breeding, pozzing, sci-fi, HIV, watersports, conversion, bareback sex, body modification, blood, tattooing, piercings . //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Part 5, Inseminating Few days after getting tattooed, Zeus scheduled a meeting with the other members of the development team. He is thinking that the human trial should officially start with him. Jason, Dan, and Frank soon arrived in the conference room; they were the only ones present in the building that day. Zeus went to the gym earlier that day and didn’t shower, he was still smelling sweat and musk. He is wearing a tight T-shirt and shorts, leaving an obvious idea where his half-hard cock is. Zeus knew that Jason was gay, he made it very clear a long time ago and was a bit flamboyant. He was the perfect definition of a asian twink, slender, shaved, perfumed, well kept, and a bit feminine. He did not a know partner and even cruise a few times Adams in past, but he was not his type. Dan is bisexual in a gay couple. He was a tall, very kind, bear with an impressive nice round belly. He has a beard and is completely bald. It is also apparent that his tits are pierced. His skin has a slight brown hue. Frank is the only heterosexual on the team. He is from African descents with a dark skin and a tall muscular build. He has a nice beard and a sharp haircut. He is manly in his behaviour, rarely wearing perfume, leaving a very distinguishable musk that Zeus find very attractive. He was also the elder of the group I his late fifties, his kids are now adults. Zeus stands at the end of the conference table and welcome everyone to start the meeting. Zeus: From our tests results, I think now is the time to begin the human trial for the anti-HIV gene therapy. After a small technical discussion, everyone agreed and planned the next steps. But Zeus made an announcement before everyone leaves. Zeus: I will be blunt. I’ve injected the first marker and purposefully got infected with HIV through sexual relation. A minute of awkward silence passed. Jason: I guess you beat me to it. Dan: So, I wasn’t the only one who had that idea. Frank: … Zeus: Wait, you’ve all injected yourself with the first maker and planned to get infected too? All of them: Yes… Frank: I wasn’t sure how I got get a viral sample out of the lab without anyone noticing, we can them tightly logged. Zeus: What about your wife Frank and your husband Dan? Dan: I told him my plan and now he is turned on by the idea of getting pozzed by me! Frank: It has been years since I had sex with my wife… It would not make a difference once a get the full treatment. Jason: What do you propose Adam, that you give us a blood sample to infect us? You know it will jeopardize the trial. Zeus: I was thinking more about having good old sex with you guys. Zeus removes his T-shirt and drop his shorts, getting fully naked. Zeus: Oh, between us, I identify as Zeus now. Jason: Wait, you want to do it here, now? Zeus: Why not? I’m horny and I bet you want it. Jason reaches for Zeus cock: I’m a top but I will make an exception 😊 Zeus help Jason to undress, Dan looks at them and pretty said “fuck it” and start undressing too. Frank stays silent and immobile, almost in trans from what is happening in front of him. Zeus lay down Jason on the conference and slowly rub his precum leaking gland over Jason asshole. Zeus : Push as I push my cock inside. Jason: Be gentle, I’ve never been fucked. Zeus: I won’t, it will be rough, my positive semen needs to get in you. As Zeus fucks Jason, his piercing is scratching Jason’s ass. He looks in Dan direction to see him jerking off. Zeus: My ass won’t fuck itself, maybe you should seed it with your last neg load. That being said, Dan quickly installs himself behind Zeus and slides his cock in like it was warm melted butter between tight muscular glutes. After a good ten minutes, Dan seed Zeus’s ass. Zeus looks at Jason enjoying the ride: Zeus: Beg for my positive semen, beg to be impregnated. Beg to become my son. Jason hesitates for a moment, but after stimulation: Yeah, poz me big fucker! Jason: Come on fill my ass with your poz semen! Jason: I want you to poz me! Within a minute, Zeus