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Everything posted by tboyer

  1. Thanks for the follow 

    1. RawBostonBottom


      Happy to, you’re hot. 😈

  2. I received the same email, it did give me a chuckle, I'm retired now and I could care less who receives my "viewing habits" I did run a scan that took 13 hours though
  3. Thanks for the follow 

  4. I think it would be a good idea to refer that twink to breedingzone, because he will find that many guys here would find him lucky, and I think that would be a help to him
  5. Night person, most of my working history has been swing shift
  6. Thanks for the follow 

  7. thanks for the follow 

  8. Not certain were to put this article, it could go in Sexual Health, but I find it very horny [think before following links] https://academic.oup.com/emph/article/2020/1/174/5906510?login=false
  9. Thanks for the follow 

  10. Thanks for the follow 

  11. An old blood sample from 82 was tested and it was poz, So I converted late 70' or very early 80's, Some of the guys I dated in the late 70's died of AIDS in the early 80's and when one considers that it's around 10 or 12 years before symptoms manifest, I was probably pozzed in the late 70's
  12. Thank you for the follow

  13. I've been working out for years
  14. Thanks for the follow 

  15. Thanks for the follow 

  16. Thanks for the follow 

  17. Thanks for the follow 

  18. Thanks for the follow 

  19. It looks like Nic and Branden need to start pozzing other attractive young men now
  20. Thanks for the follow 

  21. Thanks for the follow 

  22. Thanks for the follow 

  23. Thanks for the follow 

    1. Fdsarewsobe


      Hey man, you’re welcum


  24. Thanks for the follow 

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