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Everything posted by tboyer

  1. It seems that only a small number of a persons posts shows up. When I go to a persons profile and they have let's say 90 posts, but when I view them I only see a handful.
  2. There is no reason for you to abstain from sex! You only agree with that advise because you are depressed which is common for newly pozzed guys. Many guys have been pozzed for years (I'm one) and have not been on meds, yet have taken buckets of cum, some from guys with resistant strains The advise for you to completely abstain from sex smacks of homophobia and is very sex negative, even if it was a gay guy that gave you that advise.
  3. I've been poz for over 30 years,do I look like I have veins popping out on my head?
  4. I live in SF, and I know ten guys on prep, and there are of course many more. what you should do is an internet search for prep, how to apply for it, print it out, and show it to as many health providers that you can. Kaiser gives it out in SF
  5. I much prefer the old activity news feed where one was able to view the post, instead of having to view the thread and then click on the last post. I find my self not checking in on breeding zone as much now because it takes more time to view new posts
  6. I've never seen one used at the cum union parties in San Francisco
  7. I think it's unrealistic to expect everyone to always tell the truth (though I do, when it comes to stats) Perhaps Pozside905 is preforming a community service by showing this
  8. I've had a number of guys cum inside of me who had HEP-C, and probable some who I didn't know had HEP-C, and I still don't have HEP-C. I don't worry about it, because there's nothing I can do anyway. A guy may lie, or may not know if they have HEP-C. I will say it does increase the sexual tension if I know that the guy who is cuming inside me has HEP-C
  9. As always, more please!
  10. Nice ass, As for your question, some guys like to be able to gift other guys, "mark them as theirs" sort of thing. every one is different with HIV, I was able to go 25 years with out meds There are studies that indicate that if you take meds for a limited time during the first stage of HIV infection it will give your body more of a chance to mount a defense. Some guys in the studies were able to go off meds, and their bodies were able to control HIV
  11. You are one wild boy, my reference was in regard to dayle's ass being loaded up with cum. Because you have been taking raw loads for so long, with out any indication of being sick. I suspect that you may have some degree of resistance to HIV, perhaps even immune to it. So you may have a low viral load if you in fact even have HIV. So......it's possible that you didn't give him HIV. Yet dayle's has had a number of bareback encounters, so he maybe HIV poz anyway.
  12. Just think how good dayle's fit ass will feel all loaded up for you.
  13. I think dayle will soon not be concerned about "assumed status" anyway. All he had to do was to look at your profile that stated "don't ask don't tell" under HIV status, and he obviously likes getting fucked with raw dick. Hopefully you can encourage him to do bareback three ways with you. You're both really cute, so you should be able to find another cute guy
  14. Even though you have bottom listed in your profile, I think dayle will draw the top out of you, or at lest the versatile.
  15. I'm happy for both of you, now maybe dayle can relax and enjoy barebacking with out having to keep finding him self "falling into bareback activity by accident" (who can blame him) Good lad.
  16. I think you really like getting fucked with raw cock, because you already took his two mates bare, why don't you try for a four way
  17. There are many good suggestions here for you, and there is the positive aspect to being positive, I get more positive attention when I go out to the bars with a bio hazard t-shirt than when I don't. I am in San Francisco so that's probably part of the reason,
  18. So when are you coming to San Francisco?
  19. May be you could post some pictures of your boy?
  20. Thanks rawtop, I'll have a free t-shirt Size: large, T-Shirt Color: Black, Front Graphic: Breeding Zone, Front Graphic Color: Silver/Metalic, Rear Graphic: small biohazard, Rear Graphic Color: Silver/Metalic,
  21. As you can see Fricke, many guys will want your poz cock
  22. How is it that only 70% of the top guys want to fuck you raw?
  23. Very hot Fricke, I've been fucked by many guys with hep c, and I never converted, but it does increase the sexual tension knowing that the guy has hep c
  24. Also if this is your first outbreak of herpes, then it's probably the worse, and if your outbreak occurs again it most likely wont be as bad, in fact it may give you a sensitivity that will encourage you to get fucked
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