pushes his cock balls deep inside Jason. Jason could feel Zeus pulsating inside of him. He didn’t expect to get flooded by almost a litre of semen. After that, Zeus took few minutes to breathe and relax while Dan switch place with Jason. Meanwhile, Frank was standing few metres away looking them fucking. He was frozen by the sex, captivated. As Zeus is half-hard, he lines up his cock to Dan’s ass, Jason slides his long 7 inches cock inside his breeder’s ass. Jason taking his revenge, plowing Zeus ass, Zeus gets his erection back and slowly push his cock into Dan asshole. Dan hole was a looser than Jason’s, Zeus fuck it harder and rougher to be sure it would be favourable to his poz semen. A minute or two into fucking Dan, Zeus looks at Frank, he was still rubbing his cock through his clothes. Zeus: Why don’t you get naked and climb on the table to feed me your cock. I will give you the best blowjob you will ever have. Frank did climb on the table, still dressed. He moves in front of Zeus, his legs between Dan’s body. Zeus, fish out his cock. It has a pleasing musky smell and tastes very manly. Zeus sucks him right away, not losing a second asking he if could. He took a minute to pull Frank’s pant down to reveal nice low hanging pairs of sweaty balls. With a hand on Frank’s balls and the other pumping his cock, his tongue twirling around his cock head, Frank cum within minutes. Frank releases a couple of joyful words before shooting his semen into Zeus mouth, it was creamy and deliciously salty. After, Jason reaches an impressive orgasm in Zeus butt, his balls tightening up and pulsing several ropes of warm semen into Dan’s ass. Dan felt at least 20 cock pulses coming from Zeus. Zeus: I feel a bit tired, my poz semen should take in you. I will rest in my office. With that said, Zeus left the conference room without even taking his clothes. Once in his office, he opened a fridge containing about a dozen of bags of his plasma. Months before getting impregnated by Cronos positive babies, he collected a lot of his own plasma and did prepare a synthetic equivalent for when his stock run outs. He knew that after a period of time, the viral count in his blood will lower as his count for his immune system. But, if he purposefully injects himself with uncontaminated plasma, both counts would raise up again. There is a chance that his viral count go record high and be able to maintain at that level for months, if not years. He attached the plasma to a pole then proceed to poke the needle in a soft part of his balls sack. Instead of having his balls sack inflated with saline water, it would be with his own plasma. He finished the procedure by placing a cock ring and ballstretcher to keep the fluid locally. He lay on his office couch, still fully naked, and ready to relax while his balls sack gets bigger. One hour after relaxing, we could feel a small fever. He imagined his virus multiplying in his balls sack. Later in the afternoon, he heard someone slowly opening his office door. His head was still a bit hazy, but he could see Frank’s face. Frank: May I come in? Zeus: Yes, of course. Frank enters the office clearly naked and with a rock-hard veiny hard-on. Frank: Thanks for the blowjob, it was the best I’ve ever got. Although, I had very few blowjobs. Zeus: You’re welcum, your semen was very tasteful. Frank: 😊, after you left the conference room, I’ve talked with Jason and Dan. They said it was otherworldly sex, and that I did miss something unique… They also said the real reason, out loud, on why they want to get poz… It’s quite simple really, anyone who got the treatment we’ve developed and get poz, well, their blood would be worth millions if not billions… Adam… Ze-Zeus, I want to you to infect me with your viral semen. Not because of the money, well not just that, but because I want the sex you will give me, and I’m convince it will be the best one life so far. Zeus, a bit stimulated by Franks, rises up and shows Frank to lay down on his couch. Zeus’s cock is still soft and knew that he needs a heavy stimulation. He went to his deck and opened a locked drawer to pick up his urethral sounding tube. Frank: What is that? Zeus: Trust me, it will feel awesome. Zeus proceed to coat the urethral sounding tube with his abundant precum then slowly insert it into Frank’s cock. Frank was obviously shocked and a bit in pain, but with some encouragement, he got it inside. Without too much trouble, Zeus insert the other end of the urethral tube in is cock. With this insertion, he got almost instantly a hard-on. The intense sensation seems to overwhelm Frank senses as Zeus jerking him off. A very slight sensation of pain, but a tremendous feeling of his cock being full, almost like he was cuming constantly. Zeus: Imagine your semen seeding my cock and balls. Imagine how intimate it is. A minute or two later, Frank cums and fills Zeus cock with his warm semen. Zeus proceed to remove the sounding completely, remove the cock and balls ring, then massages Frank asshole with cock head using his overflowing cum to fuck Frank. Zeus: When I push, push your ass out too, it helps to get my cock inside. It doesn’t take long for Frank’s virgin hole to adapt to Zeus cock. His balls sack still inflated by his plasma, he fucks roughly Frank’s hole, knowing that he will cum within quickly. Zeus: Beg for it. Frank coming back to reality: Wait… What? Zeus: Beg to get poz by me, beg to for my poz fertile semen. Frank frozen again; Zeus pulls out. Suddenly, Franks feels rather empty, he never felt something like that. Zeus: Beg for it, otherwise you don’t want it, hence you don’t deserve it. Frank: … ok … Get back inside and breed me. Zeus: Are you sure? You seem emotionally flat to me. Frank: For fucks sake! GET IN ME AND BREED MY ASS WITH YOUR VIRAL SEMEN. Zeus complied and pushed back his cock inside. Few dozens of pumping later: Zeus: I’m gonna cum… Frank: *Good* Breed me with your viral semen, seed me until I’m positive. Zeus felt that Frank lacks sexual experiences… But he breeds anyway Frank hole with a stupid amount of semen. Frank could feel every trust and pulsation coming from Zeus cock, for a solid minute, Zeus was pumping semen deep inside. Zeus: You’re poz now, but you’re also mine, 😉. Frank: Oh, you hot perve 😊. Thanks for infecting me, I guess. Zeus lay down on top of him and whisper near his hear : “You’re welcum”. It felt normal for Frank to hug the naked body of Zeus, to have his legs clamp Zeus body on top of him. Zeus went for a quick kiss, then Frank just grabs Zeus for an intense sensual kiss. Still hard and still inside Frank’s ass, Zeus slowly fucks him again until he seeds Frank again. When he finally withdraws his cock, his semen is coating his cock, inflated balls sack and thigh, Frank’s asshole his leaking his thick with cream and pretty much everything around the hole is coated with semen. Later, they regain some composure and Frank says: Frank: You know that our HIV treatment might work only on the strain you are carrying. There is only an unknown probability that it works on other strains. Zeus: I know, but I have a plan to get other strains, as matter of facts, I will try to get them all. Only four to five days later, Jason, Dan and Frank get a high fever. They test themselves at the lab to only confirm what they already knew; they are now HIV positive. Jason: Damn, Zeus, you’ve fucked us once and now we’re poz, all of us. Do you know what is your viral load? Zeus: I don’t know, but it is probably millions high. I keep it very high by reinjecting my own negative plasma. Frank: Why would you do that? Zeus: I love the feeling of being highly poz fertile. Also, I intend to poz a lot of men before I proceed with our experimental treatment. You are now my poz sons and I want many more. Prelude to chapter 6 Zeus is seeking to get all the strains of HIV. Atlas tells him to contact Hades, who is in isolation due to being ravaged by AIDS. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I love comments, feel free to leave several. I’m open to critics as long as they are constructive. Otherwise, for those positive off meds men who are reading this, please send me a private message if you are looking to pass your DNA and procreate a new son.
  2. Hot story! I hope it continues :)
  3. Love your story "poz breeding god" 🤗🦠🦂🎁

    1. BFD


      Thanks, I love comments, please leave the same comment in that story thread :)

  4. hot profile !

  5. Hi BFD, thanks for the follow. Love RP as well.

  6. I know it is a long story, but it is worth ready, I promise :)
  7. Here is part 4! I hope you like it, Disclaimer : This is a work of science fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this chapter are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. If this or the subjects specified in tags offend you, please stop reading now. Tags : Breeding, pozzing, sci-fi, HIV, watersports, conversion, bareback sex, body modification, blood, tattooing, piercings . //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Part 4, Blood Biohazard Tattoo Prelude It’s been two weeks since Adam got pozzed by Cronus. He called a sick leave to evaluate the situation, after all what he did was a major step in his life. It did stall his sex a bit, but he kept his routine, meaning he was still going to the gym. There, he met sometimes Atlas near the entrance. Adam brought him a bottle filled with his personal protein mix, from the exterior of the bottle, a thick, viscous, blurry white liquid was visible. Adam: As promised here is my personal protein mix, I hope you like. Atlas took the bottle and felt that was warm, to Atlas, it felt abnormal. Atlas: I will bring my personal receipt next week. Adam: I'm eager to taste it. At some point during his training, Adam went to the bathroom to piss. He didn’t know that he was followed by Atlas. Adam has just begun pissing as Atlas come to the urinal next to him. They were alone. Atlas: Thanks for the protein mix, it was very tasty, rich, and manly. Adam: You’re welcum, I produced it myself. Mind if I ask you a question? Atlas: Shoot. Adam: Cronus told me that you never went on meds, how did you manage to stay healthy? Atlas: I'm on meds, but I’ve never became fully undetectable. My CD4 count has lowered at the beginning but climb up back as I took meds. However, the viral count never went to an undetectable level. Adam: Is that how you manage to get so many sons? Atlas: After being impregnated by Cronus I went on a fest of fucking and orgies. Few months later, I’ve started meds and waited. From there, the count never went to undetectable. Have you tested poz? Adam: Yes, taking it a day at the time. I need to wrap my mind around it. Your cock is very impressive, but also very unusual. Atlas: Ha yes, it is. One of my sons is a cosmetic plastic surgeon and he loved silicone prosthetics. I’ve asked him if there was a way to improve my cock. He said yes and a few operations later, here is my horse like cock. Didn’t lose any sensitivity and the fucking is great. It's already been few minutes that Adam had finished pissing and just discussing with Atlas. He was leaving that Atlas asked him. Atlas: Mind if I clean that? Atlas went down on his knees and lick clean Adam the piss flavoured uncut gland, then the shaft and finally his sweaty/smelly huge balls until Adam got a hard-on. Atlas: Nice hard on, let’s not waste it. That said, Atlas rises up and pull down his sweatpants, then turn to show his muscular tight ass to Adam. Adam didn’t need instructions, nor permission, without lube or thinking if Atlas ass was cleaned or not, he aligned his hard cock on Atlas ass ring then pushed hard. With a bit of adaptation, Adam fucks Atlas ass hard and long with forceful thrusts. Atlas let go a few moans. Atlas: Yeah, fuck and breed me, recharge me with your huge creamy load. It was the first time since he got pozzed that he is fucking, and the bottom is begging for his load. It took a few seconds to process that then got really turned on by the idea. A minute or two later, a man in his early sixties enters the bathroom. One of his hands quickly went to his sweatpants to release his average-sized cut cock and the hand on his left nipple. Adam sees him, but don’t care as he is laser focus on breeding Atlas ass. Several minutes of pass as Adam pound Altas ass and he feels he is close to breed. Adam: Do you want me to seed your ass with the family sauce, Brother? Atlas: Recharge me with your high viral semen! With that comment, Adam pushes his cock balls deep inside Atlas and breed him, releasing his almost one liter of cum deep inside Atlas. As he removes himself of Atlas, a stream of semen goes out of Atlas ass, staining Adams clothes and lots of it simply goes on the floor. Adam moves back looking at Atlas ass. Atlas looks behind and see the older man still there jerking off. Atlas: Do you want to fuck and breed my ass too? Stranger: Hell yes! The older man went behind Atlas and plunges his cock inside the very creamy ass. Adam looks at the older man ass, hairy, muscular, and firm. Adam erection was still on and willing to fuck and breed that man. As he moves forward, he thinks ; Adam:// That man doesn’t know that I’m poz and very viral.// Then remembers Atlas tattoo, the same tattoo has Cronus. Adam: //I need that tattoo.// Main Event Adam went back home with his clothes stained with his semen only thinking about the tattoo. Yes, he wants it, but it needs to be special, unique. He wants it to be a link to his new father not just in letters, then he gets an epiphany. In the next week, he talks to Cronus to know where he got his tattoo and if he was still on meds, the answer is no, but he needs to go back on it ASAP. After a call to the tattoo parlor, schedule something within the same week willing to pay a hefty premium to get it quickly and with a unique touch. The first meeting would be to discuss the terms and get the pen tracing done. He calls again Cronus again to schedule with him to be there while the artist is tattooing. Cronus doesn’t understand why he needs to be there but accept, maybe Adam first tattoo frightens him. The tattoo parlor was in the gay village, as he enters inside, he is welcomed by a heavily tattooed attractive bear and his name is Jason. Jason is an experienced tattoo artist, insisting on professionalism. Despite that, he is wearing a tank top, exposing his heavily tattooed arms and neck. After talking, Jason asks if Adam knows what the tattoo means. Adam insists on explaining everything that needs to be done and his full understanding of the entire process. Jason: Ok, I will tattoo you as you require but you and your friend must sign a discharge form. Adam: No problem, is it possible to do it behind curtains? Jason: I have a backroom; we can do it there. Adam quickly proceeds to fill and sign the form. He pays the tattooing fees plus the premium. They went to the backroom to do the pen tracing. Pointing at one of two chars in the room; Jason: Please remove your shirt and make yourself comfortable. Adam quickly unbuttons his shirt but manages to just quickly and simply get naked. Jason looks at him, stop a moment and says nothing. Jason is used to see complete strangers’ private parts. A few preparations later, Jason uses a pen to draw the tattoo contour using a picture of Cronus tattoo has a reference. Jason: Came early tomorrow, your ink preparation is long but doable, don’t forget to bring your friend, we need him. That night Adam explained to Cronus why he wants him there. He sends him a copy of the disclaimer form to sign. Within an hour, the signed version was sent to Jason. Next morning, Adam and Cronus arrived at the same time, both sporting tight clothes and saline inflated ballsack. Adam did shower, but Cronus didn’t, and he did smell like a man who spends several days at the gym without showering. They quickly get to the backroom. Jason: Please remove your shirt and make yourself comfortable. Both strips naked, Jason takes a good look at them, Cronus had rock hard erection and Adam was half-hard, then proceed to prepare a needle and several empty vials. Jason comes near Cronus left arm with an alcohol wipe then Cronus stop him. Cronus: Not on the arm, on my cock. Jason: On your cock? You want me to draw blood from a vein on your cock? Cronus: Yes. Jason turns to Adam. Jason: You are agreeing? Adam: Yes, it was my idea. Jason, a bit surprised, took a minute to properly set up the blood drawing on Cronus cock. When ready, Jason pokes the needle inside the prominent vein on Cronus cock. Cronus seems completely unphased, his cock stayed very hard. After a minute or two, Jason had enough blood, he applied a small piece of sterile cotton telling Cronus to apply pressure on it to stop the bleeding. Still unphased, Cronus takes the cotton piece off his cock letting a small drip of blood leaking on his cock and soon on his ballsack. The thin blood flow almost looks like a deep red crown on the base of his cock and ballsack. Jason looks at it, thinking less of it and more about cleaning and sterilizing the char after. Jason: Ok, I have enough blood, give me about an hour to process into a usable tattoo ink. About an hour later, Jason came back with the ink. Meanwhile, Adam and Cronus did small talk as the blood dried on his cock and balls. Their cocks went soft a long time ago while waiting. Jason prepares the inking needle with the blood ink. After a last look at Adam face. Jason: Ready? Adam: Do it. The pain is present and sharp, but Adam does withstand it. For few hours, the needle scratches the surface of his lower belly, slowly inking the biohazard symbol on his skin. The blood tattoo will appear a slightly bright red color. As Jason finally finish the last strand of the tattoo, Cronus is right next to Adam jerking his hard cock. Both Jason and Adam are confused, Jason quickly back away as Cronus cum right on top of Adam tattoo, spreading his semen on the freshly scratch skin of Adam. Jason mind was paralyzed by thought of infection then remembered that he just did a tattoo made from the blood of the same donor … still, stupidly high-risk move. At the sight of Cronus cumming on his tattoo and despite the pain, Adam slowly gets an erection. Jason still a bit stunned, look at Adam cock getting erect, himself stimulated by that sight gets an erection. Adam clearly sees Jason hand either trying to hide his erection or touching himself unconsciously. Adams says with a smile; Adam: Jason … do you want to … cum on my tattoo? Jason came to reality quickly. Jason: Wait what? No, I can’t, you are a customer. It would be against the rules. Adam: I’m no longer a customer, look the tattoo is finished and everything is paid. Why don’t you take off your clothes too and show me your tattoos … and your cock 😉 ? Adam with a slow hand sign tells him to come closer, almost hypnotized, Jason comes closer to him. As Jason reaches Adam, Adam start petting Jason hairy chest under his tank top. With a bit more stimulation, Adam hand gets inside Jason pants, massaging his cock. Adam: Do you want to touch my cock? Go head, I know you want to. Without a word, Jason caress Adam cock. Adam: It feels good. Please undress for me, show me your hot hairy body. A minute or two of hesitation, Jason complied, removing all his clothes gloves included. His naked body reveals one of a chubby hairy bear with a lot of piercings on his nipples, belly button and several at different places on his average uncut cock. A brown shade rainbow flag was tattooed on his right arm, but no biohazard, scorpion, needle,99 or any other symbols about being HIV positive. Jason sight was riveted on Adam cock. Adam: My cock is yours to play with it, as long as you pour your semen on my tattoo. Jason went near Adam cock to lick and suck it. After a while, Cronus went behind Jason, spit on his fingers, then gently massages Jason ass hole. Only by the touch of it, Cronus knew that Jason did bottom often. He moves closer to Jason ear and whisper: Cronus: You know you want to climb on top of that cock deep inside your ass. Adam cum a lot, huge load that fills you soo good. Climb on his cock, ride him and create a link between you and him that will never fade. Imagine having his blood tattoo on you. With a few more comments, Jason stops sucking Adam cock and climbs on the tattooing chair. Jason aligns his ass hole with Adam Prince Albert piercing, slowly pushing it inside. It took a long time for Jason to push down to Adam balls. It took even more time for him to getting use to Adam big cock being fucked raw, rough and unlube. Soon, a rhythm between Jason and Adam is achieved. Cronus goes right behind Jason and whisper while playing with his pierce tits; Cronus: Do you want his poz load deep inside of you? Jason: Yes Cronus: Tell him then, begging him to seed you. Jason: Adam, breed me. Adam: I will pass down my DNA to you, you will become my son, carrier of my toxic semen. Jason: Adam, I want your poz load! Cronus: You tattooed him, his name is now Zeus, beg him with his new name. Jason: Zeus, I want your poz load! Zeus was close to cum and the begging of Jason, he pours a liter of warm semen balls deep inside Jason ass. Jason feels the semen flooding his ass, he feels Zeus cock pulsating deep inside of him. With that stimulation, Jason reaches an orgasm over Zeus tattoo, covering it with his last neg load. After several minutes, Jason dismounts himself of Zeus. Cronus kisses Zeus and tell him that now he is his son, Zeus. Zeus tell Jason that at some point they will come back so he can get his own biohazard tattoo. Prelude to chapter 5 Now Zeus, he intends finishing his project and fertilized those you seek his poz semen. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I know this part is quite over the top, but it felt better that way. I love comments, feel free to leave several. I’m open to critics as long as they are constructive. Otherwise, for those positive off meds men who are reading this, please send me a private message if you are looking to pass your DNA and procreate a new son.
  8. hot profile!

    1. partying.hard


      Thanks!  😈   Hit me up if you want to chat

  9. Would you let me use after you've cum with it? Ever fuck someone ass with a sound inside of your cock?
  10. I would love to be on the other side of your hollow sound.
  11. Thanks for commenting my fictional story : Poz Breeding God

  12. Thanks for commenting my fictional story : Poz Breeding God

  13. Thanks for commenting my fictional story : Poz Breeding God

  14. BFD

    I saw you upvoted my story. Mind if I ask which you liked?

  15. Thanks for the follow.


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